Recent papers in Epiphytiology
The dynamics of epiphytic bryophyte communities following natural and human disturbance have rarely been quantified. We describe the response of bryophyte communities on bigleaf maple trees (Acer macrophyllum Pursh) in Olympia,... more
ABSTRACTOrchid epiphytes are orchids that attach to parts of plant such as stems, branches, or twigs that are still alive or dead. This study aims to determine the composition of epiphytic orchid species and their host species in the... more
Elephantopus scaber adalah jenis tumbuhan berkhasiat obat yang banyak tumbuh liar di Kebun Raya Purwodadi. Penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mempelajari ekologi Elephantopus scaber di Kebun Raya Purwodadi dilakukan dengan... more
AbstrakCobaea scandens Cav. (Polemoniaceae) merupakan tumbuhan riparian dari Meksiko yang telah lama ditanam di Kebun Raya Cibodas (KRC). Jenis tersebut dilaporkan sebagai tumbuhan invasif di beberapa negara. Sebagai tumbuhan invasif,... more
A ocupação do ambiente e o uso humano dos recursos hídricos levam a alterações químicas, físicas e biológicas dos corpos d’água, que refletem a qualidade ambiental das bacias hidrográficas. Este estudo objetivou avaliar a integridade... more
A ocupação do ambiente e o uso humano dos recursos hídricos levam a alterações químicas, físicas e biológicas dos corpos d’água, que refletem a qualidade ambiental das bacias hidrográficas. Este estudo objetivou avaliar a integridade... more
- by diego pires
A ocupação do ambiente e o uso humano dos recursos hídricos levam a alterações químicas, físicas e biológicas dos corpos d’água, que refletem a qualidade ambiental das bacias hidrográficas. Este estudo objetivou avaliar a integridade... more
A ocupação do ambiente e o uso humano dos recursos hídricos levam a alterações químicas, físicas e biológicas dos corpos d’água, que refletem a qualidade ambiental das bacias hidrográficas. Este estudo objetivou avaliar a integridade... more
Epiphytic ferns can be found in host trees from the Angiosperm and Gymnosperm groups. Epiphytic ferns in Angiosperm plants host have been widely studied, but there is little known for Gymnosperm plants host. The aim of this study was to... more
Tanaman Anggrek dikelompokkan menjadi dua berdasarkan tempat hidupnya antara lain anggrek terestrial dan anggrek epifit. Dikarenakan keberadaan spesies Anggrek di alam semakin terancam, banyak dari spesies Anggrek dibudidayakan di kawasan... more
Tumbuhan paku merupakan salah satu flora yang banyak ditemukan di kawasan hutan hujan tropis sebagai vegetasi penutup tanah. Tumbuhan paku memiliki peran penting dalam menjaga keseimbangan ekosistem hutan yaitu pencegah erosi, pengaturan... more
As bacias hidrográficas com forte urbanização estão sujeitas a impactos antrópicos que comprometem a qualidade dos corpos hídricos. Parâmetros químicos e indicadores biológicos fornecem dados relevantes sobre os potenciais efeitos dos... more
Cianjur dengan luas total sebesar 549,66 hektar, dengan kontur berbukit terjal dan bergelombang. Keanekaragaman jenis (species diversity) merupakan kajian paling mendasar dalam ekologi. Salah satu fauna yang dapat diukur keanekaragaman... more
The plant collections in a botanic garden were not only gathered from the native country, but also were introduced and sometimes carried invasiveness traits. Therefore, Indonesian botanic gardens, including Cibodas Botanic Gardens (CBG),... more
A qualidade química e a genotoxicidade da água do arroio Luiz Rau em Novo Hamburgo (Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil) e a relação entre os danos genéticos observados em Tradescantia pallida var. purpurea e parâmetros químicos foram analisados.... more
Penelitian tentang uji perkecambahan tanaman asing invasif Bellucia pentamera Naudin. pada intensitas cahaya dan sumber tanah yang berbeda telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari sampai Agustus 2019 di Laboratorium Ekologi Tumbuhan dan... more
Rubiaceae is a cosmopolitan family of flowering plants distributed at almost all over the world. This family consists of 611 genera and 13,500 species. One of the 611 genera is Guettarda that has 50 to 160 species. Guettarda speciosa L.... more
Triantoro RGN, Yuliana S. 2017. Vegetation on nesting sand and its effect to existence of nest of pig-nosed turtle in Kaimana, Papua. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 3: 287-293. Wetland regions in Papua have various species of turtles that... more
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Keanekaragaman Jenis Tumbuhan Paku (Pteridophyta) di Kecamatan Ketahun Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Januari - Febuari 2020 di Kecamatan Ketahun Kabupaten Bengkulu... more
Abstrak. Siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus, Raffles 1821) merupakan primata yang memiliki ciri khas yaitu dapat mengeluarkan suara lantang dengan volume tinggi yang bisa terdengar dari jarak 1 km. Siamang merupakan primata yang dilindungi... more
Taman Sungai Mudal merupakan wilayah dataran tinggi perbukitan Menoreh yang memiliki vegetasi beranekaragam. Selain itu, pada beberapa bagian sungai terdapat kolam-kolam alami. Sejak tahun 2015, wilayah tersebut dialokasikan sebagai... more
O diagnóstico ambiental de três fragmentos de mata ciliar nos trechos superior (CA), médio (TA) e inferior (CB) do Rio dos Sinos, no sul do Brasil, foi realizado a partir de uma análise integrada de parâmetros botânicos, meteorológicos e... more
Tumbuhan suku Piperaceae merupakan kelompok tumbuhan berbunga yang mempunyai ciri khas aromatik dan hidup di daerah hutan hujan tropika. Berdasarkan survei awal di kawasan air terjun Lombongo Provinsi Gorontalo, wilayah Taman Nasional... more
- by Syam Kumaji
Cendekia terbit dua kali setahun pada April dan Oktober memuat hasil penelitian, kajian konseptu al dan kritis bidang pen didikan dan pembelajaran.
