Papers by Ijarcsee Journal

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering, 2019
The massive growing demands for radio wireless communications have resulted in a spectrum scarcit... more The massive growing demands for radio wireless communications have resulted in a spectrum scarcity problem. Cognitive radios utilize a dynamic spectrum access to share the spectrum with licensed frequency bands in an opportunistic manner. The integration of cognitive radio with wireless sensor nodes can improve spectrum utilization and increase communication quality. Currently, clustering protocols have been developed to minimize energy consumption and to prolong network's lifetime. However, spectrum awareness in not considered. Thus, clustering protocols need to adapt to the changes in the surrounding environment and to optimally consider both energy efficiency and spectrum awareness. Therefore, this paper develops a fuzzy based energy efficient and spectrum aware clustering protocol (FEESA) to optimally elect cluster heads based on four conflicting parameters: residual energy, distance to base station, node degree, and channel availability. The performance of the proposed protocol is simulated using MATLAB and Mamdani fussy inference system. Two simulation scenarios and three performance metrics were used. The proposed fussy clustering protocol is compared with three different protocols: a basic energy efficient protocol, a spectrum aware protocol, and an energy efficient spectrum aware protocol which uses a weighting function. The simulation results indicate the effectiveness of the proposed fuzzy based clustering protocol to extend network lifetime and reduce energy consumption.

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (IJARCSEE), 2019
Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy is one of the most popular distributed cluster-based rou... more Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy is one of the most popular distributed cluster-based routing protocols in wireless sensor networks. Clustering algorithm of the Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy is simple but offers no guarantee about even distribution of cluster heads over the network. Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy doesn't ensure even node-distribution among the clusters formed as per its provision. In this paper, we propose a Enhance Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (ELEACH); the scheme must be designed to be extremely energy-efficient. Here the Enhance Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy is supposed to achieve objective of being energy-efficient. In this paper, the modifications proposed in the existing scheme of Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy which are assumed to improve the energy efficiency of the WSN.Furthermore, the Enhance Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (ELEACH); would be compared with Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy.

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (IJARCSEE), 2019
The demand for accelerated speed, anywhere, and any time connectivity has made wireless communica... more The demand for accelerated speed, anywhere, and any time connectivity has made wireless communication networks increasingly dense. This has resulted into intense research on how speed of data transfer, security of data, spectrum sharing, and storage of the big data realized can be improved in an efficient way. However the major challenge which has necessitated continuous research progress in the subject is the study of communication path loss and shadowing and how it can be eliminated or lessened to improve the channels involved. This paper will perform experiments on radio propagation models, ray tracing models and perform its simulations in Matlab, as well as provide a review of the various path loss models. The simulation results obtained indicated that when the receiver far away from the transmitter, the signal begins to be weaker and weaker until it is lost. However if the receiver will move away from a closer base station, and while the signal is weakening, it encounters another base station, the two base stations performs a handshake and the signal will start gaining strength.

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (IJARCSEE), 2019
Trust management can help improve intrusion detection by adding a level of focus to anomaly detec... more Trust management can help improve intrusion detection by adding a level of focus to anomaly detection. By identifying bounds for valid network activity, robust trust management will aid an analyst in his/her ability to distinguish attack activity from common everyday traffic on the network variants. Since anomaly detection is not based on pre-defined signatures the concern with variants in the code of an exploit are not as great since we are looking for abnormal activity versus a unique signature. An example might be a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) buffer overflow exploit whose code has been modified slightly to evade IDS using signatures. With anomaly detection, the activity would be flagged since the destination machine has never seen an RPC connection attempt and the source IP was never seen connecting to the network.

