Papers by Laila Alfirdaus
Jurnal Humaniora
Challenges to gender equality in Indonesia are not only related to men and male patriarchy. Using... more Challenges to gender equality in Indonesia are not only related to men and male patriarchy. Using the case of the Sexual Violence Elimination Bill, women, specifically those supported by the party affiliated with political Islam, can also hamper the promotion of women’s rights and equality. Hegemonic patriarchy explains the phenomenon through relating the rejection against the Bill to the patriarchal tendencies planted through religious institutions and teaching. The teaching that places women as a secondary creature after men and as the object of men’s authority (Imamah), is taken for granted, believed to be transcendental, turned into an ideology, and concretized through a movement against feminism. All points that try to assert women’s fundamental rights in the Bill are coined as Western values and are rejected as seen as anti-Islam. Reflecting from the case, it becomes clear that challenges towards gender equality are currently getting harder, as they come not only from patriarc...
Although gender problems in village have been obvious, the issuance of Law No. 6/2014 does not au... more Although gender problems in village have been obvious, the issuance of Law No. 6/2014 does not automatically transform gender relations in village. As a matter of fact, the Law has clearly asserted woman representation in village decision making and development. Therefore, it is important to strengthen woman awareness of their rights. This article is a reflection of community engagement activities in Lerep, Semarang district, Central Java supported with data from observation, document reviews and interviews prior, during and after the activities. From the data, we can see that teh main challenge for woman empowerment in village come from the facts thatvillage government still prioritizes infrastructure in its development. Development programs that have direct impact on women are limited. On the other hand, women in the village are not yet aware of their rights guaranteed by village law. Information dissemination on woman rights in village decision making and development therefore be...
Sejak Undang-undang No. 6 tahun 2014 tentang Desa diundangkan, kewenangan desa makin menguat sehi... more Sejak Undang-undang No. 6 tahun 2014 tentang Desa diundangkan, kewenangan desa makin menguat sehingga inisiatif desa untuk membangun dan memberdayakan masyarakat semakin memperoleh ruang yang luas. Namun demikian, kewenangan yang luas ini tentu perlu didukung dengan kapasitas yang makin dikuatkan pula. Selama ini, keraguan atas implementasi Undang-undang ini terletak pada aspek kapasitas pemerintah desa. Tentu saja, karena sudah lama sekali desa dibiarkan tertinggal, desa menghadapi banyak tantangan dalam upaya mengembangkan diri. Namun demikian, bukan berarti pemberian kewenangan kepada pemerintah desa lantas tidak layak untuk diadvokasi. Kelahiran Undang-undang Desa justru merupakan waktu yang tepat untuk memungkinkan dan memberikan kesempatan pemerintah desa untuk memperbaiki celah-celah tatakelola yang sudah lama tidak mendapat perhatian pemerintah. Penguatan tatakelola pemerintahan desa dengan tujuan mengefektifkan dana desa adalah salah satu hal yang tidak dapat dihindari. Apa...
JRP (Jurnal Review Politik), 2019
Familism and Moslem political parties in Indonesia are inseparable. It is not hard to identify su... more Familism and Moslem political parties in Indonesia are inseparable. It is not hard to identify such a practice in parties like Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (PPP), Partai Kebangkitan Bangsa (PKB) and Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN). Those parties are operated by elites, who have familial relationships, either formed by genealogical relationships or by kiai-santri (teacher-students). This article supposes to discuss familism and its political implication on party's decision making. Indeed, this article does not reject an idea that familism is not exclusive for Moslem political parties. However, what makes the discussion becomes interesting to elaborate in Moslem parties is related to the social structure that contribute to the construction of familism, called pesantren (boarding school). In Moslem parties, familism is not only formed by genealogical relationships (parent-children and relatives), but also sociological ones that is laid in kiai-santri's (teacher-students) relations. Its political implication on party's decision making can also be clearly identified clearly as through the structure of party's candidates in elections. The article is based on qualitative research that deployed interviews to party elite and members as data collection methods and is focused on Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (PPP) Rembang regency as a case study. The research found that familism is strongly featured in party's characteristics and party's decision making, as in structuring party's organization, in enlisting candidates in legislature elections, and in other party's decision making.
