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The CHMM Exam - Essential Practice by Farcas, Hammond, and Cena is, as the name implies, an essential set of questions for the Certified Hazardous Materials Manager exam. This book is well laid out in 14 sections. It draws the reader in,... more
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      Environmental EngineeringSafety EngineeringEnvironmental ChemistryHazardous Waste
In Malawi,Lilongwe water Board is a major supply of water to different urban locations. Dirty water abstracted is converted into clean and portable water by physical,biological and chemical processes. Lilongwe water board disinfect the... more
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      Enviromental HealthFOOD SAFETY/MICROBIOLOGY
This chapter reviews the key policy and research trends that have helped define the relationship between housing and health in the relationship between housing and health in the developing countries. It has identified a significant gap... more
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      Gender StudiesInfectious disease epidemiologyHousing & Residential DesignGender
كتاب جامعي يتناول موضوعات خاصة بالنظام البيئي وتاثيره على الصحة العامة
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    • Enviromental Health
Vina Rizki Wartina "The effectiveness of coconut shell active carbon and mahogany fruit peel (Swietenia mahagoni) active carbon to reduce phosphate concentrate from laundry liquid waste (ade Rahmad Firdaus, SKM., MPH as adviser 1,... more
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    • Enviromental Health
Ρύπανση απο ελαιοτριβεία στην περιοχή της Λέσβου, τα χαρακτηριστικά και η σύνθεση των αποβλήτων ελαιοτριβείων, διαχείριση και τρόποι αντιμετώπισης
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      Water PollutionEnvironmental PollutionEnviromental StudiesEnviromental Science
Nuklir merupakan energy yang diperoleh dai perpecahan dua inti atom yang tidak stabil memecah menjadi dua inti atom yang lebih kecil. akibat dari reaksi ini adalah dilepaskan sinar gamma dalam bentuk energi panas. Diantara pro dan kontra,... more
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    • Enviromental Health
En este momento Colombia tiene un gran reto frente a la polinización puesto que es uno de los países más biodiversos del mundo, lo que hace que se genere una relación estrecha de polinización entre muchas plantas y polinizadores. Esa... more
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      Food ScienceFood SafetyConservation BiologyColombia
Processing tofu business that developed in Indonesia, generally still using traditional way and hygiene and sanitation have not attention enough such as hygiene and sanitation of food handlers, food sanitation, sanitation equipment, and... more
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      EpidemiologyFood and NutritionPublic HealthHealth Care Management
A lo largo de la historia las dioxinas han causao graves problemas a la salud y al medio ambiente. Estas son compuestos organicos persistente, con efectos teratogénicos y carcinogénicos por lo que es necesario estabñlecer medidas para su... more
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      Public HealthEnviromental HealthDioxinas
Limbah merupakan hasil sisa dari sebuah proses yang tidak dapat digunakan kembali, apabila limbah ini terlalu banyak di lingkungan maka akan berdampak pada pencemaran lingkungan dan masyarakat sekitar. Limbah dibagi menjadi dua bagian... more
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      Environmental EngineeringIndustrial EcologyIndustrial EngineeringEnviromental Health
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      Occupational Health & SafetyPublic HealthEnviromental HealthHealth and Safety
makalah pengelolaan sampah dan pembahasan mengenai seputar timbunan sampah
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    • Enviromental Health
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      EntomologyEnviromental Health
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      Enviromental Healthsanitarian
Klor, 7A grubunda bulunan hafif, keskin kokulu, yeĢilimsi sarı renkli, tahriĢ edici ve zehirleyici bir gazdır. Havadan 2,5 kat ağır olan klor ilk zamanlar bir bileĢik olarak kabul ediliyordu. Klor ilk olarak 1774 yılında Carl Wilhelm... more
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      Enviromental HealthIsci ve Cevre Sagligi ve Güvenligiİçme Suyu
ABSTRACT The subject of this diploma thesis is the influence of the cruise -as a type of mass tourism- on the port of Piraeus in public health. The port and the city of Piraeus are historically closely linked. The port authorities of... more
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      Sustainable DevelopmentPublic Health EthicsPublic HealthTourism
De acuerdo con lo señalado en la Ley 165 de 1994, por Biodiversidad se debe entender a la variabilidad de organismos vivos de cualquier fuente, incluidos entre otros, los ecosistemas terrestres y marinos y otros ecosistemas acuáticos, y... more
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      Conservation BiologyConservationColombiaTropical Ecology
Conference Theme Mother Earth, Mother Africa and Theological/Religious/Philosophical/Cultural Imagination As the Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians celebrates thirty years of existence and impressive productivity, the fifth... more
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      EcologyBook of GenesisEcofeminist TheologyMother earth
Why Bamboo Charcoal?