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (IJARCSEE), 2019
Security is primary concern for everyone. The objective of this project is to design a security a... more Security is primary concern for everyone. The objective of this project is to design a security alarm system that can monitor an industry with 4 different sensors. The project depends upon AT89S52 micro controller. This micro controller provides all the functionality. A maximum of 4 sensors can be connected to the buzzer. A power supply voltage of +5 V DC is applied for each sensor. When sensor is activated then we get sound through siren. The uniqness of this project is it sends a caution message to four mobile numbers by using GSM modem. This numbers can be stored in EEPROM. This 4 mobile numbers can changed at any time by using 4*3 keypad. This project uses regulated 5V, 750mA power supply.7805 three terminal voltage regulators is used for voltage regulation. Bridge wave rectifier is used to rectify the A.C output of secondary of 230/18V step-down transformer.

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering, 2019
Performance of speech emotion recognition (SER) system mainly depends on whether the extracted fe... more Performance of speech emotion recognition (SER) system mainly depends on whether the extracted features are relevant to emotions conveyed in speech or not. Finding discriminative features for SER is a challenging problem until now. The common and traditional approach for extracting features has been to extract a massive number of features from all frames of utterance. Then applying several statistics for all frames' features to obtain utterance-level features. However, human emotions have different effects on the properties of each phoneme. Consequently, it has different effect for voiced and unvoiced segments. Therefore, utterance-level features are less effective, due to applying statistics for all frames regardless it is voiced or unvoiced frame. To enrich the discriminative properties of the extracted features, we propose new levels for feature extraction: voiced and unvoiced. The performance using features extracted from the two levels were compared with the utterance-level. For the above three levels; for each frame 13 Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) were extracted and then 13 statistics were applied for each level separately. It is found that voiced-level includes many discriminative features furthermore, its performance is close to utterance-level. To improve the traditional SER system, features extracted from both voiced-level and utterance-level were combined. The results of the combined level outperform the traditional one. Index Terms-Acoustic features extraction, discriminative features, speech emotion recognition, voiced, unvoiced and utterance levels for features extraction.

3 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (IJARCSEE), 2019
MP3 is a standard that is used for encoding/decoding audio data. The standard can lower audio bit... more MP3 is a standard that is used for encoding/decoding audio data. The standard can lower audio bit rate significantly without any loss. For this reason, it is key to understand how it does so, and secondly, find out if it is doable. Raw audio signals carry large data quantities and are neither suitable for transmission nor storage [2]. Therefore it is necessary to compress audio and at the same time maintain its quality as required by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). MP3 was developed by the Motion Pictures Experts Group for audio and video compression. It is composed of three modes; the third referred to as Layer III. It is this layer that lowers raw-audio data bit rates from i.e. 1.4 Megabits per second to just 128 kilobits per second and can still reconstruct the signals to a level comparable to the original [3]. The objective of this paper is to review and provide a simple idea of what Layer III does in relations to audio compression and decompression.

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (IJARCSEE), 2019
Diabetes is one of the most harmful disease of our age and that's because of the fast and unhealt... more Diabetes is one of the most harmful disease of our age and that's because of the fast and unhealthy pace of our lives. Numbers are still rising and the number of people getting diabetes is increasing around the world, one of the most recognizable side effects of Diabetes is Diabetic Retinopathy that might lead to total loss of sight in the diabetic patients and that's if it is not detected and medicated early, for the importance of early detection of this disease there is a great effort in the literature to early detect Diabetic Retinopathy, a literature review is introduced in this report to cover the different aspects of retinopathy and its detection methods. In this review we try to cover a great part of the literature and our review based on two parts: the first part about the detection of the lesions of the Diabetic Retinopathy including hemorrhages, microaneurysm and exudates. The second part is about the measuring of different severity level of diabetic retinopathy and its detection and classification systems.

