Developmental Transformations
Recent papers in Developmental Transformations
In this discovery-oriented psychotherapy research study, hypotheses on the nature of therapeutic play in Developmental Transformations drama therapy sessions, and the possible relationship between this therapeutic play and violent... more
""ÍNDICE Sobre cartografías antropológicas. De lo universal a lo particular………………………………………………..............….7 Primera operativa de conexión/desconexión: otras marcas….18 Segunda operativa de desconexión/conexión... more
In the context of my research on Mahima Dharma, I came across many incidents of healing. I was, again and again, told by Mahima Dharmees how they miraculously got cured from snake bites, sick-ness and divers diseases. It became quite dear... more
In the process of learning mathematics, students practice various forms of thinking activities aimed to substantially contribute to the development of their different cognitive structures. In this paper, the subject matter is a "cognitive... more
Un atelier avec Aya Blandine N'guessan sur le thème de Partir (la perte d'un être cher) -Arriver (réussir à dépasser ce problème dans la créativité) ou Revenir (se recentrer sur soi par une métempsychose théâtrale) en créant une sorte de... more
This monograph focuses on the archaization of a society in the period of modern social transformations. It describes the main characteristics of the process, its structure, subjects, objects and reasons.
This study explores whether a client with a history of violence who actively represents acts of violence within the imaginative conditions of the playspace in the developmental transformations method of drama therapy will experience less... more
The Routledge International Handbook of Dramatherapy is destined to be a valuable resource for students, professionals and those who are curious about the field of dramatherapy, as it is spelled in the United Kingdom, or drama therapy as... more