Ecological study of epiphytic ferns growing on bamboo species in Bogor Botanic Gardens, a man-made ecosystem located in a wet lowland area was carried out. The 350 phorophytes of 35 bamboo clumps belonging to 9 species and 3 genera were... more
Suryana, Iskandar J, Parikesit, Partasasmita R. 2018. Ethnobotany of tree ferns in Pasir Menyan Hamlet, Sukamandi Village, Subang, West Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 19: 2044-2051. Tree ferns are plants that grow mostly in the highlands,... more
Triantoro RGN, Yuliana S. 2017. Vegetation on nesting sand and its effect to existence of nest of pig-nosed turtle in Kaimana, Papua. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 3: 287-293. Wetland regions in Papua have various species of turtles that... more
Noviady I, Hidayat IW, Nurlaeni Y. 2017. Composition of ground vegetation in Seblat Bukit forest bordering with Seblat Ulu Village, Kerinci Seblat National Park, Sumatra. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 3: 461-465. Seblat Bukit forest,... more
Ecological study of epiphytic ferns growing on bamboo species in Bogor Botanic Gardens, a man-made ecosystem located in a wet lowland area was carried out. The 350 phorophytes of 35 bamboo clumps belonging to 9 species and 3 genera were... more
- by Joko Witono
Resumo Liquens são mundialmente conhecidos como indicadores de qualidade ambiental porque são sensíveis às modificações do ambiente, especialmente as de origem antrópica. Neste estudo foram avaliadas a riqueza, a composição e a cobertura... more
Hoya purpureofusca Hook.f. (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae) has been used as an ornamental plant and the international trade of this species has become increasing. This species has restricted distribution on the high elevation of Java and... more
The evaluation of the mutagenic potential of the environment can be performed through the analysis of meiotic alterations observed in Tradescantia pallida cv purpurea, commonly used as a bioindicator of genetic damage caused by... more
The forest areas with special-purpose (KHDTK) Lambung Mangkurat University is an important learning resource for many people, especially students. One of the biodiversity in the area that can be utilized is the diversity of Anura. For... more
Garcinia adalah nama marga tumbuh-tumbuhan dari suku Clusiaceae. Salah satu spesies tanaman Garcinia di Indonesia merupakan tanaman komoditas dan dapat dimakan yakni Garcinia mangostana, biasa dikenal juga dengan sebutan tanaman buah... more
- by Anis Masdar
RESUMO: (Diagnóstico ambiental da bacia hidrográfica do Rio da Ilha, Taquara, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil). O objetivo principal do presente estudo é identificar as potencialidades ambientais para subsidiar a implementação do turismo rural... more
Liana merupakan tumbuhan memanjat dan membelit pada tumbuhan lain untuk memperoleh cahaya matahari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginventarisasi dan mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis liana pada kondisi paparan cahaya yang berbeda.... more
Cianjur dengan luas total sebesar 549,66 hektar, dengan kontur berbukit terjal dan bergelombang. Keanekaragaman jenis (species diversity) merupakan kajian paling mendasar dalam ekologi. Salah satu fauna yang dapat diukur keanekaragaman... more
RESUMO O potencial genotóxico dos elementos-traço cádmio (Cd) e chumbo (Pb) nas concentrações máximas permitidas no Brasil pelas Resoluções CONAMA nº 357/2005 (classificação de corpos d'água, água doce de classe I) e CONSEMA nº 355/2017... more
Artkel ini telah memenuhi prosedur manajemen pengiriman naskah. Pihak penulis telah menerima hasil review, dan juga telah merevisinya sesuai permintaan reviewer. Salah satu syarat pengiriman naskah untuk publikasi dalam jurnal ini adalah... more
Vegetation studies to reveal tree diversity and its contribution to carbon stock were conducted in three different sites of upland forest in Bali, Indonesia. The sites were located approximately 60 km north of the Bali Province capital... more
Abstrak. Balanopohora elongata Blume merupakan tumbuhan holoparasit pada akar tumbuhan lain dan rimpangnya mengandung lilin lengket yang dimanfaatkan untuk penerangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui asosiasi B.... more
Mount Seblat, as part a of Kerinci Seblat National Park (KSNP), is a pristine and natural mountain, particularly from disturbances and destructions by human activities. Nevertheless, the richness of biological resources especially plants... more
Abstract. Nasution T, Junaedi DI. 2017. Diversity and composition of vascular epiphytic plant on tree ferns (Cyathea spp.) at Cibodas Botanic Garden, West Java. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon 3: 453-460. Tree ferns are important... more