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In this chapter, I first discuss assumptions of dialogue theory based on the work of Martin Buber’s (1958) classic “I–Thou” relationship in terms of shared perspectives and the mutuality of dialogue. Second, I discuss the processing of... more
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      Self-KnowledgeDialogue StudiesMartin BuberImagined Interactions
Exploration of INTERSUBJECTIVITY is continued. Different kinds of if are differentiated and signs for its presence and effects are shown. The difference between it, subjectivity and objectivity are explored. Intersubjectivity is crucial... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPhilosophyPhilosophy Of LanguageAnalytic Philosophy
I esteem this essay to be one of the most significant essays I have ever written; it performs with John 6 something similar to what J. Louis Martyn achieved with John 9. Note, however, that four or five crises, or dialogical engagements,... more
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      ReligionGnosticismSociology of ReligionRhetoric
In Syria, interfaith dialogue constitutes a public practice that speaks to ethical, social and political imaginaries. As an official practice, it helps to provide the regime with religious legitimacy, though unofficially it often... more
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      ReligionChristianitySociology of ReligionPhilosophy
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      PhilologyEmotionGeographyHuman Geography
What, if anything, is the correlation between the specialized or technical ideas of the philosopher and the rest of his existence? His everyday life outside his philosophical role. In the specialized reality and reality constitution, when... more
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Dialogue is hardwired into the very matrix of video games, not only because they are an interactive medium but because they are an active one: they react to input by players and can offer their own input. From the beginning, rule... more
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      Video GamesDialogue Studies
The rhetoric of dialogue is sometimes adopted rather uncritically in academic, organizational, and policy circles. Too often that rhetoric is deployed with little understanding of the variety of principles and practices enacted in... more
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      Policy Analysis/Policy StudiesCommunicationIntercultural CommunicationInterpersonal Communication
The better quality pdf is downloadible from here: " Through recent artistic practices and technology of interactive systems for music, composition and... more
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      Applied MathematicsSet TheoryAlgorithmsHuman Computer Interaction
"This publication is the first manual for the inter-religious dialogue in the youth work. In the youth-friendly way it presents the theoretical basis for this dialogue, good examples, sample scenarios, lists what's important to remember... more
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      ReligionDialogueNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)Youth Work
In Bakhtin and Genre Theory in Biblical Studies; Semeia Studies 63. Edited by Roland Boer (Atlanta: SBL Press, 2007, pp. 133-59). This essay connects the Johannine misunderstanding dialogues with Jesus with several crises in the Johannine... more
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      Critical TheoryRhetoricComposition and RhetoricNew Testament
Estudio del diálogo en el Quijote desde el punto de vista funcional, para poner en evidencia los conflictos de autoridad sobre la enunciación entre el narrador y los personajes. El modelo de la novela moderna, con su dialogismo implícito... more
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      DialogueDialogue StudiesDialogismCervantes
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      Dialogue StudiesDialogic PedagogyDialogical Teaching
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      Conversation AnalysisDialogue StudiesNarrative TheoryBiblical Interpretation
When historians claim to maintain a “dialogue with the past,” this metaphor is usually interpreted in epistemological terms. Although this is not necessarily wrong, the present article presents a broader reading of the metaphor by arguing... more
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      Intellectual HistoryEthicsVirtue EthicsHistoriography
Multidisciplinary academic journal exploring the theory and practice of dialogue
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      DiversityDialogueCooperative InquiryDialogue Studies
The article analyzes the Raggionamento della Signora Amorosa (1569) by Gasparo Boschini, a rare and little known love treatise which is interesting for the study of women’s role in Italian Renaissance dialogues. It allows enriching of the... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesWomen's HistoryItalian Studies
Abstract: The challenges of the leadership faced by the dialogical coach, are: to succeed in opening a permanent thoughtful and reflective space, focusing on dialogue. The dialogical coach faces the growing complexity and acts as a... more
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      Coaching PsychologyDialogueDialogical PsychologyDialogue Studies
Imaginary dialogues had the advantage of emphasizing rationalism and removing argument from the realm of passion and violence. While they were used often in both anti- and pro-slavery literature of the United States, along with other... more
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      American LiteratureNineteenth Century StudiesLiteratureDialogue
WHEN the ARTICLE ‘If Philosophy Won’t Diversify’ by J. L. Garfield and B. W. Van Norden appeared in The New York Times (May 11, 2016), some friends urged me to write a rejoinder. And so I did, while in the midst of marking essays and exam... more
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      PhilosophyLatin American PhilosophyIntercultural CommunicationComparative Philosophy
This paper’s aim is to explore Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics in order to draw out implications for the ethics of dialogue. Through examining key interconnected components in Gadamer’s theory, I highlight the openness to the other... more
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      EthicsPraxisDialogueDialogue Studies
This article suggests that culturally appropriate conflict resolution edu- cation in cross-cultural settings can best be achieved through a dialogi- cal approach to education. The article briefly summarizes the discussion about the... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesTraining and DevelopmentComplexity TheoryDialogue
Textbook on the Theology of Religions
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      ReligionComparative ReligionTheologySpirituality
This paper seeks to identify the role of play in the design and function of Socratic dialogue as practiced in community of philosophical inquiry (CPI) in classrooms. It reviews the ideas of some major play theorists from various fields of... more
