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      Writing systemsStandard Russian OrthographyCyrillic Orthographies
Гнатенко Людмила. Палеографічно-орфографічна атрибуція української кириличної рукописної книги : уставні та півуставні кодекси кінця ХІІІ – початку ХVІІ ст. : монографія = Hnatenko Liudmyla. Palaeographic-Orthographic Attribution of the... more
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      History of LinguisticsMedieval HistoryBook HistoryMedieval Studies
Die Bibliographie von den Philologen Sava Mrkalj (1783-1833) bietet einen umfassenden Überblick sowohl über die eigenene Werke Mrkaljs als auch über die ihm gewidmete Fachliteratur einschließlich des Archivmaterials. Die Beiträge... more
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      Cyrillic OrthographiesHistory of Serbian Language
The volume collects 12 original papers on the topic. It is available online (Open Access) and in print. The pdf available here is compact in size (15 MB), whereas the linked file is large (85 MB, photos not compressed). The contents of... more
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      Slavic LanguagesPrinting HistorySlavic LinguisticsAlphabetic Writing
From 1795 to 1914 the Russian Empire controlled Lithuania. It instilled a ban on Latin letters for Lithuanian texts that lasted for almost forty years (1865–1904). During that time almost sixty Lithuanian books in Cyrillic (i.e., Russian)... more
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      Social History of LanguageCyrillic AlphabetHistory of LithuanianHistory of Orthography
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      ChristianityHistorical TheologyHistory of ChristianityEarly Christianity
The New Polish Cyrillic in Independent Belarus (pp 79-112). 2019. Colloquia Humanistica. Vol 8. After the fall of communism and the breakup of the Soviet Union, the... more
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      HistoryEastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesRussian Studies
A Study of the Beginnings of Text Transmission in Church Slavic: The Prologue to the Gospel Homiliary by Constantine of Preslav, the Text On the Script and the Treatise On the Letters by Anonymous Authors.
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      Old Church SlavonicGlagoliticCyrillic OrthographiesMedieval Text Transmission
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      Slavic Historical LinguisticsSlavic Studies in SwedenDigital descriptions of Slavic Cyrillic manuscripts and early printed books.Graphemics Grafematica Grafema Grapheme Written Language Scrittura Lettura Writing Reading Spelling Ortografia Orthography Iconicity Alphabet Alfabeto
Ч=ваш Республикин в\ренъ тата ёамр=ксен политикин министерстви Ч=ваш патшал=х гуманитари =сл=л=х\сен институч\ Ч=ваш Республикин в\ренъ институч\ Ч+ВАШ ОРФОГРАФИЙ/Н ИРТНИ, ХАЛЬХИ, ПУЛАССИ Регионсен =сл=л=хпа \ёл\х конференций\н... more
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      Language Planning and PolicyOrthographyStalinismChuvash language
The paper discusses the Glagolitic, Cyrillic, and Latin orthographies of the Slavic books published by the Sacra Congregatio de Propaganda Fide in Rome during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Through a comparison of eight... more
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      Slavic Studies in SwedenDigraphiaPropaganda FideEarly Glagolitic Printed Books
The Hoard of Medieval Coins from the Village Stizhok. In the spring of 2011, a clay pot was found in a field nearby the village Stizhok (Shumsk district, Ternopil’ region,Ukraine). The pot contained about 2500 silver coins struck in the... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryEconomic HistoryEastern European Studies
От 1990 г. насам във всички сфери на обществения живот в България цари хаос, който изпълва с безкрайна радост сърцата на българомразците. За този ужасен катаклизъм, обаче, вината си е изцяло в самите нас-наистина в различна степен, но... more
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      Russian LiteratureSlavic LanguagesSlavonic LanguagesOld Church Slavonic
Настоящий том завершает введение в научный оборот одного из важнейших памятников древнеславянской письменности – Ильиной книги, древнерусской гимнографической рукописи Российского государственного архива древних актов (собрание... more
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      Old Church SlavonicTranslation Greek into Old Church Slavonichistory of Russian Language, Old Church Slavonic, Byzantine and Slavonic luturgical poetryOld Church Slavonic language, Byzantine language and literature
The present article features a hitherto unpublished and unknown memorandum by G.V. Baev, now kept in his personal archive (Berlin, National Library). In this short text (eight pages), written in Russian in 1925 and addressed to the... more
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      Soviet Union (History)Writing systemsOsseticCyrillic Orthographies
Статья посвящена описанию орфографических принципов, лежащих в основе системы написаний старшего списка славяно-русского перевода Евхология Великой церкви, выполненного по заказу митрополита Киприана русскими книжниками. В орфографии... more
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      OrthographyOld Russian LanguageHistory Of Russian Language, Old Church SlavonicHistory of Orthography
The billing rules of the transcription of names from Slavic languages with Cyrillic alphabet into Hungarian have to be renewed now because of the political changes in East Europe. The Ukranian and Belarusian geographical names of the... more
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      Hungarian StudiesOrthographyTranscriptionCyrillic Orthographies
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      Medieval StudiesLinguisticsCyrillic Orthographies
A detailed description of the orthographic features of the scribes of the Uspenskiy sbornik allows us to reveal textual joints that testify to the heterogeneity of the works included in this collection. These joints are better traced in... more
