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Forest ecosystems deliver valuable services to humanity. However, many forests are being degraded and their services have been undervalued. The main problem lies in the inadequate institutional arrangements for forest governance. This... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesVietnamEnvironmental Valuation (Economics)Community based forest management
Todo proceso de apropiación de los recursos naturales involucra la interacción de distintos agentes sociales a partir de la ejecución de determinadas prácticas de apropiación, entendidas éstas últimas como los usos, formas de acceso y... more
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      Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES)Community based forest management
Ainda prevalece a tradição brasileira e amazônica do incentivo à ocupação das florestas, legitimando a propriedade pelo uso. A Amazônia tem 70 milhões de hectares com titularidade indefinida. Este é um dos vários desafios ao manejo... more
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      Tropical forestCommunity ForestryCommunity based forest managementForest concessions
The Newsletter brings together news related to policies, happenings and issues around the community forest rights provisions of the Indian Forest RIghts Act.
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      ForestryDirect DemocracyCommunity ForestryForest Rights Acts
With an estimated 558 million people managing 1 billion hectares of agroforests worldwide, TFT’s new guide to working with smallholder agroforest managers is aimed at empowering communities to successfully launch sustainable forest... more
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      Community Based Natural Resources ManagementAgroforestryTropical forestCommunity Forestry
Forest degradation is arguably the greatest threat to biodiversity, ecosystem services, and rural livelihoods. Therefore, increasing understanding of how organisms respond to degradation is essential for management and conservation... more
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      Conservation BiologyMexicoCommunity based forest managementForest Ecology and Bird Conservation
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      Sustainable DevelopmentFisheries ManagementBrazilian AmazonIntelectual Property
The traditional pilgrimages to religious sites are evolving into large scale religious tourism in many protected areas across India. A growing influx of visitors leading to infrastructural development of these sites within protected areas... more
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      Wildlife Ecology And ManagementCommunity based forest management
Conservation of indigenous tree species is crucial for restoration of ecosystems and provision of livelihood support functions among rural communities. However, most tree planting initiatives have promoted exotic species, ignoring native... more
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      Environmental ScienceForestryClimate change policyCommunity Ecology
This paper seeks to identify the factors which are responsible for successful management of natural resources when communities are given opportunities to manage those resources. Applying the social capital framework, it analyzes empirical... more
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      Social CapitalCommunity ForestryCommunity based forest management
Kegiatan budidaya perairan (tambak) merupakan salah satu driver (faktor penggerak dan pendorong) penyebab deforestasi sebesar 1% atau seluas 11.046 hektar dari luas hutan yang terdeforestrasi di Kalimantan Timur seluas 1.140.536 hektar... more
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      Behavioral SciencesSocial SciencesStakeholder AnalysisClimate Change Adaptation And Mitigation Strategies
The poor performance of various people-oriented forestry projects has prompted the government to adopt the Community-based Forest Management (CBFM) program as the development pathway for addressing upland poverty and deforestation. The... more
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      AsianSustainable forest managementCommunity based forest managementLocal Community
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      Indigenous StudiesLegal PluralismIndonesiaIslamic Studies
An exploratory study was carried out to identify the homestead tree resources, their utilization pattern, economic return of major fruit and timber tree species, their management activities for sustainable production as well as... more
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    • Community based forest management
The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) defines ecosystem services as the benefits that humans receive from the nature, such as clean water, food, fiber, wood, timber, medicinal herbs, leaf-litters, bush meat, groundwater recharge,... more
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      Ecosystem ServicesEnvironmental ManagementPayments for Ecosystem Services (PES)Community based forest management
Several resolutions were recorded in the meetings of the Chhattisgarh Biodiversity Committee, under the Chairmanship of Dr. Kalyan Kumar Chakravarty, in March 2021, to nurture and protect the connection between cultural diversity and... more
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      Indigenous StudiesAction Research (Indigenous Health)Biocultural DiversityCommunity Based Natural Resources Management
Buku ini Menggambarkan Kerja-kerja Penetapan Hutan Adat dalam 5 tahun terakhir berserta dengan dinamika sosial politik serta kebijakan yang menyertainya.
