Papers by Emilio J. González Galván
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 2019
This article presents a simple procedure that allows a practical design of fractional –[Formula: ... more This article presents a simple procedure that allows a practical design of fractional –[Formula: see text] controllers for single-input single-output linear time-invariant fractional-order systems subject to a constant time delay. The methodology is based on a geometric approach, which provides practical guidelines to design stabilizing and non-fragile PDμ controllers. The simplicity of the proposed approach is illustrated by considering several numerical examples encountered in the control literature. Moreover, with the aim of showing the performance of the PDμ over a classical PD controller, both controllers were implemented at the end of the article in an experimental test-bench consisting a teleoperated robotic system.
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and Reviews), 2008
Page 1. 600 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICSPART C: APPLICATIONS AND REVIEWS, ... more Page 1. 600 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICSPART C: APPLICATIONS AND REVIEWS, VOL. 38, NO. 4, JULY 2008 Optimization of Industrial, Vision-Based, Intuitively Generated Robot Point-Allocating Tasks Using Genetic Algorithms ...
Sensors, 2022
Video tracking involves detecting previously designated objects of interest within a sequence of ... more Video tracking involves detecting previously designated objects of interest within a sequence of image frames. It can be applied in robotics, unmanned vehicles, and automation, among other fields of interest. Video tracking is still regarded as an open problem due to a number of obstacles that still need to be overcome, including the need for high precision and real-time results, as well as portability and low-power demands. This work presents the design, implementation and assessment of a low-power embedded system based on an SoC-FPGA platform and the honeybee search algorithm (HSA) for real-time video tracking. HSA is a meta-heuristic that combines evolutionary computing and swarm intelligence techniques. Our findings demonstrated that the combination of SoC-FPGA and HSA reduced the consumption of computational resources, allowing real-time multiprocessing without a reduction in precision, and with the advantage of lower power consumption, which enabled portability. A starker diff...
Automatika ‒ Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications, 2016
Original scientific paper This paper addresses the position-control problem with variable gains f... more Original scientific paper This paper addresses the position-control problem with variable gains for robot manipulators. We present a new regulator based on a hyperbolic-sine structure with tuning rules for control gains. It is demonstrated that the equilibrium point of the closed-loop system is globally, asymptotically stable according to Lyapunov theory. By using a similar methodology, this concept can be extended to other unbounded controllers such as PD and PID. In order to show the usefulness of the proposed scheme and with the purpose of validating its asymptotical stability property, an experimental comparison involving constant gains controllers, for example: simple PD, PID and hyperbolic-tangent schemes vs variable-gains hyperbolic-sine and PD control schemes, was performed by using a three degree-of-freedom, direct-drive robot manipulator.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 2010
Die am 9. M~trz ausgeNhrte Obduktion ergibt auszugsweise folgenden Befund: Hautblutungen. Grfinli... more Die am 9. M~trz ausgeNhrte Obduktion ergibt auszugsweise folgenden Befund: Hautblutungen. Grfinlieh gefarbte Auflagerungen an den Seh~tdelknoehen und auf tier Dura. Sehmutzig grtingef~rbte knotige Infiltrate tier grossen Siehel. hn Plexus ehoroideus 2 granliehe Knoten. Bis nussgrosse griine Knoten im Unterhautzellgewebe der Brust, zwisehen den Brustmuskeln und im Nammagewebe. Grt~nfarbung der Knorpelansfitze der gippen. Fl~iehenhaftb find kn0tige, grasgrtine, dleke Infiltrate an beiden Seiten des Sternums. Die vergrSsserten Halslymphdrtisen ohne Grttn-f~irbung. Beide Tonsillen vergrSssert, sehmutzig gran; beim Einsehneiden entleert sieh tibelrieehender, fetziger, grttnlieher Inhalt. Follikel am Zungengrund vergrSssert, sehmutzig grau. Grfine Knoten und grfine flaehenhafte Infiltrate an tier Herzmuskulatur und am Epikard und in der Gefassseheide der grossen Gef~isse. Grtingeffirbte bronehiale Driisen. Zahh'eiehe griingefarbte Knoten und Infiltrate im parietalen Blatt des Peritoneum, im grossen Netz, im Mesokolon und den Appendices epiploicae. Milz 480 g sehwer, 20 X 12 X 6 em. Einige graugrtine Herde an tier Oberfi~tehe. Am Durehsehnitt die Pulpa graurStlieh mit ether grtintiehen Nuance. Grtiugefarbte Stellen sieht man nut an der Peripherie der grSsseren Gefassdurehsehnitte. Hilusdrtisen der Milz vergrSssert, gram Leber 3030 g sehwer; plump; diffus infiltriert. In beiden