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There was an apparent difference in tissue origin of adventitious roots in stem cuttings collected from Dracaena and Cordyline. Dracaena was difficulty rooting but Cordyline root quickly and easily when cuttings are taken from stock... more
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      AgriculturePlant AnatomyPlant propagationPlant Growth Regulators
Potato production from rooted apical cuttings or from small tubers (1-20g) produced in high density beds has great potential in Asia. This is particularly important in non-traditional warrner environments. This research .was conducted to... more
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      VietnamPotatoField ExperimentHigh Temperature
2016): Propagation Method of the Lowland Bamboo through Seed and Culm Cuttings. Journal of the Drylands, 6(2): 513 -518
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      BambooPlant propagationCuttings
Zamioculcas zamiifolia is an ornamental potted foliage plant and a relatively new introduction to the world of interior plants. However, its low growth rate in conventional solid media is a constraint in mass propagation. The present... more
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De nombreux grands manuscrits ont été la proie de marchands qui les ont dépecés en feuillets séparés pour offrir aux amateurs la possibilité d'acquérir de belles miniatures isolées. Les recherches de divers historiens d'art ont permis... more
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      Canon LawArt HistoryArtMedieval History
A systematic treatability study was conducted for the treatment of drill cuttings, a waste generated during petroleum exploration and production, by stabilization/solidification with Portland cement (CEM I), with the addition of high... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringPetroleumCarbon
In conifers, vegetative propagation of superior genotypes is the most direct means for making large genetic gains, because it allows a large proportion of genetic diversity to be captured in a single cycle of selection. There are two aims... more
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      MicropropagationGymnospermsCuttingsIn vitro culture
This study was carried out to analyze the trend of cassava (Manihot esculenta) products and impacts on the livelihood of value chain actors in the Centre Region of Cameroon. Thus, surveys were carried out in 2016, in six localities... more
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Q uesto nuovo capitolo della rassegna di frammenti miniati lombardi 78 riguarderà alcune opere di artisti, fortunatamente quasi tutti identificabili con certezza, attivi nel XV secolo. L'unico miniatore destinato a rimanere ancora anonimo... more
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      Storia Dell'Arte MedievaleSTORIA DELL'ARTEStoria Dell'Arte ModernaCuttings
Lietuvas Dārzkopības Institūtā (2002Institūtā ( . -2003 tika veikta upeĦu, sarkano jāĦogu, zelta jāĦogu un ērkšėogu pavairošana lietojot lapainos un daĜēji koksnainos spraudeĦus. SpraudeĦus apstrādāja ar β-indoliletiėskābes (IES), IES ar... more
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      BiologyPropagationCuttingsBlack Currant
The dispersion of the genus Eucalyptus in nature is by seeds. Nevertheless, the interest from breeders to reproduce outstanding trees by cuttings encourages the development and adjustment of techniques for agamic propagation. These... more
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      Conservation BiologyBiologyEcologyCloning
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      GeologyGeophysicsOrganic GeochemistryPalynology
U ritrovamento all' interno di musei, biblioteche e collezioni private americane di numerosi frammenti miniati lombardi, riferibili al XV secolo, mi ha spinto a raccogliere il materiale in un articolo, il cui scopo è quello di far... more
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      Storia Dell'Arte MedievaleSTORIA DELL'ARTEStoria Dell'Arte ModernaCuttings
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesManuscript StudiesIllumination (Manuscripts, Books)
This article presents the recent discovery of one bifolio removed from an illuminated manuscript and reused in the binding of another ancient book. This fragment has been written and illuminated in the first half of the fourteenth century... more
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      Art HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesRare Books and Manuscripts
Litter on roadways has to be removed for hygiene and to reduce pollution, amongst other reasons. Therefore, the effective operation of street sweepers is important in the collection of solid waste. In this article, the effectiveness of... more
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      Environmental EngineeringWaterWaste ManagementCase Study
Abstract: Among the objects conserved (not on display but accessible upon request) in the museum of the Casa Morandi in via Fondazza, Bologna, where the painter Giorgio Morandi resided with his sisters until his death in 1964, are two... more
