Dialogue Studies
Recent papers in Dialogue Studies
Ubuntu is an African moral force and worldview that has held its primal societies peacefully together. It is interesting to observe that contemporary awareness of this concept in scholarship particularly associates Ubuntu with potentials... more
Self-translation and bilingual writing are drawing increasing critical attention in literary and translation studies. Bilingual writing can cover a wide range of phenomena involving varying degrees of bilingualism. Scholarly focus has... more
The centrality of feedback is undeniable in education. However, not all feedback effectively encourages learning or improves performance due to predicaments in feedback delivery and receptivity. Several studies suggest other ways where... more
Dialogue and polemic are important sources documenting confessional strives between Catholics and Utraquists in the 15th century, widely used by historians. Unfortunately, they have not been theoretically reected. By adopting some... more
In 2008, the Council of Europe Ministers of Foreign Affairs set out a new framework for approaching ethno-religious diversity within member states. As a direct response to expressed concerns about the failure of multiculturalism, or at... more
The association between the concept of dialogue and the expansion of digital media in public relations started as a theoretical “promise” and was later followed by a feeling of disappointment. This article argues that the dialogic promise... more
William of Ockham’s best known political work, "Dialogus inter magistrum et discipulum" (ca. 1332-1347), was republished in Frankfurt in 1614 by the prolific editor Melchior Goldast. The work contains an intense and close debate, a... more
Open Alternative Textbook Initiative book focusing on small group communication and related themes.
Najobszerniejszy jak dotąd wybór twórczości eseistycznej Krzysztofa Czyżewskiego umiejscawia Europę Środkową w samym środku najważniejszych dla współczesnego świata pytań i problemów: kryzysu wspólnotowości, pogłębiających się podziałów i... more
From restorative justice literature in general. two conceptions of restorative justice processing can be discerned. The one is a modest conception based on individual (dispositional) theories of crime and the other is an expansive view... more
This handbook is a basic facilitation guide for community dialogue, written specifically for the Myanmar context. This guide uses the framework of skills, knowledge and values for dialogue, and includes sections on: principles, roles,... more
Dialogue is hardwired into the very matrix of video games, not only because they are an interactive medium but because they are an active one: they react to input by players and can offer their own input. From the beginning, rule... more
Sacrosanctum Concilium 33 offers a vision of the liturgy as dialogue between God and His people, connected to a didactic dimension. From this perspective, the Magisterium of the Church has developed a reflection on this vision of liturgy... more
علي عباس عبد الجليل (باحث دكتوراة تخصص:اتصال وتنمية بالمدرسة الوطنية العليا للعلوم السياسية بالجزائر) [email protected] الحوار شمال جنوب مقدمة: عرفت العلاقات بين الدول النامية والغربية منذ القدم ﻋﻼﻗﺎﺕ ﻗﺎﺋﻣﺔ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﻣﺻﻠﺣﺔ... more
AUTUMN 2003 THE JEWISH QUARTERLY 93 'We are proposing a kind of collective inquiry not only into the content of what each of us says, thinks and feels but also into the underlying motivations, assumptions and beliefs that lead us to do... more
Imaginary dialogues had the advantage of emphasizing rationalism and removing argument from the realm of passion and violence. While they were used often in both anti- and pro-slavery literature of the United States, along with other... more
This paper tackles three questions: (1) why did Augustine choose the literary genre of the philosophical, 'scenic' dialogue for his early works after his conversion? (2) Why did he soon abandon this model in favour of... more
I esteem this essay to be one of the most significant essays I have ever written; it performs with John 6 something similar to what J. Louis Martyn achieved with John 9. Note, however, that four or five crises, or dialogical engagements,... more
Exploration of INTERSUBJECTIVITY is continued. Different kinds of if are differentiated and signs for its presence and effects are shown. The difference between it, subjectivity and objectivity are explored. Intersubjectivity is crucial... more
What, if anything, is the correlation between the specialized or technical ideas of the philosopher and the rest of his existence? His everyday life outside his philosophical role. In the specialized reality and reality constitution, when... more
