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The journal "Minority Reports. Cultural Disability Studies" purports to devote the monographic issue 13 / II 2021 to the topic of school and educational inclusion of the students with disability, as it is declined, both in conceptual and... more
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      HistorySociologyHuman Rights LawDisability Studies
As radio shifts from analog to digital, the Hong Kong Radio Industry faces a challenge that they have not prepared for. To say the least, they have been running on deficit. In addition, it seems that they had become outdated, falling... more
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      EthnographyDigital Media & LearningRadio JournalismHong Kong
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      EthnomusicologyChina studiesNeo-Confucianism(History of) Western Classical Music
A Salvador Mas, por su inestimable ayuda como director de esta tesis doctoral, no sólo por sus aportaciones, discusiones e indicaciones de tipo académico, que han contribuido, sin duda, a no perder de vista que el debate y el desacuerdo... more
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      PhilosophyModern GreeceGreek CinemaHistory of modern Greece
Cultural geography is a subdiscipline of human geography that explores the human organization of space and the impact of human activities and culture upon the natural environment. Human geography is one of the most active and... more
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      Human GeographyCultural GeographyCultural TheoryCultural Historical Geography
Este libro realizado en conjunto entre los departamentos de Arte y Literatura, reúne artículos y trabajos de artistas que trazan en conjunto un recorrido crítico y estético por nuevos imaginarios y conceptualizaciones del espacio natural.... more
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      Cultural StudiesLatin American StudiesGeographical ImaginariesGeographical Imaginations
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      Theatre StudiesCultrual Studies
Global and Shakespeare have become near synonyms. Global Shakespeare performances matter because their concerns are inherently local even as they travel. In this sense, global Shakespeare is a body of traveling cultural texts and a... more
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      Translation StudiesGlobalizationFilm StudiesPerformance Studies
2 2013), and the broader public was analysed by approaching the digital memes with theories of proximity (Hall, 1956). The analysis of the 66 PGUF memes shows that ‘viewers’ and ‘subjects’ are both active agents and objects of... more
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      PsychologyDigital MediaVisual CultureGender
La presente ponencia, tiene por objetivo aproximarse a la interpretación de la obra alfarera desarrollada por Pedro Isla en la comuna de Río Ibáñez, región de Aysén, además reproducir metodológicamente los procesos artesanales diseñados... more
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      Patrimonio CulturalIndustrias creativasCultrual Studies
This paper explores the background and significance of Pra-guam as a material expression of “local knowledge” among ethnic Khmer communities in Surin Province, Thailand. Pra-guam refers to methods and styles of silverware-making practiced... more
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      Material Culture StudiesRace and EthnicityCultureCultural Identity
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      Cold WarMemory StudiesHistory of Everyday LifeCultrual Studies
Resumen: Este artículo analiza algunas de las revistas culturales más importantes del campo cultural cubano contemporáneo atendiendo a cómo el carácter del material que publican expresa y alimenta la existencia de un campo cultural cubano... more
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      Cultrual StudiesLatin American Studies Cuban Literature
Digital visual culture scholars have struggled to find a viewing model that suits the ways in which we communicate visually within participatory culture. Participatory culture suggests that people are visually active participants.... more
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      Digital MediaVisual CultureGenderSocial Media
This course explores the engendering of gender and racial differences in narrative instances in Anglo-European, African and Asian films and literary texts. Key critical idioms introduced in this course include: race, ethnicity, class,... more
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      World LiteraturesComparative LiteratureFeminist TheoryCritical Race Theory
The forces of globalization, war and terrorism, as well as commodity culture place special pressures on the (re)production of dramatic works. This graduate seminar examines the transformations of drama and performance in an age of global... more
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      Performance StudiesEmbodimentLiterary TheoryDiaspora Studies
Spaces of Imagination: Intermedilaity in Film, Archives and Exhibition, School of Fine Art, History of Art, Cultural Studies, University of Leeds. 19th November 2016. Symposium organised by Dr Liz Watkins (University of Leeds). Funded... more
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      Art HistoryMedia StudiesFilm TheoryMuseum Studies
Just came out! Stanford University Press: Seeing like a city and everyday binationalism: Can nationalism be eclipsed by the interpreting subject? In this provocative, and at times iconoclastic... more
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      Gender StudiesAnthropologyNarrativeIdentity (Culture)
This paper argues that subversion is a necessary tool for survival and opening up of new possibilities in the context of the 21st century where neoliberalism and its extreme market-driven ideologies and institutional practices permeate... more
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      Political PhilosophyEducational LeadershipPhilosophy of EducationPostcolonial Studies
From early trailblazers to contemporary ground breakers, Black Women in Dance: Stepping Out of the Barriers, is an exciting publication celebrating and exploring the impact that Black women have made on the international dance ecology.... more
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      WomenDanceCultrual Studies
Book Description in English: World Literature and World Theatre: Aesthetic Humanism in Cultural Globalization argues that the aestheticization of humanistic concerns—the act of converting the human experience to art—is a key force in... more
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      European StudiesTranslation StudiesGlobalizationHigher Education
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      Native American StudiesAnthropologyApplied AnthropologyAmerican Indians
Nombre de mots : 2148 mots Publié en ligne le 2009-08-28 Citation: Histara les comptes rendus (ISSN 2100-0700). Lien: Lien pour commander ce livre Entre 1890 et 1914, Munich est l'une des... more
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      Cultural StudiesHistory of ArtJugendstilCultrual Studies
DML Central
Digital Media + Learning: The Power of Participation
Antero Garcia interviews Jeff Share about Critical Media Literacy and the second edition of his book: Media Literacy is Elementary.
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      Media StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural StudiesDigital Humanities
The MIT Global Shakespeares Video & Performance Archive is a collaborative project providing online access to performances of Shakespeare from many parts of the world as well as essays and metadata provided by scholars and educators in... more
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      New MediaTranslation StudiesGlobalizationFilm Studies
Resumen: Ensayo sobre las transformaciones contemporáneas vinculadas al cuerpo, tecnologías y subjetividad, a partir de una “autobiografía molecular” que he llamado Bio–lencia, microbiopolítica contemporánea. Intenta dar cuenta de nuevos... more
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      CuerpoInterruptionsEnfermedades rarasCultrual Studies
Hundreds of thousands of Palestinian homes have been destroyed; many people made homeless twice, thrice or even four times in their lives
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      Media StudiesPostcolonial StudiesIsrael/PalestineIslamic Studies