Democracy as Local development
Recent papers in Democracy as Local development
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w połowie 2014 r., mających na celu identyfikację oczekiwań władz małych miast wobec polskiej państwowej polityki rozwoju lokalnego. Jako źródło informacji o tych oczekiwaniach wybrano... more
This research, conducted by the author when a Senior Researcher at Newcastle University, UK, was funded by a UK governance organisation to help them assess, integrate and improve their understanding of the governed population.... more
Démocratie et Décentralisation : un couple platonique ? (revue Civitas Europa-n° 11-septembre 2003, pp.7-29) Christophe CHABROT I-L'indifférence technique des deux notions A/ Deux notions spécifiques 1°) La démocratie, technique de... more
This paper sets out an ambitious critique of contemporary political scientists, political historians and others concerned with the history of democracy. It argues that overwhelmingly the history of democracy relies on an overtly... more
Many of the works on Middle Eastern democracy, whether from the neo-Orientalist camp or from those who avidly detail and support the region’s democratic developments, are based on a Western conception of democracy. This is the result of a... more
Inklusi merupakan syarat praktik governance yang tertuang dalam kebijakan dan pelayanan publik dapat berjalan. Inklusi memastikan suara dan aspirasi warga terserap, juga memastikan peran warga diperhitungkan dalam kebijakan publik.... more
Lahan yang produktif seringkali lebih dilihat semata-mata sebagai komoditas ekonomi yang dapat dengan mudah dialihfungsikan dan dipindahtangankan. Berbeda di tempat lain, Desa Ngadisari memiliki keyakinan bahwa tanah mereka tak boleh... more
The article presents how local authorities of Polish small towns perceive and form at the strategic level, these supra-local relations of their towns, which are connected with local culture. The article begins with key categories... more
W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań, które miały na celu zidentyfikowanie, jak władze polskich małych miast postrzegają i kształtują na poziomie strategicznym te ponadlokalne relacje ich miast, które związane są z innowacjami i lokalną... more
In this study, we intend to present, using a socio-historical approach, the political and administrative aspects of the interwar Romanian society and state, as it has been investigated, from the perspective of monographic methodology, by... more
This study discusses the amalgamation of local governments as a method of creating larger and more effective local governments that place fewer burdens on central government budgets. Beyond ‘economies of scale’, our findings from a case... more
The purpose of the paper is to indicate the potential of the museums in facilitating the process of civic learning and to exemplify it with several cases providing the methods supportive to civil society. The civic learning with the... more
The article is devoted to problems of defining the subject and objects of local development strategy. In its first part the author presents planning processes typical for local self-governments, as well as frequently made mistakes while... more
The article deals with the subject matter of strategic planning within Polish self-government units. The author presents selected problems encountered by authors of development strategies referring to communes, district and regions in the... more
The article discusses barriers in strategic governance of local development characteristic for Polish local governments, i.e. municipalities, which occurred within the first 15 years of the XXI century. These barriers were identified in... more
Pakistan is a developing nation of third world yet struggling to launch a local level system that ensures targeting of developmental problems at grass roots and striving to make the communities empowered in the sense that they plan and... more
This essay presents models of multiparty negotiation as a means to compare the conventional public meetings format of planning to a preliminary process, the technical advisory committee. A metric of market concentration, the... more
The absorption of exogenous factors represents one of the main components of local development governance (LDG). Today, in many countries, it is facilitated by numerous supra-local determinants. It primarily refers to these countries... more
La programación propuesta persigue comunicar socialmente información que contribuya a movilizar el potencial existente, para que la población de las localidades de la Región de la Ribera del Rio Hondo y de la Región Limítrofe con el... more
The article discusses the problems of planning in Polish self-governments. Its introduction presents the whole plethora of implemented planning processes. Next the author concentrates on twelve rules for preparing such documents, the... more
The international literature offers a number of motives which should incline local authorities toward strategic planning of local development; it also emphasizes that they should be strongly motivated to do that. Meanwhile, their actual... more
Comment une accession sociale à la copropriété coopérative peut-elle s'émanciper de certains effets de domination traversant les dispositifs de démocratie locale? Comment un exemple aussi atypique peut-il nous permettre de réinterroger... more
Over the past decade, Brazil has stepped up its involvement in international security and development. However, few studies have looked at how Brazil's concrete experiences in postconflict and fragile states have shaped its broader... more
The rise of initiatives involving small towns at risk of depopulation offers the opportunity to empirically grasp different paths "to imagine a different future". In particular, we focus on cultural strategies: interventions drawing on... more
In the last twenty years, British governments have promoted user, citizen and public centred planning processes. To this end they have encouraged local service providers to respond to the views of the participating public. What the... more
The foundation of modern local governments in Turkey was laid with an imperial edict in 1839. This reform also called Gulhane Hatt-i Hümayunu or Tanzimat Edict, paved the way for local and regional councils. Since the 1850s, the... more
We identify and describe four strands in the literature on forestry decentralization policies: studies that assess impacts of forestry sector decentralization policies on forests and livelihoods; studies that examine whether forestry... more
Demokrasi Lokal? Suatu proses bermasyarakat yang localy dan ideal, inilah point penting dalam UU Desa. Hari-hari ini di masyarakat, utamanya aparat desa, harus menyadarinya, bahwa hal tersebut adalah jantung dalam berdemokrasi dan... more
At the heart of the current paper are two separate but related questions: a) How local are local governments in Turkey? b) How democratic are local governments in the country? The paper attempts to answer those questions by providing,... more
The article refers to problems of strategic planning related to Polish local authorities. The Authors concentrate on the reasons for a strategy construction and on strategic diagnosis. They present main theoretical assumptions in the... more
The article is devoted to strategic planning issues in communes and districts. The author presents his own model procedure for the construction of territorial self-government unit development strategy. It was constructed based on... more
This article is devoted to the problems of Polish communal authorities’ social responsibility in the process of local development planning. At the beginning of the article the author defines the concept of the social responsibility of... more
Hidden behind the much-touted success story of India’s emergence as an economic superpower is another, far more complex narrative of the nation’s recent history, one in which economic development is frequently countered by profoundly... more
The rise of initiatives involving small towns at risk of depopulation offers the opportunity to empirically grasp different paths “to imagine a different future”. In particular, we focus on cultural strategies: interventions drawing on... more
Centralized government in Georgia under Soviet rule (1921–1991) did not allow communities to self-organize or mobilize around the issues effecting them. This only began in the early 1990s when Georgia (supported by international donor... more
Comprendre où commence la démocratie, comment elle d’identifie, puis synthétiser quelques expériences étrangères permet de livrer des enseignements pour la commune du XXIe siècle. [Understanding where democracy begins, how it identifies... more
Professor Nail spoke with to discuss his recent book and the role of academics today.
The world is moving towards more, smaller states. That's a good thing: the Scottish referendum as seen from Tuscany, half a century after Tom Nairn's visit to Pisa.
Are political regimes drivers of economic growth? While political institutions are influenced by economic development, they are in turn a key determinant of the development process. This study builds in the Neoclassical Growth theory to... more
La France effectue une réforme territoriale, portant notamment que la suppression de neuf régions. L’analyse géographique et économique conduit à mettre en évidence les nombreux effets négatifs de cette réforme qui n’a absolument pas été... more
The article is devoted to strategic planning issues in communes, districts and regions. The author presents his own model procedure standard for the construction of territorial self-government unit development strategy. It was constructed... more