Social History of Language
Recent papers in Social History of Language
The article deals with methodological aspects of the diachronic linguistic discipline called history of language. On the example of the history of Czech language it shows and evaluates various types of interdisciplinary relations to other... more
The French Language in Russia provides the fullest examination and discussion to date of the adoption of the French language by the elites of imperial Russia during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. It is interdisciplinary,... more
1. In the first half of the 19th century the diacritical letters marking vowel sounds were rarely employed in word initial position in the head word in a Lithuanian dictionary, and if occurring, their appearance was quite unsystematic.... more
From 1795 to 1914 the Russian Empire controlled Lithuania. It instilled a ban on Latin letters for Lithuanian texts that lasted for almost forty years (1865–1904). During that time almost sixty Lithuanian books in Cyrillic (i.e., Russian)... more
1. Į v a d a s. Šio straipsnio tikslas -pažvelgti į vladislovą sirokomlę (tikr. liudvikas Kondratavičius; ludwik Franciszek Władysław Kondratowicz vel Władysław syrokomla, 1823-1862) kaip į istoriką, o kartu aptarti dar vieną vadinamąjį... more
Chapters Four to Six, all from the pen of A. Andrlová Fidlerová, are dedicated to the Baroque period. The chapter “Baroque Czech: Contexts” deals with the terminology which is suitable to refer to the Czech of the 17th and the first three... more
Aunque desde la perspectiva actual pueda resultar chocante, entre los siglos xiii y xv el aragonés era una lengua romance autónoma, funcional en todos los ámbitos comunicativos y dotada de un registro formal y escrito. Los archivos... more
In this article I argue that there might be at least two usual types of standard language history in Europe: early dialect selection during the period of the Renaissance (e.g. English) and late dialect selection during Romanticism and... more
El insulto, expresión de las tensiones entre los seres humanos, es un indicador de valores culturales y un ejemplo de los usos sociales de la lengua. Este Diccionario constituye el resultado del análisis de unos 1500 procesos judiciales... more
I discern at least two types of strategies regarding the implementation of the Cyrillic alphabet for Lithuanian during the initial stages of this process (1864–1866). Books prepared by Stanislovas Mikuckis, Laurynas Ivinskis (1810–1881),... more
rezension von: mikas vaicekauskas (par. / ed. / hrsg.), Kristijono Donelaičio rankraščiai = The Manuscripts of Kristijonas Donelaitis = Die Handschriften von Kristijonas Donelaitis, Fotografuotinis leidimas / A Facsimile Edition /... more
Perhaps one of the saddest consequences of the demise of traditional Khoikhoi societies during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries is the loss of their languages. Contemporary reports by visitors abound with references to how... more
The reconquest of Toledo supposed a radical change in the linguistic history of the city. During the Andalusian period, the Toledan population had experienced an intense process of linguistic and cultural Arabization. The old Romance... more
Ûemaiçiai XIX a. pirmojoje pus∂je pretendavo perimti pagrindinio etnoso funkcijas, ir j¨ raßtai ∂m∂ stelbti aukßtaitißkuosius. Íioje knygoje pagrindinis d∂mesys ir skiriamas trij¨ XIX a. deßimtmeçi¨ pastangoms kurti bendrin´ kalbå... more
Investigates how the Frisians, contrary to the conclusions by Rolf Bremmer in his 'Hir is eskriven' (Hilversum 2005) began putting down their laws in writing in the vernacular language (Old Frisian) rather than in Latin, as was the custom... more
The Arab conquest of Hispania meant the entry into the Iberian Peninsula of two different ethnic and linguistic communities: the Arabs and the Berbers. These communities came into contact with the indigenous Hispanic population, who in... more
Note: The course was not aimed at prospective Croatian philologists, and I had to mainly rely on anglophone scholarship. As a result, in many cases the choice of reading materials is far from being ideal. The course is an... more
Este libro analiza la producción impresa en euskera en Vizcaya, Guipúzcoa, Álava y Navarra entre 1767 y 1833. No se trata de ofrecer un listado de obras describiendo su contenido, ni biografías de autores cronológicamente ordenadas, sino... more
The history of various European standard languages is currently being studied by many scholars throughout the world. This is the concern of the sociolinguistic history of language, or to put it more precisely, the history of standard... more
1. Jurgis Ambraziejus Pabrėža (1771–1849) established his own Samogitian (Lowland Lithuanian) orthography. On the other hand he did not use any other letters than the ones used in Polish orthography. The uniqueness of Pabrėža’s writing... more
El insulto, expresión de las tensiones entre los seres humanos, es un indicador de valores culturales y un ejemplo de los usos sociales de la lengua. Este Diccionario constituye el resultado del análisis de unos 1500 procesos judiciales... more
Póster presentado en las I Jornadas Doctorales de la UPV/EHU
( 1 8 2 8 -1 8 3 4 ) r a š y b o s l ū ž i a i : d i a k r i t i k a i , g e m i n a t o s , d i g r a f a i A r c h i v u m L i t h u a n i c u m 1 8 , 2 0 1 6 i S S N 1 3 9 2 -7 3 7 X , p . 1 3 5 -1 8 4
The interplay between language and politics has been the subject of increased academic interest in the last few decades. The idea that language can be used as a device not only for communication but also for control and manipulation,... more
This essay considers the teaching of Italian in early modern England by looking at the texts, methods, and individuals involved. It considers some ways in which audiences not conforming to the traditional stereotype of the 'Italianate... more
1. It is most probable that the earliest surviving Lithuanian lines in Simonas Daukantas’s (1793–1864) hand were inscribed in 1827 in Rīga (Latvia) in his manuscript Excerpts from Books (Išrašai iš knįgų [IK]; Library of the Institute for... more
The language-learning texts of the early modern period were intimately concerned with questions of orality and the sound of speech. This article begins by looking at methods of representing and teaching pronunciation in vernacular... more
¿Qué hay más cotidiano que la lengua? Al analizar lo cotidiano debemos tomar consciencia de la importancia de comprender las lenguas y su significado a lo largo del tiempo en las comunidades que las usaban. En este sentido tenemos que... more
In the library of the University of Missouri – MU Ellis Special Col-lections Rare Vault, PC1121.I82 1600 – there is a seventeenth-century manuscript of 68 pages almost certainly composed as a didactic tool for an English reader to... more
Envoi du pdf sur demande. Ulrike Krampl, Working with Languages. Foreign Languages, Servants and Gender in Paris at the End of the Ancien Régime. Based on advertisements in Parisian newspapers (1751–1789), this article examines the... more