Recent papers in Diffusionism
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
EPEMC offers many new facets which are unavailable in BBC and standard PC/EUC. Furthermore it opens an avenue for diffusionist and catastrophist studies which are more reliant upon classical and modern high energy physics at all scales,... more
As a student of anthropological theory, I have attempted to understand the existing as well as long forgotten theories in the discipline. This is one such attempt where I, in simple student-friendly jargons, have tried to explore the... more
This article re-examines the ‘neolithic revolution’—Gordon Childe’s great contribution to prehistoric archaeology. Childe first articulated his model of three revolutions in history—neolithic, urban and industrial—in 1936. Many authors... more
Les premières années du vingtième siècle sont fertiles en moments, événements et publications qui, rétrospectivement, dénotent tous la recomposition en cours de la « science de l’homme », comme l’appelaient alors ses protagonistes. Une... more
If Solutreans came to America 20,000+ years ago with their culture and lithic technology, then it is only logical that they also left their marks and symbols in Rock Art.
The spatial distribution of folklore-mythological motifs is shown to correlate rather tightly with the distribution of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and Y-chromosome (NRY) haplogroups. The analysis of spatial distribution of folklore... more
* This research has been supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Project № 17-06-00464). Genes and Myths 10 reconstruction of some features of 'proto-Melazonian' mythology brought to the New World by the bearers of mtDNA... more
Through the content analysis of Matsumoto Nobuhiro’s pre-war writings, the PhD thesis examines Japan’s pre-war academic perspective of Southeast Asia and Indochina. Matsumoto Nobuhiro was one of early ethnologists and one of the two... more
Portée sur les fonts baptismaux par une hypothèse sensationnelle qui laissait augurer la découverte d’une écriture néolithique, la mission franco-belge Métraux-Lavachery à l’île de Pâques tint toutes ses promesses, mais d’une façon... more
This "Nachlass" is the published materials coming out of Dr Noel Weeks' academic estate. It includes a tribute to Dr Weeks by Siddall and Jackson.
Amongst the many narrative strategies in the recent " global turn " in the history of science, one commonly finds attempts to complement the single European story by multiplying histories of knowledge-making in as many different regional... more
В края на XIX век археологията се оформя като наука, през този период са написани трудовете на Едуард Тейлър -"Примитивната култура" и на Джеймс Фрейзър -"Златната клонка" в 12 тома, които се стремят да дадат обяснение на обществото през... more
Through the content analysis of Matsumoto Nobuhiro’s pre-war writings, the PhD thesis examines Japan’s pre-war academic perspective of Southeast Asia and Indochina. Matsumoto Nobuhiro was one of early ethnologists and one of the two... more
Anthropology is plural, not singular, and only a section of its history is decided within universities. A critical re-examination of the work of Lord Raglan demonstrates that retaining an overly academic conception of anthropology... more
Fr. W. Schmidt is usually associated with the theory of primitive monotheism, diffusionism, and the concept of cultural circles. His impressive attempt to do both Christian apolo-getics and empirical science in the field of ethnology and... more
Resumo: Este trabalho descreve uma oposição entre a História Nacional e a História Geral que gera problemas para o ensino de História, tanto em nível dos conteúdos da cultura local quanto em aspectos macronarrativos. Para tal propósito,... more
La teoria del paleo-contatto tra Vecchio e Nuovo continente prevede sostanzialmente che nell' antichità, generalmente tra il IV e il II millennio a.C., gruppi di popoli provenienti dal Vecchio continente si siano spostati nelle Americhe,... more
If the 18th century was the century of the rediscovery of man, in all his varieties, through voyages of exploration and Enlightenment ideas, the 19th century was undoubtedly the century of the rediscovery of Europe, of its deep past and... more
"Come é sorta la Vita? Come si é evoluta? Quante e quali problematiche ha dovuto affrontare? Quanti miracoli scientifici sono dovuti occorrere perchè si arrivasse da semplici molecole chimiche fino a noi esseri umani senzienti? Forse le... more
This article suggests the relevance of diffusionism in discussing the past, the present, and the future of the International Relations (IR) norm diffusion literature. The paper argues, thus, that IR norm research has reproduced the... more
C'est en Équateur, pendant une passionnante mission de cinq ans, que Paul Rivet, médecin militaire de formation, découvre sa vocation d'ethnologue. De retour en France, il redéfinit les missions de l'ethnologie, délaissant... more
MYTHS AND GENES: Dualistic Cosmogonies in Cross-Cultural Perspective. Moscow: URSS, 2009 Summary 1. The spatial distribution of folklore-mythological motifs is shown to correlate rather tightly with the distribution of mitochondrial DNA... more
This paper examines the beginnings of Austrian studies on ancient Mexico by analyzing the work of Damian Kreichgauer and Friedrich Röck in the early twentieth century. Both argued that a priest elite intentionally “coded” astronomical... more
Come può l'archeologia essere il riflesso della vita religiosa? Come possono i monumenti antichi illuminarci sulla diversa sensibilità e sulla visione del mondo delle civiltà? Questo lavoro tecnico del giovane Langbehn ci mette a diretto... more