Commercial Real Estate Transactions and Finance
Recent papers in Commercial Real Estate Transactions and Finance
The purpose of this textbook is to teach real estate law not as some amalgamation of abstract, static legal concepts but, instead, to teach real estate law within the context of the dynamics of real estate development and finance, through... more
This course provides a survey of the real estate sector of the US economy from the perspective of financial economics. The course will focus on the development of an understanding of factors that influence values of real estate assets.... more
Investment funds first appeared in the Netherlands in the late 18th century for the purpose of financing trade expeditions. The first modern fund was established in the United States, Massachusetts in 1924, in his first year of formation... more
This study seeks to identify the potential conflicts of interest inherent in real estate transactions between a commercial tenant and a prospective landlord; evaluate the legal, regulatory, and industry mechanisms in place to protect the... more
Unlike existing textbooks written for law students on specific subjects affecting real estate transactions, Real Estate Law: Fundamentals for The Development Process uses “The Development Process” as a framework for understanding how the... more
Real Estate Law: Fundamentals for The Development Process takes a pragmatic, transactional approach to real property law in an urban context, with an emphasis on walkable urban places (sometimes referred to herein as “WalkUPs”). This... more
This is an Executive Summary of the November 2014 research study report, “Conflicts of Interest in Commercial Real Estate Transactions: Who Represents the Tenant?” The research study was undertaken by the Center for Real Estate and... more
This thesis systematically evaluates how rapid developments in the nascent crowdfunding industry, combined with recent regulatory changes, will impact the commercial real estate markets. The phenomenon of crowdfunding, defined as raising... more
Whilst the real estate development appraisal practices of large national and international real estate companies are relatively well understood, relatively little is known about how development appraisals are conducted by indigenous... more
South Africa implemented the REIT structure in 2013 with the intention of encouraging local and international investment. A year after implementation South African listed property was reported to have performed better than the UK,... more
This study analyzes the demand for green office building features among US office tenants. An on-line survey of a random sample of office tenants in 17 major US markets is employed, with 708 responses representing a 23% response rate.... more
Elenco delle principali abbreviazioni AC Archivio civile AGCSS Archivio giuridico circolazione e sinistri stradali ALC Archivio delle locazioni e condominio CED Centro elettronico di documentazione presso la Cassazione CI Contratto e... more
Molti ritengono che prima della nascita della moneta coniata (Lidia - VII sec. a.C.) esistessero economie basate essenzialmente sul baratto. In realtà nel Vicino Oriente Antico, tra l'altro, fu l'argento a peso a fungere da mezzo di... more
The statistics, finance, and real estate literature regularly rely on propensity score matching techniques to balance samples of data where randomized treatment assignment is not possible. In the sustainable commercial real estate... more
Extracted chapter on the Critique of the Private Development Process
This article compares the financial accounting treatment of like-kind exchanges to the tax accounting treatment of like-kind exchanges.
The difference in the countries to which both the seller and the buyer belong in the commercial exchanges has increased the discrepancy in the laws and rules that govern the conduct of the most important banking count approved for the... more
Gayrimenkulün yatırım aracı niteliği aynı zamanda ekonomik temellerden yoksun ve kendi kendini besleyen değer artışlarının ve krizlerin de ortaya çıkmasına neden olabilmektedir. Nitekim diğer krizlerin yanı sıra, 1997 yılındaki Asya Krizi... more