Most downloaded papers in Decolonialization
Mediante este artículo cuestiono el diseño industrial como profesión que soporta el patrón civilizatorio moderno-capitalista, cuyas nocivas repercusiones son planetarias a comienzos del siglo XXI. Ante ello, planteo la posible generación... more
Between the late 1940s and the 1970s, Europe's empires in Africa and Asia were largely dismantled; in the late 1970s, postcolonial studies as field of scholarly inquiry, primarily in the humanities and interpretive social sciences, began... more
Decolonising the Mind is Ngugi Thiong o's contribution to the debate on the choice of language in a post-colonial country. In this book he argues that Africa will be able to break free from the clutches of Western control over its... more
Geography means earth writing, and so it is perhaps fitting that writing itself has become a primary intellectual battleground in contemporary geographical thought. This paper advocates for metaphorical earth writing, arguing that it... more
While the recent proliferation of sociological engagements with postcolonial thought is important and welcome, central to most critiques of Eurocentrism is a concern with the realm of epistemology, with how sociology comes to know its... more
" Those machines whose output was so great that all men might be clothed; those new methods of agriculture and new agricultural implements, which promised crops so big that all men might be fed—the very instruments that were to give the... more
Modernity and a True Return to Nature 0. Point of Departure Question How are human-nature relations and the attainment of virtue through human-nature relations understood in the classical urban theory of Geddes and Mumford? How is... more
Introducción: pensar lo colonial Introduction: thinking on the colonial question Introdução: pensando o colonial Laura Catelli, Mario Rufer y Alejandro De Oto Universidad Nacional de San Juan / Universidad Nacional de Rosario /... more
Este trabalho tem como propósitos (1) fundamentar e caracterizar as categorias analíticas de cisgeneridade e cisnormatividade, propondo-as como relevantes para reflexões políticas, acadêmicas, existenciais sobre as diversidades de corpos e... more
In celebration of the fortieth anniversary of CODESRIA, an institution from the Global South devoted to taking responsibility for the production of social science knowledge, this article explores what it means to pursue such a task under... more
La obra de Gamaliel Churata, fundador en los años veinte del grupo Orkopata, representa al interior del debate indigenista peruano un momento clave en que se establecen relaciones fecundas con el pensamiento moderno y en que, a la vez, el... more
In this article we will review the anthropological work of the Prussian philosopher Immanuel Kant, in its relationship with the scientific instrumentalization by imperial policies of the time, and from the point of view of the Latin... more
Large-scale population transfers are immensely disruptive. Interestingly, though, their legal status has shifted considerably over time. In this book, Umut Özsu situates population transfer within the broader history of international law... more
This entry is part of the Equity Issues Portfolio's series on Indigenizing the academy and Indigenous education.
Reason and rationality, upon which modern, westernized, societies have been founded, have powerfully characterized the nature of human relations with other species and with the natural world. However, countless indigenous and traditional... more
""Postcolonialism is now an extensive body of theoretical and empirical knowledge that draws on Edward Said's critique of Orientalism, the Subaltern Studies collective, and other critical anti-colonial scholarship. While postcolonial... more
Las relaciones interpersonales que se desarrollan en el espacio áulico entre profesores y estudiantes, en las cuales los contenidos curriculares tienen una importancia extraordinaria. Es preciso que los profesores reconozcamos la... more
In the last few years, Native filmmakers have begun drawing explicitly on the science fiction genre. Engaging recent short films depicting noncolonial encounters of the third kind and alternative utopian–dystopian futures, I argue that... more
Sobre el sentipensar macondiano universal Este segundo tomo del sentipensamiento, reflexiona sobre su época, sus instituciones, estados, formas de democracia republicana y deliberativa; la desigualdad social, cultural, educativa... more
This chapter examines anarchist approaches to ethno-cultural difference , offering three main arguments. The first is that anarchists were early and consistent opponents of racism and imperialism, both in advanced capitalist countries and... more
Desde los años ochenta, los estudios sobre las mujeres árabes y/o musulmanas han experimentado un auge espectacular en los ámbitos académicos, entre otros. Los debates sobre mujeres, feminismo e Islam y también sobre lo que ha venido a... more
El presente artículo da cuenta de las críticas que han surgido desde algunos países latinoamericanos al grupo Modernidad-Colonialidad, la expresión más visible de una corriente teórica que en la actualidad ha consolidado su in... more
The book 'Socjalistyczny postkolonializm. Rekonsolidacja pamięci' (Socialist Postcolonialism: Memory Reconsolidation) is about the Polish postcolonial tradition of before 1989, which has been blanked out of memory. The year 2000, i.e.,... more
How do the lived conditions of colonialism assume particular forms of legibility and dissociation in relation to imperial nation-states such as the United States, where a variety of colonialisms remain both constitutive and continuing,... more
La dinámica y evolución del movimiento feminista y la diversidad de enfoques que han proliferado a lo largo de su historia, ha contribuido a la emergencia de formas “otras” de concebirlo: feminismo intercultural, feminismo crítico y... more
Este trabajo de investigación pretende evidenciar la visualidad decolonial en el proceso del arte indígena contemporáneo de Norteamérica: Canadá y Estados Unidos de América. La idea central surge como la elaboración de un mapa imaginario... more
This article focuses on the geo- and body-politics of knowledge production related to global citizenship education. It introduces a set of concepts and questions, developed in the work of (mainly) Latin American scholars, that... more
En este artículo reflexionamos sobre la urgencia de decolonizar las ciencias sociales. Es necesario crear formas “otras” de pensar, sentir y existir, lo cual requiere la configuración de nuevos tipos de conocimiento y nuevas “ciencias”... more
This master’s thesis explores the encounters between international law, development and postcolonial studies. I focus in particular on how critical international legal scholarship has re-described international law and development using... more
As wondrous lands are represented as “wastelands” to make way for urban and industrial development in Hawaiʻi, kūpuna or elders and cultural practitioners are currently building a movement across the islands to mobilize moʻolelo (stories... more
OPEN ACCESS Rodriguez-Labajos, Beatriz, Ivonne Yánez, Patrick Bond, Lucie Greyl, Serah Munguti, Godwin Ojo and Winnie Overbeek. 2019. Not So Natural an Alliance? Degrowth and Environmental Justice Movements in the Global South, Ecological... more