Amer Maslo
Amer Maslo (University of Sarajevo – Oriental Institute) is a PhD student at the Department of History (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo), specializing in 19th and 20th century history of Bosnia and Herzegovina. His research interest is primarily the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the South-East European region in the late Ottoman period, the perception of the Ottoman Empire in the 19th and 20th centuries, the development of historical thought among Muslim intellectuals in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and history of historiography.
Address: Orijentalni institut Univerziteta u Sarajevu (Oriental Institute - University of Sarajevo)
Zmaja od Bosne 8b
71 000 Sarajevo
Bosna i Hercegovina
Address: Orijentalni institut Univerziteta u Sarajevu (Oriental Institute - University of Sarajevo)
Zmaja od Bosne 8b
71 000 Sarajevo
Bosna i Hercegovina
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Books by Amer Maslo
Papers by Amer Maslo
During the history of humankind rivers played a highly important function. Their important role was distinctly mirrored in the ways and lives of the people who were brought up in the vicinity of rivers, who lived with rivers and on them. The rivers were an essential, unquestionable factor in the economic developments of their surroundings. Also, rivers played a pivotal part in the formation of identities of people from their immediate surroundings. One can add to this list the historical experience concerning Bosnian rivers which are the subject of this chapter. The authors of this chapter have tried in all parts of their analyses to demonstrate how travellers from German-speaking-cum-writing areas who visited Bosnia formed their image of Bosnian rivers. The time span of our research corpus was the nineteenth century, with a stress on the period between about 1850 and 1878. The chapter provides a case study on the travelogue of Otto Sendtner, a famed botanist who lived in the nineteenth century, in whose travel notes one can find detailed description of the flora and fauna of the Eyalet of Bosnia (Eyālet-i Bōsnâ).
This paper presents data on the connections between two historians, Hamdija Kreševljaković from Sarajevo and Ferdo Šišić from Zagreb. Relying on original material, primarily the letters that Kreševljaković sent to Šišić, we can assume that the first contacts between them were made in 1913 or possibly a few years earlier, and that over time they intensified, and lasted until Šišić’s death in 1940. Their relationship is observed through three segments: academic work, concern for a common friend, and the election of Hamdija Kreševljaković as a corresponding member of the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts in Zagreb, with the aim of illustrating one of the ways in which cooperation between intellectuals in the South Slavic regions functioned in the first half of the 20th century.
bosanskohercegovačke prošlosti čija su bazna istraživanja imala snažan odjek u naučnom univerzumu istraživača osmanske historije. U ovom radu su prezentirane posvete kolega i prijatelja u Hadžibegićevim knjigama, separatima i časopisima kao kulturološki podsjetnici i dokumentarni zapisi koji svojom strukturom, tekstom, datacijom i potpisom predstavljaju izvor značajnih informacija o životu i radu ovog naučnika
The end of the 18th century, the whole 19th century, and the beginning of the 20th century in the South Slavic region were accompanied by the emergence and strong activity of national movements. The Muslim population from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Montenegro appeared as problematic in the processes related to the activities of national movements, as they – on the one hand – represented the “Slavic brothers”, while – on the other hand – represented the loyal subjects of the Ottoman Empire and shared their religion with the enemy, and from that perspective, were characterized as “hateful and evil Turks”. This paper traces the actualization, usage and its continuity of the terms “Turks” and “Turned-Turks” for the stereotypical depiction of the Slavic Muslims in the north-western Balkans.
Odjek pokušaja atentata na sultana Abdulhamida II među bosanskohercegovačkom muslimanskom inteligencijom okupljenom oko lista Bošnjak
In the second half of July 1905, the Belgian anarchist Edward Joris and members of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation attempted to assassinate the Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid II in Istanbul. The Sultan survived, but the lives of numerous civilians were lost. The first part of this paper reviews the assassination attempt, its participants, and its political background, whereas the second part analyzes how this event was presented to Muslims from Bosnia and Herzegovina in the political press at the time, with a special review of the echoes it had among the Muslim intelligentsia gathered around the Bošnjak gazette.
Hercegovinu u drugoj polovini 19. stoljeća, ostavivši pisani trag
o svom putovanju, ubraja se i Johan Roskiewicz. Svoja zapažanja
o Bosanskom ejaletu ovaj austrijski obavještajac javnosti je
predstavio u putopisu Studien über Bosnien und die Herzegovina,
koji je objavljen 1868. godine. Centralno mjesto u ovom radu
zauzimaju dijelovi putopisa u kojima je Roskiewicz opisao svoje
putovanje u Mostar i okolna mjesta, te u kojima se dotakao
pojedinih karakteristika hercegovačkog kraja.