Nieren pr~tehtig gr/ine arkadenartig zwisehen RiMe und Mark sieh ausbreitende Infiltrate und grgne Knoten. hn Douglas, in der Exeavatio vesieouterina und reetouterina, im peritonealen Ueberzug des Uterus und auf den Ovarien bald flaehe, bald buekelige grtine Infiltrate. An der hinteren Flgehe des Corpus uteri wSlbt sieh ein grfiner Knoten ~ber das Niveau hervor. Der etwa 10era lunge Uterus ist fast diffus graugrfin ge-f~rbt. Naeh ErSffnung desselben and Ausr~umung eines dunkelroten Blutgerinnsels erseheint die Sehleimhaut des Fundus wie des Cerviealkanals dureh ein grasgrtines Infiltrat 9 verdiekt. Reiehliehe Blutpunkte im Cavum, im griinen Infiltrat geben ein buntesFarbenbild. Aueh dieMuskelsehiehten, die im Corpus etwa 2 em, im Cervix lem dick sind, sind dureh eine grfine Aftermasse infiltriert, die zum Teil diffus die Uteruswand durehsetzt, zum Tell in Form griiner Knoten eingesprengt ist. Die vordere und hintere Muttermunds]ippe ist dureh grtine knotige Infiltrate wulstig verdiekt. In der Vagina normale Verhaltnisse. Taf. I Fig. 1. Sonst fanden sieh noeh reichliehe grane Periostinfiltrate zu beiden Seiten der Wirbelsaule und an der Vorderseite des Kreuzbeines.
Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XI: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision, 1992
Using the method of camera-space manipulation, high-precision, 3-dimensional rigid-body positioni... more Using the method of camera-space manipulation, high-precision, 3-dimensional rigid-body positioning tasks have been performed with a holonomic, six-axis, GMF S-400 robot. Further development, aimed at expanding the usable region of the robot's workspace; and at achieving the higher precision enabled by a narrower field of view for the cameras, includes the use of cameras mounted on servoable platforms or `pan/tilt' units. The approach followed in the implementation of servoable cameras is designed to make use of information `learned' before camera repositioning to update view parameter estimates without undergoing large extraneous arm movement. The paper describes this approach and presents the first results of experimental work used for testing it.
Traditional upper limb rehabilitation exercises are primarily aimed at regaining the strength or ... more Traditional upper limb rehabilitation exercises are primarily aimed at regaining the strength or range of motion of the patients' injured area. An alternative option that has been presented in the last years is the use of haptic interfaces, which have shown their potential as tools that support rehabilitation therapies. This article presents a haptic system of rehabilitation for fine upper limb movements, whose main characteristic is that users of the system can interact in a visual and tactile fashion with virtual objects mixed with real scenarios, thereby achieving an augmented reality environment. The system was tested in two stages, both with subjects who had a degree of disability in upper limbs. The data collected were followed trajectories, follow-up errors and the muscular activity obtained by means of electromyography; the collected information enabled the analysis, in a quantitative way, of the degree of progress of the patients. In addition, the assessments made by physiotherapists were considered, concluding that the proposed system can be used as a viable complementary tool for conventional rehabilitation therapies.
Nopal cactus, or simply nopal, has physiological adaptations that enable tolerance to dry environ... more Nopal cactus, or simply nopal, has physiological adaptations that enable tolerance to dry environments and its growth in austere conditions. It is used for human and animal consumption as well as in the medical field. Such an application requires the nopal to be dehydrated and pulverized; in order to facilitate the dehydration process, a nopal-chopping machine was developed, which in turn required knowledge of the nopal rheology.
This paper presents the design, construction and control of a parallel robot for educational purp... more This paper presents the design, construction and control of a parallel robot for educational purposes. A Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is implemented for motor position control. In this work, linear camera-space manipulation approach is used for vision-based control where, in order to achieve three-dimensional robot positioning, two cameras are used in order to establish the correspondence between camera and robot workspace. Once this correspondence is established, a three-dimensional maneuver objective is evaluated based on camera-space targets defined in each of the participating cameras. This maneuver objective is used to evaluate the endeffector position, which is calculated by means of the direct and inverse kinematics of the robot. A color image-segmentation algorithm is implemented in order to interpret the workspace, which consists of a mobile platform whose center and targets are defined with a specific color. Using this experimental platform, the robots achieves a positioni...
