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The article describes an approach to the classification of chords in order to develop auditory probabilistic prediction of harmony. The proposed approach is intended for teaching children, starting from primary school age, but also... more
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      Theory of HarmonyEar Training
The Research on Satisfaction of the first-year students toward the online teaching and learning in Ear Training class of College of Music, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University aims to study the satisfaction of first-year students... more
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    • Ear Training
Motivated by Marshall McLuhan’s suggestion that advances in technology serve to alter sense perceptions, and that it is the role of artists to be aware of such changes, the author explores intersections and contrasts among five different... more
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      MusicMusic TechnologySound studiesEar Training For Electroacoustics
Esta investigación llevada a cabo a lo largo de los dos últimos años analiza los quince programas online más utilizados a nivel mundial. Se han realizado todos y cada uno de los ejercicios que se proponen de la forma en la que se proponen... more
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      Music EducationMusic TechnologyMusic PsychologyMúsica
In den Gehörbildungsunterricht an Musikhochschulen wird häufig auch interaktives Musizieren in irgendeiner Form einbezogen. Praktische Fertigkeiten können etwa mit Hilfe von Aufgabentypen wie Blattsingen und Blattspielen, Nachsingen und... more
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      Aural SkillsKeyboard InstrumentsPiano PedagogyEar Training
Título: Analizar con el oído. Propuesta didáctica y estudio empírico sobre el análisis auditivo
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      Music Theory PedagogyAural SkillsAural and Visual CulturesMusic analysis
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      MusicMusicologyJazz StudiesJazz Improvisation
This project investigates the aural and musicianship skills of students enrolled in a Bachelor of Jazz Studies Course, with the ultimate goal of improving their improvisation skills. At the core of the project is the idea that students... more
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      Music EducationJazz ImprovisationJazz TheoryJazz Education
Traducción al castellano de este artículo que consiste en: Hay afirmaciones que por mucho que se utilicen no responden a la realidad. Que no escuches un tipo de música no significa que no entiendas de qué va y que no cantes bien no es... more
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      MusicologyAural SkillsPedagogiaEar Training
Solmization systems are usually used as mediation tools during the learning process. The way each person associates sounds and note names will be very important for their mastering of the musical language. Each solmization system was... more
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      Music EducationEar TrainingSolfegeSolmization
Міністерство освіти і науки України Міністерство культури України Харківський національний університет мистецтв імені І. П. Котляревського Кафедра теорії музики Н. БЕЛІЧЕНКО ЗАВДАННЯ З СОЛЬФЕДЖІО ТА ГАРМОНІЇ СЛУХОВИЙ ТА ГАРМОНІЧНИЙ... more
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      HarmonyEar Training
Resumo: Este artigo sintetiza a avaliação de quatro métodos de rítmica utilizados na graduação em música das universidades estaduais de São Paulo, sendo eles: Starer (1969), Hindemith (1988), Hall (2005) e Gramani (2013). Inicialmente,... more
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      Higher EducationRhythmMusic CognitionMusic Perception
This paper describes the development, function and use of ModusXXI, an atonal music generator able to create an unlimited number of atonal melodic dictations, or melodic material for sight-reading, during the study of Modus Novus, or... more
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      Ear TrainingSolfège and Ear training
This paper offers a description and demonstration of the colored representation of the relative music scale as well as computer program for equal 29temperament. The author of this treatise proposes the model of the musical scale,... more
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      Music EducationMicrotonal MusicAudio Visual Representations Of MusicTechnology In Music Education
Analysis in electroacoustics (Ea) is an aural necessity. We analyse to understand what we hear, but we also need trained ears in order to analyse, because analysis requires detailed content, which in Ea is available mostly in sonic forms... more
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      EducationElectroacoustic MusicAural PerceptionEar Training
The pattern of acquisition of speech- and music-related skills during early stages of human infancy provides insight into the origins of language and music. Indiscriminate until shortly after birth, babies start gradually developing... more
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      EthnomusicologyModalityTonal theorySpeech & Hearing Sciences
Si la principal característica de la sociedad moderna tardocapitalista es la aceleración (Rosa, 2017;2019), ella es en tanto se acelera la producción y circulación no solamente de bienes de consumo, sino también de certezas. Esta es... more
