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How can participative communication approaches inform the prevention of radicalisation leading to violent extremism in Pakistan? Gordon Adam discusses how he drew on the ideas of participants in Malmö University's Master in Communication... more
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      SociologyTerrorismCounter terrorism
We show that a quantum correlation p is in a face of the nonsignaling polytope with no local points if and only if p has nonlocal content 1, if and only if p allows for a Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger-like proof, and if and only if p... more
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      Quantum PhysicsQuantum InformationQuantum MechanicsQuantum correlations
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
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      Political ScienceNegotiation
Sumario: I. Introducción; II. Corrupción y lavado en el contexto internacional; III. El “Caso Riggs” en Estados Unidos y los informes del Grupo de Acción Financiera Internacional en materia de corrupción; IV. Corrupción y lavado en Chile:... more
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      Criminal LawFighting and Preventing Corruption through LawAnti-money launderingAnti-Corruption
Routine drivers would know the difficulty in driving on highways, in the night, because of the glare beaming from vehicles from opposite direction. Since drivers use high beams on national and state highways, it is a lot of nuisance for... more
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This paper aims to present a new branch of economic theory, building upon the traditional branches followed by microeconomics. It introduces the concept of Nanoconomics to broaden the scope of economic study, particularly within the... more
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تتضمن هذه الدراسة نقشين سبئيين مصدرهما معبد أوام بمدينة مارب، حاضرة مملكلة سبأ في اليمن القديم، والنقشان – موضوع الدراسة – من النقوش الدينية ذات الطابع النذري، وقد خُصصا للمعبود الرئيس لمملكة سبأ (إلمقه)، يعود الأول إلى النصف الثاني من... more
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      Ottoman HistoryHistory of EducationTurkeyHistory of Istanbul
The present chapter has a twofold aim. First, it maps the current state of international supervision in the area of international criminal law,1 by looking particularly at the competence of treaty bodies and other noncompliance mechanisms... more
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      International Criminal LawTransnational CrimeMonitoringInternational Crimes
Pembahasan tentang isu-isu keamanan saat ini semakin menarik untuk diperbincangkan sebab masyarakat internasional telah menyadari bahwa hadirnya isu keamanan non tradisonal seperti terorisme lebih mengancam karena tindakan dari kelompok... more
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      PsychologyPolitical Science
Design, decapitations and metasteses in terrorist networks. An analysis of hybrid warfare, mostly focused on terrorist groups.
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      SociologyEconomicsAnthropologyInternational Relations
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National Security Fundamentalism is an extreme version of what Posner and Vermeule call the accommodationist view; Liberty Perfectionism is akin to what they deem the strict enforcement view. See Posner & Vermeule, supra, at 605-10. Their... more
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      LawPolitical ScienceNational Security
Background to the Study Over time, human beings have been involved in addressing common threats of survival to protect themselves through either dialogue or the use of force. In the turn of Twenty First Century, battlefields have... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyBiomedical EngineeringNeurorehabilitation
Brazil has recently put into force a piece of legislation that regularizes online betting activities after many years of gambling prohibition. The Finance Ministry has also issued administrative regulations describing the requirements and... more
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      Anti-money launderingLavagem De Dinheiro
International relation between two countries at some time could evoke problems which are caused by the cheating action of one party, such as interception resulting in conflict between them. This study aims to explain the protection of... more
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      Ilmu HukumHukumHukum Internasional
International relation between two countries at some time could evoke problems which are caused by the cheating action of one party, such as interception resulting in conflict between them. This study aims to explain the protection of... more
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      Ilmu HukumHukumHukum Internasional
Кримінальне право Тероризм, екстремізм, сепаратизм та проблеми сучасного антитерористичного законодавства Актуальність «терористичної» теми, на жаль, у сьогоденній Україні не можливо заперечити, хоча ще років двадцять тому в цьому аспекті... more
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      терроризмсепаратизмкримінальне правоміжнародне кримінальне право
The Polish Ministry of the Interior and the SolidarnośćOffi  ces in the Federal Republic of Germany – between semioperational reconnaissance and politically conditioned pragmatism. Some theses and case studies
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      West GermanyPolish Intelligence ServicesHistory of Solidarność
This article examines the international community's efforts in elaborating and enacting counterterrorism preventive measures to address the conditions conducive to the spread of terrorism. Special emphasis is placed on the comprehensive... more
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      Russian StudiesTerrorismPolitical ScienceUnited Nations
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      SyriaForced Disappearance
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      HumanitiesSpanish Civil WarHistoriaGUERRA CIVIL ESPAÑOLA
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      LawInternational LawDeclaration
