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Anderson, who encouraged us to never set limits on what we could do. I hope you realize what an inspiration you have been to me.
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    • Degree in music
Міністерство освіти і науки України Національний університет «Чернігівський колегіум» імені Т.Г. Шевченка Навчально-науковий інститут історії та соціогуманітарних дисциплін імені О.М. Лазаревського Кафедр історії України, археології та... more
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      Актуальні проблеми європейської інетеграціїЄвропейський союз
Over the last decade or so, federal and state education policymakers embraced the use of value-added models (VAMs) to evaluate teachers’ performance and make highstakes employment decisions (e.g., tenure, merit pay, * Mark A. Paige, J.D.,... more
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      LawPolitical Science
From the Introduction of the Special Issue of Journal of Children's Literature: [The] first article starts with the story of Katie Rinderle, a fifth-grade teacher in Georgia, who was fired for reading the picturebook My Shadow Is Purple... more
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      CensorshipFeminist TheoryChildren's Literature & CultureChildren's and Young Adult Literature
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    • Filosofía
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      Political ScienceChristian MinistryPayment
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Objetivos: el presente artículo se propone analizar críticamente los criterios de adjudicación de plazas escasas en centros escolares de la red pública. Metodología: la metodología empleada es el análisis de las fuentes primarias... more
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      EquitySchoolFreedom of ChoiceEquidad
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Sobre el concepto de deber constitucional y los deberes en la Constitución de 1978 F. Javier dÍaz revorio * Sumilla 1. Planteamiento: sujeción a la Constitución y deberes constitucionales 2. Aproximación al concepto y naturaleza jurídica... more
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Educators, including school leaders, must be able to handle legal dilemmas involving student speech, but these do not occur in a vacuum. Often, speech issues are commingled with other legal challenges. This article explores student rights... more
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    • Civil Rights
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      NarrativeResiliencePolitical ScienceRace
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      PsychologySpecial Education
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      HumanitiesArtTürk Eğitim TarihiErken Cumhuriyet Dönemi
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    • Business
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      Public AdministrationCharter schoolsAdministrative Law and Bureaucratic Legalism
Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) Grade 12 IsiZulu Home Language Mind the Gap study guide for the novel Impi Yabomdabu Isethunjini by JC Buthelezi. This publication has a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial... more
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    • Biology
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      Political ScienceBruxelles
El Derecho a la Educacion tiene hitos muy importantes, uno de ellos de gran relevancia historica, el de la Revolucion Francesa, en torno a los criterios de libertad, igualdad y fraternidad. Alli se plantea, en cierta forma, el tema del... more
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Author(s): McKenzie, Sharlene Yvonne | Advisor(s): Noguera, Pedro A | Abstract: During the 20-year period from 1934 – 1954 the Roosevelt, Truman, and Eisenhower administrations created federal housing policies that made it easier for... more
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      SegregationPolitical ScienceAfrican American StudiesPopulation
A tese aborda a trajetória educacional e de preparação dos agentes ao SJC, os concurseiros. É centrada especialmente nas carreiras da magistratura estadual e do ministério público estadual, porém, considerando o aspecto relacional que... more
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      SociologyCriminologySociology of LawDireito
En este trabajo nos interesamos por la problemática ligada a las lenguas de migración, esto es, a la lengua materna del individuo que emigra y a su relación con la lengua del país en el que residirá. Por esa razón, afrontaremos, en... more
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      European UnionDerechos HumanosDerechos LingüísticosLengua española
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      Political SciencePsychological Intervention
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Last year, upon the thirtieth anniversary of the Supreme Court\u27s decision in Goss v. Lopez, the then-general counsel of the National School Boards Association decried the expansion of Goss from a three minute give and take to the... more
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    • Law
El artículo analiza el lugar que ocupan el interés superior de los meno­res y el interés preferido de las personas con discapacidad, cuando se discute la titularidad y el ejercicio de la patria potestad. En él se contribuye a la... more
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    • Disability Studies
Documents de travail Faculté des sciences économiques et de gestion Pôle européen de gestion et d'économie (PEGE)
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      PhilosophyHumanitiesCondorcetWorking Papers
régulation et légisprudence (Bruxelles) RÉSUMÉ.-Il existe peut-être des théories irrationnelles de la législation. Il n'existe pas de théorie de la législation rationnelle. C'est une lacune que ce texte cherche à combler. La théorie de la... more
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      PhilosophyHumanitiesPolitical Science
Cet article explore les multiples irrégularités auxquelles les administrations en charge de l'éducation sont actuellement confrontées. Pour mieux cerner ce phénomène, une enquête a été effectuée sur le terrain avec pour principal objectif... more
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    • Education
The effectiveness and advantages of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are significantly influenced by the interconnectivity of individual devices or nodes, such as Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The exchange of data that is pertinent to a... more
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      BiometricWireless Sensor NetworkElliptic curve cryptosystem
WWC quick reviews are based on the evidence published in the report cited and rely on effect sizes and significance levels as reported by study authors. WWC does not confirm study authors' findings or contact authors for additional... more
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      Computer ScienceTeacher TrainingObservationAcademic achievement
evaluation-of-teachers Summary of Review A new Mathematica Policy Research report finds that students randomly assigned an alternatively certified teacher did no worse on achievement tests than students whose teacher came through a... more
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    • Certification
Prikaz U suvremenoj hrvatskoj znanstvenoj i stručnoj pravnoj literaturi nije bilo, na žalost, radova u kojima bi se cjelovito razmatrala materija službeničkog pra va. Posljednji takav rad-knjiga nestora hrvatske znanosti upravnog prava... more
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Este artículo analiza la relación entre el derecho fundamental a la instrucción, descrito en el artículo 2 del Protocolo n.º 1 del Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos, y la expulsión, una medida correctora del comportamiento irregular de... more
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Numerous studies demonstrate there is an indestructible relationship between educating the young generation and assuring the well being and progress of any state, by providing the necessary features of the manpower. This study aims to... more
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      BusinessEntrepreneurshipEngineeringProduction economics
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de mostrar que as forças políticas do Congresso Nacional, em aliança com setores do poder Executivo, tornaram hegemônico o pensamento liberal-conservador no campo educacional. Dessa forma, construíram uma... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical ScienceMedicine
Plaidoyer pour le cours de français A I'heure dc lareforme des options dans I'enseignen?ent secondaire, Jean-Louis Dufays, profeseu,r au Colhge Saint-Michel et membre de k S.B.P.F., pkid,e porîr rrte augntmtation des moyens accordés a,u... more
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      PsychologyMusic EducationArts EducationPedagogy
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    • Scrum and Agile
تحليل التحديات والحلول لضمان تعليم شامل للأطفال ذوي الإعاقة في لبنان (ورقة سياسات)
يارا عيتاني
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This is a Christian creeds that are translated by Dumsani Ntshangase
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    • History of Religion
У світі, де право виступає основою суспільного ладу, юридична етика є ключовим елементом, що забезпечує справедливість, довіру до правової системи та захист основоположних прав людини. Вона визначає моральні засади та стандарти поведінки... more
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      профессиональные навыки юристапрофессиональная подготовка юристовПрактические навыки юриста
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In the United States today we are witnessing a reversal of many of the legal and political reforms stimulated by the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s. This repeal of what may be termed the Second Reconstruction is proceeding... more
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      SociologyPolitical ScienceCivil RightsRace and Class
Educacion. Programas educativos comunitarios. La Union Europea y la comunidad internacional en general estan entrando, con el nuevo siglo, en la sociedad del conocimiento, sociedad en la que el bien economico esencial es el saber. La... more
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