Travel literature created in the period from the middle of the 19th
century until the occupation of the Bosnian vilayet abounds in orientalist
and Balkanist notions. Stereotypes about Bosnia, its people, and the
customs of the people are an indispensable part of a travelogue whose
authors mainly try to show the necessity of a “civilization mission” in
Bosnia and its exclusion from the Ottoman Empire, or, like Roskiewicz,
the need for radical reforms in the Ottoman Empire. Roskiewicz’s
travelogue testifies to the outcome of the interaction of a European, who
considers himself to come from a “civilized world”, with an unknown
space and different people who had their development under different
historical and cultural circumstances. However, such works are an almost
inexhaustible source of information for researchers in various fields. This
paper presents this on the example of Mostar and presents the notes of
this Austrian intelligence officer on his journey from Sarajevo to Mostar
and back, as well as other parts of the travelogue that contain information
about Mostar and its surroundings. Thanks to this travelogue, it is
possible to find out more information about the late Ottoman Mostar,
and the Herzegovinian region in general
Hamid Hadžibegić is counted among the significant researchers of the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina who operated during the second half of the 20th century. In the first part of this paper, biographical data on Hamid Hadžibegić are offered and supplemented in relation to previous research. Moreover, special emphasis is placed on the time he spent teaching in the Great Madrasa of King Alexander in Skopje and the Sharia Gymnasium in Sarajevo as well as his professional and scientific work in the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Oriental Institute in Sarajevo. The authors of this paper briefly reviewed Hadžibegić’s bibliography, providing data on the evaluation of his work by his colleagues from Sarajevo and other parts of Europe. Special attention was paid to Hadžibegić’s library, which was donated to the Oriental Institute in Sarajevo, and a special review was made of the mentioned library’s contents in order to create a better understanding of the literature the author read and used in his scientific work. Consequently, this analysis provides information on Hadžibegić’s research interests and shows an appreciation towards his library collection. The last part of this paper deals with the analysis of the book dedications from the collection owned by Hadžibegić. Such inscriptions represent a valuable and interesting source for tracking the inter alia intellectual ties and professional aspirations of the library owner. Thus, Hadžibegić’s library provides insights on how an Ottomanist from Yugoslavia cooperated with researchers from both East and West during the Cold War.
Bosna tarih yazımında sağlık tarihi çalışmaları ve özellikle Osmanlı döneminde Bosna-Hersek sağlık tarihi ile ilgili çalışmalar söz konusu olduğunda, bu alandaki çalışmaların yetersiz kaldığı görülmektedir. Bildirimizin içeriği, Bosna-Hersek’teki sağlık kurumları ve sağlık tarihi hakkında bugüne kadar yapılan çalışmaları değerlendirmek, bu konudaki kaynaklara işaret etmek ve Osmanlı idaresindeki Bosna'da sağlık tarihinin araştırılmasına yönelik yeni bir bakış açısı getirmektir. Osmanlı dönemindeki Bosna sağlık kültürü tarihi üzerine yazılmış literatür de genel olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışma üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. İlk bölümde, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun bir parçası olduğu dönemde Bosna-Hersek'teki sağlık hizmetleri tarihine ilişkin en önemli monografiler verilmiştir. İkinci bölümde, tamamen bu konuyla ilgili bilimsel makaleler incelenmiş, üçüncü bölümde içeriği yalnızca kısmen bu makalenin odak noktası olan zaman dilimi ile ilgili olan monografilerin ve makalelerin incelemesi yapılmıştır. Gelecekte bu tematik çerçevenin araştırılmasının nasıl yapılması gerektiği ve bu araştırmada uygulanabilecek yöntemler sonuç bölümünde ele alınmıştır.
Apstrakt: U periodu od 1923. do 1945. godine u Bosni i Hercegovini je djelovalo Muslimansko kulturno-prosvjetno društvo “Narodna uzdanica”. U okviru svoje izdavačke djelatnosti ovo društvo je jednom godišnje izdavalo Kalendar, publikaciju kulturno-prosvjetnog karaktera. U skoro svakom broju objavljivani su i prilozi u kojima su brojni autori s različitim uspjehom nastojali dati doprinos izučavanju prošlosti Bosne i Hercegovine, posebno onog dijela prošlosti u kojem je Bosna i Hercegovina bila pod osmanskom upravom. Cilj ovog rada je ponuditi kratak osvrt na radove koji su u Kalendaru Narodne uzdanice tematski obrađivali prošlost Bosne i Hercegovine, ukazati na njihov značaj, te na pojedinim mjestima prikazati na koji način su političke i ideološke prilike utjecale na objavljene radove. Kao prilog radu ponuđena je selektivna bibliografija historiografskih radova objavljenih u Kalendaru Narodne uzdanice.
