Text Encoding
Recent papers in Text Encoding
This chapter gives an introduction to scholarly digital editions and how metamarkup languages like TEI and XML can be used to encode them (or make them machine readable)
The first part of this article describes the development of the encoding system originally devised for the Commedia Project, 1 and subsequently adapted for other projects. 2 The second part of the article describes the encodings used for... more
This paper presents a project for the creation of an ontology-encoded version of the “Fontes” by Giuseppe Lugli, one of the most important collections of sources for the study of the topography of ancient Rome. Only seven volumes of the... more
1) Le DVP (Document virtuel personnalisable) – définitions, objectifs et problèmes. 2) Deux exemples : la mise en ligne de manifestations scientifiques et la description de documentaires audiovisuels. 3) La sémiotique textuelle. 4) Le... more
This research works on high symbolic Bengali text and transforms it into corresponding less symbolic English complying with the transliteration method. The Huffman-based approaches serve to compress retaining the original quality of the... more
The widespread use of cryptography is a necessary consequence of the information revolution. With the coming of electronic communications on computer networks, people need a way to ensure that conversations and transactions remain... more
D. Fiormonte -V. Martiradonna, "La representación digital de la génesis del texto. Un caso de estudio", in Aurélie Arcocha-Scarcia, Javier Lluch-Prats y Mari Jose Olaziregui (eds.), En el taller del escritor: génesis textual y edición de... more
LaTex2TEI : de LaTex à XML-TEI en quelques clics | Florimont numérique https://digiflorimont.hypotheses.org/403 1/4 LaTex2TEI : de LaTex à XML-TEI en quelques clics Publié le 16/05/2019 Récemment, la capacité de médiation du logiciel... more
The paper outlines the Illuminated Dante Project and its next outcomes. In particular, it points out that the project hosts at present the world biggest archive of digital high-resolution images of Dante manuscripts, soon available... more
The goal of this teaching material is to provide a better understanding of the concept of digital humanities from various viewpoints of distinguished scholars in the field, identify the characteristic features of digital humanities... more
Until recently, Arabic text representation was the exclusive domain of professional calligraphers and typographers. Today it revolves around elusive computer codes and ugly fonts. Yet, scholars are expected to be able to handle literary... more
This paper is an attempt to apply cultural semiotics to the realm of digital textuality. The first part defines what digital humanities are, and the interconnections between the translation activity and the work of the digital text... more
Este capítulo trata de: Percepción e interpretación. Lenguaje y lenguas. La señal, el radical sem- y la Semiología. Mensaje y señal: indicio, icono, símbolo. El lenguaje y sus funciones. El signo lingüístico. Denotación y connotación. Las... more
In the last ten years there has been a growing consensus among textual scholars that one of the main purposes of a digital edition should be the presentation of a ‘mobile text’, in which each manuscript or witness – ancient or modern –... more
La comunicación por medio del computador se traduce en una situación social en la que no cuentan tanto las ventajas de rapidez y eficacia -con ser muy importantes- como la apertura de una nueva perspectiva intelectual. El ordenador ha... more
Un caracter e o figură abstractă, fără legătură cu detalii de aspect, a unui semn cu înțeles. De exemplu, caracterul A e ceea ce ne rămâne în minte după ce am uitat cum arăta litera A din abecedar. Principala calitate a caracterelor e că... more
The essay briefly examines the opportunities and the problems that the critical digital edition of historical sources presents, as well as its wider implications in the Humanities. The purpose is to highlight the technological innovations... more
Rjabchikov, Sergei V., 2018. The Bird-man Cult in the Rapanui Rock Art and Oral Literature. Polynesia Newsletter, 16, pp. 2-32. Keywords: writing, rongorongo, folklore, rock art, Rapanui, Rapa Nui, Easter Island, Polynesia, Quechua,... more
""As map-based visualizations of documents become more ubiquitous, there is a greater need for them to support intellectual and creative high-level cognitive activities with collections of non-cartographic materials — documents. This... more
The complete list of all my works. Last update: January 19th, 2025.
By means of the enigmatic writings of the titles and names of Ramesses II. the multilevel dimension of the deeper meaning of these pictorial respectively cryptographic writings will be revealed and its role pertaining to the deification... more
Words appear in music scores with a variety of roles; they can be used as music notation themselves, or spell text to be sung, or be part of paratexts such as forewords and critical commentaries in printed score publications. This article... more
This thesis discusses how folk music changes as it is passed down over time and transmitted through different cultures. These changes, wherein older cultural material is re-worked into a new artefact is sometimes referred to as the ‘Folk... more
The TEI Guidelines represent today an essential standard in the world of textual encoding for digital editions. However, some problems concerning TEI encoding, both theoretical and practical, are far from being definitively resolved. In... more
This article is divided into three sections: the first focuses on some analogies and historical parallels that shape digital technology, the hypertext and interactivity, such as the book and the printing press. My aim in the second... more
We present in this paper a new coding method for lossless gray-scale image compression. Our method is based on rnodifications of LZ77-based compression and estimation of prediction errors of pixels. Our met hod gives compression... more
Il problema della codifica nelle edizioni filologiche digitali, in Nel segno del testo. Edizioni, materiali e studi per Oronzo Pecere, a cura di Lucio Del Corso - Franco De Vivo - Antonio Stramaglia, Firenze, Gonnelli 2015, 347-60
Письменные источники - это документы, с которыми связана история как наука. Документы истории и история документов тесно переплетены. Автоматический контент-анализ и компьютерная обработка исторических текстов обрели свое собственное... more
Beta code in in GloDIUm -> M. Bolpagni, A. F. Caterino, M. Petolicchio (a cura di), Glossario di Informatica umanistica, Firenze, Edizioni CLORI, 2017-in corso. ISBN 978-88-942416-9-3
A way of marking up {digital} texts with structural, semantic and interpretive information.
Please contact me, if this article is not available in your library. Ordinals, in latin called libri ordinarii or similar, are medieval codices containing the liturgical rules of sacral communities. In recent years they have been found... more
[PT] Este projecto apresenta uma edição crítica do romance "Um buraco na boca", de António Aragão, elaborada a partir dos testemunhos disponíveis na tradição impressa. É feita uma súmula do percurso e obra do autor, com destaque para... more
'In Publishing Scholarly Editions, Christopher Ohge cogently argues for approaching editing in pragmatic terms, explicitly invoking the ideas of William James and John Dewey. Such an approach emphasizes the complexities of writerly acts,... more