UNDEF Final Project Evaluation, 2016
Inclusion is a requirement for governance to work in the name of policy and public service. Inclu... more Inclusion is a requirement for governance to work in the name of policy and public service. Inclusion makes citizen's voice and aspiration to be included and calculated in public policy. In this way, inclusion requires the people to be active and the government to be innovative as well as citizen need-base. This research was conducted in this context. This research tried to elaborate deeper the involvement of the citizen in various innovative policies in Surakarta City. The case in point was education policy in Surakarta City, especially Bantuan Pendidikan untuk Masyarakat Kota Surakarta/BPMKS (education aid for the people of Surakarta)to find out how far citizen's inclusion have been included in the formation of public policy, and what was the stumbling blocs of this program. Using in-depth interview and documentation study, this research found that many sectoral policy was still in the hand of technocrats, and citizens's inclusion was still in the dormant. However, in ...
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Indonesian Social and Political Enquiries, ICISPE 2019, 21-22 October 2019, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia, 2020
Amongst the scholarly discussions on smart cities, the human resource aspect is almost absent fro... more Amongst the scholarly discussions on smart cities, the human resource aspect is almost absent from elaborating. Meanwhile, human resources is a crucial part in the adoption of smart city policy. Moreover, within the context of developing countries, human resources always become an issue given its complex problems due to limited education and relatively low-skilled staff in bureaucracy, including in Asian countries. However, some local governments in these regions are known to succeed in promoting smart city policy. This article discusses human resource governance, despite the complexities the local government faces, in undergoing smart city policy in developing context. This article uses Banyuwangi regency as a case study using qualitative methods and applying interviews and observations as data collection methods. Based on research findings, leadership is the first key to manage human resources, followed by a clear incentive and disincentive policy, equipped with a cultural approach. Banyuwangi experience can be a good lesson for other regencies to learn for promoting innovation and local governance transformation.
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Indonesian Social and Political Enquiries, ICISPE 2020, 9-10 October 2020, Semarang, Indonesia, 2021
This article discusses Tani Subur cooperative, functions as community's selfempowerment in palm o... more This article discusses Tani Subur cooperative, functions as community's selfempowerment in palm oil business. While palm oil business is identical with giant and sometime multinational corporation, in Kotawaringin Barat smallholder farmers succeed to grow the business. They build and operate cooperative to maintain the farmers' assets, help manage cash-flow of the farmers, as well as to build bargaining position to the company and the local government. Driven by the difficulties in individually run artisanal palm oil business, farmers who are mostly transmigrants from Java or Javanese transcendent, formed cooperative to unite voice before the company and the governments to maintain palm oil fruit's price. Further, the cooperative has been an effective place to support farmers gaining RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) certificate that asserted their farming products complied with international standard. Based on field research in 2019, this research identifies palm oil cooperative as a crucial space for farmers' self-empowerment. Indeed, there are still challenges in sustaining the cooperative's function as a bargaining instrument for the farmers. However, so far, palm oil cooperative has been an important tool to support palm oil smallholders to sustain their businesses.
Smart city has long been criticized for not accommodative to people in rural areas. This is becau... more Smart city has long been criticized for not accommodative to people in rural areas. This is because, smart city is seen too complex for rural people, who are usually known for their simplicity in life and social organization, as compared to people in urban areas. This paper will address internet technology as a tool of innovation. People in rural areas are also usually known for their unfamiliarity with the advancement of technology through the adoption of Internet-of-Thing in public service. In fact, thing can be different. Adopting the main content of smart city, Banyuwangi regency put emphasis the IT empowerment for community in kampung level which is spread out in the rural areas, instead of in city level. However, by putting emphasis on kampung level, Banyuwangi regency has enabled people in the lowest level of governance to access to information as well as to develop their potential to be widely acknowledged by wider audience including those connected through Internet. As a result, within less than a decade Banyuwangi has succeeded to be a magnet for tourism, trading and investment, which lift up the quality of life of the people as well as quality of the governance itself.
