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Mankind’s dependence on artificial intelligence and robotics is increasing rapidly as technology becomes more advanced. Finding a way to seamlessly intertwine these two worlds will help boost productivity in society and aid in a variety... more
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      RoboticsCyborg TheoryCyborg ScienceCyborg Anthropology
Donna Haraways Cyborg Manifest (1991/1995) als frühe kritischfeministische Auseinandersetzung mit Technologie und TechnoScience bietet einen spannenden Ausgangspunkt für Debatten über Digitalisierung. Cyborgs als uneindeutige Hybride aus... more
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The PhD dissertation Cyberpunk and New Media Art: Digital Art and Performance aims to examine the literary and visual legacy of the Cyberpunk movement and to explore its ideas, concepts and methodologies in the context of New Media... more
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      MythologyNew MediaVirtual EnvironmentsPosthumanism
This research aims to analyze from a legal perspective and various epistemological frames, a paper refered to human rights, in relation to transhumanism and posthumanism. It will be taken as the central axis, the biotechnology, being more... more
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      Cyborg TheoryHuman Rights LawHuman RightsPosthumanism
Foremost; The Cyborg Student. The cyborg is student identity in the digital age. They use digital technology as references and material of projects. Combination of information and digital technology shape psychologically student as a... more
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      EducationCurriculum DesignDigital TechnologyEcology
Reflexões acerca do conceito do Cyborg apresentado por Manfred E. Clynes e Nathan S. Kline. Discussão de algumas ideias presentes no 'Cyborg Manifesto' de Donna Haraway. O Cyborg na actualidade
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      Cyborg TheoryCyberneticsCyborg ScienceCyborg Feminism
Esta obra tiene la finalidad de hacer una análisis exhaustivo relacionado con los derechos humanos, el transhumanismo y posthumanismo, específicamente en los cíborgs, para ello se hace un análisis que comprende al animalismo, humanismo,... more
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      TranshumanismTranshumanism/PosthumanismDerechos HumanosTranshumanismo
A review of Alex Garland's Ex Machina within posthumanism and cyberculture topics.
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      Cyborg TheoryPosthumanismScience FictionTranshumanism
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyTechnologyNew Media
"Representations", N. 129, Winter 2015. The essay analyzes the project of maintaining the body of V. I. Lenin in the Mausoleum in Moscow for the past ninety years, focusing on the unique biological science that developed around this... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyModern History
Lunettes, stimulateurs cardiaques, prothèses dentaires, audioprothèses, implants mammaires, bras mécatroniques, etc. : notre monde nous plonge de plus en plus dans un univers de prothèses – l'âge venant, peu d'entre nous y échappent.... more
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      ComicsScience FictionProsthesisJ.G. Ballard
In Fantasies of Self-Mourning Ruben Borg describes the formal features of a posthuman, cyborgian imaginary at work in modernism. The book’s central claim is that modernism invents the posthuman as a way to think through the contradictions... more
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      CyberpunkSamuel BeckettGilles DeleuzeVirginia Woolf
A Senior Project in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a Bachelor of the Arts degree in the Gallatin School of Individualized Study. This paper moves through the film genre theory of tech-noir, and discusses the feminist... more
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      Gender StudiesSex and GenderCyborg TheoryWomen's Studies
This work aims to make a comprehensive analysis related to human rights, transhumanism and posthumanism, specifically in the cyborgs, for this an analysis is made that includes animalism, humanism, transhumanism, posthumanism and... more
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      Cyborg TheoryInternational LawHuman RightsPosthumanism
Las tecnologías de la información y comunicación, son un pilar fundamental para el desarrollo de la humanidad, siendo utilizadas como objeto, medio y fin. Son tan importantes en la vida humana, que han realizado cambios trascendentes en... more
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      GovernanceDemocracyGobernanzaGobernanza y participación
The works of biologist and feminist theorist Donna Haraway have been almost indispensable in the debates of feminist theory since the 1980s. Especially her work on the figure of the cyborg is of major importance for research in feminist... more
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      Feminist TheoryEcologyFeminist EthicsCyborg Feminism
Partindo das três clássicas feridas narcísicas da humanidade, quais sejam, a copernicana, a darwiniana e a freudiana, analisa-se a influência e a potência da cibertecnologia como movimento de modificação do humano em sua versão... more
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Der Transhumanismus ist eine Sozialtheorie, die die moralische Pflicht zur Überschreitung der Grenzen des Menschen formuliert. Im Kontext des Wandels hin zu einer Optimierungs- und Upgradekultur sowie der umfassenden Digitalisierung kommt... more
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      Future StudiesScience FictionTranshumanismStelarc
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      Film StudiesCinemaFilmCinema Studies
Unter einem Cyborg (cybernetic organism) versteht man in der Regel einen selbstregulierten Organismus, bei dem das Natürliche und das Künstliche in einem System vereint sind.
