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WEU Assembly - Defence Committee ;
Report written with my contribution during my visiting fellow period at the AWEU Defence Committee
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      European StudiesEuropean UnionEuropean Union PoliticsCommon Security and Defence Policy
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      LanguagesEastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesInternational Relations
European Space Policy (ESP) in May 2007 put as priority the need to improve coordination and synergies between defence and civilian space programmes and technologies, in a user-driven approach and to set up a structured dialogue with all... more
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      European UnionEuropean Space AgencyMissionsEuropean Space policy
Les temps où l’évocation de la défense européenne suscitait au mieux les sourires des eurosceptiques et au pire les critiques virulentes des atlantistes les plus militants sont révolus. Toutefois, pour l’observateur en dehors du cercle... more
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      Transatlantic relationsEuropean Security and Defence PolicyESDP/ CFSPEU-NATO
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      European Security and Defence PolicyStrategic CultureESDP/ CFSPoperation Artemis
Το βιβλίο κάνει ένα βήμα για τη γεφύρωση του χάσματος μεταξύ των επιχειρησιακών χρηστών και των ληπτών αποφάσεων στους χώρους της εσωτερικής ασφάλειας και των μελών της Ακαδημαϊκής Κοινότητας, των ειδικών σε θέματα Διαστήματος, αλλά και... more
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      European UnionSpaceCopernicusEuropean Space policy
Musu, C., ‘European Union Policy towards the Arab-Israeli Peace Process. The Quicksands of
Politics’, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. Hardback. 288ppg
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      European Foreign PolicyEuropean Neighbourhood PolicyMiddle East PoliticsEuropean Foreign and Security Policy
−The paper mainly deals with the influence of the applied measuring voltage on the surface resistance/resistivity of 19 fabric samples, being representative for the various technical solutions of obtaining static dissipative textiles.... more
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    • ESDP/ CFSP
CERPESC 07/AF/02/2008 - 21 janvier 2008 ; En 2003, l’Union européenne, après le lancement des opérations/missions EUPM et CONCORDIA dans les Balkans, a élargi son rayon d’action vers le continent africain. Après avoir compris le contexte... more
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      African StudiesGeopoliticsAfrican HistoryEnergy Security
The withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union is not only a source of political and legal upheaval in Europe but will prompt a recalibration of transatlantic treaty relations. The paper argues that it is a gross... more
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      Comparative LawInternational RelationsInternational LawTransatlantic relations
A British withdrawal from the EU would be a process not an event. This Strategic Update sets out the nine overlapping series of negotiations that would be triggered and the positions the 27 remaining EU countries and the EU’s... more
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesEuropean integrationEuropean Law
Szeged : 10-11 novembre 2016 Le Centre universitaire francophone (CUF), inauguré le 20 septembre 2013 et prévu par la décision n°218/2013 du 28 octobre 2013 du Sénat de l’Université de Szeged, a vocation à renforcer la... more
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      African StudiesAfrican HistoryAfricaAfricana Studies
Dialogues Européens Nr. 6. – Hiver 2005, pp. 49-64. Cahiers de l’Ecole doctorale Espace Européen Contemporain (Paris III Sorbonne) « Quelle politique étrangère et de sécurité et quelle défense pour quelle Europe ? » Sous la... more
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      Democratic Republic of CongoESDPBelgian CongoESDP/ CFSP
In December 2020, the European Union (EU) rolled out a human rights sanctions regime, emulating the US Global Magnitsky Act. It constitutes the third horizontal sanctions regime adopted by the EU over the past three years. The organising... more
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      Human RightsEuropean Foreign PolicySanctionsESDP/ CFSP
CERPESC 08/AF/03/2008 - 02 mars 2008 ; La nouvelle phase de la crise au Darfour, depuis février 2003, plus violente que jamais, est difficilement interprétable sans connaître la complexité et les antécédents des différentes crises au... more
