Competition Law and Policy
Recent papers in Competition Law and Policy
As a result of the processes of globalisation and of technological revolution, markets now transcend countries’ physical borders. Increasingly interconnected, borderless and digitalised global markets, thus, tend to develop mass markets,... more
The paper analyses the incentives for media operators to opt for an exclusive distribution agreement (across platforms) of premium contents rather than a non-exclusive one: it then compares the effects of both types of dealings on the... more
Recent years have seen a notable increase in the number of leading EU Court judgments on margin squeeze, including Deutsche Telekom, TeliaSonera and Telefónica. One notable feature of the case law on margin squeeze is that for the first... more
A brief presentation on algorithms and algorithmic weight on Competition Law. Technology, a tool or a weapon? A friend or a foe? This short-paper was elaborated for the final evaluation of Global Competition Law course, lectured by... more
La tesi ripercorre il dibattito legato al concetto di abuso di posizione dominante rispetto agli obiettivi che il diritto della concorrenza persegue e ai metodi adottati in sede amministrativa e giurisprudenziale per perseguirli. La... more
Eligible customers are the essence of competition in the market for retail supply of electricity which has been formed during the liberalisation and privatisation of the Turkish electricity market. They enjoy the right to switch to... more
This study aims to contribute to the cross-fertilization of the fields of competition economics and development economics. For that to happen, however, it is important to focus on the complex intellectual history that placed these... more
The European Union adoped a new guidelines related to the assessment of vertical mergers towards end of 2007. This guidelines suggests an effect-based and economic approach in analyzing vertical mergers. The vertical merger between Tom... more
The present paper will examine whether the blanket prohibition of disclosure of corporate statements contained in Article 6(1) of the draft proposal on certain rules governing actions for damages under national law for infringements of... more
The Anti-Monopoly (Anti-Competition Law of the People's Republic of China (PRC) is a recent development of the state following the opening up and reform of the 1980s. The Anti- Monopoly Law of PRC learned many experiences from the western... more
Issuing soft law instruments on the enforcement of abuse of a dominant position in different competition law systems has never been a global trend in the last decade than before. In the European Union (EU), the European Commission... more
Doğal gaz piyasaları; rekabet, arz güvenliği ve çevrenin korunması ilkeleriyle biçimlenen AB enerji politikasıyla uyumlu duruma getirilmek üzere son yirmi yıldır AB çapında bir dönüşüm sürecine konu olmuştur. AB doğal gaz piyasalarının... more
Rekabet hukukunda de minimis, normal şartlar altında rekabet hukukunun yasaklayıcı normları çerçevesinde rekabeti sınırlayıcı anlaşma olarak değerlendirilebilecek bazı anlaşma türlerinin, rekabeti hissedilebilir ölçüde sınırlamaması... more
ABİDA 102. madde: Bir veya birden fazla teşebbüsün, iç pazardaki veya iç pazarın önemli bir bölümündeki hakim durumunu kötüye kullanması, üye devletler arasındaki ticareti etkilediği ölçüde, iç pazarla bağdaşmaz ve yasaktır. Söz konusu... more
Bu çalışmada dijital hizmet vergisinin, rekabet açısından doğurabileceği sonuçlar ele alınmaktadır. Rekabet perspektifinden değerlendirildiğinde dijital hizmet vergisinin, dijital hizmetler karşılığı alınan ücret ve komisyonların... more
There is general agreement on the illegality of collusive behavior around the globe. However, there is far less broad consensus on the type of sanctions that antitrust law should consider to deter price-fixing. Conventional wisdom,... more
La colusión entre competidores económicos se considera un problema grave en la economía chilena. Los carteles aumentan precios y así dañan a los consumidores, y limitan la innovación y el crecimiento económico. La Ley de Defensa de la... more
Environmental benefits can only be an indirect result of exempted agreements under European Union Competition Law. In other words, they can only have the status of by-product, not a determinant factor in the framework of Article 81.
This book analyses Turkish competition law from the lens of EU competition law with a view to determining to what extent Turkey’s national competition law rules and practice reflect those of the EU. It aims to pinpoint similarities and... more
This case note analyses the decision of the Turkish Competition Authority in which it has decided that consumer electronics suppliers and retailers did not restrict competition by exchanging information with regard to price increases and... more
Context: Since the 1990s, the EU's influence over national health care policy has been limited to European internal market law or social policy coordination mechanisms. The introduction of EU competition law into health care is more... more
gölden" gibi içerisinde ekmek sözcüğünün geçtiği birtakım deyimlere ve atasözlerine günlük dilde sıkça rastlanmaktadır. Ekmeğin günlük dildeki bu öneminin, hukuk alanına da yansıdığını görüyoruz. Çoğu kişi farkında olmasa da ekmeğin,... more
Competition policy in the Western Balkan countries has recently gained in significance, in parallel with the acceleration of their EU accession process. Competition policy played a central role in the development of the EU, its... more
Brexit, 23 Haziran 2016 günü Birleşik Krallık’ta yapılan, Birleşik Krallık halkının Birleşik Krallık’ın AB’den ayrılmasını oyladığı tarihi bir referandumdur. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre Birleşik Krallık halkının yaklaşık yüzde 52’si... more
The Turkish Competition Authority has recently published in its website two different press releases specifically addressed to driving schools and bread manufacturers. It has identified in these press releases the most common practices in... more
2017 yılının hemen ilk aylarında karara bağlanan Luxottica soruşturması, ekonomi bültenlerinde Rekabet Kurulu'nun adını duyurduğu önemli kararlardan birisi olmuştur. Luxottica ismi belki bazılarımız için pek bir çağrışım yapmasa da Ray... more
This case note analyses the decision of the Turkish Competition Authority in which it has rejected the complaint of a rival IT company, Yandex, that agreements of a major IT company, Google, with a number of original equipment... more
AFM Mars birleşmesinde en başa dönüldü 10.11.2015 / Ahmet Fatih ÖZKAN Türk rekabet hukukunda son yılların en tartışma yaratan ve yargı süreci bir türlü sona ermeyen birleşme ve devralma işlemi hangisidir sorusuna verdiğimiz yanıt şüphesiz... more
This study analyses the judgment of the Turkish Council of State in which it has annulled the decision of the Turkish Competition Authority to conditionally clear in Phase II the merger of the two largest cinema chains in Turkey on the... more