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    • Enviromental Health
Este trabajo ha sido realizado por el Instituto Nacional de Salud dentro del marco del eje 10 de la reforma de Salud (Salud Ambiental), como una medida de prevención de las intoxicaciones ocupacionales por parte de los agricultores en el... more
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      Occupational Health & SafetyCentral American StudiesEl SalvadorPesticides
Resumen. Se presenta un compendio de experiencias relacionadas con el estudio, investigación y aplicación, durante varios años, de diversas técnicas relacionadas con el arte y la cultura, en poblaciones tanto de niños como de jóvenes y... more
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      ViolenceArt TherapyViolenciaEnviromental Health
Nigeria being a developing economy is heavily dependent on hydrocarbon as a source of energy with resultant implications unquantifiable. In fact, man is actively involved in the pollution of the atmosphere due to actions like waste... more
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      Enviromental HealthEnviromental Law
Este trabajo ha sido realizado por el Instituto Nacional de Salud dentro del marco del eje 10 de la reforma de Salud (Salud Ambiental), como una medida de prevención de las intoxicaciones ocupacionales por parte de los agricultores en el... more
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      Occupational Health & SafetyCentral American StudiesEl SalvadorPesticides
TB is airborne disease caused by M. tuberculosis and had infected a quarter of the world's population. Indonesia had upward trend of TB prevalence at 2010-2019. Pulmonary TB cases in Serang Regency had upward trend at 2017-2019 and ranked... more
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      Infectious disease epidemiologyClimate ChangeIndonesiaPublic Health
Environmental pollution is the most challenging for global society. It is scaring issues in world heritage sector because they cannot be reconstructed in certain period of time like projects, office and public place. Lumbini is the place... more
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      Enviromental HealthPublic Policy
Resultados del primer inventario de arbolado urbano de la ciudad de Mérida, los resultados hablan principalmente sobre la estructura y distribución de las especies, los servicios ambientales y lo que esto representa en términos monetarios... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesUrban ForestryBiodiversity and Ecosystem FunctionUrban Studies
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      International LawInternational organizationsInternational Human Rights LawEnviromental Studies
krisis air terutama disebabkan oleh kegiatan pertambangan; antara lain pertambangan batubara, pertambangan rakyat (emas dan intan) dan tambang bahan galian lainnya. Kecamatan Cempaka merupakan salah satu dari tiga kecamatan yang ada di... more
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    • Enviromental Health
Ekolojiye saldırılar sürdükçe, saldırıya karşı direnişler de sürecek ve biz yazmaya, söylemeye ve yayınlamaya devam edeceğiz. “İnsanın canı, acıdığı yerdedir” derler. Türkiye'nin de canı acıyor. Ülkenin dört bir yanından feryatlar... more
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      Environmental EconomicsEnvironmental LawPolitical EcologyEnvironmental Studies
Introduction There is a lot of controversy surrounding the topic of global warming where some people view it as a disaster. Other people tend to shift blame to the source of information on global warming. According to them, the... more
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsPolitical EconomyGlobalization
Kegiatan pertambangan emas yang tidak disertai oleh legalitas dan pengetahuan yang cukup mengenai cara menambang dan melakukan proses pengolahan bijih emas yang sesuai dan tidak membahayakan akan berdampak terhadap lingkungan dan... more
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      Food SafetyFood SecurityEnviromental Health
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    • Enviromental Health
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      Medical AnthropologyEpidemiologyHuman-Animal RelationsEthnography
Work is a central concept to understand social metabolism. Human work is the process that getting the social metabolism that creates those goods necessary for to life. The industrial revolution laid the foundation for an insurmountable... more
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      Political EconomyDevelopment StudiesOccupational HealthPolitical Science
Background: Cigarette smoking is one of the habits that affects health but there is increase in number of people adapting to the habit day after day globally and in Jos-Nigeria. Aim of study: The study is aimed at finding out the effect... more
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      Enviromental HealthChemical pathology
Today, railway operation procedures include the transportation of large amount of hazardous substances. Our research has been motivated by the desire to find concrete and urgent solutions to the safety issues of handling waste generated... more
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      Safety EngineeringDevelopment StudiesRFIDDisaster Studies
Identify measures that could be used to promote evidence based tobacco related health policies in the US or any other country of your choice.
