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„Tu deinen Mund auf und iss, was ich dir geben werde.“ Der Adressat dieser Anweisung ist der alttestamentliche Prophet Ezechiel, der von Gott angehalten wird, eine Schriftrolle zu essen, ihren Inhalt sich einzuverleiben und die sich auf... more
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      Medieval German LiteratureMedieval Latin LiteratureCisterciansWomen Writers
This article presents a manuscript that significantly enriches the textual corpus of ›Helfta Mysticism‹ with a series of hitherto unknown writings. Aside from this, it contains what is by some distance the oldest copy of the ›Legatus... more
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      Women's StudiesMedieval LiteratureLate Middle AgesWomen's History
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      Medieval ArchitectureCisterciansPatronage (History)France
This introductory essay to the special issue Beatrice of Nazareth (1200-1268). Milieu -Mysticism -Influence first offers a brief presentation of the life and literary legacy of the famous Cistercian nun, mystic and author who takes centre... more
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      Medieval LiteratureLaughterMysticismCistercians
In 1218, Bauduin de Lobbes, senechal of Valenciennes, donated forty bonniers of arable land and one and a half bonniers of meadow to the abbey of Épinlieu. The transaction was witnessed by no less than forty-five individuals, among them... more
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    • Cistercian nuns, middle ages
in: Journal of Glass Studies 56 (2014), 317-343
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      Art HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesCistercian architecture
In the famous 14th-century Las Huelgas Codex (Burgos, Monasterio de Las Huelgas, ms. 9, olim s. s.) containing predominantly Marian repertoire, we can also find a bulk of pieces bearing witness of the vivid cult of John the Baptist. They... more
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      John the BaptistArs Antiqua MotetBenedicamus DominoEarly Polyphony
L’article analyse les rapports entre la pensée d’Étienne Harding (abbé de Cîteaux, 1108-1133/1134), telle qu’elle se reflète dans les miniatures des manuscrits enluminés sous son abbatiat, et celle de Bernard de Clairvaux. Les deux abbés... more
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      CisterciansBernard of ClairvauxCistercian Order15c Cistercians and Art
En este estudio se presentan algunos datos preliminares acerca de la importancia de la hidráulica en los monasterios del Císter femenino castellano durante la Edad Media y la Edad Moderna, evaluando sus dimensiones y usos. Se plantea una... more
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      Cistercian architectureCisterciansCistercian StudiesCisterciens
herausgegeben im Auftrag der Stadt Höxter 2003 VERLAG HAHNSCHE BUCHHANDLUNG HANNOVER Die Publikation entstand mit maßgeblicher finanzieller Unterstützung der Volksbank Paderbom-Höxter eG. Bibliografische Information Der Deutschen... more
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      CisterciansCistercian nuns, middle ages
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      Medieval ArchaeologyCisterciansArchaeology of Medieval MonasteriesSlavic Archaeology
Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek: Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über more
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      Cistercian architectureCisterciansCistercian nuns, middle ages
"Jusqu’à présent, les abbayes de moniales cisterciennes qui se multiplièrent en Castille à partir des années 1160 ont souvent été assimilées à la plus puissante d’entre elles, Las Huelgas de Burgos, leur modèle et leur porte-parole... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesHigh Middle AgesGender History
The Cistercians of the former diocese of Clermont in Auvergne are little known, for with the exception of the women’s communities of L’Éclache and Mègemont, their medieval archives have disappeared. After tracing the origins of these two... more
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      CisterciansLate Medieval Religion, Monasticism and DevotionCistercian StudiesCistercian nuns, middle ages
La présente enquête remet en cause un jugement répandu parmi les historiens des cisterciennes, qui consiste à considérer l'apparition subite des moniales dans les décrets du chapitre général de Cîteaux au début du XIIIe siècle comme un... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesHigh Middle AgesMedieval History
Os estudos sobre o clero medieval português, seja ele regular ou secular, têm atraído inúmeros investigadores nos últimos anos. Do seu labor têm resultado trabalhos que se traduzem numa significativa evolução do saber sobre a presente... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMonastic StudiesMedieval Women
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of ReligionGender HistoryHistory of Christianity