International journal of food, agriculture and environment, 2007
Mezcal is an alcoholic drink obtained from the fermentation and distillation of the sugary juices... more Mezcal is an alcoholic drink obtained from the fermentation and distillation of the sugary juices extracted from the mature and cooked heads of magueyes, wild and cultivated, of the arid and semi-arid regions of Mexico. The process for mezcal-making begins with the cooking, causing the hydrolysis of the polysaccharides of the maguey, since the inulin is not very soluble in water and not fermentable in direct form. Next, the heads or pineapples go to the mill process, which is carried out in a flour or Chilean mill with the purpose of extracting the juices. The waste pulp still has a high content of sugars after the mill process. For this reason this waste pulp is re-hydrated in a laundry tub together with the effluviums coming from the ovens. This waste pulp is then placed in a press in order to extract even more juice. The juices obtained in this way are taken to the fermentation tubs where diammonic phosphate is added with the purpose of favoring the development of yeast. Next, th...
The dynamic and friction parameters of a robot are used in advanced control schemes, and their ac... more The dynamic and friction parameters of a robot are used in advanced control schemes, and their accuracy significantly affects their performance. These parameters can also be used for a realistic simulation. In principle, the numerical value of the parameters could be obtained via computer-aided design analysis but inevitable assembly and manufacturing errors exist. Direct measurement is not a realistic option because the complex nature of the system would involve an intense time-consuming effort. Alternatively, we can deduce the values of the parameters by observing the natural response of the system under appropriate experimental conditions, that is, by using identification schemes. This article presents the experimental evaluation of five identification schemes used to obtain the dynamic and friction parameters of a twodegree-of-freedom, direct-drive robot. We assume that the dynamic and friction parameters are totally unknown but, by design, the dynamic model is fully known. We c...
One of the signiicant challenges of construction in space is related to the need to achieve preci... more One of the signiicant challenges of construction in space is related to the need to achieve precise relative positioning of objects to be assembled or otherwise engaged absent the ability to calibrate reliably or precisely the relevant geometrical relationships between robot, workpiece, and (if used) participating cameras. In the absence of such calibration there has been a general tendency to turn to directly teleoperated methods of control, i.e. methods wherein a human being remotely controls the degrees of freedom of the robot using some kind of indirect visual (video) feedback from the remote site. This kind of direct teleoperation may be inappropriate for certain very distant operations, such as assembly on the moon, Mars or some other planet surface, because time delays on the order of tens of seconds can make such operation practically impossible to carry out. 1,2] Nevertheless, there is much to be said for human \supervisors" having close oversight and direction of all ...
2018 5th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), 2018
In this paper we present a simple procedure to design fractional-PD controllers for Single-Input-... more In this paper we present a simple procedure to design fractional-PD controllers for Single-Input-Single-Output-Linear Time Invariant (SISO-LTI) systems with constant time-delay. More precisely, based on a geometric approach, we present a methodology not only to design a stabilizing controller, but also to provide practical guidelines to design non-fragile PD controllers. Finally, in order to illustrate the simplicity of the proposed approach as well as the efficiency of the PD controller in a realistic scenario, we consider an experimental setup consisting of controlling a teleoperated system using two Phantom Omni haptic devices.
De acuerdo a datos proporcionados por INEGI, mas de cinco millones de personas tienen algun tipo ... more De acuerdo a datos proporcionados por INEGI, mas de cinco millones de personas tienen algun tipo de discapacidad. El mayor porcentaje de discapacidad en adultos se debe a derrames cerebrales. El presente proyecto plantea una alternativa a la terapia tradicional mediante la implementacion de un sistema de medicion motriz como herramienta para rehabilitacion de extremidades superiores basado en el dispositivo Kinect de Microsoft. Se estudia la aplicacion de distintos ejercicios terapeuticos para pacientes sometidos a rehabilitacion y que han padecido accidentes cerebrovasculares. Dependiendo de la movilidad o dano del paciente se proponen distintos ejercicios de terapia que ayudaran a mejorar el rendimiento y movilidad en la parte lesionada.