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      Public Health PolicyPublic HealthEnviromental Health
INTRODUCTION Over the years, surveillance in the field of epidemiology has evolved from manual to digital methods through the use of traditional computer programming to artificial intelligence (AI) on improving the collection, collation,... more
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      Rehabilitation MedicineOccupational HealthEnviromental HealthCommunicable Disease Epidemiology and its Control
3 EÍDOS 16 2020 Resumen: El presente artículo es un ensayo sobre algunos de los retos futuros que plantea a la disciplina urbanística los efectos derivados de una pandemia sanitaria, la producida por la COVID-19, y las nuevas dinámicas y... more
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      Future StudiesUrban DesignEnviromental HealthUrbanistica
sebagai seorang sanitarian atau tenaga kesehatan lingkungan, tentu memiliki beberapa resiko, dan salah satu dari akibat resiko tersebut ialah mengalami peradangan. berikut merupakan peradangan jika ditinjau secara patofisioanatomi
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    • Enviromental Health
Background and purpose: Safe drinking is water that does not have any chemical and microbial contamination. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) guideline standards for drinking water total and fecal coliform the indicator of... more
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      Environmental EngineeringMicrobiologyEnviromental Health
Analisi oggettiva dei dati rilevati dai campionamenti ufficiali riguardanti la concentrazione di microplastiche all'interno di alcuni bacini lacuali italiani, osservazioni sulle possibili fonti di inquinamento e sul loro impatto in questi... more
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      Marine BiologyEnvironmental ScienceLawBiology
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      Contemporary HistoryEnviromental HealthSouth African History
In recent years, the organic agriculture sector has developed rapidly around the world. Demand for organically produced foods is steadily increasing. It also increases the interest of governments for environmentally friendly agriculture... more
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      Environmental StudiesOrganic agricultureRomanian StudiesEnvironmental Sustainability
Resumo O século XX consagrou o urbano como modo de vida, legando para o século XXI desafios complexos, dentre os quais, o da regulação acerca do lixo eletroeletrônico. No presente estudo buscamos analisar a situação do lixo eletrônico no... more
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      Discourse AnalysisE-wasteCity and Regional PlanningEnviromental Health
International Conference sponsored by the European Society of International Law (ESIL-SEDI), the Italian Society of International Law (SIDI-ISIL), the European Association of Health Law (EAHL), the Italian Branch of the International Law... more
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      Food SafetyEnvironmental LawNon-communicable diseasesPublic Health Law
Over the past few years, there has been a noticeable advancement in environmental models and information fusion systems taking advantage of the recent developments in sensor and mobile technologies. However, little attention has been paid... more
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      PhysiologyComputer ScienceMachine LearningPervasive Computing
The influence of seasonal and environmental factors on malaria parasite prevalence was investigated in Elele community, Rivers State, Nigeria. A total of 180 children, aged < 5years were studied and their mothers (women within the... more
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      ParasitologyEnvironmental ScienceMalariaNigeria
In November 2008 a deadly cholera epidemic threatened South Africa. What began in Zimbabwe in August 2008 as the by-product of that country’s political and socioeconomic chaos and the ensuing collapse of effective municipal government,3... more
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      Contemporary HistorySouth African historyEnviromental HealthSouth African History