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering, 2019
It is well known that the electrode shape, surface conditions and variety of involved processes o... more It is well known that the electrode shape, surface conditions and variety of involved processes objectively stipulate a number of factors which may lead to the breakdown in gases. Comprehensive studies indicate that the electric field distribution of different electrode configurations is different although the same voltage is applied across the electrode, which further leads to the disparate breakdown voltage amplitude. In this paper, the dependence of the breakdown formation and characteristics on the electrode arrangements (cylinder-cylinder, sphere-sphere and cylinder-sphere) have been studied by using COMSOL simulation package. The obtained simulation results agree well with the available experimental data and reveal that the breakdown voltage curves are strongly affected by the geometry of the electrode especially its edge sharpness. Based on the time evolution of the electron density and the electric potential distributions including electric field arrows the plasma formation between various electrode configuration could be followed. In addition, the calculated values for the breakdown voltage have been fitted in accordance with the simple empirical law. Results, presented here, could be useful in order to determine which configuration of electrodes will lead more easily to the breakdown.

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering, 2019
In this paper COMSOL simulation package based on the finite element method has been used in order... more In this paper COMSOL simulation package based on the finite element method has been used in order to determine the dependence of the breakdown voltage on the number of breakdowns, frequency, puls length and the electrode aarrangements. Although the limiting factor tends to be different from cavity to cavity, it was concluded that the accelerating gradient is higher with shorter puls length and higher frequency. The maximum electric field intensity not only changes with the electrode confgurations but also with other parameters. When both electrodes are sphere the electric field required for breakdown to ouccr is the lowest. For the rode-plate configuration such electric field is the highest. The distribution of electric field is more inhomogenous in rod-plate than in the case of symmetric arrangements (sphere-sphere and rod-rod). The obtained results could be very useful in order to determine which configuration of electrodes will more easily to breakdown.

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering, 2019
Most open source software development projects such as Mozilla, Open Office, Eclipse, etc., inclu... more Most open source software development projects such as Mozilla, Open Office, Eclipse, etc., include a bug tracking system that is used to report and track problems that users submit to software system. There are several advantages to the use this system. Firstly, more problems with the system might be identified because of the relative ease of reporting bugs. Secondly, more bugs might be fixed because more developers might engage in problem solving, and developers and users can engage in focused conversations about the bugs, allowing users input into the direction of the system. However, successful large open source projects are faced with the challenge of managing the incoming deluge of new reports to deciding whether the report is a new bug and it is not a duplicate of an existing report. This study presents an overview of the works done to better detect duplicate bug reports on open source software projects. Index Terms-Bug reports, bug tracking system, weighting scheme, bug report detection.
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (IJARCSEE), 2020
This research intends to detect the infected and healthy coconut trees by their images. Because c... more This research intends to detect the infected and healthy coconut trees by their images. Because coconut trees are rummage-sale for multiuse perpetual crop of the tropics. Each and every parts of coconut tree are used in at any rate. So identification of infected tree is more vibrant for commercial purpose. Initially researcher collects the images of coconut tree. Then Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) features are extracted from the images and K-means clustering is applied for segmenting the infecting parts of the images. Then the features are feed to classification algorithms such as Neural Networks and Support Vector Machine to classify the images into infected and healthy and achieved classification accuracy 85% and 89% respectively.
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (IJARCSEE), 2020
Many of the technologies presently utilized in good homes may be tailored to fulfil many wants. B... more Many of the technologies presently utilized in good homes may be tailored to fulfil many wants. By rising these technologies in homes will eliminate the requirement of care, and grant independence to those that would possibly struggle with day to day activities or in circumstances. This project aims to debate home automation systems for disables by speech recognition and device management with embedded systems. Our system takes the voice command of the user taken as input and method that command, and send request to the embedded system. Here we tend to conjointly style increased reality mobile application for dominant the device through mobile.

