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People use e-government applications, trade financial goods online, purchase online, book hotel rooms using mobile booking apps, and make decisions based on information given in organisational information systems. All of these decisions... more
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      Hyper-heuristicsWebsiteE CommerceDigital Nudging on-line
The apparel industry is a class of textile industry. Generally, the production scheduling problem in the apparel industry belongs to Flow Shop Scheduling Problems (FSSP). There are many algorithms/techniques/heuristics for solving FSSP.... more
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      Genetic ProgrammingHyper-heuristicsApparel IndustryCartesian Genetic Programming
In an attempt to ensure good-quality printouts of our technical reports, from the supplied PDF files, we process to PDF using Acrobat Distiller. We encourage our authors to use outline fonts coupled with embedding of the used subset of... more
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      Hyper-heuristicsCombinatorial optimisationSearch SpaceLiterature survey
This thesis presents a programme of research which investigated a genetic programming hyper-heuristic methodology to automate the heuristic design process for one, two and three dimensional packing problems. Traditionally, heuristic... more
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      HeuristicsGenetic ProgrammingHyper-heuristicsPacking Problems
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    • Hyper-heuristics
In this paper, we propose a particle swarm optimization (PSO) based hyper-heuristic algorithm for solving the resource constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to develop a PSO... more
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      Project ManagementParticle Swarm OptimizationHyper-heuristicsProject Management Budgetting, Scheduling and planning
We evolve heuristics to guide staged deepening search for the hard game of FreeCell, obtaining top-notch solvers for this NP-Complete, human-challenging puzzle. We rst devise several novel heuristic measures and then employ a Hillis-style... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceHeuristicsGenetic Algorithms
Applying evolutionary algorithms to new problem domains is an exercise in the art of parameter tuning and design decisions. A great deal of work has investigated ways to automate the tuning of various EA parameters such as population... more
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      Evolutionary algorithmsGenetic AlgorithmsOptimization techniquesHyper-heuristics
The literature shows that one, two and three dimensional bin packing and knapsack packing are difficult problems in Operational Research. Many techniques, including exact, heuristic, and metaheuristic approaches, have been investigated to... more
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      HeuristicsGenetic ProgrammingMetaheuristics (Operations Research)Hyper-heuristics
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    • Hyper-heuristics
In this article, a multi-objective evolutionary framework to build selection hyper-heuristics for solving instances of the 2D bin packing problem is presented. The approach consists of a multi-objective evolutionary learning process,... more
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      Evolutionary ComputationGenetic AlgorithmsMultiobjective OptimizationHyper-heuristics
Genetic programming approaches have been employed in the literature to automatically design constructive heuristics for cutting and packing problems. These heuristics obtain results superior to human created constructive heuristics, but... more
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      HeuristicsGenetic ProgrammingMetaheuristics (Operations Research)Hyper-heuristics
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    • Hyper-heuristics
The idea behind hyper-heuristics is to discover some combination of straightforward heuristics to solve a wide range of problems. To be worthwhile, such combination should outperform the single heuristics. This paper presents a GAbased... more
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      HeuristicsGenetic AlgorithmsHyper-heuristicsConstraint Satisfaction Problems
Job Shop Scheduling problems have become popular because of their many industrial and practical applications. Among the many solving strategies for this problem, selection hyper-heuristics have attracted attention due to their promising... more
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      SchedulingHyper-heuristicsArtificial Neural Networks
One of the annual issues that has to be addressed in English football is producing a fixture schedule for the holiday periods that reduces the travel distance for the fans and players. This problem can be seen as a minimisation problem... more
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      Reinforcement LearningMachine LearningSimulated AnnealingHyper-heuristics
A hyper-heuristic refers to a search method or a learning mechanism for selecting or generating heuristics to solve computational search problems. Operating at a level of abstraction above that of a metaheuristic, it can be seen as an... more
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      Decision Making Under UncertaintyHyper-heuristicsStrategic Mine Planning
In my PhD. dissertation, I focus on action planning and constrained discrete optimization. I try to introduce novel approaches to the field of single-agent planning by com- bining standard techniques with meta-heuristic optimiza- tion,... more
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University course timetabling is a complex optimization problem. There are many components like departments, faculties, rooms, and students making the problem huge and difficult to solve. Each component enforces a set of normally... more
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      Hyper-heuristicsLocal SearchGraph ColoringUniversity Course Timetabling Problem
Hyper-heuristics are methodologies used to choose from a set of heuristics and decide which one to apply given some properties of the current instance. When solving a Constraint Satisfaction Problem, the order in which the variables are... more
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      HeuristicsHyper-heuristicsArtificial Neural NetworksConstraint Satisfaction Problems
We present a genetic programming (GP) system to evolve reusable heuristics for the 2-D strip packing problem. The evolved heuristics are constructive, and decide both which piece to pack next and where to place that piece, given the... more
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      HeuristicsGenetic ProgrammingHyper-heuristicsPacking Problems
The current state of the art in hyper-heuristic research comprises a set of approaches that share the common goal of automating the design and adaptation of heuristic methods to solve hard computational search problems. The main goal is... more
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    • Hyper-heuristics
Hyper-heuristics are a class of high-level search techniques which operate on a search space of heuristics rather than directly on a search space of solutions. Early hyperheuristics focussed on selecting and applying a low-level heuristic... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceGenetic ProgrammingHyper-heuristicsMultidimensional Knapsack Problem
Every year the English football authorities produce a set of fixtures for the four main divisions in England. Over the Christmas and New Year period every team has to play two fixtures; one being played at their home venue and the other... more
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      Information SystemsMarketingComputer ScienceInformation Technology
