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Variable rainfall distribution and terrain make surface water harvesting and storage a challenge in many developing countries. The overall goal of this study is to collect and develop information required to equip extension,... more
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      Environmental ScienceWater qualityLatin AmericaWater Supply
Geometric design of quadratic and cubic developable Be Âzier patches from two boundary curves is studied in this paper. The conditions for developability are derived geometrically from the de Casteljau algorithm and expressed as a set of... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringComputer Aided DesignHigher Order ThinkingDevelopable Surface
New image processing methods and active photonics apparatus have made possible the development of relatively inexpensive optical systems for complex shape and object measurements. We present dynamic 360° scanning method for analysis of... more
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      AlgorithmsImage ProcessingPhotonicsData Visualization
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      EngineeringTechnologyCarbonPhysical Activity
Microelectromechanical system (MEMS) microswitches are receiving increasing attention, particularly in the RF community. Low power consumption, low insertion loss, high isolation, excellent linearity, and the ability to be integrated with... more
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      Low Power ConsumptionDevelopable SurfaceInsertion LossElectrostatic Actuator
Fascinating and elegant shapes may be folded from a single planar sheet of material without stretching, tearing or cutting, if one incor- porates curved folds into the design. We present an optimization- based computational framework for... more
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      Industrial DesignDevelopable Surface
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      Environmental EngineeringMechanical EngineeringAdaptationMetal Forming
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 2 3 ( 2 0 0 7 ) 844-854 a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . i n t l . e l s e v i e r h e a l t h . c o m / j o u r n a l s / d e m a Dental... more
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      EngineeringOsseointegrationTitaniumDental Materials
Figure 1: Top left: Reconstruction of a car model based on a felt design by Gregory Epps. Close-ups of the hood and the rear wheelhouse are shown on the left. The fold lines are highlighted on the car's development. Top right and bottom:... more
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      Information SystemsIndustrial DesignDifferential GeometryDevelopable Surface
In this experimental study some statistical calculations have been made to eliminate quality problems such as undesirable tolerance limits and out of circularity of spherodial cast iron parts during machining. X-R control charts have been... more
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      Statistical Process ControlSurface RoughnessStatistical Quality ControlCase Study
Osservando la quadratura sulla volta della chiesa di San Matteo (affrescata tra 1717 e 1719 da Giuseppe e Francesco Melani) si notano alcune difformità. Né i basamenti né le cornici degli ordini disegnati seguono del tutto l’andamento di... more
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      Architectural HistoryArchitectural TheoryLinear PerspectiveDevelopable Surface
Paper, sheet metal, and many other materials are approximately unstretchable. The surfaces obtained by bending these materials can be flattened onto a plane without stretching or tearing. More precisely, there exists a transformation that... more
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      Computer AnimationComputer Aided Geometric DesignDevelopable SurfaceComputer Graphic
: Conical meshes are planar quad meshes which discretize principal curvature lines, possess offset meshes at a constant distance as well as planar connecting elements supporting the offset meshes (left). Therefore they are especially... more
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      Information SystemsGeometric modelArchitectural DesignModel development
The influence of flood conditions upon traditional cob construction is little understood. This paper investigates cob materials ability to resist flood situations and documents basic failure mechanisms. This work also investigates the... more
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      Civil EngineeringStructural IntegrityLiterature ReviewCase Study
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      Applied MathematicsPure MathematicsDevelopable SurfaceElectrical And Electronic Engineering
A constructive geometric approach to developable rational B6zier and B-spline surfaces is presented. It is based on the dual representation in the sense of projective geometry. By the principle of duality, projective algorithms for NURBS... more
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      EngineeringTensor product semigroupsNURBSMathematical Sciences
Designing surfaces with antifouling and antimicrobial properties has an important route to solve problems, such as infections and fouling, in healthcare and industrial applications. Recently, there has been considerable interest in... more
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      Materials EngineeringSystem DevelopmentIndustrial ApplicationDevelopable Surface
Despite many synthetic biomaterials having physical properties that are comparable or even superior to those of natural body tissues, they frequently fail due to the adverse physiological reactions they cause within the human body, such... more
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      BiofilmsMultidisciplinarySurface modificationHuman Body
The combination of fashion and transformation frames a current reality where the subjects and their dressing practices are the objects of processes of a constantly mutating identity building. At the centre of the debate on fashion design... more
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      Fashion designDesign PatternsDevelopable SurfaceModellazione 3D
The technology of obtaining active carbon from anthracite mined in Siberia is described. The effect of the activating agent, anthracite/activator ratio and activation temperature has been tested. The activation either with KOH or NaOH has... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringActivated CarbonFuel
We report herein on extensive post-mortem analysis of rechargeable Li-ion batteries after prolonged cycling at 25 and 40 8C. The 18650-type batteries produced by standard procedure at LG Chem. Inc. were comprised of graphitic carbon... more
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      EngineeringMass SpectrometryImpedance SpectroscopySurface Chemistry
ruled surfaces of degree 2m, whose shape is guided by m ϩ 1 control lines and m frame lines. This is an advantage In this paper, geometric design problems for rational ruled surfaces are studied. We investigate a line geometric control... more
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      Tensor product semigroupsGeometry ProcessingDevelopable SurfaceGeometric Control
Energy consumption a b s t r a c t This paper presents an attempt to make the alkaline electrolytic production of hydrogen more efficient by adding in situ activating compounds in ionic and complex form. Cobalt and tungsten based ionic... more
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      EngineeringCatalysisHydrogen EnergyEnergy Saving