Abstract: In the period from 1923 to 1945, the Muslim Cultural and Educational Society “Narodna uzdanica” operated in Bosnia and Herzegovina. As part of its publishing activities, this society, once a year, published the Kalendar, a publication of a cultural and educational nature. In almost every issue, articles were published where numerous authors with varying degrees of success sought to contribute to the study of the past of Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially that part of the past in which Bosnia and Herzegovina was under Ottoman rule. This paper aims to offer a brief overview of the works that thematically dealt with the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Kalendar Narodne uzdanice, to point out their importance, and in some places to show how political and ideological circumstances influenced published works. A selective bibliography of historiographical works published in the Kalendar Narodne uzdanice is offered as a contribution to the work.
Balkan pod osmanskom vlašću, I, ur. Alaattin Aköz , Slobodan Ilić, Doğan Yörük, Danko Leovac, Konya: Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2020.
The Balkans under the Ottoman Rule, I, ed. Alaattin Aköz , Slobodan Ilić, Doğan Yörük, Danko Leovac, Konya: Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2020.
The Ottoman conquest of a major part of the Bosnian Kingdom is one of the most important historical events that have occurred on the territory of today's Bosnia and Herzegovina. Authors of this paper present Ottoman narrative sources written in 15. and 16. century which share information about the conquest of Bosnia. Besides well-known names like Aşıkpaşazade, Tursun Bey, Neşrî, Oruç Beğ and Hoca Sâdeddin Efendi; in this paper one can find other authors, less known in our historiographies like Enverî, Karamanlı Nişancı Mehmed Paşa, Hadîdî, Kemalpaşazâde, Muhyiddin Mehmed, Lutfi Paşa and a few anonymous chroniclers as well. Aim of this paper is to present the narrative that was preset among Ottoman historians about the conquest of Bosnia based on a larger number of sources.
Political opportunities within the Bosnian Kingdom at the end of the 14th and the beginning of the 15th century were heavily influenced by the Ottoman Interregnum and the fight for Hungarian crown between Ladislav, the King of Naples and Sigismund of Luxembourg. The events epitomized some of the key factors in enabling a strong affirmation of Bosnian nobles who, with constant support change between the conflicting parties, were searching for a better political position at that time. One of the leading characters of these happenings was the Bosnian magnate, knez Pavao Radinović. The main goal of this work is to present the position and posturing of a Bosnian noble, knez Pavao, between 1408 and 1415 marking an immensely strong influence of the Hungarian Kingdom and the Ottoman Empire, which strived to achieve an even bigger power in medieval Bosnia understanding her importance for their expansionist policies. A substantial amount of older and recent historiographic work analyzed the era covered in this text, and a considerable number of sources about it was also published, none of which examined the ties between knez Pavao, the Kingdom of Hungary and the Ottoman Empire as a separate unit.
Keywords: Bosnian Kingdom, Kingdom of Hungary, Ottoman Empire, knez Pavao Radinović, Sigismund of Luxembourg, Bosnian king Ostoja, Bosnian king Tvrtko II Tvrtković, herzog Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić, voivode Sandalj Hranić Kosača...
Bosna i njeni susjedi u srednjem vijeku: Pristupi i perspektive, ur. Elmedina Duranović, Enes Dedić, Nedim Rabić, Univerzitet u Sarajevu - Institut za historiju, Sarajevo, 2019, 193-216;
Interregnum u Osmanskom Carstvu i borba za ugarsku krunu između Ladislava Napuljskog i Sigismunda (Žigmunda) Luksemburškog imali su snažnu refleksiju na političke prilike u Bosanskom Kraljevstvu krajem 14. i početkom 15. stoljeća, te predstavljaju neke od ključnih faktora koji su omogućili snažno afirmiranje bosanskih plemića koji su konstantnim laviranjem između sukobljenih tabora tragali za što boljom političkom pozicijom u tom vremenu. Jedan od aktera tih dešavanja bio je bosanski velikaš knez Pavao Radinović. Glavni cilj ovog rada jeste predstaviti poziciju i držanje jednog bosanskog plemića, u ovom slučaju kneza Pavla, u periodu od 1408. do 1415. godine, kada se bilježi izuzetno snažan utjecaj Ugarskog Kraljevstva i Osmanskog Carstva, koji su na sve načine pokušavali ostvariti što veću moć na prostoru srednjovjekovne Bosne uviđajući njen značaj u svojim ekspanzionističkim politikama. Razdoblje o kojem autor piše u ovom tekstu obrađeno je u velikom broju starijih i novijih historiografskih radova, a i znatan broj izvora o istom je također objavljen, ali odnos kneza Pavla sa Ugarskom i Osmanskim Carstvom ranije nije zasebno tretiran.
