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Historia de la destrucción de Troya (Lat.FvIV.5), Libro de Estudios, Coedición Biblioteca Nacional de Rusia, San Petersburgo / Orbis Mediaevalis, Madrid,  2016, 174 p. ISBN: 978-84-942509-2-7
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      IconographyMedieval LiteratureMedieval StudiesMiniature Books
Underlining the special strength of images among representations of power is not a new approach on an historical point of vew. However, each period in political history shows distinctive features. Looking for the meaning of the royal... more
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      Political RepresentationMonarchyEnluminurerois de France
Les études des huit dernières années ont beaucoup contribué à mettre en lumière la production de manuscrits juridiques enluminés entre le XIIIe et le XIVe siècle dans l’histoire de l’enluminure du Midi de la France. Cette production est... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryVisual CultureAvignon (Medieval Church History)
The topic of this contribution is a legal manuscript, now in the Arras Library, the ms. 499 [593], which can justifiably be considered illustrated and decorated in the South of France, probably in Avignon, in the first half of the... more
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      Canon LawArt HistoryArtMedieval History
Nel XIV secolo la reputazione e la rilevanza della università di Tolosa aumentarono e, di conseguenza, si consolidò anche la sua influenza sulla cultura giuridica della Francia meridionale e della Catalogna 1 . La ville rose rinforzò... more
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      Cultural HistoryLawCanon LawArt History
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsFrench RenaissanceMedieval illuminated manuscriptsLanguedoc
El arzobispo Diego de Anaya (1357-1437) agrupó una de las colecciones de libros más notables de la Castilla tardomedieval. Las formas a través de las que fue haciendo acopio de sus ejemplares fueron diversas, dada la variedad de usos y... more
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsIllumination (Manuscripts, Books)Medieval ArtCodicology of medieval manuscripts
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      Canon LawArt HistoryArtRare Books and Manuscripts
« Julgamento das almas. Autor desconhecido, 1568», pp. 418-419 ; « Missal Iluminado, António Fernandes, 1557-1567 », pp. 420-425 ; « Sentenças para a ensinança e doutrina do Príncipe D. Sebastião,.António Fernandes, c. 1554 », pp.... more
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      Portuguese StudiesFrancisco de HollandaEnluminure
Jan Ruysch, enlumineur "ganto-brugeois", à Rome et au Portugal; les livres de chœur du couvent de Nossa Senhora do Paraiso de Évora
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      Francisco de HollandaEnluminureLaocoonRenaissance Illuminated Manuscripts
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      Art HistoryArtMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
Between the end of the ninth and the middle of the eleventh century, an ideological schema subdividing the society into three ordines - oratores, bellatores, laboratores - developped in Western Europe. Each one of them was connoted by a... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryIconographyArt History
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesCodicologyMedieval Art
Si l’iconographie de Daniel dans la fosse aux lions a suscité de nombreux travaux qui se sont intéressés aux représentations de ce thème dans l’Antiquité et le haut Moyen Âge, aucun d’entre eux n’a abordé le traitement de l’épisode... more
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      Animal StudiesIllumination (Manuscripts, Books)Animals in CultureBook of Daniel
3 Portraits de Charles V par le maître du couronnement de Charles VI.
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      PortraitsEnluminurerois de FranceRoyauté Francaise
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      HistoryCanon LawArt HistoryArt
Review of the exhibition Il Rinascimento europeo di Antoine de Lonhy, held in the Palazzo Madama, Turin (7th October 2021–9th January 2022).
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      Art HistoryRenaissance HistoryRare Books and ManuscriptsPainting
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      HistoryCanon LawArt HistoryArt
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      HistoryArt HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
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      HistoryArt HistoryArtMedieval History
Les livres d’heures imprimés parisiens circulaient en abondance au Portugal dès la fin du XVe siècle. Francisco de Holanda a trouvé dans ces livres, richement illustrés de xylographies, un fabuleux réservoir de thèmes iconographiques,... more
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      IconographyTrinity (Theology)Christian IconographyEnluminure
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      Art HistoryMedieval StudiesRare Books and ManuscriptsMedieval Art
Il nostro intervento si propone di analizzare l’apparato illustrativo di un inedito manoscritto, conservato nella Real Biblioteca de El Escorial, con il testo dell’ Infortiatum, cioè il secondo volume (contenente i libri del Digesto dal... more
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      HistoryCanon LawIconographyArt History
Con questo volume si traguarda un lungo percorso di ricerca dedicato a Antoine De Lonhy, noto anche come il "Maestro della Trinità di Torino" o il "Maestro delle Ore di Saluzzo". Il catalogo, a corredo delle due mostre, una a Palazzo... more
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      ToulouseEnluminureAntoine de Lonhy
[Découverte] Un fragment enluminé du #Digeste tout récemment découvert dans la Bibliothèque d'État et de la ville d'Augsbourg par Wolfgang Mayer et Karl-Georg Pfändtner dans la publication on-line du Center for Medieval and Renaissance... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
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      HistoryIconographyArt HistoryArt
L’IEM (Institut d’Etudes Médiévales) de la Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa en tant que membre du réseau « Ménestrel. Médiévistes sur le net : sources, travaux et références en Ligne » organise le 29... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryArtCodicology
In this paper is studied a legal manuscript, now in the Vatican Library, the Urb. lat. 157, which can justifiably be considered illustrated and decorated in the South of France, probably in Avignon, in the first half of the fourteenth... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryArtMedieval History
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      Canon LawArt HistorySouthern EuropeArt
Durante a Idade Média, os manuscritos jurídicos viajaram um pouco por toda a Europa. Por causa deles, Portugal foi um dos países que neste período teve uma identidade europeia.
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      Canon LawArt HistoryMedieval HistoryPortuguese Studies
A travers les manuscrits de la Grande Chronique de Normandie nous pouvons noter que les scènes de couronnement occupent une place de premier ordre, utilisées dans la structuration même du récit elles mettent en avant un découpage strict... more
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      IconographyAnglo-Norman historyHistoire MedievaleEnluminure
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      HistoryArt HistoryArtMedieval History