This research examines the ways in which the scientific knowledges about peatland or wetland are ... more This research examines the ways in which the scientific knowledges about peatland or wetland are communicated to public through mass media in Indonesia. Indonesia is one of the countries with extensive tropical peatland areas with over 15 million ha of peatlands that makes up over 12% of its forest. The information about peatland often comes forward to public attention and to public discourse in relation to forest fire and tick haze resulted from the fire. However, there is not much scientific explanation could be found regarding the characteristics of this type of land and why its so vulnerable to forest fire in the news. Furthermore, not many news media outlets mention the risks of opening and clearing peatland area for industrial purpose, and the consequences it brought to ecosystem and to global climate. This research is interested to understand how the scientific knowledge regarding the peatland and peatland uses as well the consequences of the use are communicated to the publi...
in disaster management, it is not suitable for public organizations to retain its “business-as-us... more in disaster management, it is not suitable for public organizations to retain its “business-as-usual” perspective. They have to shift their paradigm kh and to be more sensitive to crisis. To be flexible, adaptable, and effective but remaining quickly and patiently respond to the disaster locus are keys to behave as in crisis. Dealing with this, leitmann (2007) has listed some dos and don’ts during disaster recoveiy they include: a. Be realistic about the timing and approach to rebuilding homes it b. Considering the need for emergency, transitional and permanent shelter. Pin) c. Pick the right partners and delivery mechanisms to maximize the speed and effectiveness of investments. Rid d. Pay attention to environmental consequences in the relief and recovery phases to avoid costly mistakes later on. San e. Don’t construct only shelters; instead, build settlements with infrastructure and land tenure through a participatory planning vor 80 proceeding conference programme
This article shows an overview of how ecological destruction occurs in Indonesia, especially in t... more This article shows an overview of how ecological destruction occurs in Indonesia, especially in two regions, that is East Kalimantan and Bangka Belitung. Both regions are rich in natural resources, but due to over-exploitation, thus impacting ecological destruction. To get this description, the writer conducted a qualitative study by interviewing dozens of cross-sectoral informants in the two regions in mid-JulySeptember 2019. The results showed that there were thousands of ex-mining holes left by the company, and has caused many people to die there. By borrowing the perspective of ecological destruction from Bellamy Foster (2007), the authors find the fact that excessive and uncontrolled exploitation of the natural resource in East Kalimantan and Bangka Belitung, has destroyed the ecological carrying capacity of the environment, as well as the life force of people who live in it. This condition will continue to occur if the rate of capital accumulation that exploits excessive natur...
Some cities in Indonesia are currently known to be prone to crisis due to Covid-19 pandemic. Some... more Some cities in Indonesia are currently known to be prone to crisis due to Covid-19 pandemic. Some of them are also known to be building resilience system in their urban management program. Meanwhile, as we might already be aware of, those cities are plural in terms of social differences and identities. As a matter of fact, the success of policies, as in urban resilience building, are dependent towards the involvement of community. Therefore, it is interesting to scrutinize how cities that are socially plural strive to manage pandemic crisis and risks in their regions? How are minority groups and poor people, who are usually more prone to the crisis, involved in the local government's urban resilience project? And, what kind of strategies does the government apply to integrate social inclusion in urban resilience policy? What alternatives does community build to support their collective resilience? This research is proposed to reveal this issue by studying the experiences of Semarang city, Central Java, Indonesia in terms of social structure, as well as risks in times of Covid-19 pandemic. This study is expected to identify the social complexities in urban resilience policy, as well as the strategies applied either by the government and community to cope with these situations.