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      Old Church SlavonicOrthographyOld Russian LanguageHistory of Orthography
В ранней древнерусской письменности существовало две разновидности орфографических систем со смешением букв е и ѣ: основная, допускавшая смешение в определенном наборе позиций, и более редкая – с частым смешением двух букв, не... more
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      OrthographyOld Russian LanguageHistory of OrthographyCyrillic Orthographies
While the majority of orthographic features in the Miroslav Gospel clearly represent the Zeta-Hum recension of Church Slavonic, the Miroslav Gospel exhibits a very odd usage of u-graphemes that cannot be just simply generalized, as has... more
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      Slavic Historical LinguisticsPalaeographyOrthography DevelopmentSlavic palaeography
The volume presents 11 new papers on questions of alphabets, orthographies and scripts among the Slavs resp. in Slavic countries and their national identities. . Publication languages are German, English, and Russian. The volume can be... more
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      Slavic LanguagesNational IdentityAlphabetic WritingGlagolitic
Key words: The Möbius loop, Hinterwelt, Genius loci Scholae Provincialis Portensis, Nietzsche, Glagolitic, Cyrillic, the Petrinian reform, Lenin´s cultural revolution, the collapse of metaphysics in Slavonic writing Both August Möbius... more
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      Intellectual HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesEastern European Studies
The third and final volume on "Slavic Alphabet Tables" rounds out the first two volumes with a lot of additional material. Several Slavic sources are being published here for the first time, and Romanian primers printed with Old Church... more
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      Slavic LanguagesOld Church SlavonicRomanian LanguageSlavic Historical Linguistics
An abridged version of the Slavonic Scaliger Patericon is shown to be copied both from Cyrillic and Glagolitic antigraphs; the same circumstance is observed in the translations of the Scete Patericon and Athanasius of Alexandria's... more
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      Old Church SlavonicGlagoliticCyrillic OrthographiesMedieval Text Transmission
54 copies of 9 Slavonic texts can be identified as copies of 14 Glagolitic antigraphs kept in the library of the Laura, one of which lost a folium at the beginning of the 17th c., which was mislaid in another antigraph and miscopied there.
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      GlagoliticCyrillic OrthographiesMedieval Text Transmission
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      Slavonic LanguagesCyrillic Orthographies
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      Slavonic LanguagesCyrillic Orthographies
[From Kiev and Kijev to Kyjiv and Kyiv] This is a short web-article ( aimed to explain the changing historical naming in the Danish language of the capital of... more
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      Writing Systems (Languages And Linguistics)Writing systemsBosnian HistoryHistory of Writing Systems
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      Language Planning and PolicyPersian LanguageWriting systemsOrthography
О т в е т с т в е н н ы е р е д а к т о р ы канд. филол. наук И. М. ЛАДЫЖЕНСКИЙ канд. филол. наук М. А. ПУЗИНА
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      OrthographyNovgorod the GreatOrthography DevelopmentOld Russian Language
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      HistoryEuropean StudiesRussian StudiesRussian Literature
The history of a compilation copied in a 14th c. Russian MS (its last entry in fair copy by the same scribe in cod. Moskva GIM Čud. 14).
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      Old Church SlavonicGlagoliticCyrillic OrthographiesCompilations
Critique of Il’inskij’s 1931 hypothesis that Glagolitic was replaced by Cyrillic in 893/4 and survey of texts produced in Glagolitic up to the early 12th c. and transcribed from Glagolitic up to the early 17th c.
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      Old Church SlavonicGlagoliticCyrillic OrthographiesMedieval Text Transmission
Paper submitted to Polata knigopisnaja in 2015 but not published.
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      Old Church SlavonicGlagoliticCyrillic Orthographies
In the article, for the first time, paleographic features and graphical-spelling systems of the “Tolstovskii sbornik” of the 13th century are studied. It is established that the manuscript contains several contrasting systems, including... more
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      Paleography and editions of medieval manuscripts vs. print-culture editions of medieval textsOld Russian LanguageHistory Of Russian Language, Old Church SlavonicSlavonic manuscripts - paleography
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      Slavic Studies in SwedenEarly Cyrillic Printed BooksHistory of OrthographyCyrillic Orthographies
This presentation shows samples of the digital image processing that was applied to the illustrations in the three volumes on "Slavic Alphabet Tables" by the author.
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      Digital HumanitiesSlavic LanguagesSlavic Historical LinguisticsDigital Image Processing
Comparison of copies from Glagolitic antigraphs with copies of the same text from Cyrillic antigraphs.
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      Old Church SlavonicGlagoliticCyrillic OrthographiesMedieval Text Transmission
The presentation documents the character set and the features supported by the free "RomanCyrillic Std" font which serves the scientific community of Slavists, linguists, medievalists, students and scholars alike. The current version... more
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      Slavic LanguagesOld Church SlavonicGreek EpigraphyCoptic (Languages And Linguistics)