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This study deals with the results of a geophysical survey that was carried out in March 2022 on the site of a defunct church situated inside fortress courtyard in the city of Oradea. The work was initiated by the activity of an... more
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      GeoArcheologyDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Late Medieval HistoryEmperor Sigismund (1368-1437)
Publikacja obejmuje 21 - w większości niepublikowanych - dokumentów przechowywanych w Archiwum Państwowym we Wrocławiu (i jego oddziale w Jeleniej Górze), wystawionych w latach 1361-1365 przez księcia świdnickiego Bolka II Małego (zm.... more
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of SilesiaMedieval SilesiaDokument
A contemporary characterized Sigismund of Luxembourg as follows: 'Our lord the king looks for money in every corner, and wherever he can bring people together, he does so to extract some money.' This description fits well with his entire... more
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      Economic HistoryHistory of Central and Southeastern EuropeMedieval HungaryHistory of Finance
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      Medieval HistoryTransport HistorySocial HistoryPrussian History
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      History of HungaryHoly Roman EmpireEmperor Sigismund (1368-1437)
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      History of HungaryHoly Roman EmpireEmperor Sigismund (1368-1437)
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      History of HungaryHoly Roman EmpireEmperor Sigismund (1368-1437)
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      History of HungaryHoly Roman EmpireEmperor Sigismund (1368-1437)
This special issue of the Hungarian Historical Review presents selected case studies from the 2023 conference. Instead of providing a summary of the papers or retracing the four conference sessions, our introduction focuses on the various... more
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      Medieval HistoryDiversityMedieval StudiesEmperor Sigismund (1368-1437)
This article discusses roles, forms of agency, and impact of female rulers in the age of the Luxembourgs in a geographically and diachronically comparative perspective. Entire volume online:... more
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      Queenship (Medieval History)Emperor Sigismund (1368-1437)History of Luxembourg
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      Emperor Sigismund (1368-1437)Schleswig-HolsteinHanseatic studies
Die Jahrestagung des Collegium Carolinum 2024 widmet sich der interregionalen Mobilität von Personen, Ideen und Gegenständen in Mitteleuropa im 14. und 15. Jahrhundert. Damit knüpft sie an jüngere Debatten rund um das Thema Mobilität an.... more
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      Late Middle AgesRenaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismRenaissance Art
The next week will take place the works of the Interregionale Mobilität in Miteleuropa: Personen, Ideen und Gegenstände (14.-15. Jh.). Jahrestagung des Collegium Carolinum in Kooperation mit der Abteilung für Mittelalterliche Geschichte... more
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      German StudiesComparative PoliticsLate Middle AgesGerman History
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    • Hans Magnus Enzensberger
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      Late Middle AgesHoly Roman EmpireHistory of Finance
A kötet megjelenését a magyar tudományos Akadémia-debreceni egyetem lendület "magyarország a középkori európában" kutatócsoport (lp2014-13/2014) támogatja.
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    • Art
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      Press and media historyModern Hungarian Literature
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      Press and media historyModern Hungarian Literature
Paper given at the international workshop "Les lieux de l'acte: analyses spaciales des sources diplomatiques", Université de Namur, October 11, 2024. With the election of the Hungarian king Sigismund of Luxembourg as king of the Romans... more
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      Diplomatics (Medieval)Holy Roman EmpireEmperor Sigismund (1368-1437)Regesta Imperii
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    • Historiography
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      German HistoryCentral European historyHabsburg StudiesPolitical History
Discusses the cultural exchanges between Prague and Paris as it relates to a 14th century painting of the Virgin and Child in the collections of The Metropolitan Museum of Art
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      PaintingLate Medieval Bohemia and Central EuropeGothic ArtMedieval Prague
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[teljes szöveg: [email protected]]
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    • Emperor Sigismund (1368-1437)
Some over six centuries ago, world news for four years (1414-1418) comes mainly from the southern German town of Konstanz on Bodensee. The small town of just 6,000 inhabitants was then the scene of a marathon church meeting. This was to... more
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The first collection of essays in the English language dedicated to the cultural achievements and politics of one of the most important ruling houses of late medieval Europe. The house of Luxembourg between 1308 and 1437 is best known... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval ArtGuillaume de MachautPatronage (Medieval Studies)
