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The reuse of treated wastewater effluents from wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) is a recent practice in the environmental restoration of marginal areas in combination with tree and shrub planting. In urban areas, an integrated approach... more
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      ArchitectureUrban PlanningEnvironmental PlanningBuilding
Agricultural development of the floodplain of the Upper St. Johns River resulted in significant "reclamation" of floodplain wetlands, with associated losses of habitat for wetland dependent wildlife, flood water storage, and degradation... more
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      Restoration EcologyWatershed ManagementRiver RestorationEnvironmental Restoration
The positive psychological and physical health effects associated with exposure to natural environments are well recognised. However, previous research in this field has focused almost exclusively upon the visual aspects of the... more
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      Restorative EnvironmentsBlindnessEnvironment and natural resources conservationVisual Impairments
The interaction of coastal and submarine morphology with the hydrodynamic regimes exerts a control on coastal dynamic processes, conditioning the dispersion of sediments and potential pollutants existing in the area. Thus, the study of... more
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      ZoologyOceanographyMarine EcologyEcology
A regional greenway network is proposed to reconnect ecologically the fragmented landscapes of south Florida. The natural landscapes of the region have been progressively fragmented on account of agricultural and urban development. It is... more
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      EngineeringGeographyIsland BiogeographyUrban Development
This paper compares the ethical and political issues raised by two environmental restoration schemes in England: those of the River Skerne and the A33 near Jwyford Down. Neither example fully restores a 'natural' condition, nor tries to,... more
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      Human GeographyEnvironmental ManagementEnvironmental RestorationArea
SUMMARY Given hydrology's significance to the entire South Florida environmental restoration and water management functions of the South Florida Water Management District (District or SFWMD), it is presented as a separate chapter in... more
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      Water ManagementSeasonalityPotential EvapotranspirationSurface Water
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      Environmental PsychologyArchitectural DesignEnvironmental RestorationARCHITECTURAL PSYCHOLOGY
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringConstructionSafety
One of the key conclusions is expected to be the realization that environmental restoration is not only possible but also highly achievable if properly designed and planned for. This research is designed to heighten the contemporary goals... more
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      Environmental ScienceEconomicsVisual StudiesStatistics
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      Water CycleEnvironmental Restoration
Maintaining well-functioning natural environments under increasing human population and consumption is a critical urban design consideration as we seek to reconcile anthropogenic activities and the functions of natural systems. According... more
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      Development StudiesSocial SciencesInternational DevelopmentRenewable Energy
Infrastructure is the foundation on which industrialized economies are built. As global population has grown and as economies of many regions have expanded, the quantity and scale of infrastructure has increased dramatically. Although... more
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      Water EngineeringTransportationEnvironmental ChangeMultidisciplinary
The need for Solid Recovered Fuels (SRF) standardization becomes gradually essential in European Member States and especially in regions, where the development of a specific market for such fuels is under development. The promotion of... more
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      EngineeringScanning Electron MicroscopyManganeseRaw materials
Continuous deterioration of the natural resource base has become a serious threat to both the ecological systems and economic production in Ethiopia. Many of these problems have been attributed directly or indirectly to the rapid... more
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      Environmental ManagementDecision AnalysisCommunityEthiopia
Extracellular polysaccharides are as structurally and functionally diverse as the bacteria that synthesise them. They can be present in many forms, including cell-bound capsular polysaccharides, unbound "slime", and as O-antigen component... more
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      BiofilmsMolecular BiologyBiotechnologyLipopolysaccharide
Rewilding is a strategy for the conservation of complete, self-sustaining ecosystems, primarily involving the protection and, where necessary, reintroduction, of populations of keystone species in large, connected reserve networks. A... more
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      Human GeographyEnvironmental policyTrophic CascadeNature Conservation
The aim of the study was to investigate petroleum waste remediation and toxicity reduction by five bacterial strains: Ralstonia picketti SRS (BP-20), Alcaligenes piechaudii SRS (CZOR L-1B), Bacillus subtilis (I 0 -1a), Bacillus sp. (T-1),... more
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      PetroleumWater PollutionPolandEnvironmental Sciences
Continuous deterioration of the natural resource base has become a serious threat to both the ecological systems and economic production in Ethiopia. Many of these problems have been attributed directly or indirectly to the rapid... more
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      Environmental ManagementEthiopiaMultidisciplinaryMulti-criteria Decision Analysis infrastructure
Long term monitoring optimization (LTMO) has proved a valuable method for reducing costs, assuring proper remedial decisions are made, and streamlining data collection and management requirements over the life of a monitoring program. A... more
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      Natural Attenuation of ContaminationGroundwater modelingGroundwater HydrologyEnvironmental Restoration
In the 1980s, Professor Akira Miyawaki introduced a new and innovative reforestation approach in Japan with the challenge to restore indigenous ecosystems, and maintaining global environments, including disaster prevention and carbon... more
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      Ecological EngineeringCarbon DioxideDesertificationEcological restoration
Visando prevenir os riscos dos solos e aqüíferos poluídos com diversos tipos de contaminantes, os quais podem representar um problema ambiental que afeta a saúde humana, a produtividade de solos agrícolas e a estabilidade de ecossistemas... more
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      PhytoremediationSoil RemediationEnvironmental Restoration
Are the urban design and planning strategies of the prominent environmental performance assessment systems appropriate methodologies to not only reverse the accumulating degradation in the natural environment but also to restore... more
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      Environmental EngineeringLandscape EcologyEnvironmental ScienceDevelopment Studies