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      African StudiesGeopoliticsAfrican HistoryEnergy Security
Sanctions are one of the tools utilised to address human rights violations. They are also an increasingly prominent tool in the European Union’s foreign policy. International sanctions policy is part of a global trend towards... more
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      Human RightsSanctionsESDP/ CFSPSergei Magnitsky
Europa Varietas Institute ; To order a printed version : turkeandras(@)gmail(.)com
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      European integrationGeopoliticsNATOEnergy Security
The European Global Strategy (EUGS) is a significant document that came out at a critical time. Decision makers and scholars need to identify and assess the challenges the EU is facing in its effort to pursue its new Strategy. This paper... more
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      Transatlantic relationsEuropean UnionTurkish and European Union RelationsEuropean Union (International Studies)
Actes du colloque portant sur les grandes questions de la stabilité et du développement du continent africain organisé par le Centre Universitaire Francophone András István TÜRKE Chercheur-associé à l'Université de Szeged L`Union... more
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      African StudiesEuropean StudiesAfrican HistoryAfrica
The European Union increasingly uses sanctions in order to respond to breaches of international norms and adverse security developments in its neighbourhood and beyond. This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the current state of... more
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      European StudiesEuropean Foreign PolicyESDP/ CFSPEconomic Sanctions
Conference Presentation ADISPO-Hellenic Supreme Joint War College (SJWC)
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesEuropean integrationEuropean Foreign Policy
CERPESC 07/AF/02/2008 - 21 January 2008 ; In 2003, the European Union, following the launch of operations/missions like CONCORDIA and EUPM in the Balkans, has expanded its outreach to the African continent. After understanding the... more
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      African StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesAfrican HistoryAfrica
While scholarly attention on the CFSP sanctions targeting Russia and disinformation has sparked, only few authors examined the connection between "fake news" and sanctions. Constructivist theories slowly become more relevant in the... more
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      ConstructivismPropagandaRussian Foreign PolicyEuropean Foreign Policy
This paper seeks to analyse and assesses the influence of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) on the evolution of the European Union as a security actor in the institutional, operational and ‘identity’ domains. Drawing on a... more
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      International SecurityNATOEuropean UnionIsomorphism
The future of the transatlantic relationship is rarely out of the headlines in Europe or North America. Despite the closeness, the relationship faces – as it has always done – new and familiar challenges. This report offers views on the... more
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      European integrationTransatlantic relationsBritish Foreign PolicyEuropean Union
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisEuropean Foreign PolicyEuropean UnionGerman Foreign Policy
WEU Assembly - Defence Committee ;
Report written with my contribution during my visiting fellow period at the AWEU Defence Committee
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      African StudiesEuropean StudiesAfricaEuropean Security and Defence Policy
AB Dış İlişkiler ve Güvenlik Politikası Yüksek Temsilcisi Federica Mogherini, uzun zamandır beklenen yeni AB küresel strateji belgesini, 29 Haziran 2016’da yapılan AB Konseyi toplantısında AB liderlerine sundu. Strateji belgesi Paylaşılan... more
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      European StudiesStrategy (Military Science)European Security and Defence PolicyEuropean Union
L`Harmattan - Paris ; Questions contemporaines , "Cet ouvrage étudie l’évolution récente de la politique étrangère et de défense de l’Union européenne dans sa complexité historique. Peut-elle jouer un rôle important ou reste ballotée... more
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesInternational RelationsEuropean integration
In this note we comment the CJEU decision in case C-658/11 EP v Council.