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      AnthropologyGovernanceEnvironmental ManagementIndigenous Peoples
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      Community ForestryCommunity based forest management
How do humans come to care for their environment and what turns them into conservationists are central questions in environmental politics. Recent scholars have turned to Foucault’s ideas of “governmentality” to understand how... more
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      ForestryEnvironmental EducationGovernmentalityEnvironmental Studies
The facilitators guide provides all the necessary information, required tools, and steps involved in the preparation of community-based forest management and development plan. The guide was expected to help both the facilitators and local... more
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      BotanyForestryCommunity Based Natural Resources ManagementEnvironmental Sustainability
This paper is a synopsis of the results, findings and insights learned from a UNDP-supported project on "Leveraging Best Practices" among 100+ community-based sustainable development projects in the Philippines
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      Social SciencesKnowledge ManagementProject ManagementEmotional intelligence
The Tapiche-Blanco region epitomizes Loreto’s extraordinary landscape diversity. It harbors large expanses of wetlands and peatland forests, white-sand forests, and hyperdiverse upland forests, and these are drained by a variety of black,... more
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      Plant EcologyConservation BiologyTropical EcologyAmazonia
Natural resource governance is enhanced and structured by rules, norms and strategies which make institutionalism quintessential in the natural resource governance discourse. Adopting a retrospective analysis of classical theoretical... more
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      Community Based Natural Resources ManagementNatural Resources ManagementCommunity ForestryCommunity based forest management
A realização desta pesquisa só foi possível com a colaboração das pessoas e organizações mencionadas a seguir.
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      Social enterpreneurshipCommunity based forest managementCommunity Forest ManagementInclusive Business
Title of thesis: Traditional ecological knowledge and (co-)management among the Mapuche: Exploring Lanín national Park (Argentina). Based on empirical field research, this thesis examines the relationship between traditional ecological... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsInstitutional EconomicsBioeconomics
Biodiversity loss is a major threat to life on planet earth today. The major causes of biodiversity loss include habitat loss and degradation, over-exploitation, alien invasive species, climate change and pollution. Globally, the use of... more
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      Community DevelopmentPastoralism in AfricaCommunity Based Natural Resources ManagementAsset-Based Community Development
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    • Community based forest management
The study documents systematically the implementation of Forest Rights Act (FRA)2006 across the country covering 11 states. There is a gross violation of the following the constitutional provisions of FRA in the sphere of conservation of... more
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    • Community based forest management
Community-based Forestry (CBF) is now a popular approach for landscape restoration, forest management , biodiversity conservation and support for rural livelihoods worldwide. The Himalayan country Nepal has been at the forefront of CBF... more
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      ManagementEcosystem ServicesCarbon SequestrationNepal
Analysis of potential synergies and conflicts between community forest management and emerging REDD+ policies and projects in Bolivia, Nepal and Tanzania.