After the fall of the Bosnian Kingdom under Ottoman rule in 1463, the territory of today’s Bosnia and Herzegovina continued to be a place of frequent clashes where Ottoman, Hungarian and Venetian influences intertwined. A prominent scene for these events was the town of Jajce, which the Ottomans tried to occupy on several occasions after 1463. The focus of this paper is an account of the Jajce conquest preserved in a mecmua from the second half of the 17th century. This paper contains information about the mecmua not considered in previous academic research, about its author and content, in addition to a specific focus on the Jajce conquest. Moreover, appendices to this paper feature both a transcription and a translation of themanuscript related to the siege and later conquest of this royal city. This manuscript also gives valuable insights for toponymical studies of the Bosnia and Herzegovina region.
Nakon pada Bosanskog Kraljevstva pod osmansku vlast 1463. godine prostor današnje Bosne i Hercegovine još dugo ostaje mjesto čestih sukoba i prepli-tanja utjecaja Osmanskog Carstva, Ugarskog Kraljevstva i Venecije. Važno poprište tih dešavanja bio je grad Jajce kojeg su Osmanlije pokušavale zauzeti u više navrata nakon 1463. godine. Akcent ovog rada upravo je na jednoj pre-daji o osvojenju Jajca koja je sačuvana u medžmui pisanoj u drugoj polovini 17. stoljeća. U ovom radu nalaze se informacije o medžmui koja dosad nije razmatrana u naučnim istraživanjima, o njenom autoru i sadržaju, s posebnim osvrtom na predaju o osvojenju Jajca. Također, kao prilog radu čitateljima je ponuđena transkripcija i prijevod teksta koji se odnosi na opsadu i osvojenje ovog kraljevskog grada. Ovaj rukopis je također vrijedan izvor za proučavanje toponomastike prostora Bosne i Hercegovine.
Abstract: This text presents an overwiev of historiographic interpretations about the death of king Stjepan Tomaš of Bosnia. The overview covers a period starting from the 15th century and the works of king’s contemporaries, over the Dubrovnik chronicles of the 16th and 17th century and the works of Bosnian Franciscans a century later, to the results presented by critical histography. The main aim of this work is to draw attention to the need of forming a story about the king’s suspicious death to its reflection and use in different historical periods, observing the image of time in which various manuscripts were produced.
Key words: Stjepan Tomaš, Stjepan Tomašević, Radivoj Ostojić, Katarina Kosača Kotromanić, Matthias Corvinus, sultan Mehmed II, Bosnian Kingdom, Turks, Hungary
Apstrakt: U ovom tekstu predstavljen je pregled historiografskih interpretacija o smrti bosanskog kralja Stjepana Tomaša, počevši od pisanja njegovih savremenika u 15. stoljeću, preko dubrovačkih ljetopisaca i hroničara u 16. i 17. stoljeću i bosanskih franjevaca stoljeće kasnije, pa sve do rezultata koje je ponudila kritička historiografija. Glavni cilj ovog rada jeste ukazati na potrebu formiranja priče o sumnjivoj smrti bosanskog kralja Tomaša, na njen odraz i korištenje u različitim historijskim periodima posmatrajući sliku vremena u kojem su različiti rukopisi nastajali.
Ključne riječi: Stjepan Tomaš, Stjepan Tomašević, Radivoj Ostojić, kraljica Katarina, Matijaš Korvin, Mehmed II Fatih, Bosansko kraljevstvo, Turci, Ugarska
During the history of humankind rivers played a highly important function. Their important role was distinctly mirrored in the ways and lives of the people who were brought up in the vicinity of rivers, who lived with rivers and on them. The rivers were an essential, unquestionable factor in the economic developments of their surroundings. Also, rivers played a pivotal part in the formation of identities of people from their immediate surroundings. One can add to this list the historical experience concerning Bosnian rivers which are the subject of this chapter. The authors of this chapter have tried in all parts of their analyses to demonstrate how travellers from German-speaking-cum-writing areas who visited Bosnia formed their image of Bosnian rivers. The time span of our research corpus was the nineteenth century, with a stress on the period between about 1850 and 1878. The chapter provides a case study on the travelogue of Otto Sendtner, a famed botanist who lived in the nineteenth century, in whose travel notes one can find detailed description of the flora and fauna of the Eyalet of Bosnia (Eyālet-i Bōsnâ).