Abstrak Dari perspektif ekonomi politik, globalisasi identik dengan liberalisasi, sedangkan dari ... more Abstrak Dari perspektif ekonomi politik, globalisasi identik dengan liberalisasi, sedangkan dari perspektif kebijakan publik, globalisasi identik dengan policy transfer. Ekonomi politik menekankan bahwa globalisasi merupakan sistem yang menyediakan ruang bagi pembukaan interelasi dan interaksi ekonomi antar negara, baik dalam bentuk perdagangan bebas, mobilitas aktivitas produksi, dan pertukaran teknologi. Sementara itu, perspektif kebijakan publik mengartikankan globalisasi sebagai ruang yang lebih luas untuk pertukaran pengetahuan yang berguna bagi pembangunan dan pengembangan kebijakan dalam konteks yang disebut policy transfer. Meskipun kedua perspektif seolah-olah memberikan penekanan yang berbeda, pada dasarnya kedua penekanan itu sama-sama mensyaratkan adanya entitas bernama global governance. Bahkan, terkadang entitas ini berperan menentukan dalam keputusan di sebuah negara, mendorong perdebatan pro dan kontra. Pengalaman Indonesia di akhir 1990an, misalnya, menunjukkan kepa...
Politika: Jurnal Ilmu Politik, 2019
Tulisan ini mengkaji kecenderungan partisipasi pemilih pemula di Jawa Tengah menjelang Pemilihan ... more Tulisan ini mengkaji kecenderungan partisipasi pemilih pemula di Jawa Tengah menjelang Pemilihan Gubernur 2018, dengan lokasi penelitian di Kabupaten Temanggung. Sebagaimana diketahui, partisipasi politik dalam pemilu sering dikaitkan dengan persentase kehadiran pemilih dalam tempat pemungutan suara (TPS). Tingkat partisipasi politik ini seringkali dihubungkan dengan legitimasi hasil pemilu, yakni seberapa besar dukungan suara yang didapat oleh pemenang pemilu, dimana makin tinggi tingkat partisipasi maka hasil pemilu dianggap semakin legitimatif. Pemilih muda dan pemilih pemula dalam kajian partisipasi politik saat ini semakin mendapatkan perhatian dari kalangan ilmuan politik di Indonesia. Pertanyaannya kemudian, bagaimana dinamikanya di lapangan, dan bagaimana para pemilih muda memiliki persepsi tentang kandidat dan pemilu menarik untuk ditelisik lebih jauh. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemilih muda skeptis terhadap politik, pemilu dan kandidat, walaupun mereka bukan warga ...
CosmoGov, 2020
This article discusses identity politics in the village head election level. Studies on identity ... more This article discusses identity politics in the village head election level. Studies on identity politics so far are mostly focused on elections in a government system that is in a higher concentration than a village, as in legislature and presidential elections. Attention to a similar issue in the village level is less to exist, partly because the community is generally assumed to be homogeneous. Meanwhile, in the village level, people remain plural, moreover in villages that live outside Java, where the number of tribes within communities is many. This is not to mention newcomers from the other islands. Using a case study in the Election of Village Heads in Wederok Village, Weliman Sub-district, Malacca District, East Nusa Tenggara, this research found that identity politics in village government head election play crucial role as in the other elections, as legislature and regency head elections, even in the same tribe in the same village. This article is based on qualitative research with in-depth interviews as main data collection methods. The results showed that in the election of Wederok village head, people become divided into particular parts, mostly based on sub-tribe (kinship). The village head election involved candidates from the different tribal identities, despite the connection between them because of inter-tribe marriage. Tribe-based competition in the village head level in Wederok even led to further conflict, which needs for reconciliation.
JIIP: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pemerintahan, 2020
Pandemi yang diakibatkan infeksi Covid-19 sejak akhir 2019 hingga saat ini memberikan pelajaran b... more Pandemi yang diakibatkan infeksi Covid-19 sejak akhir 2019 hingga saat ini memberikan pelajaran baru atas pendekatan kebijakan. Selama ini, ilmuan cenderung melihat kebijakan pada dari dua kutub pendekatan, yaitu kebijakan sebagai business as usual dan kebijakan di masa krisis. Munculnya pandemi ini rupanya menghadirkan tantangan yang jauh lebih besar dari apa yang dibayangkan dalam kebijakan dalam situasi krisis. Mulai dari ketidakjelasan informasi tentang virus, ketidakpastian berakhirnya penularan, dilema prioritas kesehatan dan ekonomi, terbatasnya sumberdaya yang dimiliki, adalah beberapa persoalan global yang terus mencuat di tengah tekanan publik yang makin besar terhadap kebijakan pemerintah. Artikel ini berusaha mengurai kerumitan kebijakan dalam konteks Covid-19, yang penulis sebut sebagai kebijakan multi-krisis. Dengan mengandalkan pada penelitian sekunder dengan sumber utama adalah dokumen-dokumen literatur, maka artikel ini adalah tawaran ide dalam mengkerangkai teori ...