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    • Art
This paper introduces a new economic simulator in the case of a war, this new economic simulator is entitled "The PostWar Economic Impact Simulator (PEI-Simulator)." The primary objective of the PEI-Simulator is to analyze wars at various... more
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The Rohingya problem is an old one. After nearly 70 years, the problem has been greatly aggravated by rising sectarian violence by radical Buddhist groups against Muslims and the involvement of transnational terrorist groups such as Al... more
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      GeographySoutheast Asia
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Undeterred by its military setbacks in Marawi, the so-called Islamic State (IS) is now calling for a war of liberation and propagating an anti-Christian and anti-government narrative for continuing violence in and outside Mindanao.... more
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The recent recapture of Marawi City by Philippine security forces which led to the death of Isnilon Hapilon has thrown up a new emir or leader, Amin Baco. A Malaysian from Sabah, who is Amin Baco? Commentary IT WAS not whether but when... more
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    • Southeast Asia
En este artículo se analiza el proceso que llevó a algu- nos jóvenes italianos, aparentemente alejados de todo vínculo con el terrorismo, a militar en organizaciones armadas entre los años setenta y ochenta, es decir en la época que se... more
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      TerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismRadicalizationItaly
This article analyses the high number of individuals who left Tunisia after the Arab Spring to join a jihadi organisation in Syria or in Iraq and it attempts to provide some explanations for this phenomenon. The analysis begins with an... more
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Qualquer política contraterrorista tem de ser cuidadosamente planeada e implementada para garantir que não só responde de forma eficaz à ameaça terrorista, mas também que previne uma intensificação das ações dos grupos terroristas.
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      TerrorismCounter terrorism
Contemporary security realities have deepened the need to widen the space in search of intelligence education and knowledge acquisition across the world. This has opened up new horizons as non-military universities have established... more
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(Study Kasus pemuda pancasila pasca reformasi) Pemuda Pancasila menjadi kesatuan pendukung Ikatan kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia, untuk memperjuangkan nilai-nilai Pancasila dan Undang-Undang dasar 1945 dari tangan komunisme. Setelah... more
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      Political ScienceBaru
In our study, first of all, the thoughts of the valuable sociologists of the 19th century on "change" and the phenomenon of "social change" and the fact that this phenomenon continues at a dizzying pace in the 21st century are explained,... more
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This paper argues that the present countermeasures to deal with the plague of extremist violence in the world are inadequate, in that they are largely reactive rather than addressing the root causes, which are prejudices of various kinds.... more
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      TerrorismPolitical ScienceCounter terrorismViolent Extremism
The paper presents considerations regarding the problematic of induction generator's (IG) excitation. There are presented theoretical considerations and experiments that confirm the efficiency of the capacitive excited induction generator... more
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      EngineeringCompoundingAnalytical MethodInduction Generator
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      PsychologyNeurocognitiveSpringerSpringer Ebooks
A possibilidade de uma pandemia provocada de forma intencional é um dos novos riscos mais aterrorizantes do século XXI. À medida que a tecnologia reduz os limites para o desenvolvimento de armas biológicas, até mesmo indivíduos com... more
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      TerrorismPolitical Violence and TerrorismCounter terrorism
List of publications 1. Books and brochures 2. Edited books 3. Journal articles 4. Book chapters 5. Contributions to legal commentaries 6. Contributions to encyclopedic works 7. Case notes (in English) 8. Book reviews (in English)
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The Cambridge History of the Kurds is an authoritative and comprehensive volume exploring the social, political and economic features, forces and evolution amongst the Kurds, and in the region known as Kurdistan, from the fifteenth to the... more
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    • Kurdish history
This essay argues that the anatomy of security in Pakistan requires a multidimensional approach that integrates various theoretical frameworks and addresses the country's complex socio-political landscape. By analysing traditional and... more
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      Criminal JusticeSecurityGovernancePolitics
Pequeno resumo de comportamentos de Lobos Solitarios e atentados na Uniao Europeia
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      TerrorismCounter terrorism
The past decade has seen the rise of a new threat, a state's own radicalised citizens committing terrorist atrocities for a global cause. To respond to this threat, successive UK governments have introduced Prevent strategies in an... more
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      Political ScienceDuty
Esta dissertação de mestrado em Ciências Policiais tem como objectivo enquadrar e conceptualizar o uso do Cão como elemento das Forças e Serviços de Segurança, e o Cão como elemento integrante da nossa sociedade e família, na Segurança do... more
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      Police ScienceSecurityCounter terrorismSegurança