Developable surfaces are modelled with pieces of right circular cones. These cone spline surfaces are well-suited for applications: They possess degree two parametric and implicit representations. Bending sequences and the development can... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringComputer Aided DesignNURBSBezier Curve
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      EngineeringInorganic ChemistryBiomedical EngineeringWater
At present, nanoparticles are used for various biomedical applications where they facilitate laboratory diagnostics and therapeutics. More specifically for drug delivery purposes, the use of nanoparticles is attracting increasing... more
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      Drug deliveryCancer TherapySurface modificationAdvanced Drug Delivery Research
d e n t a l m a t e r i a l s 2 3 ( 2 0 0 7 ) 844-854 a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . i n t l . e l s e v i e r h e a l t h . c o m / j o u r n a l s / d e m a Dental... more
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      EngineeringOsseointegrationTitaniumDental Materials
Dual characterizations of the Bertrand offset-surfaces are given and some results are obtained in terms of their integral invariants. A new characterization of Bertrand offsets of developable surfaces is given. Moreover, some... more
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      Applied MathematicsDevelopable SurfaceNumerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringHeat TransferEvaporation
Motivated by applications in architecture and manufacturing, we discuss the problem of covering a freeform surface by single curved panels. This leads to the new concept of semi-discrete surface representation, which constitutes a link... more
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      Information SystemsModel developmentDevelopable SurfaceDiscrete Differential Geometry
Since neural networks have been widely applied to the nonlinear transfer function approximation, we present an empirical neural network algorithm to estimate major parameters in surface waters from combined optical data and microwave data... more
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      AlgorithmsRemote SensingWater qualityNeural Networks
Reliable and repeatable field sampling methods are needed for monitoring ecosystem optical properties linked to carbon flux. Here we describe a tram system, consisting of a dual-detector spectrometer mounted on a robotic cart for mobile... more
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      Remote SensingCarbon DioxideSeasonalitySampling methods
Various dynamic soil chemistry models have been developed to gain insight into impacts of atmospheric deposition of sulphur, nitrogen and other elements on soil and soil solution chemistry. Sorption parameters for anions and cations are... more
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      SoilTrace MetalsEnvironmental MonitoringSoil Chemistry
Experiments were conducted to examine soil erosion by headcut development and upstream migration in rills typical of upland areas. Soil material, simulated rain, overland flow discharge, and initial headcut height were held constant in... more
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      GeologyGeomorphologySoil ErosionSteady state
The consequences of external sulfate attack were investigated by traditional test methods, i.e. length and mass change, as well as by a newly developed, surface sensitive ultrasonic method, using Leaky Rayleigh waves (1 MHz). The... more
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      Civil EngineeringThermodynamicsKineticsBuilding
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      EngineeringMaterials EngineeringChemistrySolar Cell
Superhydrophobic surfaces display water contact angles greater than 150°in conjunction with low contact angle hysteresis. Microscopic pockets of air trapped beneath the water droplets placed on these surfaces lead to a composite... more
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      ThermodynamicsMultidisciplinaryContact angleDevelopable Surface
By its dual representation, a developable surface can be viewed as a curve of dual projective 3-space. After introducing an appropriate metric in the dual space and restricting ourselves to special parametrizations of the surfaces... more
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      EngineeringNURBSMathematical SciencesComputer Aided Geometric Design
In this article, we obtain all nonplanar cylindrical surfaces in the Minkowski space 3 1 with pointwise 1-type Gauss map of the second kind. We also prove that right circular cones and hyperbolic cones in 3 1 are the only cones in 3 1... more
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      Developable SurfaceCylinderCone
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      Civil EngineeringGeophysicsDevelopable SurfaceHazard Assessment
Developable surfaces have many desired properties in manufacturing process. Since most existing CAD systems utilize parametric surfaces as the design primitive, there is a great demand in industry to convert a parametric surface within a... more
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      Global OptimizationDevelopable Surface
This paper deals with the problem 'which knots or links in 3-space bound flat (immersed) compact surfaces?' In a forthcoming paper by the author, it is proven that any simple closed space curve can be deformed until it bounds a flat... more
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      Pure MathematicsDevelopable SurfaceLower BoundSingular Point
This paper presents an attempt to make the alkaline electrolytic production of hydrogen more efficient by adding in situ activating compounds in ionic and complex form. Cobalt and tungsten based ionic activators (i.a.), added directly... more
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      EngineeringChemistryCatalysisHydrogen Energy
This paper presents aspects related to the generation and tracking of closed trajectories over an arbitrary surface of unknown geometry. Such a capacity is required in some of the most important industrial robotic tasks, like the cutting... more
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      RoboticsComputational GeometryImage AnalysisIndustrial Engineering
This paper presents an attempt to make the alkaline electrolytic production of hydrogen more efficient by adding in situ activating compounds in ionic and complex form. Cobalt and tungsten based ionic activators (i.a.), added directly... more
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      EngineeringCatalysisHydrogen EnergyEnergy Saving
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      Information SystemsComputer VisionPhotographyStructure from Motion
We present a novel and effective method for modeling a developable surface to simulate paper bending in interactive and animation applications. The method exploits the representation of a developable surface as the envelope of rectifying... more
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    • Developable Surface
Studies from U.S. and Russian literature on experimental and theoretical investigations of thermionic converters with developed emitter surfaces are reviewed and analyzed. Experimental data for these converters is compared with that for... more
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      Energy ConversionDevelopable SurfaceMathematical ModelWork Function
In this experimental study some statistical calculations have been made to eliminate quality problems such as undesirable tolerance limits and out of circularity of spherodial cast iron parts during machining. X–R control charts have been... more
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      EngineeringStatistical Process ControlSurface RoughnessStatistical Quality Control