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      Cyborg TheoryCyborg AnthropologyDonna HarawayUlrich Beck
This chapter sketches the development of the posthuman image in science fiction (SF) cinema over the last few decades, moving from anxiety over identity to mediated memories, and from the awareness of affect to love relations. The author... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryCyborg
Esta investigación pretende analizar desde la perspectiva legal y de diversos encuadres epistemológicos, un estudio referente a los derechos humanos, en relación con el transhumanismo y posthumanismo. Se tomará como eje central, la... more
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      BioengineeringPosthumanismTranshumanismDerechos Humanos
How can one define what is a normal body in the XXI Century? When amputee runners using high-performance prosthetics like Oscar Pistorius demand an upgrade from the status of para-athletes to be accepted as "normal" athletes in the... more
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In feminist studies, the figure of the mermaid has long been regarded as flawed, disabled and less-than-human. Her theoretical counterpart in that respect would be the cyborg, an image used to show that with the aid of robotics, humankind... more
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      Practice theoryAutismDisability StudiesDisability
When we think of the cyborg, we often only think of Donna Haraway (1985), and perhaps The Terminator. However, the cyborg did not begin there. The speculative concept of the cyborg was a strong figure in the 1950s with the physical cyborg... more
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      Cyborg TheoryCyborg FeminismCyborg AnthropologyDonna Haraway
Inspired by the relatively simple morphological blueprint provided by batoid fish such as stingrays and skates, we created a biohybrid system that enables an artificial animal—a tissue-engineered ray—to swim and phototactically follow a... more
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      LocomotionCyborgBatoidsFish Locomotion
This article maps the metaphors that have been used to facilitate human engagement with wearable technologies – extension, enhancement, augmentation – and locates the values and assumptions about the body and technology that they... more
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      EmbodimentTechnology And CultureBody and TechnologyWearable Technology
Study on cyborgs and their later development in humanoids. Cyborgs is a being with both organic and biometric body parts. In science fiction cyborg is a human being with visibly mechanical parts. Scientific change in the field has proved... more
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    • Cyborg
My master’s thesis. Notes toward a future. A critical engagement with Jean-Luc Nancy, Donna Haraway, and Jean Baudrillard, led by the question: what is it for a cyborg to read fiction? Networked flesh, tactile imaginary, cyborgic... more
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      GlobalizationJean-Luc NancyNetworksMaterialism
As medical technology continues to progress, we are able to correct deficiencies in the body through means such as cochlear implants and prosthetic limbs. This has led some scholars to argue that we are creating technologized, cyborg... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryCultural StudiesFuture Studies
Este ensayo muestra el universo de Arguedas, basado en dualidades como la vida y la muerte, la vida en la costa frente a la vida del interior, y la ficción mezclada con realidad. Se examina la crítica de John Beasley-Murray y José Antonio... more
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      Cyborg TheoryPosthumanismCultureFuturism
This paper advocates a re-introduction of the notion of cyborg in order to acquire a new perspective on studies concerning the development of human cognition in highly technological environments. In particular, we will show how the notion... more
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      Distributed CognitionInternet SafetyCyber BullyingCyborg
We are cyborgs. We are transhumans; transitory people that exist in a luminal phase, waiting for a transfer to the posthuman world. Our children do not need education; it is cyborgization that ensures their development. This is the idea... more
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      Cyborg TheoryPosthumanismICT Educational designCyborg Science
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      SociologyCyborg TheoryPosthumanismCulture
This research aims to analyze from a legal perspective and various epistemological frames, a paper refered to human rights, in relation to transhumanism and posthumanism. It will be taken as the central axis, the biotechnology, being more... more
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      Cyborg TheoryHuman Rights LawHuman RightsPosthumanism
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      Television StudiesGenderScience FictionRepresentation
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      Military HistoryPosthumanismMonster TheoryScience Fiction
En esta ponencia se abordan los principales impactos han tenido las recientes revoluciones científicas y técnicas, principalmente la robótica, la inteligencia artificial y la biotecnología, sobre el poder organizacional y los modos de... more
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A close attempt to what it says, in the context of Programmable Heuristics, slightly more human approach here.
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A twelfth century bronze from Tamilnadu, Shiva as the King of Dance (Natraja) shows Shiva crushing with his right foot a dwarf crouching on a lotus. His left leg is lifted across his body. He has four hands. One of his right hands... more
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      PhotographyCultural AnthropologyCyborgVisuality
This paper revisits the concept of metabolic architecture by intro‐ ducing the pair of plants and ambient computing, constructing a stage between automation and interaction. By acknowledging a technophilic present, the paper proposes... more
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      Cyborg TheoryInstallation ArtInstallation (Art)Interaction Design
Early development of Wearables emerged though professional silos of computer science and fashion design and resulted in two distinct branches typified by an aesthetic approach from fashion and by a function and ocularcentric approach from... more
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      Computer ScienceDesignFashion designArt
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      EducationEducational TechnologyCyborg TheoryArt
The broad aim of this paper is to question the ambiguous relationship between technology and intelligence. More specifically, it addresses the reasons why the ever-increasing reliance on smart technologies and wide repositories of data... more
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Na via de Frankenstein: do Homo Sapiens ao Cyborg, Lisboa, CLEPUL | FLUL | FCT (col. “Ensaio BREVE -Lusofonias”), 2020 []... more
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      Cultural StudiesCyborg TheoryIdentity (Culture)Global Studies
Cyberpunk City Utopian in William Gibson's "Neuromancer" This artlicle presents an analysis of the space, or rather non-space of a virtual city described by William Gibson in his cyberpunk novel 'Neuromancer". It is proposed that the... more
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      CyberpunkTranshumanismCyborgTechnological Utopia
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      Japanese StudiesPopular CultureHerbert MarcuseAdvertising And Social Culture
Tech-noir is a modern genre hybridization that critics have struggled to define due to the elusive nature of the film noir mood, or genre. My paper is concerned with arriving at a definition of this hybrid genre, and arguing that films... more
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      TechnologyCyborg TheoryWomen's StudiesFeminist Theory
В статье с опорой на теорию кибернетической революции и вытекающие из нее прогнозы грядущих технологических прорывов, которые будут связаны с увеличением возможностей влияния на человеческий организм, анализируется исключительно важная с... more
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      MedicineHuman natureCyborgCyborgization
A partir da campanha #somostodosparalímpicos, da revista Vogue Brasil, discutimos dinâmicas sociopolíticas do corpo e representações do corpo com deficiência no senso comum e nas redes sociais digitais. A metodologia partiu de uma... more
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      SociologyDisabilityCyborgParalympic Games