Hyper-heuristics are methodologies that allow us to selectively apply the most suitable heuristic given the properties of the problem at hand. They can be applied in CSP in different ways, but one way which has received attention in... more
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      HeuristicsLocal Search (Computer Science)Hyper-heuristicsConstraint Satisfaction Problems
The bin-packing problem is a well known NP-Hard optimisation problem, and, over the years, many heuristics have been developed to generate good quality solutions. This paper outlines a genetic programming system which evolves a heuristic... more
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      HeuristicsGenetic ProgrammingHyper-heuristicsPacking Problems
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    • Hyper-heuristics
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    • Hyper-heuristics
Genetic programming approaches have previously been employed in the literature to evolve heuristics for various combinatorial optimisation problems. This paper presents a hyper-heuristic genetic programming methodology to evolve more... more
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      HeuristicsGenetic ProgrammingHyper-heuristicsPacking Problems
Maximizing the lifetime of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is an important and challenging research problem. Properly scheduling the movements of mobile sinks to balance the energy consumption of wireless sensor network is one of the most... more
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      Genetic ProgrammingWireless Sensor NetworksHyper-heuristics
An important challenge within hyper-heuristic research is to design search methodologies that work well, not only across different instances of the same problem, but also across different problem domains. This article conducts an... more
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      Flow Shop SchedulingHyper-heuristicsHeuristic SearchOptimization
This article presents a method based on the multi-objective evolutionary algorithm NSGA-II to approximate hyper-heuristics for solving irregular 2D cutting stock problems under multiple objectives. In this case, additionally to the... more
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      Machine LearningData MiningHeuristicsEvolutionary Computation
Hyper-heuristics are a class of high-level search techniques which operate on a search space of heuristics rather than directly on a search space of solutions. Early hyper-heuristics focussed on selecting and applying a low-level... more
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      Genetic ProgrammingHyper-heuristics
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    • Hyper-heuristics
This paper introduces a neuro-evolutionary approach to produce hyper-heuristics for the dynamic variable ordering for hard binary constraint satisfaction problems. The model uses a GA to evolve a population of neural networks... more
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      Evolutionary algorithmsHeuristicsNeural NetworkHyper-heuristics
Hyper-heuristics are high level search methodologies that operate over a set of heuristics which operate directly on the problem domain. In one of the hyper-heuristic frameworks, the goal is automating the process of selecting a... more
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      Computer ScienceMachine LearningHeuristicsConstruction Industry
It is common to find that training of selection hyper-heuristics is done perturbatively. The process usually starts with a random selection module and iterates over a set of instances until finding appropriate values for such module. In... more
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      Hyper-heuristicsBin Packing ProblemInstance generation
An important challenge within hyper-heuristic research is to design search methodologies that work well, not only across different instances of the same problem, but also across different problem domains. This article conducts an... more
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      Flow Shop SchedulingHyper-heuristicsHeuristic SearchOptimization
Hyper-heuristics comprise a set of approaches that are motivated (at least in part) by the goal of automating the design of heuristic methods to solve hard computational search problems. An underlying strategic research challenge is to... more
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      Computer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceMachine LearningOperations Research
Hyper-heuristics are a class of high-level search techniques which operate on a search space of heuristics rather than directly on a search space of solutions. Early hyperheuristics focussed on selecting and applying a low-level heuristic... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceGenetic ProgrammingHyper-heuristicsMultidimensional Knapsack Problem
Hyper-heuristics are high level search methodologies that operate over a set of heuristics which operate directly on the problem domain. In one of the hyper-heuristic frameworks, the goal is automating the process of selecting a... more
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      Machine LearningHeuristicsHyper-heuristicsConstraint Satisfaction Problems
Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP) represent an important topic of study because of their many applications in different areas of artificial intelligence and operational research. When solving a CSP, the order in which the variables... more
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      HeuristicsGenetic AlgorithmsHyper-heuristicsConstraint Satisfaction Problems
Hyper-heuristics represent a novel search methodology that is motivated by the goal of automating the process of selecting or combining simpler heuristics in order to solve hard computational search problems. An extension of the original... more
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      Genetic ProgrammingHyper-heuristics
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    • Hyper-heuristics
In my PhD. dissertation, I focus on action planning and constrained discrete optimization. I try to introduce novel approaches to the field of single-agent planning by combining standard techniques with meta-heuristic optimization,... more
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It is common to find that training of selection hyper-heuristics is done perturbatively. The process usually starts with a random selection module and iterates over a set of instances until finding appropriate values for such module. In... more
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      Hyper-heuristicsBin Packing ProblemInstance generation
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      Combinatorial OptimizationHyper-heuristicsSystematic Reviews
This article presents a method based on the multi-objective evolutionary algorithm NSGA-II to approximate hyper-heuristics for solving irregular 2D cutting stock problems under multiple objectives. In this case, additionally to the... more
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      Machine LearningData MiningHeuristicsEvolutionary Computation
Hyper-heuristics are methodologies that allow us to selectively apply the most suitable heuristic given the properties of the problem at hand. They can be applied in CSP in different ways, but one way which has received attention in... more
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      HeuristicsLocal Search (Computer Science)Hyper-heuristicsConstraint Satisfaction Problems
Job Shop Scheduling problems (JSSPs) have become increasingly popular due to their application in supply chain systems. Several solution approaches have appeared in the literature. One of them is the use of low-level heuristics. These... more
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      Simulated AnnealingHyper-heuristicsJob shop scheduling