This paper presents data on the connections between two historians, Hamdija Kreševljaković from Sarajevo and Ferdo Šišić from Zagreb. Relying on original material, primarily the letters that Kreševljaković sent to Šišić, we can assume that the first contacts between them were made in 1913 or possibly a few years earlier, and that over time they intensified, and lasted until Šišić’s death in 1940. Their relationship is observed through three segments: academic work, concern for a common friend, and the election of Hamdija Kreševljaković as a corresponding member of the Yugoslav Academy of Sciences and Arts in Zagreb, with the aim of illustrating one of the ways in which cooperation between intellectuals in the South Slavic regions functioned in the first half of the 20th century.
bosanskohercegovačke prošlosti čija su bazna istraživanja imala snažan odjek u naučnom univerzumu istraživača osmanske historije. U ovom radu su prezentirane posvete kolega i prijatelja u Hadžibegićevim knjigama, separatima i časopisima kao kulturološki podsjetnici i dokumentarni zapisi koji svojom strukturom, tekstom, datacijom i potpisom predstavljaju izvor značajnih informacija o životu i radu ovog naučnika
The end of the 18th century, the whole 19th century, and the beginning of the 20th century in the South Slavic region were accompanied by the emergence and strong activity of national movements. The Muslim population from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Montenegro appeared as problematic in the processes related to the activities of national movements, as they – on the one hand – represented the “Slavic brothers”, while – on the other hand – represented the loyal subjects of the Ottoman Empire and shared their religion with the enemy, and from that perspective, were characterized as “hateful and evil Turks”. This paper traces the actualization, usage and its continuity of the terms “Turks” and “Turned-Turks” for the stereotypical depiction of the Slavic Muslims in the north-western Balkans.
Odjek pokušaja atentata na sultana Abdulhamida II među bosanskohercegovačkom muslimanskom inteligencijom okupljenom oko lista Bošnjak
In the second half of July 1905, the Belgian anarchist Edward Joris and members of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation attempted to assassinate the Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid II in Istanbul. The Sultan survived, but the lives of numerous civilians were lost. The first part of this paper reviews the assassination attempt, its participants, and its political background, whereas the second part analyzes how this event was presented to Muslims from Bosnia and Herzegovina in the political press at the time, with a special review of the echoes it had among the Muslim intelligentsia gathered around the Bošnjak gazette.
Hercegovinu u drugoj polovini 19. stoljeća, ostavivši pisani trag
o svom putovanju, ubraja se i Johan Roskiewicz. Svoja zapažanja
o Bosanskom ejaletu ovaj austrijski obavještajac javnosti je
predstavio u putopisu Studien über Bosnien und die Herzegovina,
koji je objavljen 1868. godine. Centralno mjesto u ovom radu
zauzimaju dijelovi putopisa u kojima je Roskiewicz opisao svoje
putovanje u Mostar i okolna mjesta, te u kojima se dotakao
pojedinih karakteristika hercegovačkog kraja.
Travel literature created in the period from the middle of the 19th
century until the occupation of the Bosnian vilayet abounds in orientalist
and Balkanist notions. Stereotypes about Bosnia, its people, and the
customs of the people are an indispensable part of a travelogue whose
authors mainly try to show the necessity of a “civilization mission” in
Bosnia and its exclusion from the Ottoman Empire, or, like Roskiewicz,
the need for radical reforms in the Ottoman Empire. Roskiewicz’s
travelogue testifies to the outcome of the interaction of a European, who
considers himself to come from a “civilized world”, with an unknown
space and different people who had their development under different
historical and cultural circumstances. However, such works are an almost
inexhaustible source of information for researchers in various fields. This
paper presents this on the example of Mostar and presents the notes of
this Austrian intelligence officer on his journey from Sarajevo to Mostar
and back, as well as other parts of the travelogue that contain information
about Mostar and its surroundings. Thanks to this travelogue, it is
possible to find out more information about the late Ottoman Mostar,
and the Herzegovinian region in general
Hamid Hadžibegić is counted among the significant researchers of the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina who operated during the second half of the 20th century. In the first part of this paper, biographical data on Hamid Hadžibegić are offered and supplemented in relation to previous research. Moreover, special emphasis is placed on the time he spent teaching in the Great Madrasa of King Alexander in Skopje and the Sharia Gymnasium in Sarajevo as well as his professional and scientific work in the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Oriental Institute in Sarajevo. The authors of this paper briefly reviewed Hadžibegić’s bibliography, providing data on the evaluation of his work by his colleagues from Sarajevo and other parts of Europe. Special attention was paid to Hadžibegić’s library, which was donated to the Oriental Institute in Sarajevo, and a special review was made of the mentioned library’s contents in order to create a better understanding of the literature the author read and used in his scientific work. Consequently, this analysis provides information on Hadžibegić’s research interests and shows an appreciation towards his library collection. The last part of this paper deals with the analysis of the book dedications from the collection owned by Hadžibegić. Such inscriptions represent a valuable and interesting source for tracking the inter alia intellectual ties and professional aspirations of the library owner. Thus, Hadžibegić’s library provides insights on how an Ottomanist from Yugoslavia cooperated with researchers from both East and West during the Cold War.
