Democracy and autocracy
Recent papers in Democracy and autocracy
A Comparison (in Russian) between Russian Orthodox Autocracy and English Constitutional Monarchy
This article takes a closer look at the internal evolution of the North Korean political system and how it has been subjugated to the personalist regime of the Kim family. The author argues that North Korea should no longer be perceived... more
Regarding the operational specifics of death penalty policy, Professors Johnson and Zimring have argued that it is extreme left or right wing authoritarian states’ aversion to a limitation of their own powers that determines high rates of... more
This si a working paper issued from a comparative seminar on ‘’ Autocracy :Ten Years On: How Change support Continuity in Morocco and Jordan,'' co-presented and authored with Dr. Sean Yom. The seminar took place at Stanford... more
Проведено теоретико-методологічний та емпіричний розгляд політичних режимів сучасності, а також історії становлення та сучасного стану розвитку кількісних та якісних методів типологізації та порівняльного вимірювання політичних режимів... more
The Lost Cause of modern Late Republican scholarship is the republican cause. Augustus' main problem is that he won: in a peculiar reversal, it is the loser who takes it all, and subsequent generations have attempted to explain the... more
وقتی در یازدهم اسفند ۱۳۵۳ (دوم مارس ۱۹۷۵میلادی) محمدرضا پهلوی در کاخ نیاوران به مخاطبان خود تولد یک حزب نوظهور را با عنوان رستاخیز نوید میداد، هیچکس گمان نمیکرد که اپوزیسیون در فردای آن روز با یک تحریف کوچک اما بسیار اثرگذار و ماندگار... more
As I see it, humanity stands now poised to face one crisis after the other one, and has to process many catastrophes on many fronts – climate change, geopolitical, sociopolitical, etc. In this regard, I’m increasingly driven to make an... more
Without working life support systems life on Earth becomes impossible. This book recognises this simple condition as inescapable matter of politics and therefore political science. The continuation of life, survival, as a minimum... more
This paper takes a closer look at those authoritarian political regimes with a leader holding absolute power referred to as either ‘personalist’ or ‘neo-patrimonial regimes.’ In the literature, these regimes have been set apart since they... more
Aggression, whose essence is the seizure of foreign lands, is always connected with oppression and murder of those living on them. But there is another kind of seizure in the Universe - a life-giving one: it is the transformation of human... more
The research field of regime theory has seen a proliferation of different approaches and typologies to explain the ever-changing reality. This paper has created a typology of these regime typologies and their respective datasets in order... more
Kommunen sind Orte der erlebbaren Politik. Nirgendwo sonst stehen Bürger, Verwaltungen, Amts- und Mandatsträger in so engem Austausch und haben die Bürger so viele Beteiligungsmöglichkeiten. Doch wie genau sehen politische Strukturen und... more
Democracy promotion is an important and currently underappreciated counter-strategy to China’s autocracy promotion, a trend which undermines key elements of the common US and Australian vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific region. In... more
The following is a response to the unvarnished bigotry and swiftly descending police state that's coming to characterize the policy, actions, and ideology of the Donald Trump administration in the United States. It is written for a... more
Attempting to predicting the formation of particular types of governance structures has been one of the central tasks of sociologists and political scientists. John Higley and Michael Burton argued that the configuration of elite groups... more
This paper suggests that the concept of populism can contribute to a renewal of historiographical debates. Often considered too imprecise to offer any analytical value, many historians discard the term or use it in a simplistic and... more
Across first Asia and then Africa new states rose from colonial rule in the post-war era that sought to build New Westminster constitutions. The Westminster model was the transnational trend after 1945 in constitution-making for much of... more
The paper problematizes the national soft power strategies of authoritarian states arguing that many of their features stem from those countries' political regime. In particular, the author focuses on such features as actors involved in... more
Importance of the changes which occurred in Chile and Yugoslavia and brought democracies will not be put under the question. However, this work will critically look upon the ways these changes were conducted. The goal of this work is that... more
Post-communist Ukraine is in the midst of implementing reforms which it missed for centuries. It gradually evolves into a unique geopolitical entity which, finally, acquires a fair chance to be consistent and self-sufficient. However, if... more
Authoritarian Regionalism in the World of International Organizations uncovers a new type of regionalism-'authoritarian regionalism' and traces its historical roots as well as its implications for modern politics. The book is the first... more
As China sways further away from democracy towards a return to one-man dictatorship, Xi Jinping’s power play raises profound implications for the world. An unfettered Xi now becomes vulnerable to arbitrariness fuelled by egotism and... more
Cultivated irrationality is a hateful thing, which easily gets out of control." John Dewey, The Cult of Irrationality (1918) 1. Einleitung John Dewey fragt in einem während des 1. Weltkriegs verfassten Text mit Bezug auf die... more
'This impressive book explores a new dimension in the relationship between political regime and international cooperation. In comprehensive empirical analysis that skilfully combines different methodological approaches and new data, the... more
The story of the 'Arab Spring' as a revolt of young people against autocracy does not stand up to survey analysis at country level. Data from the Arab Transformations Survey show that young people were over-represented as participants,... more
This study empirically analyzed the relationships between emerging media as tools in fomenting anti-government protest as well as government repression of political opposition. Using a dataset of 162 democratic and autocratic countries... more
Research paper submission to Hong Kong Studies and to The Tenth International Conference on Climate Change (Berkeley, 4. 20-21, 2018) While the American and Chinese disposition to all things “Marxism” may seem radically different on the... more
Inmersa en un panorama altamente vulnerable desde el análisis de factores ecológicos o sociales, y en medio de una pandemia sin precedentes, Centroamérica se debate entre populismo, autocracias y autoritarismo creciente. ¿Qué efectos... more
Der Anteil demokratisch verfasster Staaten nimmt in den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten zu. Nach den erfolgreichen Demokratisierungsprozessen der 1990er Jahre in Mittel- und Osteuropa sowie in Lateinamerika mobilisierten Regimegegner und... more
En la coyuntura de la pandemia una crisis se ha dejado sentir sobre los regímenes y las sociedades de todo el mundo. Los problemas de calidad institucional y las tendencias (anti)democráticas de los liderazgos se expanden desde los... more
In this webinar (in Bangla language), panelists discussed the problems of living within the plutocratic religious extremist "living" Indian nation state. Though, there was an appeal for legalizing active euthanasia to the Indian... more
This paper aims at arguing that the Commander of the Faithful is the main source of the Moroccan religious policy and not the public opinion- if exists. The king is supported by many official actors such as the official religious scholars... more
Because of the severity of environmental problems, any attempt to combat them in a substantial manner, will seem utopian. Conventional approaches towards environmental protection have largely failed. Although public awareness is... more
The post-Cold War world has witnessed the extensive development of regional international organizations world-wide. The realtionship between their membership and democratization remains a topic of intense scholarly debate. This book opens... more
The story of the 'Arab Spring' as a revolt of young people against autocracy does not stand up to survey analysis at country level. Data from the Arab Transformations Survey show that young people were over-represented as participants,... more
A kelet-európai rendszerváltásokat, a kommunizmus bukását követő általános eufória jellemző kifejezésének tekinthetjük Francis Fukuyama nagy karriert befutott könyvét, A történelem vége és az utolsó ember c. művet (1991). Fukuyama úgy... more