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      Dialogue StudiesPhilosophy of PlayPHILOSOPHY FOR CHILDRENPhilosophy for Children (P4C)
This paper explores the potential use of Gadamer's hermeneutical concept of play as a tool to understand and explore interreligious dialogue. In particular it brings this into a discussion about interreligious dialogue understood as... more
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      ReligionHermeneuticsDialogueTheological Hermeneutics
Multi-stakeholder dialogues (MSDs) are initiatives devoted to participative processes of consultation and decision-making (Hemmati, 2002). They involve national and international actors such as businesses, governments, NGOs and civil... more
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      DialogueCommunication EthicsDialogue StudiesStakeholder Theory
From restorative justice literature in general. two conceptions of restorative justice processing can be discerned. The one is a modest conception based on individual (dispositional) theories of crime and the other is an expansive view... more
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      Social PsychologyCriminal LawCriminal JusticePeace and Conflict Studies
Three significant questions arise when we consider the compatibility of religion and human rights. Each of these questions is at the heart of the encounter between religion and the State. More specifically, in the context of this... more
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      Political PhilosophyJewish StudiesPeace and Conflict StudiesHuman Rights
This study explores the idea of music being used in interreligious engagements involving Muslims, both so non-Muslims can be aware of Muslim sensitivities and so Muslims can positively contribute to such types of engagement. After... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationPeace and Conflict StudiesLiturgical StudiesEthnomusicology
The report broaches the difficulties in naming ‘violent extremism’, offering examples of problematic language use and drawing on relevant work in the field of cognitive linguistics. This work reflects the Dialogue Society’s ongoing... more
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      Media StudiesJournalismTerrorismPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/Populism
"This chapter frames one of the greatest challenges of our time: the invention of methods and technologies that harness the collective intelligence and wisdom of thousands of stakeholders working together on a complex societal systemic... more
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      Democracy and Cyber-Democracy Theory and PracticeParticipatory Action ResearchAction ResearchDesign Methods
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      DiversityDialogueCooperative InquiryDialogue Studies
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      Renaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismGenreDialogue
: One of the epistemological results emerging from this initial study, is that the different forms of co-relational inference, known in the Islamic jurisprudence as qiyās represent an innovative and sophisticated form of reasoning that... more
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      JurisprudenceLogicInternational LawDialogue
This paper examines the complex orality-literacy issues related to the immense popularity of the written dialogue during the European Renaissance. Three hypotheses purport to explain the attractiveness of this form in the wake of Humanism... more
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      Renaissance StudiesDialogueDialogue StudiesDialogism
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      DialogueJewish - Christian RelationsDialogue StudiesInterreligious Dialogue and Education
ABSTRACT What makes the co-construction of a new alliance between school-adolescents-family and territory topical, necessary, vital and imperative? The 21st century started with one of the most significant and profound educational... more
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      Social PsychologyTeacher EducationCoaching PsychologyCoaching (Education)
The term ‘dialogue’ has its origin in the study of human language, where it is regarded primarily as a form of discourse, and hence as a pragmatic-level phenomenon. However, ‘dialogue’ is nowadays also used to denote human-computer... more
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      Discourse AnalysisCognitive PsychologyComputer ScienceHuman Computer Interaction
Violence and conflict still continue all over the globe. Much of this violence stem from ethnic, religious and other “mental fences” that people have been educated from childhood. These boundaries and loyalties divide people in the... more
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesCommunity Engagement & ParticipationCommunity Development
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesPost-conflict Reconstruction and DevelopmentDialogue
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      ChristianityJewish StudiesDialogueJewish - Christian Relations
The Northern Ireland Troubles have featured in film since the late 1940s. While a variety of films have depicted combatants – in most cases from the republican side – a recurring trope in such representations has been the often... more
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      Irish StudiesAvant-Garde CinemaFilm StudiesEuropean Cinema
This paper examines Dialogue as a managerial fashion that has emerged since the early 1990s, and has spread across various organisations. While the early parts of the paper rely on well-tried approaches to and arguments about the... more
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      ManagementInterpersonal CommunicationOrganizational CommunicationOrganizational Theory
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      Abrahamic ReligionsEducationJewish StudiesHistory of Christianity
Dialogue, as a concept, is often seen as both central to and a prerequisite for philosophical understanding, especially across cultural divides. I wish to reposition dialogue from being a force for unity and transcendence, to being a... more
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      African PhilosophyDialogueGilles DeleuzeDeleuze
A CIP catalogue record for this book has been applied for at the Library of Congress.
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      TheodicyByzantine StudiesAugustineLate Antiquity
This article reflects on the jazzy nature of media ecology as a mode of inquiry, and then explores a series of media ecology related topics by proceeding in this mode. It downplays the thingness of "thought thought," and reveals the... more
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      AristotleMedia EcologyDialogueZen
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      DialogueDialogue StudiesInterreligious Dialogue and EducationInterreligious Dialogue
Resum: En l'article s'analitzen dos aspectes de l'obra de Cristòfol Despuig, Los col·loquis de la insigne ciutat de Tortosa, de la segona meitat del segle XVI: un de formal, genèric (la nova historiografia), i un de pensament i actitud... more
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      Catalan StudiesRenaissance StudiesCatalan Modern LiteratureDialogue