Bosna tarih yazımında sağlık tarihi çalışmaları ve özellikle Osmanlı döneminde Bosna-Hersek sağlık tarihi ile ilgili çalışmalar söz konusu olduğunda, bu alandaki çalışmaların yetersiz kaldığı görülmektedir. Bildirimizin içeriği, Bosna-Hersek’teki sağlık kurumları ve sağlık tarihi hakkında bugüne kadar yapılan çalışmaları değerlendirmek, bu konudaki kaynaklara işaret etmek ve Osmanlı idaresindeki Bosna'da sağlık tarihinin araştırılmasına yönelik yeni bir bakış açısı getirmektir. Osmanlı dönemindeki Bosna sağlık kültürü tarihi üzerine yazılmış literatür de genel olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışma üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. İlk bölümde, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun bir parçası olduğu dönemde Bosna-Hersek'teki sağlık hizmetleri tarihine ilişkin en önemli monografiler verilmiştir. İkinci bölümde, tamamen bu konuyla ilgili bilimsel makaleler incelenmiş, üçüncü bölümde içeriği yalnızca kısmen bu makalenin odak noktası olan zaman dilimi ile ilgili olan monografilerin ve makalelerin incelemesi yapılmıştır. Gelecekte bu tematik çerçevenin araştırılmasının nasıl yapılması gerektiği ve bu araştırmada uygulanabilecek yöntemler sonuç bölümünde ele alınmıştır.
Apstrakt: U periodu od 1923. do 1945. godine u Bosni i Hercegovini je djelovalo Muslimansko kulturno-prosvjetno društvo “Narodna uzdanica”. U okviru svoje izdavačke djelatnosti ovo društvo je jednom godišnje izdavalo Kalendar, publikaciju kulturno-prosvjetnog karaktera. U skoro svakom broju objavljivani su i prilozi u kojima su brojni autori s različitim uspjehom nastojali dati doprinos izučavanju prošlosti Bosne i Hercegovine, posebno onog dijela prošlosti u kojem je Bosna i Hercegovina bila pod osmanskom upravom. Cilj ovog rada je ponuditi kratak osvrt na radove koji su u Kalendaru Narodne uzdanice tematski obrađivali prošlost Bosne i Hercegovine, ukazati na njihov značaj, te na pojedinim mjestima prikazati na koji način su političke i ideološke prilike utjecale na objavljene radove. Kao prilog radu ponuđena je selektivna bibliografija historiografskih radova objavljenih u Kalendaru Narodne uzdanice.
Abstract: In the period from 1923 to 1945, the Muslim Cultural and Educational Society “Narodna uzdanica” operated in Bosnia and Herzegovina. As part of its publishing activities, this society, once a year, published the Kalendar, a publication of a cultural and educational nature. In almost every issue, articles were published where numerous authors with varying degrees of success sought to contribute to the study of the past of Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially that part of the past in which Bosnia and Herzegovina was under Ottoman rule. This paper aims to offer a brief overview of the works that thematically dealt with the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Kalendar Narodne uzdanice, to point out their importance, and in some places to show how political and ideological circumstances influenced published works. A selective bibliography of historiographical works published in the Kalendar Narodne uzdanice is offered as a contribution to the work.
Balkan pod osmanskom vlašću, I, ur. Alaattin Aköz , Slobodan Ilić, Doğan Yörük, Danko Leovac, Konya: Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2020.
The Balkans under the Ottoman Rule, I, ed. Alaattin Aköz , Slobodan Ilić, Doğan Yörük, Danko Leovac, Konya: Selçuk Üniversitesi, 2020.
