Energy Crisis
Recent papers in Energy Crisis
Energy access is a key factor in economic development and social welfare, especially in developing countries like Nigeria, where energy poverty is widespread. Despite being Africa's largest economy, Nigeria faces ongoing energy... more
Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 has had a profound impact on the European and thus Hungarian natural gas market, though substantial changes had begun to occur in Europe from 2021, as evidenced by the wholesale price surges... more
Moldavsko, východoevropská země vklíněná mezi Rumunsko a Ukrajinu, zažívá dynamické období, které je skutečnou zatěžkávací zkouškou pro jednobarevnou vládu premiérky Natalie Gavrilitsy i prezidentku Maiu Sandu. Vleklá energetická krize,... more
An innovative work of realism and utopianism that analyzes the possible futures of the world-system and helps us imagine how we might transition beyond capitalism. The world-system of which we are all a part faces multiple calamities:... more
A Global Research Project Exploring Human Rights in the Green Transition
In working towards the goal of achieving energy security, the countries of Central Asia are facing similar challenges – mountain and desert terrain that can impede access to the region’s energy resources, for example, inadequate capacity... more
Corruption, or political corruption, is a complex and multi-layered social phenomenon, unwelcome but characteristic of all organised societies, which enables the acquisition and maintenance of illicit infl uence, power and wealth that can... more
The recent energy crisis in Togo highlights the crucial importance of electricity in communities. This dissertation focuses on predicting electrical energy consumption in Lomé using meteorological data. By employing the K-Nearest... more
INURA, 2024, Universidad de Málaga
Alvaro Olivera-Nappa, Centre for Biotechnology and Bioengineering – CeBiB, University of Chile, Chile [email protected] Javiera Gómez, Centre for Biotechnology and Bioengineering – CeBiB, University of Chile, Chile Carolina Camus,... more
In the last years, the EU has been hit by several crises: the Covid-19 pandemic; and the energy and security crises triggered by the outbreak of the war in Ukraine. In order to tackle them and secure access to critical goods such as... more
La intervención de la Prof. Marta Villar en la Mesa redonda "Situación y crisis económica en el espacio borregional se centra en el papel la fiscalidad como instrumento económico al servicio de los objetivos de las políticas... more
With the rising demands for renewable fuels, there is growing interest in utilizing abundant and sustainable non-edible biomass as a feedstock for bioethanol production. Macroalgal biomass contains a high content of carbohydrates in the... more
x 5.4.5 Resumen de estrategias …………………………………… 5.4.6 Matriz CPE………………………………………………….. 5.5 Prueba de las estrategias …………………………………………. 5.6 Relación entre objetivos y estrategias …………………………… CAPITULO 6: IMPLEMENTACION ESTRATEGICA……………….
In Rwanda, agricultural industry depends on seasonal rain, and this has been a great challenge to agriculture in Rwanda. The designed sample of Photovoltaic pumping system is for irrigation on a piece of land, with 100 m 2 field fed by... more
The rise in the global population has led to an increase in energy requirements. In addition to the prospect of a future energy crisis resulting from the depletion of fossil fuel reserves, the provision of energy that continues to rely on... more
En las últimas dos décadas, se ha implementado en América Latina la gestión basada en resultados para los entes públicos, buscando incrementar eficiencia. La investigación tiene como propósito identificar para Perú y México, los... more
This research will examine the impact of the OPEC countries' 70% increase in crude oil prices, which began in 1973, on consumers' purchasing behavior as a result of an energy crisis in the developed world and other nations. To provide a... more
How can we achieve a balance between socio-economic cohesion, competitiveness, and sustainable development across the entire EU amidst the severe energy crisis, while also mitigating regional inequalities? This report delves into the... more
The article describes key aspects of the impact of the ongoing war in Ukraine since February 24, 2022 on the Polish economy with a particular focus on the energy crisis caused by this war. When in 2021 the economies of many countries... more
Atribución-NoComercial-Sin Derivadas CC BY-NC-ND La licencia permite descargar la obra y compartirla manteniendo el crédito por autoría, sin cambiarla de forma alguna ni usarla comercialmente.