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      REDD+Community based forest management
El Programa Sembrando Vida se creó en México con el objetivo de contribuir al bienestar social de las y los sujetos agrarios en sus localidades rurales e impulsar su participación efectiva en el desarrollo rural integral. Desde su inicio... more
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      EconomicsForestryPolíticas PúblicasTropical forest
This research was conducted in Cienda, Gabas and San Vicente, Kilim, Baybay City, Leyte. This study draws on the effectiveness of the Community-Based Forest Management (CBFM) program on the aforementioned communities through Cienda-San... more
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      Community ForestryCommunity based forest managementRainforestation
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      Community ForestryCommunity based forest management
Political ecologists have developed scathing analyses of capitalism’s tendency for enclosure and dispossession of the commons. In this context commons are analyzed as a force to resist neo-liberalism, a main site of conflict over... more
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      Social MovementsLatin American StudiesCommonsPolitical Ecology
This is to certify that Ms. Ranjana Budhathoki, a student of M.Sc. 2 nd year, Central Department of Environmental Sciences, T.U., has carried out this case study entitled "A Case Study on Assessment of Sustainability of Harisiddhi... more
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      Sustainability (Organisational Strategy)Environmental SustainabilityCommunity ForestryCommunity based forest management
This study presented the various cases of community-based mangrove forest management in the Philippines and other parts of Asia. It shows the comparison of the community-based mangrove management systems.Some areas focusing on their... more
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      MangrovesEnvironmental SustainabilityCommunity based forest management
Chhattisgarh state in India has the highest incidence of poverty in the country with an estimated 47.9 per cent of the State‟s population living in poverty. It has the third largest area under forest and approximately 44% of the total... more
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      Environment and natural resources conservationCommunity ForestryCommunity based forest managementNon-Timber forest product and Natural resource management Biodiversity conservation Community forest management and climate change Policy assignation
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    • Community based forest management
This paper described the experience in the restoration of the Barobbob Watershed and the implementation of an integrated watershed management approach through community‐based forest management, assessed the land use and associated cover... more
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      Watershed ManagementProject managerLand UseCommunity based forest management
Buku ini merupakan hasil studi mengenai masalah permukiman dan kawasan pertanian masyarakat yang berada dalam kawasan tiga taman nasional di Indonesia, yaitu Ujung Kulon di Jawa, Kerinci Seblat di Sumatra, dan Lore Lindu di Sulawesi.... more
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      ConservationIndonesiaNational ParksCommunity based forest management
Community-based forest management (CBFM) is a major strategy in managing forest lands in the Philippines. Forest and land management activities implemented in CBFM project sites include management of tropical forests (enrichment planting,... more
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      Human GeographyBiomassLand managementAgroforestry
Four community-managed Sal forests in Dadeldhura district of Nepal were selected for the assessment of carbon stock. The stratified random sampling method was applied to measure the field data from 105 sample plots of 100 m 2 . The carbon... more
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      Carbon SequestrationClimate Change MitigationCommunity based forest management
Community-based forest management (CBFM) is the principal strategy in managing inhabited 'forest land' in the Philippines. It involves the participation of local communities in various forestry activities to achieve sustainable forestry,... more
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      Climate ChangeSocial JusticeCarbon SequestrationApplied Economics
Abstrak Kawasan hutan yang berada dalam wilayah Kesatuan Pengelolaan Hutan Konservasi (KPHK) Kuala Lupak merupakan tipe hutan rawa. Hutan rawa sebagai salah satu tipe hutan yang ada di Indonesia mempunyai peranan yang penting dan... more
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    • Community based forest management
Community-based forest management (CBFM) is the principal strategy in managing inhabited 'forest land' in the Philippines. It involves the participation of local communities in various forestry activities to achieve sustainable forestry,... more
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      Climate ChangeSocial JusticeCarbon SequestrationApplied Economics
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      Community ForestryCommunity based forest managementForest certificationHigh Conservation Values (HCVs)
The land ownership of smallholder private forest farmers is relatively narrows, so some reseachers argue that the forest product is not appropriate to fulfill daily needs. To increase and spread the private forest management risk, farmers... more
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    • Community based forest management
Timber production is an important ecosystem service of European mountain forests. This paper aimed to assess the current practices in logging operations and to identify the efficiency gaps in timber production. The study was located in... more
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      ForestryForest Ecology And ManagementForest EcologyForest Engineering
There has been increasing attention to and investment in local environmental stewardship in conservation and environmental management policies and programs globally. Yet environmental stewardship has not received adequate conceptual... more
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      Conservation BiologyConservationEnvironmental StudiesCommunity Based Natural Resources Management
Inclusion of marginalized sections and minorities remains one of the most vexing problems for democratic politics. This article discusses the enactment of a recent Indian law, ‘The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers... more
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      Social MovementsDemocratizationLand tenureEmpowerment