Machine Vision and Navigation
This chapter presents a methodology for the accurate generation and tracking of closed trajectori... more This chapter presents a methodology for the accurate generation and tracking of closed trajectories over arbitrary, large surfaces of unknown geometry, using a robot whose control is based on the use of a non-calibrated vision system. This capability can be applied to relevant industrial robotic maneuvers, like the welding or cutting of commercially-available metal plates. The proposed technique is based on a calibration-free, vision-based robot control methodology referred to as camera-space manipulation. This is combined with a geodesic-mapping approach, with the purpose of generating and tracking a trajectory stored as a CAD model, over an arbitrarily curved surface, along a user-defined position and orientation. In the context of applications to large surfaces, the maneuver precision of the positioning and path-tracking tasks depend on several aspects like camera resolution and mapping procedure, which has the potential of introducing distortion, especially in non-developable surfaces. In terms of the mapping procedure, this chapter discusses two options, referred to as modified geodesic mapping and virtual-projection mapping. A measure used to diminish the distortion caused by the mapping procedure and a technique for achieving closure of a given closed-path, when this is tracked over large, non-developable surfaces, are presented herein. The performance of the proposed methodology was evaluated using an industrial robot with a large workspace, combined with structured lighting used to reduce the complexity of the image analysis process.
Computación y Sistemas
In this paper the problem of trajectory tracking is studied. Based on Lyapunov theory, a control ... more In this paper the problem of trajectory tracking is studied. Based on Lyapunov theory, a control law that achieves global asymptotic stability of the tracking error between a fractional recurrent neural network and the state of each single node of the fractional complex dynamical network is obtained. To illustrate the analytic results we present a tracking simulation of a simple network with four different nodes and five non-uniform links.
Original scientific paper This paper presents a new interaction control structure that generates ... more Original scientific paper This paper presents a new interaction control structure that generates a family of explicit force regulators for robot manipulators. The proposed structure includes a term of a class of proportional-type functions in terms of force error; the force error is defined as the difference between a desired force and the actual force measured with a force sensor located at the end-effector. Also, the structure includes a generalized active velocity damping term in order to have a control of the energy dissipation, and a term used to compensate the gravity forces of the links. The stability analysis is performed in Lyapunov sense. An experimental comparison of two new explicit force regulators and the linear proportional structure, on a three degree-of-freedom, direct-drive robot, is presented. Also, proofs of the most important properties of the Cartesian dynamic model, are presented.
Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial RIAI
En este trabajo se presenta una familia grande de reguladores saturados tipo hiperbólicos para ro... more En este trabajo se presenta una familia grande de reguladores saturados tipo hiperbólicos para robots manipuladores. La propuesta considera a la ganancia proporcional constante y a la ganancia derivativa variable con sintonía automática definida en función del error de posición, velocidad de movimiento y un factor de inyección de amortiguamiento para modificar la velocidad de respuesta del robot. La acción de control derivativa con ganancia variable permite reducir sobreimpulsos, oscilaciones y rizo, tal que alcance el estado estacionario en forma suave. Asimismo, se presenta la propuesta de una función estricta de Lyapunov que permite demostrar la estabilidad asintótica global de la ecuación en lazo cerrado. Para mostrar el desempeño y funcionalidad de la familia propuesta de esquemas de control, un análisis comparativo experimental fue desarrollado entre siete estructuras de control, cinco reguladores pertenecen a la familia propuesta, y dos algoritmos de control bien conocidos como son el proporcional derivativo (PD) y tangente hiperbólico (Tanh). Los resultados experimentales fueron obtenidos con un robot manipulador de transmisión directa de tres grados de libertad.
Journal of Robotics
This paper addresses the explicit force regulation problem for robot manipulators in interaction ... more This paper addresses the explicit force regulation problem for robot manipulators in interaction tasks. A new family of explicit force-control schemes is presented, which includes a term driven by a large class of saturated-type hyperbolic functions to handle the force error. Also, an active velocity damping term with the purpose of obtaining energy dissipation on the contact surface is incorporated plus compensation for gravity. In order to ensure asymptotic stability of the closed-loop system equilibrium point in Cartesian space, we propose a strict Lyapunov function. A force sensor placed at the end-effector of the robot manipulator is used in order to feed back the measure of the force error in the closed-loop, and an experimental comparison of the performanceL2-norm between 5 explicit force control schemes, which are the classical proportional-derivative (PD), arctangent, and square-root controls and two members of the proposed control family, on a two-degree-of-freedom, direct...
Abstract This paper presents the dynamical model of an interactive Tilt-rotor MAV with friction f... more Abstract This paper presents the dynamical model of an interactive Tilt-rotor MAV with friction forces as a disturbance. Such a model is derived by means of the Euler-Lagrange formalism and considers the effects of the friction at the 1DOF robotic manipulator (modeled as a mass-spring-damper system). In order to guarantee the closed-loop system stability, both control scheme and observer are designed following the Immersion and Invariance approach, where the main goal of the controller is to achieve a tracking task. Finally, some numerical examples have been considered in order to evaluate and validate the control strategy and the observer for an interactive tilt-rotor micro aerial vehicle (MAV).
Papers by Emilio J. González Galván