The final version will appear in Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo ISSN 1138-4026, núm. 49, Madrid, septiembre/diciembre (2014), págs. 1047-1064
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      EU External Relations LawEuropean Constitutional LawEU LawESDP/ CFSP
Zrínyi (Hungarian MoD,) HVK TKH & Europa Varietas Institute ABSTRACTS (A.T.) Türke, András István: Hungarian participation in the CSDP: the institutional and legal background The relations between Hungary and the EU look back on... more
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      African StudiesEuropean StudiesBalkan StudiesEuropean Security and Defence Policy
Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, there remains a number of protracted conflicts, within and between the successor states, concerning irredentist entities. This article examines four cases of such de facto states, the... more
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      GeopoliticsInternational SecurityEuropean UnionAbkhazia
The recent spurt of sanctions activity brings with it a key innovation: horizontal blacklists. This is a welcome development in the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) approach to sanctions, argues the author, because it seeks... more
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      SanctionsESDP/ CFSP
The upsurge of piracy attacks off the Somalia coast in 2007/08 challenged European Union (EU) security by threatening one of the three vital sea lines of communication for extra EU trade. Operating on the Gulf of Aden, Somali pirates... more
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      European UnionSomaliaMaritime SecurityPiracy
Europa Varietas Institute -
András István Türke -
To order a printed version : turkeandras(@)gmail(.)com
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      European HistoryInternational RelationsGeopoliticsPolitical Science
Traditionally the EU has been a civilian power, leaving the conduct of its security issues in the hands of the North Atlantic Organisation. The end of the Cold War and the new millennium brought new security challenges making it harder... more
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      NATOTransatlantic relationsEuropean Security and Defence PolicyMonroe Doctrine
CERPESC 16/E/03/2016 - 20 December 2016 ; The events of the last 20 years, the first operations and missions, show that the Common Security and Defense Policy, the CSDP (the European Security and Defense Policy: the ESDP, before 2009)... more
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      European StudiesStrategy (Military Science)European Foreign PolicyEuropean Union
A recent trend in the foreign policy sanctions of the European Union (EU) is the increasing adoption of ‘horizontal’, or ‘themed’, sanctions regimes.1 Country-label sanctions regimes represent the traditional form of sanctions. Horizontal... more
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      European Court of JusticeInternational SanctionsESDP/ CFSP
CERPESC Review, 10 January 2011 ; The mission "EU SSR / EUSSR Guinea-Bissau" (16.06.2008 - 30.09.2010) is a new experience significant because it was the first ESDP mission in an integrated manner covering the entire security sector... more
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      African StudiesGeopoliticsAfrican HistoryGuinea-Bissau
L`Harmattan - Paris ; 2013. "commander le livre : [email protected] sur le site de l`Harmattan : Ce deuxième ouvrage de l'auteur... more
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      European HistoryAfrican StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesViolence
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      European StudiesBrazilian StudiesEuropean Foreign PolicyEuropean Union
our currency and your problem'. Overall, Currency power is an enjoyable and learned book, but also a disappointing one.
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      Cyber SecurityESDP/ CFSP
Many EU member-states have a long history of conflict resolution and mediation. The Union as a whole, however, has rarely been seen in this capacity in the past, mostly due to a limited approach, based on confidence-building and... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesUkrainian StudiesEuropean Foreign PolicyEuropean Union
European Council on Foreign Relations essay
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      European Union external relationsSanctionsESDP/ CFSP
Since 2014, the EU has enacted three separate sanctions regimes on Russia. The present contribution aims to contextualize this complex set of EU measures on Russian targets in the framework of its Common Foreign and Security Policy... more
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      European Foreign PolicySanctionsESDP/ CFSP
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      European UnionESDP/ CFSPUni Eropa
Since 2013 the governance of lethal autonomous weapon systems has been discussed within the framework of the 1980 United Nations Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons. The discussion is at an early stage, with most states still in... more
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      International RelationsInternational LawAutonomous RoboticsEuropean Security and Defence Policy
The paper aims to explain the European Union’s Strategy for Security and Development in the Sahel, the context that it was brought in, its premise, limits and goals. It looks at the Strategy as a part of the Common Foreign and Security... more
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      European UnionStrategyESDP/ CFSPSahel
EU external relations law is a doubly peculiar field of scholarship that has attracted significant scholarly attention over the last several decades. It is both part of EU law—considered a "new legal order" distinct from international... more
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      European StudiesComparative LawInternational StudiesInternational Law
This paper tries to give a global account of the role of the EC/EU in the war in Yugoslavia (1991-1995) focusing on the role of national interests and wills.
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      YugoslaviaForeign PolicyEuropean Foreign PolicyEuropean Union