Estudio del diálogo en el Quijote desde el punto de vista funcional, para poner en evidencia los conflictos de autoridad sobre la enunciación entre el narrador y los personajes. El modelo de la novela moderna, con su dialogismo implícito... more
The rhetoric of dialogue is sometimes adopted rather uncritically in academic, organizational, and policy circles. Too often that rhetoric is deployed with little understanding of the variety of principles and practices enacted in... more
The better quality pdf is downloadible from here: "http://www.leoalmanac.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/LEAVol19No3-Mailman.pdf Through recent artistic practices and technology of interactive systems for music, composition and... more
Aristotle has been continuously at the frontier of philosophical reflection for almost 2400 years. Throughout the 20th century the influence of his practical philosophy has been growing. His «non-modernist» concept of phrónêsis or... more
In order to offer a typology of dialogue that captures the complex and multifaceted nature of dialogues, we should take into account two factors: (1) the basic kind of interaction between the two interlocutors; the wide variety of... more
The article analyzes the Raggionamento della Signora Amorosa (1569) by Gasparo Boschini, a rare and little known love treatise which is interesting for the study of women’s role in Italian Renaissance dialogues. It allows enriching of the... more
Article rédigé en vue de l'obtention du diplôme de fin d'études spécialisées en médiation, gestion des conflits et interculturalité par la Chaire Unesco de l'Université catholique de Lyon. L'article analyse deux modèles d'écoles en... more
Can dialogue prevent conflict? Perhaps. But, the question that advocates of the dialogue thesis must answer is this: why would the powerful subject themselves to questionings about and challenges to their power and their conduct?... more
The purpose of the study was a critical analysis on stakeholders' interrelation and students discipline in Kenyan schools. For discipline to be upheld different stakeholders have to come together and forge a healthy interrelation. That is... more
In this chapter, I first discuss assumptions of dialogue theory based on the work of Martin Buber’s (1958) classic “I–Thou” relationship in terms of shared perspectives and the mutuality of dialogue. Second, I discuss the processing of... more
In the present paper, some preliminary findings regarding the structure of multimodal utterances in Polish task-oriented dialogues are discussed. The analysed material included six dialogue sessions. Instruction giver's utterances were... more
La obra que aquí se estudia es como un mensaje en una botella lanzado a un mar de revueltas corrientes estéticas y políticas. Su estilo oscila entre la falta de pretensiones y el deseo de emular y a la vez comentar implícitamente los usos... more
What does interreligious dialogue look like from different religious perspectives? What does it do? One way of answering these questions is by examining historical examples of “religious dialogue”. These illustrate first-hand the rhetoric... more
In Bakhtin and Genre Theory in Biblical Studies; Semeia Studies 63. Edited by Roland Boer (Atlanta: SBL Press, 2007, pp. 133-59). This essay connects the Johannine misunderstanding dialogues with Jesus with several crises in the Johannine... more
This study explores the idea of music being used in interreligious engagements involving Muslims, both so non-Muslims can be aware of Muslim sensitivities and so Muslims can positively contribute to such types of engagement. After... more
Uno dei modi privilegiati attraverso cui i personaggi di un’opera letteraria prendono corpo e acquisiscono realtà è la rappresentazione diretta dei loro discorsi: i dialoghi ci restituiscono, attraverso la mimesi delle sue parole, la voce... more
http://www.transconflict.com/2020/05/humanity-language-conflict-and-violence-part-thr ee/ 4. Language-based violence, language as a collective body, Isocratic tradition, and Aristotle's " ho apolis "
ABSTRACT What makes the co-construction of a new alliance between school-adolescents-family and territory topical, necessary, vital and imperative? The 21st century started with one of the most significant and profound educational... more
These can be revie wed more fu ίly in the afσrernerιtioned book (Anderson, Christology). ιη it the judgment is made that whi!e Johann ine smdίes have indeed advanced significantly over the ίast half-cent;ιry, studies whicJiι do F!Ot come... more
Multidisciplinary academic journal exploring the theory and practice of dialogue