The incorporation of the intergenerational equity objective has rendered the traditional Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) approach obsolete for the evaluation of projects presenting an important number of environmental externalities and for... more
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      Ecological EconomicsApplied EconomicsCase StudyIntergenerational Equity
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      EngineeringTechnologyEnvironmental microbiologyEnvironmental Health
you all brought unique strengths and perspectives, and truly made this an interdisciplinary project. In particular, Laurie Richmond spent many hours with me, honing my writing, helping me frame my arguments, and keeping me on schedule. To... more
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      GeographyHistoric PreservationCultural LandscapesConflict Management
RESUMO. Em regiões tropicais, onde interações entre animais e plantas são muito comuns, a efetividade das técnicas de restauração ambiental depende dos animais presentes na área e disponíveis para dispersão de frutas ou sementes. Desta... more
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      Environmental RestorationSecondary Forest
For decades, industry groups and many media outlets have propagated the notion that environmental protection is bad for business. However, missing from this public debate has been a detailed accounting of the U.S. economic output and... more
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      Environmental EconomicsEcosystem ServicesEcological EconomicsRestoration Ecology
The Restorative Urban Design Model springs from the direly urgent need to develop multi‐disciplinary, comprehensive, coordinated, concerted, and multi‐faceted real world regulations on urban development and redevelopments in order to stop... more
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      Development StudiesClimate ChangeResearch MethodologyInternational Development
Hydrocarbons released into ecosystems have led to environmental pollution and generated a serious threat to human health. Bioremediation is an effective method to break down hazardous hydrophobic environmental contaminants with avoiding... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringEarth SciencesBioremediation
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      Social InteractionAction LearningSocial learningFood Security
Issued by Sandia National Laboratories, operated for the United States Department of Energy by Sandia Corporation. NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the... more
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      Technology AssessmentEnvironmental Restoration
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      Environmental RestorationGIS
A regional greenway network is proposed to reconnect ecologically the fragmented landscapes of south Florida. The natural landscapes of the region have been progressively fragmented on account of agricultural and urban development. It is... more
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      EngineeringIsland BiogeographyUrban DevelopmentRegional Planning
The U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Department of Energy and other Federal, State, and local agencies, is evaluating the hydrogeologic characteristics of the Death Valley regional ground-water flow system. The ground-water... more
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      Information SystemsGeologyHydrogeologyHydrology
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      Environmental ScienceMultidisciplinaryEnvironmental science and technologySeasonality
In southern India, tens of thousands of village-level irrigation systems ('tanks' and feeder channels) are in disrepair. This paper analyses the results of a local NGO effort that focused on awareness-raising and advice to bring about... more
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      Human GeographyCollective ActionSocial CapitalEnvironmental Management
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      ZoologyOceanographyMarine EcologyEcology
In 2008, federal regulators issued formal regulations governing wetland and stream mitigation in an effort to improve ecological quality and reduce uncertainty during the mitigation process. In this article, we explore how the federal... more
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      Water resourcesConflict of InterestEnvironmental SciencesClose relationships
This article addresses the societal and cultural aspects of bioreserves and environmental restoration programmes. It begins with a discussion of bioreserves, then uses the example of a Man and Biosphere (MAB) inspired study of the US... more
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      Human ValuesMultidisciplinaryInterest GroupsFutures
The Alaska North Slope offers one of the best prospects for increasing U.S. domestic oil and gas production. However, this region faces some of the greatest environmental and logistical challenges to oil and gas production in the world. A... more
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      EngineeringOil and gasNew TechnologyConceptual Design
The studies and findings discussed in this chapter of the 2006 South Florida Environmental Report-Volume I are presented within four main fields: (1) wildlife ecology, (2) plant ecology, (3) ecosystem ecology, and (4) landscape ecology.... more
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      Landscape EcologyPlant EcologyEnvironmental MonitoringWildlife Conservation
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      PsychologyEnvironmental Restoration
The use of soil bio-engineering techniques in developing countries is a relevant issue for disaster mitigation, environmental restoration and poverty reduction. Research on authochtonal plants suitable for this kind of works and on... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCivil EngineeringFinancial AnalysisDeveloping Country
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      Materials ScienceTechnology AssessmentWaste ManagementEnvironmental Issues
The purpose of this investigation was to examine storm surge and wave reduction benefits of different environmental restoration features (marsh restoration and barrier island changes), as well as the impact of future wetland degradation... more
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      PsychologyWave EnergyNatural HazardsAtmospheric sciences
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      EngineeringTechnologyEnvironmental microbiologyEnvironmental Health
Anthropogenic nutrient enrichment and physical characteristics result in low dissolved oxygen concentrations (hypoxia) in estuaries and semienclosed seas throughout the world. Published research indicates that within and near... more
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      Immune responseFisheriesInvertebratesMarine Science
We examined how the background (urban/rural) of 282 tertiary students influenced their attitudes and actions including their use of natural areas. Most considered that protection of natural spaces was ‘important’. Childhood residence... more
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      Environmental StudiesMultidisciplinaryYoung AdultEnvironmental Restoration
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has a rich history of significant contributions to geospatial science spanning the past four decades. In the early years, work focused on basic research, such as development of algorithms for processing... more
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      Science and TechnologyLibrary and Information StudiesEnvironmental RestorationMap