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      Contemporary ArtArt MarketArte ModernaStoria Dell'Arte Moderna
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesRare Books and ManuscriptsMedieval Art
Revised version of the manuscript, submitted to Bulletin of Volcanology: 1 2 Chemical and isotopic compositions of thermal springs, fumaroles and bubbling 3 gases at Tacaná Volcano (Mexico-Guatemala): implications for volcanic 4... more
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      GeologyChemical EvolutionEl SalvadorGas Separation
Resumen Gordon Matta-Clark artista poliédrico, energético, dinámico, explosivo, extremadamente inteligente e intuitivo, que cuando a finales de los años sesenta irrumpe en la esfera artística de Nueva York, lo hace con los títulos y... more
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      AnthropologyPhilosophyArtContemporary Art
This work is aimed at investigating the weathering processes of the granodiorites cropping out in a small catchment of the Sila Massif. The mineral constituents in this granodiorite are plagioclase, often zoned with a Ca-rich core and a... more
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      GeochemistryWeatheringApplied GeochemistryModels
A systematic treatability study was conducted for the treatment of drill cuttings, a waste generated during petroleum exploration and production, by stabilization/solidification with Portland cement (CEM I), with the addition of high... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringPetroleumCarbon
Revised version of the manuscript, submitted to Bulletin of Volcanology: 1 2 Chemical and isotopic compositions of thermal springs, fumaroles and bubbling 3 gases at Tacaná Volcano (Mexico-Guatemala): implications for volcanic 4... more
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      GeologyEl SalvadorDischargeIsotopes
Découpés d’un missel au début du XIXe siècle, probablement entre les mains du collectionneur anglais William Young Ottley, deux superbes feuillets figurant la Crucifixion et la Majestas Domini sont au nombre des plus belles créations... more
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      Art HistoryBibliographyPaintingMedieval Europe
Nel corso del Duecento avvenimenti nuovi e diversi mutarono l'aspetto della produzione figurativa degli scriptoria romani 1 e così pure, conseguentemente, la fisionomia della produzione di codici miniati ad uso della Curia papale 2 . La... more
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      Medieval HistoryManuscripts and Early Printed BooksMedieval StudiesRare Books and Manuscripts
There was an apparent difference in tissue origin of adventitious roots in stem cuttings collected from Dracaena and Cordyline. Dracaena was difficulty rooting but Cordyline root quickly and easily when cuttings are taken from stock... more
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      AgriculturePlant AnatomyPlant propagationPlant Growth Regulators
Earthworks such as embankments and cuttings are integral to road and rail networks but can be prone to instability, necessitating rigorous and continual monitoring. To date, the potential of remote sensing for earthwork hazard assessment... more
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      GeomorphologyGeophysicsRemote SensingGeotechnical Engineering
In conifers, vegetative propagation of superior genotypes is the most direct means for making large genetic gains, because it allows a large proportion of genetic diversity to be captured in a single cycle of selection. There are two aims... more
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      Plant BiologyPlant biotechnologyMicropropagationGenetic Diversity
Remobilization, bioavailability, and potential toxicity of chemical contaminants were evaluated at the 4H shell mounds -the site of abandoned offshore oil and gas production platforms in the Santa Barbara Channel region of the Southern... more
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      BioaccumulationSurvival AnalysisEnvironmental MonitoringRisk assessment
This work is aimed at investigating the weathering processes of the granodiorites cropping out in a small catchment of the Sila Massif. The mineral constituents in this granodiorite are plagioclase, often zoned with a Ca-rich core and a... more
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      GeochemistryWeatheringApplied GeochemistryModels
Because of low investment and operational costs, interest is increasing in the use of willow plants in landfill leachate disposal. Toxic effects of leachate on the plants should be avoided in the initial period of growth and... more
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      Environmental EngineeringWaste ManagementDose rateCuttings
Zamioculcas zamiifolia is an ornamental potted foliage plant and a relatively new introduction to the world of interior plants. However, its low growth rate in conventional solid media is a constraint in mass propagation. The present... more