The Ottoman conquest of a major part of the Bosnian Kingdom is one of the most important historical events that have occurred on the territory of today's Bosnia and Herzegovina. Authors of this paper present Ottoman narrative sources written in 15. and 16. century which share information about the conquest of Bosnia. Besides well-known names like Aşıkpaşazade, Tursun Bey, Neşrî, Oruç Beğ and Hoca Sâdeddin Efendi; in this paper one can find other authors, less known in our historiographies like Enverî, Karamanlı Nişancı Mehmed Paşa, Hadîdî, Kemalpaşazâde, Muhyiddin Mehmed, Lutfi Paşa and a few anonymous chroniclers as well. Aim of this paper is to present the narrative that was preset among Ottoman historians about the conquest of Bosnia based on a larger number of sources.
Political opportunities within the Bosnian Kingdom at the end of the 14th and the beginning of the 15th century were heavily influenced by the Ottoman Interregnum and the fight for Hungarian crown between Ladislav, the King of Naples and Sigismund of Luxembourg. The events epitomized some of the key factors in enabling a strong affirmation of Bosnian nobles who, with constant support change between the conflicting parties, were searching for a better political position at that time. One of the leading characters of these happenings was the Bosnian magnate, knez Pavao Radinović. The main goal of this work is to present the position and posturing of a Bosnian noble, knez Pavao, between 1408 and 1415 marking an immensely strong influence of the Hungarian Kingdom and the Ottoman Empire, which strived to achieve an even bigger power in medieval Bosnia understanding her importance for their expansionist policies. A substantial amount of older and recent historiographic work analyzed the era covered in this text, and a considerable number of sources about it was also published, none of which examined the ties between knez Pavao, the Kingdom of Hungary and the Ottoman Empire as a separate unit.
Keywords: Bosnian Kingdom, Kingdom of Hungary, Ottoman Empire, knez Pavao Radinović, Sigismund of Luxembourg, Bosnian king Ostoja, Bosnian king Tvrtko II Tvrtković, herzog Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić, voivode Sandalj Hranić Kosača...
Bosna i njeni susjedi u srednjem vijeku: Pristupi i perspektive, ur. Elmedina Duranović, Enes Dedić, Nedim Rabić, Univerzitet u Sarajevu - Institut za historiju, Sarajevo, 2019, 193-216;
Interregnum u Osmanskom Carstvu i borba za ugarsku krunu između Ladislava Napuljskog i Sigismunda (Žigmunda) Luksemburškog imali su snažnu refleksiju na političke prilike u Bosanskom Kraljevstvu krajem 14. i početkom 15. stoljeća, te predstavljaju neke od ključnih faktora koji su omogućili snažno afirmiranje bosanskih plemića koji su konstantnim laviranjem između sukobljenih tabora tragali za što boljom političkom pozicijom u tom vremenu. Jedan od aktera tih dešavanja bio je bosanski velikaš knez Pavao Radinović. Glavni cilj ovog rada jeste predstaviti poziciju i držanje jednog bosanskog plemića, u ovom slučaju kneza Pavla, u periodu od 1408. do 1415. godine, kada se bilježi izuzetno snažan utjecaj Ugarskog Kraljevstva i Osmanskog Carstva, koji su na sve načine pokušavali ostvariti što veću moć na prostoru srednjovjekovne Bosne uviđajući njen značaj u svojim ekspanzionističkim politikama. Razdoblje o kojem autor piše u ovom tekstu obrađeno je u velikom broju starijih i novijih historiografskih radova, a i znatan broj izvora o istom je također objavljen, ali odnos kneza Pavla sa Ugarskom i Osmanskim Carstvom ranije nije zasebno tretiran.
After the fall of the Bosnian Kingdom under Ottoman rule in 1463, the territory of today’s Bosnia and Herzegovina continued to be a place of frequent clashes where Ottoman, Hungarian and Venetian influences intertwined. A prominent scene for these events was the town of Jajce, which the Ottomans tried to occupy on several occasions after 1463. The focus of this paper is an account of the Jajce conquest preserved in a mecmua from the second half of the 17th century. This paper contains information about the mecmua not considered in previous academic research, about its author and content, in addition to a specific focus on the Jajce conquest. Moreover, appendices to this paper feature both a transcription and a translation of themanuscript related to the siege and later conquest of this royal city. This manuscript also gives valuable insights for toponymical studies of the Bosnia and Herzegovina region.
