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      Ernst MachSoviet Design and ArchitectureArchitectural Design PedagogyHistory of Soviet Architecture
"When reflecting on the history and the present situation of their field, psychologists have often seen their discipline as being in a critical state. The first author to warn of a crisis was, in 1897, the now scarcely known philosopher... more
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      EpistemologyHistory Of PsychologyMonismWundt
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      Ernst MachRichard AvenariusEmpiriocriticismHeymann Steinthal
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      PhilosophyPhenomenologyEdmund HusserlTranscendental Philosophy
Aleksandr Aleksandrovic Malinovskij (1873-1928), noto come Bogdanov, è stato medico specializzato in psichiatria, economista, scienziato, filosofo e scrittore russo. La sua figura e il suo pensiero rivoluzionario sono rimasti per decenni... more
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      Popular CultureGramsciProletarian Literature and CultureAntonio Gramsci
Theodor Ziehen was a well-known German psychiatrist and experimental psychologist of the first half of the twentieth century. But he was also an obscure philosopher who developed a very sophisticated and radical form of panpsychism. While... more
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      Philosophy of BiologyHistory of PhilosophyEmpiriocriticismModern Evolutionary Synthesis
Saggio neo-marxista, neo-repubblicano e dialettico, di Massimo Morigi
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principal inspirateur avec Avenarius du mouvement empiriocriticiste, pose comme préalable à la constitution d'une théorie la critique de la notion de causalité. La règle causale est présentée comme une limite à la définition d'une... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceErnst MachCausalityPhenomenalism
Aleksandr Aleksándrovich Malinovski (1873-1928), conocido como Bogdánov, fue un médico especialista en psiquiatría, economista, científico, filósofo y escritor ruso. Su figura y su pensamiento revolucionario quedaron en la sombra por... more
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      Popular CultureGramsciProletarian Literature and CultureAntonio Gramsci