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      AgronomyPlant BiologyEcologyAgriculture
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      Canon LawMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesRare Books and Manuscripts
Rooting ef®ciencies of cuttings derived from three age class stock plants of African pencil cedar (Juniperus procera Hoechst. ex Endl.), were studied using eight different concentrations of indolebutyric acid (IBA), viz. 0.00, 0.05, 0.10,... more
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      Forest Ecology And ManagementBiological SciencesGrowthEnvironmental Sciences
In this paper, we provide evidence that the rooting performance of cuttings can be improved by the arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbiosis of donor plants. Poinsettia stock plants were inoculated with the Glomus intraradices isolate H510... more
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      MicrobiologyMetabolismKineticsPlant Biology
ECONOMIC BOTANY OF SeONOIAS eURPUReA (ANACARDZACEAE) IN ECUADOR. Economic Botany 54(4):449-458, 2000. The edible fruits of Spondias purpurea are valued highly throughout the Ecuadorian coastal plain and Andes where they are cultivated.... more
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In conifers, vegetative propagation of superior genotypes is the most direct means for making large genetic gains, because it allows a large proportion of genetic diversity to be captured in a single cycle of selection. There are two aims... more
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      Plant BiologyBiologyPlant biotechnologyMicropropagation
Borehole guided waves, other than the extensional waves traveling through the drillstring, can be used as pilot signals to obtain seismic-while-drilling (SWD) seismograms and information about the drilling conditions. This occurs when... more
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      MicrobiologyPlant BiologyCzech RepublicPlant diseases
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      Canon LawMedieval HistoryIllumination (Manuscripts, Books)Medieval Canon & Roman Law
... fumaroles and bubbling gases at Tacaná Volcano (Mexico–Guatemala): implications for volcanic surveillance Dmitri Rouwet & Salvatore Inguaggiato & Yuri Taran... more
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      GeologyGeochemistryChemical EvolutionEl Salvador
In conifers, vegetative propagation of superior genotypes is the most direct means for making large genetic gains, because it allows a large proportion of genetic diversity to be captured in a single cycle of selection. There are two aims... more
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      Plant BiologyPlant biotechnologyMicropropagationGenetic Diversity
This study was carried out to analyze the trend of cassava (Manihot esculenta) products and impacts on the livelihood of value chain actors in the Centre Region of Cameroon. Thus, surveys were carried out in 2016, in six localities... more
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In this paper two types of recycled aggregate, originated from construction and demolition waste (CDW) and ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) waste, were used in the production of concrete. The EVA waste results from cutting off the EVA... more
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      Environmental EngineeringMaterials ScienceConstruction MaterialsWaste Management
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      GeologyStressMultidisciplinaryQuantitative analysis
This study presents baseline data for future geochemical monitoring of the active Tacaná volcano-hydrothermal system (Mexico-Guatemala). Seven groups of thermal springs, related to a NW-SE oriented fault scarp cutting the summit area... more
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      GeologyChemical EvolutionEl SalvadorGas Separation
Oil-drill cuttings, separated from drilling mud and shipped to shore for removal of oil before landfilling, have potential for use as aggregate in construction. A range of samples, originating from different locations in the North Sea,... more
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      Civil EngineeringBuildingBuilding and Construction MaterialsBitumen
The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between Lolium perenne L. uptake of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in sludge amended soils and soil availability of these elements assessed by soil sequential extraction. A greenhouse... more
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      Tissue cultureGraftingSomatic EmbryogenesisCuttings
Ronald Hill specializes in petroleum geochemistry and has more than 12 years of professional experience, which includes his years in Exxon-Mobil and Chevron. Currently, he is a research geologist for the U.S. Geological Survey. His... more
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      GeologyBiomarkersOil and gasReservoir