Opera historica 14 2010 Editio Universitatis Bohemiae Meridionalis Dalibor JANIŠ Stände versus Herrscher: Widerstandsrecht und Landrechte in den böhmischen Ländern Die Problematik der politischen und rechtlichen Beziehungen zwischen den... more
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryCzech HistoryLegal History
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      Jewish StudiesEarly Modern HistoryMigrationJewish History
Cartularies are among the most important source materials-they record many documents, a bulk of which were not preserved in original form, and are considered a product of the medieval chancery and a proof of its organization level. The... more
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      Memory StudiesCollective MemoryHistory of ArchivesMedieval Cartulary
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Mariano di Jacopo (Taccola) and his Liber Tertius/Quartus de Ingeneis for King Sigismund. Designs of Pumping, Lifting, Transport and Military Machines by “Archimedes of Siena” in the Context of Sigismund´s Forced Stay in Siena in the... more
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      History of HungaryMedieval HungaryMining HistoryEmperor Sigismund (1368-1437)
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      Historical GeographyMedieval HistoryKruševacSrednjovekovna Srbija
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesKinship (Anthropology)Anthropology of Kinship
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      Refugges StudiesImmigrants and Refugges
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Convegno internazionale ‘Prosopografie’ 2024. Giornate di studio, Università degli Studi di Bergamo, 16-18 maggio 2024
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      Late Middle AgesEarly Modern HistoryRenaissance StudiesHistoriography
Si la figure de l'homme noir a reçu diverses connotations tout au long de l'histoire de l'art (les ténèbres, l'exotisme, etc.), son inscription dans le tableau témoigne d'une dévalorisation systématique s'accordant à son rôle social... more
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      SemioticsArt HistoryCultural SemioticsVisual Semiotics
Ellenőrzés-értékelési módszerek problémafelvetései és elméleti keretrendszere elektronikus tanulási környezetben Kállai Gábor (Mérnöktanár mesterszak (3 féléves képzés) képzés, mesterképzés (MA/MSc), levelező szak) Konzulens: Dr. Molnár... more
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In this book chapter I give an overview of the history of the crusades against the Hussites, with particular focus on the interaction between the crusaders and the Hussites, as well as the religious, political, and social dynamics of the... more
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      CrusadesLater CrusadesLate Medieval Bohemia and Central EuropeReligious Violence
Izvorni znanstveni rad Prof. dr. sc. lVlarta Dobrotkova BITKA PRI TRNAVE V ROKIJ I7O4 A FRANTISEK II. RAKOCI Na zadiatku 18. storodia sa Uhorsko zmietalo v mnohSich politickych, spolodensklich a nSbolenskych rozporoch. Habsburgovci sa... more
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zur Gründung von Neu-Georgenfeld in Sachsen* von IVANA EBELOVÁ Ein traditionelles und heutzutage besonders aktuelles Thema der böhmischen und deutschen Historiografie ist langzeitlich die Frage der Konfessionalisierung und der... more
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Si le réalisme inégalé de son oeuvre pictural, la maîtrise sans équivaleut à l'époque de sa technique des glacis, la virtuosité descriptive de son art du détail et du portrait sont pour beaucoup dans la fascination exercée par Jean Vao... more
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    • Historical Studies
Studies in the Crusades and the Latin East This volume focuses on the complex and often overlooked topic of crusading activities and the crusade movement on the fringes of Latin Christendom in the time frame from approximately 1300 to the... more
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      CrusadesHistory of CrusadesCrusades and the Latin EastLater Crusades
Prezentacija o Dragačevu, spomenicima i najvažnijim događajima
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    • by On August 20, 1400 the Roman-German king Wenceslaus IV was dethroned by the four Electorial Lords of the Rhine. On the next day, they elected one of themselves, Rupert III of the Palatinate, as... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesHoly Roman EmpireHoly Roman Empire (History)
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      PhilologyDigital HumanitiesLatin Language and LiteratureClassical philology
Циљ овог рада је да покаже на који начин су обликовани владарска идеологија и владарски идентитет кнеза, а касније деспота Стефана, помоћу средњовековне дипломатичке грађе и сачуваних писаних извора, као и путем портрета сачуваних у... more
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The role of making conjectures in an edition of Roman comic fragments splits in two major aspects: The close context in which the individual fragment is quoted, and the text of the fragment itself. As for the close context, our main... more
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      ClassicsTextual CriticismClassical Philology