Pali literature & language
Recent papers in Pali literature & language
La letteratura buddhista del canone pali presenta un’estesa tassonomia di esercizi di meditazione. Lo scopo di questi esercizi è di raggiungere alti livelli di concentrazione e da lì forme di conoscenza intuitiva atte a dissipare... more
A jegyzetek a fordító, Fórizs László, és a szerkesztő, Szamanéra Gambhíró megjegyzései. Kiadta: Aruna Publications, Aruna Ratanagiri Buddhist Monastery, Harnham Hall Cottages, Harnham, Belsay, Northumberland, NE20 0HF UK © 2012Harnham... more
譯者序 巴利語《律藏》(Vinaya II 139)記載,佛陀要求大家「以各自的語言」來學習佛法。印度最高的婆羅門階級以梵語作為標準語言,僅有少數的上層社會人士使用,然而在兩千五百年前,印度各地已經發展出各種方言,普羅大眾不懂梵語。佛陀的規定意味著,他所開示的法義被弘揚到各地時,應以當地的語言來教導,以方便一般人了解與學習。... more
M.A. Thesis, Peking University (written in Chinese), 2009. M.A. Degree in Classical Chinese Literature. English Title: “The Influence of the Buddhist Ethical Ideas of Non-Injury and Body Sacrifice on the Tang Dynasty Short... more
「心でどこを探してみても、自分より、愛しい者を見いだすことはできない。 それと同じく、他の者にとっても、自分のことが愛しい。 ゆえに、自己を愛する者は、他の者を害さぬように」(マッリカー経) ■... more
The Noble Eight-fold path (EFP) is the foremost teaching of the Buddha which depicts a middle pathway excluding two major wrong conducts. Both Suttanta-piṭaka and Abhidhammapiṭaka explain this as a practice of eight components which are... more
short-lived relationship between the Theosophical Society and the Hindu reform movement Arya Samaj, while Rudbøg analyzes the origins of Blavatsky's idea of universal brotherhood and its Indian application/dimension. Reading through this... more
Bookreview: A Practical Grammar of the Pāli Language & Pāli Texts Reader
How the recent discovery of ancient Gandharan scrolls settles the question of what the Buddha really said.
Bhante Dr. Chandima interviews Professor Peter Harvey about the working of karma and the power of volition (cetanā). He was the first Professor specifically of "Buddhist Studies" in the UK. Peter Harvey, who gained his doctorate in... more
මෙම කෘතියේදී රතන සූත්ර අටුවාව (පරමත්ථජෝතිකාව නම් ඛුද්දක නිකාය අටුවාව) මුල් කර ගනිමින් රතන සූත්ර පෙළ, පදගතාර්ථ, සම්පූර්ණ පරිවර්තනය සහිතව රතන සූත්රයට විවරණ සපයා ඇත. මෙහි ඇති සුවිශේෂීතාවය නම් සූත්රාගත ධර්ම පර්යාය වන (සෝවාන් විමට මග)... more
Intended to be an introduction to a (not-really published) Pali Grammar. A short description of the language, its relation to other Indian languages, its history and literature.
Designed to include some key parts of "the Noble Eightfold Path" into this poster. This information is based on Mahācattārīsaka Sutta (MN 117) and Cūla Vedalla Sutta (MN 44). Original Post :... more
Papañca is one of the most helpful Theravāda Buddhist teachings used to understand how our thoughts become impure and the most compelling account of this subject is the Madhupiṇḍika Sutta. Since many writers don't utilize papañca when... more
In order to reconstruct the archetype of the Rasavāhinī (Ras) from the extant materials, at the outset 14 manuscripts which include 12 Sinhalese and 2 Southeast Asian (SEA) manuscript recensions were utilized along with its related... more
簡述封興伯(Oskar von Hinüber)關於 addhabhavati 的字義詮釋,及其影響。
This article offers a critical reply to the assessment of Bhikkhu Kaṭukurunde Ñāṇananda’s Concept and Reality in Early Buddhist Thought (1971) published by Stephen Evans in Buddhist Studies Review 34(1), 2017. The alleged flaws and... more
An undergraduate paper on aspects of literary criticism in Pali literature.
The Pali words uppāda and vaya are usually misinterpreted to mean “rising/falling” or “increasing/decreasing in presence”. This article shows how these words, together with their various synonyms (samudaya, udaya, nirodha, atthaṅgama)... more
These summarise grammar points from the New Pāli Course {NPC}. I studied this in Introduction to Pāli, a compulsory subject in first semester for my MA in Buddhist Studies at MCU. The files print out in A4 size landscape orientation. I... more
For complete Powerpoint Presentation slides:
[From the Preface:] This Reader has three related goals. First, it aims to encourage the study of Buddhist canonical literature in Pali (pāḷi). While there are, of course, several canonical languages – Tibetan, Chinese, Japanese, Korean,... more
The concept of 'No Soul' is based upon materials available in Pali literature.
ဒီဂျစ်တယ် ပါဠိ အဘိဓာန် (Digital Pāḷi Dictionary) သည် ဆဋ္ဌသင်္ဂါယနာမူ ပါဠိတော်၊ အဋ္ဌကထာ နှင့် ဋီကာများကို အခြေခံပြီး GoldenDict ပေါ်မှာ အသုံးပြုနိုင်အောင် စီစဥ်ထားသည်။ ပါဠိပုဒ် တစ်ပုဒ်ကို ရှာဖွေစမ်းစစ်ရာ၌ သဒ္ဒါဆိုင်ရာ လိင် ဂိုဏ်း ကာရန်၊... more
Oxford Dictionaries identify 'four noble truths' as a distinctive characteristic of Buddhism and defines it as 'four central beliefs' of Buddhism. Encyclopedia Britannica and Wikipedia state that Four Noble Truths is a translation of Pali... more
In both the Aṅguttara Nikāya in Pali and the Ekottarika Āgama in Chinese translation, the suttas are grouped into eleven nipātas (‘books’), from the Ekaka-nipāta/Eka-nipāta (Book of Ones) to the Ekādasaka-nipāta (Book of Elevens) – though... more
าว ๒ คาถานี ้ ว า :-[ ๔ ] หนฺ ทาห หตจกฺ ขุ สฺ มิ เอาเถิ ด ! เราเป นผู มี จั กษุ อั นเสี ย แล ว กนฺ ตารทฺ ธานมาคโต มาสู ทางไกลอั นกั นดาร สยมาโน น คจฺ ฉามิ ยอมนอนเสี ย อย าไปเลย ( ดี กว า ) นตฺ ถิ พาเล สหายตา. เพราะความเป... more
The aims, methods and rationales of the present Māgadhabhāsā (Pāḷi) grammar are as follows: (a) Lubricating access to the information contained in numerous modern Pāḷi grammars written in English by collating the dispersed material... more