Pacific Journalism Review : Te Koakoa, 2020
This article argues that bureaucracy plays politics in Indonesia, not only during the electoral p... more This article argues that bureaucracy plays politics in Indonesia, not only during the electoral periods, but also in public service. Using the case of environmental evaluation in local government, where natural resources comprise most of the local economy, this article discusses the politics of bureaucracy in undergoing daily governing processes. The environment and natural resource businesses are two opposing fields. Environmental evaluation becomes a contentious area and is usually highly political. This article identifies the bureaucracy’s politicisation in environmental evaluation as occuring in at least in two forms—in measurement and in project implementation. In terms of measurement, bureaucracy tends to use minimum standards, while in project implementation, there are some occasions where bureaucracy tends to sub-contract the work to the third party, usually NGOs, especially in relations to sensitive issues, so that it is politically safer for them, once the result is not as...
Jurnal Politik, 2019
In the study of women’s activism in politics, the role of women’s activists as seen by the perspe... more In the study of women’s activism in politics, the role of women’s activists as seen by the perspective of women’s representation tends to underline their role in political recruitment and decision making in governing system after the process of elections is completed. This perspective assumes that political process works in more advance level by providing channels for women’s activists to articulate their political interests and careers. However, this assumption can be misleading in society that political process is dominated by political elites. This has made recruitment and policy more central and salient for publicity and put activists at the grassroot level are less significant. The case in Semarang city in Central Java province of Indonesia has told us that women activists are made merely as vote getters in election without a clear long-term political compensation that is beneficial for gender equality promotion. In Indonesia women are relatively well-organized through communit...
Isu kesetaraan gender masih menjadi perhatian banyak pihak. Meski perbaikan mulai tampak, ketimpa... more Isu kesetaraan gender masih menjadi perhatian banyak pihak. Meski perbaikan mulai tampak, ketimpangan dan diskriminasi masih menjadi persoalan serius. Tidak hanya karena ketimpangan dan diskriminasi, penajaman perspektif gender dan pemberdayaan perempuan itu secara bersamaan menjadi krusial karena pada dasarnya setiap pengambilan keputusan serta setiap strategi pembangunan itu memiliki implikasi gender, tak terlepas pada situasi kekinian. Atikel ini menggarisbawahi argumentasi pentingnya penajaman perspektif gender di dalam pembangunan guna mencapai target Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Penajaman perspektif itu dapat dilakukan dengan menguatkan strategi pemberdayaan kaum perempuan melalui pelibatan stakeholder secara lebih ekstensif dan intensif. Pengintegrasian perspektif gender dengan rencana dan implementasi pembangunan dengan demikian menjadi kebutuhan tidak terhindarkan. Prinsip SDGs yang meliputi universalitas (universality), komprehensif (comprehensive), dan inklusif (...
Papers by Laila Alfirdaus
International Seminar “Post-Disaster Reconstruction: Assistance to Local Governments and Communities”
organized by URBAN AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE, Yogyakarta July 2007.
Yogyakarta International Conference on Public Organization
January 21-22, 2011.
International Conference on Regional Development “Vulnerability, Resilience, and Sustainability”, November 9, 2010.
International Seminar on “Globalization: Social Costs & Benefits for the Third World” Faculty of Social and Political Science – Sebelas Maret University
Seminar Internasional VIII " Dinamika Politik Lokal di Indonesia: Territorial Reform & Dinamikanya " Yayasan PERCIK Salatiga & Ford Foundation