The demands and turbulence in the workplace and business have increased. As a result, there is much more rivalry amongst organizations. The study is regarding the factors of Employee Retention in the Private Banking sector of Chennai... more
El artículo explora los tres principales dilemas a los que se enfrentan los llamados Green New Deals (GND): el dilema biofísico que plantean sus costes energéticos y materiales; el dilema político derivado de sus inercias extractivistas,... more
Cieľom tejto diplomovej práce bolo na základe mediálnej diskurzívnej analýzy excerpovaných publicistických textov poukázať na rozdiely a podobnosti vo vnímaní energetickej krízy v rakúskom a slovenskom mediálnom diskurze. Prostredníctvom... more
The current geopolitical context has brought an unprecedented energy crisis to the European energy market. The European Union has been forced to restrict its energy consumption and diversify its sources of supply due to its dependence on... more
The need for socially smart energy systems that incorporate both individual and collective social, spatial, and technical dimensions is increasing. However, the social, spatial, and technical interplay between individual and collective... more
There is a pressing need to investigate consumers' social relations within energy systems particularly in the context of socially smart grids at the domestic level. However, no studies to date have categorised or explained how such social... more
This article aims to define the category of energy colonialism in order to analyse the conflicts that are arising due to the deployment of renewable energy megaprojects in the Global South and in the peripheries of the Global North.... more
La reforma del sector eléctrico en muchos de los países de América Latina -en particular, en aquellos en que la reforma condujo a la privatización y desintegración vertical del sistema-se caracterizó por una significativa dinámica de la... more
Solar power irrigation systems have been widely employed in many countries to enhance access to electricity for irrigation, and numerous design tools have been developed for better performance and implementation. The findings are based on... more
and Rie Odgaard (the editorial group) Contents Acknowledgements Preface 8 Basic facts on Tanzania 13 Maps 14 1. Introduction 19 The editors 2. Population growth in historical perspective-the key role of changing fertility 31 Juhani... more
El presente ensayo intenta proporcionar evidencia alrededor empresa paraestatal Petróleos de México (PEMEX), la cual paraestatal, la que le hace operar con pérdidas. Para este de Ingresos de la Federación, para entender su importante... more
With the rising demands for renewable fuels, there is growing interest in utilizing abundant and sustainable non-edible biomass as a feedstock for bioethanol production. Macroalgal biomass contains a high content of carbohydrates in the... more
The 2023 war between Hamas and Israel elicits many different explanations. As with previous regional hostilities, here too, the pundits and commentators have numerous overlapping processes to draw on – from the struggle between the... more
The use of green seaweed as carbon source for fermentation is gaining increasing attention due to their high carbohydrate content and availability. Three green seaweed species Chaetomorpha linum, Ulva fasciata and Caulerpa taxifolia were... more
El propósito de esta guía es proponer y facilitar un marco de estudio para analizar el documental Nuestra insurrección energética en el salón de clases. Este proyecto fílmico posee un gran potencial educativo para la comunidad en general.... more
This paper examines the roots of the European energy crisis within the period of 2021–2022, the reasons for the European gas shortage, the effect of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and the potential EU responses. The current crisis is a... more
The extensive growth of energy and plastic demand has raised concerns over the depletion of fossil fuels. Moreover, the environmental conundrums worldwide integrated with global warming and improper plastic waste management have led to... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
تفاقمت أزمة الطاقة العالمية بصورة كبيرة خلال عام 2022 عقب الأزمة الروسية الأوكرانية، والتي أثَّرت بالسلب على سلاسل التوريد الخاصة بموارد الطاقة التقليدية، خاصة إلى أوروبا، الأمر الذي أثار المخاوف بشأن مُستقبل الوصول إلى الحياد الكربوني في... more
El Estado mexicano es un Estado pobre. El problema de baja recaudación no es nuevo, al contrario, tiene raíces históricas. En este trabajo se muestra cómo durante los procesos de reconstrucción del Estado mexicano y de reconfiguración de... more
Energy Storage Technology is one of the major components of renewable energy integration and decarbonization of world energy systems. It significantly benefits addressing ancillary power services, power quality stability, and power supply... more
The problem of energy scarcity is very relevant today. However, it is essential to remember that people faced similar challenges and obstacles in the past, so it is a very timely to revisit historical energy shortages and see how they... more
This paper explores the 2021-2022 global energy crisis. The 2021-2022 energy crisis was caused by many factors including the global campaign to reduce carbon emission, the shortage in fossil fuel reserves due to divestment from fossil... more
Long-term changes propelled by the clean-energy transition-in the distribution of geopolitical power, the meaning of sustainable energy consumption, and the scope and character of interdependence-are transforming the global energy order.... more