Division of labor
Most downloaded papers in Division of labor
This paper outlines a proposal for the development of educational multiplayer online games based on the activity theory, as an alternative to the current trend in multiplayer gaming and a means of promoting collaboration among students.... more
The aggregation of urban population has been described by Bücher and Weber. A sociological study of the growth of the city, however, is concerned with the definition and description of processes, as those of (a) expansion, (b) metabolism,... more
This paper analyzes the failure of Israel's Ashkenazi (Jewish, of European, Yiddish-speaking origin) feminist peace movement to work within the context of Middle East demographics, cultures, and histories and, alternately, the inabilities... more
"Corruption has become one of the most popular topics in the social scientific disciplines. However, there is a lack of interdisciplinary communication about corruption. Models developed by different academic disciplines are often... more
‘Herbert Marcuse and the Legacy of One Dimensional Man’, International Herbert Marcuse Society Conference, https://blogs.cul.columbia.edu/rbml/files/2014/09/One-Dimensional-Man-at-Fifty-Conference-Program1.pdf
a b s t r a c t . The visual brain in action. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press] proposed a functional division of labor between vision-for-perception and vision-for-action. Their proposal is supported by neuropsychological,... more
Hunter-gatherers of the recent era vary in many aspects of culture, yet they display great uniformity in their tendency to divide labor along the lines of gender and age. We argue on the basis of zooarchaeological, technological, and... more
The successful life of insect societies has evolved from the division of labor among more or less specialized individuals, who carry out all necessary tasks for the maintenance and growth of the colony. The extreme division of labor has... more
This paper explores conceptual and practical linkages between women and food, and argues that food security cannot be realized until women are centrally included in policy discussions about food. Women's special relationship with food is... more
Constructive technology assessment (CTA) is a member of the family of technology assessment approaches. developed in particular in the Netherlands and Denmark. CTA shifts the focus away from assessing impacts of new technologies to... more
A partir d’une problématique suscitée par l’élaboration de l’Observatoire des Conditions de Travail de l’Agence Nationale pour l’Emploi (ANPE) auquel nous avons participé en Convention Industrielle de Formation par la Recherche (CIFRE),... more
The authors explore the division of labor between the basal ganglia-dopamine (BG-DA) system and the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) in decision making. They show that a primitive neural network model of the BG-DA system slowly learns to make... more
Self-bows replaced spear throwers as primary terrestrial hunting weapons on nearly all continents at different time periods throughout human prehistory. Many scholars have debated whether this transition occurred because of a shift in... more
Gontier, N. (2016) Symbiogenesis, History of. In: Kliman, R.M. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Biology. vol. 4, pp. 261–271. Oxford: Academic Press.
We live in a culture controlled by experts. However, the most important thing for any expert is to maintain his or her expert status. Authorities must defend their position or they are no longer authorities. They do this by keeping the... more
Conceitos centrais da vida contemporânea, tais como política, civilização e cidadania, derivam da forma e organização da cidade. A cidade expressa a divisão socioespacial do trabalho, e Henri Lefebvre propõe pensar sua transformação a... more
"Now written as a chapter in Rational Freedom vol 2 Philosophical Origins by Dr Peter Critchley This paper considers Rousseau’s importance as a prophet of popular sovereignty and of the democratic state. In examining these claims, this... more
Marx envisions communism as a participatory democratically planned society that replaces both capitalism and the state. In addition to being democratically structured and planned, a communist society, on Marx’s view, must also do away... more
With the famous numerical example of chapter 7 of the Principles (1817) David Ricardo intended to illustrate first and foremost the new proposition that his labor theory of value does not regulate the price of international transactions... more
... an index of occupational prestige based upon the method devised by Duncan (1961) but specifically adapted to the occupational categories of the 1970 census by Temme (1975 ... OCCUPA-OCCUPATIONAL TERRI-TIONAL PRESTIGE TORIAL INDEX... more
Economics is a typical resource for social epistemology and the division of labour is a common theme for economics. As such it should come as no surprise that the present paper turns to economics to formulate a view on the dynamics of... more
The successful life of insect societies has evolved from the division of labor among more or less specialized individuals, who carry out all necessary tasks for the maintenance and growth of the colony. The extreme division of labor has... more
Studies of cultural artifacts and faunal remains from European Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic sites indicate a shift in hunter gatherer subsistence strategies, involving an intensification and diversification of resource exploitation... more
Available reports indicate a shift in conventional gender roles in agricultural labor among the Igbo of Nigeria. This study shows that the participation of Igbo men in nonfarm activities and waged employment has resulted in an increased... more
Archaeological models of hunter-gatherer subsistence often imply that the influence of menÕs or womenÕs foraging effort on settlement patterns varied over time, but fail to consider how central place foraging may reflect conflicting... more
Kuhn wanted to install a new research agenda in philosophy of science. I argue that the tools are now available to better articulate his paradigm and let it guide philosophical research instead of itself remaining the object of... more
In this paper I formulate the thesis of the Division of Epistemic Labor as a thesis of epistemic dependence, illustrate several ways in which individual subjects are epistemically dependent on one or more of the members of their community... more
Time-use surveys show how individuals spend their time during the day or week, which provides evidence of the gendered division of labor within households and the interdependence of women's and men's paid and unpaid work. Time-use experts... more
waves of the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, we investigate how the earnings bonus for fatherhood varies by characteristics associated with hegemonic masculinity in the American workplace: heterosexual marital status,... more
Fair Trade coffee production is a relatively new, but growing market for small-scale Brazilian coffee farmers. The majority of scholarship on Brazilian coffee production has focused on Brazil's large-scale coffee plantations, and coffee... more
How history is being appropriated by the regime and how we can do better.
Abstract. A persistent empirical finding in the research on travel patterns is that women tend to engage in shorter work commutes than men. Research evaluating the degree to which this gender differential in commuting may be explained by... more
Adam Smith is commonly referred to as one of the first who thought of foreign trade in terms of an international division of labour, whereby each country specialises in the production of certain goods. It is argued that he made a strong... more
Bu çalışma, uluslararası göç sürecinde yer alan göçmen işçilerin, göç edilen toplumdaki işgücü piyasasında etnisite ve toplumsal cinsiyete dayalı olarak nasıl bir işbölümü içerisinde yer aldıklarını anlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu amaç... more