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      MúsicaEar TrainingLenguaje MusicalMétodos Ativos em Educação Musical
Nesta pesquisa serão investigadas atividades de percepção musical e de treinamento auditivo, focando sua prática e resultados. Estas serão fundamentadas a partir de premissas da psicologia e da cognição musical de modo a refletir sobre as... more
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      Ear TrainingCognição MusicalPercepção Musical
Contribución a la mesa redonda "La Educación Auditiva, hoy" en el Congreso CEIMUS II. Contiene una fundamentación y propuesta didáctica sobre análisis auditivo, definido como una actividad pedagógica de grupo guiada por el profesor, en... more
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      Aural SkillsMusic analysisAuditory Scene AnalysisAural Perception
A new approach to sight singing
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      MusicMusic EducationEar TrainingSolfeo Para Hoy
Texto de mi intervención en la Mesa Redonda "Tradición y renovación en la enseñanza musical" en el Congreso CEIMUS III (Barcelona, 2014). A partir de la evolución del análisis musical (AM) y de su docencia, se plantea la necesidad de una... more
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      Music Theory PedagogyMusic analysisPerformance AnalysisMúsica
Мозг оперирует временн ми объектами. Говоря о развитии чувства музыкального ритма у детей, необходимо помнить о том, что нет «музыкального ритма вообще», но есть ритм применительно к той или иной музыкальной культуре. Современный... more
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      Music EducationRhythmChild DevelopmentTeacher Training
Published in: Proceedings of the International Society for Music Education, 33rd World Conference on Music Education, Baku (Azerbaijan), 15-20 July 2018, pp. 20-26. David Forrest (Ed.). – Published in Australia, 2018 (ISBN... more
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      Early Childhood Music EducationEar TrainingSolfège and Ear training
This project investigates the aural and musicianship skills of students enrolled in a Bachelor of Jazz Studies Course, with the ultimate goal of improving their improvisation skills. At the core of the project is the idea that students... more
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      PsychologyMusic EducationJazz ImprovisationJazz Theory
The present Dissertation focuses on the didactics of Music Analysis (MA)1, which is studied from different angles. MA developed extraordinarily during the XXth century and stablished itself as an autonomous discipline in higher education.... more
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      Music Theory PedagogyImprovisationMusical Instrument PedagogyMusic analysis
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      Music EducationLearning and TeachingArts EducationAdult Continuing and Professional Education
The aim of this presentation is to integrate two narratological notions in the analysis of electroacoustic musics, not as metaphors, but as accurate ways of describing the listener’s apprehension of an acousmatic work. Those notions are... more
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      MusicAural SkillsSonic ArtCognitive Narratology
A combination of Overtone and Undertone series melodic line to serve as ear trainning and solfege warm-up
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      Music PerceptionEducação MusicalEar TrainingSolfege
Warm-up exercise to practice and sing the overtone series within a normal vocal range. The exercise aims to build a good sense of intonation for major tonalities.
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      Music PerceptionTuning and TemperamentEar TrainingPercepção Musical
Φίλιππα Γεννήθηκε στην Αθήνα. Αφού από παιδί υπήρξε μέλος της Επαγγελματικής "Παιδικής χορωδίας του Ι. Νούσια" (με δραστηριότητα στην Κρατική Τηλεόραση, ηχογραφήσεις και συμμετοχή σε Όπερες), αποφοίτησε αριστούχος από το Αρσάκειο και... more
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      Musical TheatreOperaJazz StudiesMusic Composition
En el presente artículo se expone un estudio cuyo objetivo es detectar y analizar las dificultades que presentan los estudiantes al identificar auditivamente los intervalos armónicos musicales usando su estrategia habitual. Para llevar a... more
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      Aural SkillsHarmonic / Pitch PerceptionAural PerceptionAural Training
In this article, Pieter Verstraete focuses on ‘auditory distress’ as a constitutive aspect of listening to the extent that it bears a new perspective on sound experiences in contemporary performance practice. As a departure point, he... more
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      Cultural StudiesMusicMusicologyFolklore
This project investigates the aural and musicianship skills of students enrolled in a Bachelor of Jazz Studies Course, with the ultimate goal of improving their improvisation skills. At the core of the project is the idea that students... more
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      PsychologyMusic EducationJazz ImprovisationJazz Theory
Warm-up exercise to practice and sing the undertone series within a comfortable vocal range. The exercise aims to build a good sense of intonation for minor tonalities and chords.