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (IJARCSEE), 2020
Electronic polling systems promise benefits to voters like accessibility and convenience that mod... more Electronic polling systems promise benefits to voters like accessibility and convenience that modify them to solid their votes at any time, from any Internet-connected electronic computer anyplace within the world. However, not like ancient paper-based selection systems, associate e-polling system introduces many security risks like privacy of vote, unlikability of a citizen, citizen coercion, secrecy of partial election results, verifiability, and poll integrity. The legitimacy of a citizen is another security concern, i.e., a citizen should be identified through associate authentication mechanism that forestalls selection of unauthorized voters or vote from approved voters. Another security concern is that the manipulation of votes by associate infected (e.g., virus, malware, so on) selection device. A malware-hosted device may build unauthorized build to the voter's selection selections.Many e-voting systems have been proposed however ,to date, all these schemes either fail to supply all the desired security properties or aren't much possible on lightweight computing devices. during this paper, we tend to gift a secure and verifiable polling system, Online Voting System using AES Algorithm, that employs well-known science primitives to supply vote and voter's privacy,and pollintegrity, confirms the identity of voters through a multifactor authentication theme, permits vote inside the allowed polling amount, prevents double selection, and achieves verifiability and uncoercibility within the presence of untrusted selection device.

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (IJARCSEE), 2020
Internet of Things (IoT) is a growing trend of the world in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The... more Internet of Things (IoT) is a growing trend of the world in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The research and application of IoT in the other fields are being paid attention and promoted by the government. In this paper, we investigate the design and implementation of an IoT system for environment parameters monitoring. The system is consists of IoT node based on wireless sensor and gateway center with servers and software applications via the internet. The system 5 terminal nodes and gateway center is deployed at Ngoc Linh ginseng conservation center, Quang Nam province, Vietnam in order to verify the performance of the proposed system. The measurement results show that the system performs the correct function and produces high accuracy with an average tolerance of 5%. The stable operating distance between two IoT nodes is at least 250m and with the proposed mechanism manage energy savings at each network node, the operating cycle of sensor node is 50 days with one time battery replacement. In addition, in this system, the accelerator pump is controlled on by the monitoring software at the gateway when an IoT sensor node transmits a warning signal to the gateway that the soil moisture is under the threshold.

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (IJARCSEE), 2019
Trust management can help improve intrusion detection by adding a level of focus to anomaly detec... more Trust management can help improve intrusion detection by adding a level of focus to anomaly detection. By identifying bounds for valid network activity, robust trust management will aid an analyst in his/her ability to distinguish attack activity from common everyday traffic on the network variants. Since anomaly detection is not based on pre-defined signatures the concern with variants in the code of an exploit are not as great since we are looking for abnormal activity versus a unique signature. An example might be a Remote Procedure Call (RPC) buffer overflow exploit whose code has been modified slightly to evade IDS using signatures. With anomaly detection, the activity would be flagged since the destination machine has never seen an RPC connection attempt and the source IP was never seen connecting to the network.

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering, 2019
Performance of speech emotion recognition (SER) system mainly depends on whether the extracted fe... more Performance of speech emotion recognition (SER) system mainly depends on whether the extracted features are relevant to emotions conveyed in speech or not. Finding discriminative features for SER is a challenging problem until now. The common and traditional approach for extracting features has been to extract a massive number of features from all frames of utterance. Then applying several statistics for all frames' features to obtain utterance-level features. However, human emotions have different effects on the properties of each phoneme. Consequently, it has different effect for voiced and unvoiced segments. Therefore, utterance-level features are less effective, due to applying statistics for all frames regardless it is voiced or unvoiced frame. To enrich the discriminative properties of the extracted features, we propose new levels for feature extraction: voiced and unvoiced. The performance using features extracted from the two levels were compared with the utterance-level. For the above three levels; for each frame 13 Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) were extracted and then 13 statistics were applied for each level separately. It is found that voiced-level includes many discriminative features furthermore, its performance is close to utterance-level. To improve the traditional SER system, features extracted from both voiced-level and utterance-level were combined. The results of the combined level outperform the traditional one. Index Terms-Acoustic features extraction, discriminative features, speech emotion recognition, voiced, unvoiced and utterance levels for features extraction.
Papers by Ijarcsee Journal