Nakon pada Bosanskog Kraljevstva pod osmansku vlast 1463. godine prostor današnje Bosne i Hercegovine još dugo ostaje mjesto čestih sukoba i prepli-tanja utjecaja Osmanskog Carstva, Ugarskog Kraljevstva i Venecije. Važno poprište tih dešavanja bio je grad Jajce kojeg su Osmanlije pokušavale zauzeti u više navrata nakon 1463. godine. Akcent ovog rada upravo je na jednoj pre-daji o osvojenju Jajca koja je sačuvana u medžmui pisanoj u drugoj polovini 17. stoljeća. U ovom radu nalaze se informacije o medžmui koja dosad nije razmatrana u naučnim istraživanjima, o njenom autoru i sadržaju, s posebnim osvrtom na predaju o osvojenju Jajca. Također, kao prilog radu čitateljima je ponuđena transkripcija i prijevod teksta koji se odnosi na opsadu i osvojenje ovog kraljevskog grada. Ovaj rukopis je također vrijedan izvor za proučavanje toponomastike prostora Bosne i Hercegovine.
Abstract: This text presents an overwiev of historiographic interpretations about the death of king Stjepan Tomaš of Bosnia. The overview covers a period starting from the 15th century and the works of king’s contemporaries, over the Dubrovnik chronicles of the 16th and 17th century and the works of Bosnian Franciscans a century later, to the results presented by critical histography. The main aim of this work is to draw attention to the need of forming a story about the king’s suspicious death to its reflection and use in different historical periods, observing the image of time in which various manuscripts were produced.
Key words: Stjepan Tomaš, Stjepan Tomašević, Radivoj Ostojić, Katarina Kosača Kotromanić, Matthias Corvinus, sultan Mehmed II, Bosnian Kingdom, Turks, Hungary
Apstrakt: U ovom tekstu predstavljen je pregled historiografskih interpretacija o smrti bosanskog kralja Stjepana Tomaša, počevši od pisanja njegovih savremenika u 15. stoljeću, preko dubrovačkih ljetopisaca i hroničara u 16. i 17. stoljeću i bosanskih franjevaca stoljeće kasnije, pa sve do rezultata koje je ponudila kritička historiografija. Glavni cilj ovog rada jeste ukazati na potrebu formiranja priče o sumnjivoj smrti bosanskog kralja Tomaša, na njen odraz i korištenje u različitim historijskim periodima posmatrajući sliku vremena u kojem su različiti rukopisi nastajali.
Ključne riječi: Stjepan Tomaš, Stjepan Tomašević, Radivoj Ostojić, kraljica Katarina, Matijaš Korvin, Mehmed II Fatih, Bosansko kraljevstvo, Turci, Ugarska
Panel: People and Environment in Balkan Travels in the Ottoman longue durée
- Eco-narrative about the Balkans in the Hasht bihisht by Idris Bidlisi (fifteenth century), Sabaheta Gačanin, Oriental Institute, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Death on a Journey: examples of citizens of Sarajevo in the eighteenth century, Kerima Filan, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Representation of Rivers in Travel Literature in German on Late Ottoman Bosnia, Nedim Rabić, Institute for History, University of Sarajevo and the University of Tuzla; Amer Maslo, Oriental Institute, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
II. Uluslararası Osmanlı İzleri Sempozyumu, T.C. Trakya Üniversitesi, Edirne 2021.
Uprising in Bosnia and Herzegovina (1875-1878): Perception of the Ottoman Empire in the Newspaper „Naša Sloga“
International Scientific Conference "Naša sloga (1870. – 2020.)", Faculty of Humanities - Juraj Dobrila University, Pula, 2020.
Scientific Conference "Pivotal years of Bosnian-Herzegovinian past”, University of Sarajevo – Institute of history, The Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ANUBiH), Sarajevo, 2019.
The Conquest of Bosnia in Ottoman Narrative Sources (Osvajanje Bosne 1463. godine u narativnim izvorima osmanske provenijencije).
Scientific Conference "Bosnia and its neighbors in the Middle Ages", Institute of History - University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, 2018.
Obilježavanje 3. juna - prvog spomena Travnika u pisanim izvorima
Zavičajni muzej Travnik
Travnik, 1. juni 2018. godine
Book review: "Institutions of Islamic Civilization, Sarajevo, 2017, 712 " Context, 5-1, Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Centre for Advanced Studies , Sarajevo, 2018, 127-129.
Приказ књиге: "Споменица др. Тибора Живковића, (ур. Ирена Р. Цвијановић), Београд, 2016, 377." Грачанички гласник, 43/XXII, Грачаница, 2017, 147-150.