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      Music PerceptionEar TrainingSolfegeSolfège and Ear training
O estudo de acordes pode ser realizado por meio do solfejo. A atividade de cantar um arpejo para identificar as notas do acorde auxilia na identificação e fixação tanto das alturas quanto dos nomes das notas, e também dos intervalos que... more
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      Ear TrainingSolfegeTeoria MusicalSolfeo Para Hoy
This article discusses an issue, concerning musical theory and in particular music pedagogy. As working, the terms reflection and reflection activity were used and their positive practical application was indicated. This, of course, leads... more
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      Music EducationMusicologyPiano PedagogyMusical Theory
Mapeamento da sequência dos intervalos que existem no contexto da escala diatônica maior. Primeiro o intervalo deve ser identificado pelo grau da escala, depois os graus devem ser cantados com a identificação do intervalos. Após cantar... more
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      Music PerceptionSolfejeMusic Perception and CognitionEar Training
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      Harmonic AnalysisMusicMusic EducationAural Skills
Most of us have a textbook notion of tonal-harmonic function, yet most of us cannot hear and readily identify harmonic function in real time except in the most predictable and slow moving contexts. The first stage in developing tonal... more
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    • Ear Training
Los diferentes recursos y actividades con los que cuenta el campus virtual de UCM suponen una importante herramienta para mejorar en el alumnado su capacidad de apreciación del hecho sonoro. El recurso “Página” del campus virtual permite... more
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      Music EducationMusic production, pro-audio, music recording techniquesTICs aplicadas a la EducacionEar Training
Эта статья была написана более 20 лет назад, но не смогла найти издателя, который опубликовал бы ее по-русски. Причиной было наличие цветных иллюстраций, без которых я эту статью публиковать не хотел. Впервые статья была представлена... more
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      Music EducationMulticulturalismMulticultural EducationMusic Teacher Education
There seems to be quite a bit of confusion as to what constitutes having 'a good ear', and when it comes to jazz improvisation it is essential to have an outstanding musical ear. Perhaps some of these concepts will help clarify what is... more
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      Ear TrainingMusic Pedagogy
The development of listening skills is a crucial component of musical training at any level. Such development is often done through dictation, a process by which students put into notation elements of music that they hear. Through my... more
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      Music Theory PedagogyEar TrainingMusic PedagogyMusical Performance
Here I propose a theoretical model and a practical method of predictive music comprehension and its development in children two years of age and up. The elements of music speech and their connections are learned in special sequence from... more
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      Early Childhood Music EducationSolfejeEar TrainingEarly childhood music, movement, singing, dance, musical brain development, play, musical exploration
As jazz study has become an established branch of the tertiary music landscape, disquiet has arisen in some quarters about the 'mechanical' way in which improvisation is taught. This study examined the ways in which singing in an... more
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      PsychologyImprovisationJazz StudiesSinging
Analysis in electroacoustics (Ea) is an aural necessity. We analyse to understand what we hear, but we also need trained ears in order to analyse, because analysis requires detailed content, which in Ea is available mostly in sonic forms... more
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      EducationElectroacoustic MusicAural PerceptionEar Training
. The development of predictive listening abilities in a given music tradition is an important but commonly overlooked part of music education. This paper describes a methodology to help students cultivate music understanding by... more
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      Psychology of MusicEarly Childhood Music EducationEar TrainingPsychology of Perception in Arts
(Español) Este escrito tiene como propósito examinar el solfeo dentro de los currículos oficiales de licenciaturas en música de Brasil, con enfoque especial en los estados de la región Centro-Oeste. La metodología de trabajo siguió una... more
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      MusicMusic EducationCurriculum DesignCurriculum Studies
In this article, Pieter Verstraete discusses the structures of perception as demonstrated by the installations of Ann Veronica Janssens on the occasion of a retrospective of her work, entitled Serendipity, at Wiels in Brussels. He... more
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      Cultural StudiesPerceptionAural SkillsMedia and Cultural Studies