Digital Environmental Humanities
Recent papers in Digital Environmental Humanities
Lo studioso di discipline umanistiche oggi non può più prescindere dalla conoscenza e dall’utilizzazione degli strumenti e delle risorse messe a disposizione dalle Scienze dell’Informazione. Ma per poter condurre le sue indagini... more
What can the creation of artificial habitats to replace old-growth forests tell us about the process, value and future of design? This chapter takes a concrete and provocative example and uses it to rethink design as a gradual, ecological... more
This is a piece on what matters for feminist scholarship, today at large. I describe here the need for a critical and creative research endevour that moves beyond the confines of humanistic humanities and deploys a relationa ethics... more
What does analyzing a text, or media, as a part of an 'ecology' actually mean? In advancing this question, Pringle emphasizes the historical role of the concept of digital information in the development of the term 'ecosystem.' As a... more
Introduction to Resilience: A Journal of the Environmental Humanities (Special Issue) Vol. 5, No. 2, The Green Humanities Lab (Spring 2018), pp. 1-20
AI and face recognition were used to source digital traces of Rembrandt’s sensibilities and techniques hitherto locked in his paintings in order to realize a new work the master neither contemplated nor ever saw (Fig. 1). This text,... more
Situated at the intersection of the arts and sciences, Humanities GIS (HumGIS) are contributing to new knowledge systems emerging in the digital, spatial, and geo-humanities. This article discusses the conceptualization and... more
This hybrid art-theory article discusses "Indeterminate Hikes," a smartphone app and performance created by ecoarttech, my interdisciplinary eco-art and theory collaborative. The work was originally conceived for a Whitney Museum of... more
A brief genealogy of the term "ecosystem" in the context of the term's use in recent media discourse. This genealogy re-examines the term beyond the ideology of self-organization present in tech-utopianism, tracing and emphasizing how Jan... more
Interdisciplinary Symposium on Empathy: See this link to view this presentation and its accompanying slides and video (it’s found under Friday Panel 4, 18:30 into the... more
Doğa İçin Çal (Play for Nature) is a chapter by Çağrı Yılmaz, in an edited collection "Communicating in the Anthropocene: Intimate Relations" by Alexa M. Dare and C. Vail Fletcher, with a foreword by Carol J. Adams.
Öz Bu makale İngiliz yönetmen Yousif Al-Khalifa'nın kısa çizgi filmi End of an Era (2012)'yı insan-ötesi kuramcılık merkezinde incelemektedir. İnsan-ötesi kuramcılığın özünde insanı merkezden uzaklaştıran bir yapıya sahip olduğu ve bu... more
Joni Adamson, Stephanie Lemenager and Catriona Sandilands
Resilience: A Journal of the Environmental Humanities
Vol. 5, No. 2, The Green Humanities Lab (Spring 2018), pp. 96-121
Resilience: A Journal of the Environmental Humanities
Vol. 5, No. 2, The Green Humanities Lab (Spring 2018), pp. 96-121
Las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación se fueron incorporando en el ámbito educativo, ganando cada vez más espacio en currículos, en las estrategias de
Guest-edited with co-authors Elena Glasberg and Laura Kay. The entire issue is online at: The works featured in "Gender on Ice" demonstrate the way historical and contemporary representations of... more
In the twenty-first century, we are challenged with a transformation in human collective intelligence. The key features of this transformation involve the “digital” replacing the “analogue”; design thinking and post-secularism supplanting... more
En el presente artículo se analizan las principales métricas de comportamiento y sentimientos utilizadas en el entorno digital y su incidencia en la gestión y producción de contenidos audiovisuales. Los objetivos son: 1) identificar las... more
Abstract (DE): In Anbetracht einer verstärkten Beschäftigung mit Computerspielen aus der Perspektive des Ecocriticism („Green Game Studies“), bietet der Artikel ein kritisches Analyseschema zur Repräsentation und Wahrnehmung von Klima und... more
An interview with Dr. Jessica Sams about invented languages and the environmental humanities.
in: Meath: History and Society, Interdisciplinary essays on the history of an Irish County (Eds.) Arlene Crampsie and Francis Ludlow; Series Editor, William Nolan (Dublin: Geography Publications, 2016) pp. 739-762
The paper analyses media consumption in Russia and media business strategies. The authors describe the media environment and identify the central trends typical of the transition to digital communication in society. The research approach... more
This essay evaluates visualization practices in data science and the digital humanities by drawing on the resources of the environmental humanities. I show how certain conceptions of ecology and natural systems have provided constitutive... more
Joni Adamson, Stephanie Lemenager and Catriona Sandilands Resilience: A Journal of the Environmental Humanities Vol. 5, No. 2, The Green Humanities Lab (Spring 2018), pp. 96-121
""The Inscribing Environmental Memory Research Initiative" Presented by Steven Hartman Research clusters within the Nordic Network for Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies (NIES), the North Atlantic Biocultural Organization... more
Fronteras: Congratulations on the publication of the book Historical Geography, GIScience and Textual Analysis: Landscapes of Time and Place (Springer, 2020), which you coedited with Francis Ludlow and Ferenc Gyuris. What is GIS and what... more
CFP - Petrocultures 2018 - Transitions: Glasgow, Scotland, Aug 29-Sep 1st. 2018 International/Multi-Disciplinary Conference on Oil Culture and Energy Humanities. more
Might we have left some faint, enduring mark on the universe; some lasting glow or echo of Earthly humanity; some interplanetary sign that once we were here? [1] The recent burgeoning interest in digital archives brings what may have been... more
An interview with Dr. Jessica Sams about invented languages and the environmental humanities.
EdibleEcologies is series of social sculptures that work collaboratively with local communities (human, microbial, ecological) to resuscitate endangered food practices in an effort to remediate a cultural memory disorder that we call... more
| This article revisits McLuhan's well-known phrase " the message is the medium, " and it asks: What if the medium is an animal? McLuhan's understanding of his own phrase was profoundly anthropocentric, as critics have noted. But his... more
I possess a wide range of experience critiquing and editing academic literature including abstracts, articles, book chapters, proposals and thesis drafts. I have edited ESL work from international scholars and international PhD students... more