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      CisterciansCistercian nuns, middle agesCistercians abbeysCistercian monasteries
This text publishes and examines a visitation to the Monastery of Cós, carried out in 1492, by the abbot of Clairvaux. Annual visitations were, in the Cistercian context, an instrument of regulation which was intended to guarantee the... more
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      Liturgical StudiesMonastic StudiesCisterciansLiturgical History
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      CisterciansCistercian nuns, middle ages
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      Medieval Iberian HistoryMedieval MusicCisterciansMedieval musicology
L’article analyse les miniatures de saint Jérôme dans le fonds des manuscrits réalisés sous l’abbatiat d’Étienne Harding, afin de saisir la manière dont ce Père de l’Église est appréhendé dans l’abbaye de Cîteaux. Jérôme s’avère être une... more
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      Medieval HistoryHagiographySaints' CultsCistercians
La bibliothèque médiévale des cisterciennes castillanes de Cañas était réputée perdue. Cette recherche, menée notamment dans le fonds privé de la communauté et dans la documentation d’époque moderne conservée à l’Archivo Histórico... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesWomen's StudiesGender History
A descoberta de uma ata de visitação inédita ao Mosteiro de Cós, realizada em 1492, pelo abade de Claraval, constitui o mote para um estudo introdutório sobre as suas origens e a sua comunidade no período medieval. Perscrutam-se, em chave... more
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      Medieval StudiesPortuguese HistoryPortuguese Medieval HistoryCistercians
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      Medieval StudiesCistercian StudiesCistercian nuns, middle agesCistercian Nuns
Contém o texto da dissertação de mestrado em História Medieval apresentada à Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto em 1992, acrescido da edição dos documentos utilizados para a sua elaboração. Índice Geral Nota de abertura... more
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      Portuguese Medieval HistoryCisterciansCoimbra (Portugal)Cistercian Studies
Evidence about individual nuns in medieval England is hard to come by. Often all we know is the name of a given community's abbess or prioress, with the opinions and even the names of the other community members lost to history. But the... more
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      Medieval Church CourtsMedieval EpiscopacyCause PapersCistercian nuns, middle ages
Resumen: Durante la Baja Edad Media y la Edad Moderna algunos monasterios del Císter femenino recurrieron a su etapa plenomedieval para legitimar su posición en momentos en los que su autoridad estaba siendo cuestionada por instituciones... more
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      Cistercian architectureCisterciansCistercian StudiesCistercian spirituality
This unedited chapter explores the diversity of identifications and associations in early Cistercian monasticism for women, with reference to the career of Humbeline Montbard, kin sister of Bernard of Clairvaux, and the anonymous "virgin,... more
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      Bernard of ClairvauxCistercian StudiesTemplarsCistercian nuns, middle ages
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      Cistercian StudiesCistercian nuns, middle agesCistercian NunsVallée du Rhône
A pesar de ser la hermana de san Bernardo, santa Humbelina no gozó de un gran éxito iconográfico. En un principio, su hagiografía estaba ligada inseparablemente a la de su hermano Bernardo. Con el tiempo, sin embargo, su leyenda se fue... more
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      IconographyHistory of ReligionMedieval ArtCistercian Studies
La présente contribution peut être divisée en quatre parties distinctes. Dans la première, je présenterai les bibliothèques de Sankt Marienstern et Sankt Marienthal, deux couvents de sœurs cisterciennes relativement peu connus du grand... more
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      Cultural HistoryHistory of Library and Information ScienceCistercian nuns, middle ages
La comtesse Urraca figure parmi les principales dames du XIIIe siècle castillan. Fille de Diego López II de Haro (m. 1214), épouse du comte Álvaro Núñez de Lara (m. 1218), elle exerça pendant son veuvage la charge d’abbesse du monastère de... more
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      Women's StudiesMedieval HistoryHagiographyGender History
The Cistercian order, which had its origins in the late eleventh century, transformed the spiritual landscape of western Europe. The order's insistence on a return to the austerity and simplicity that had originally informed Benedictine... more
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    • Cistercian nuns, middle ages
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      CisterciansCistercian nuns, middle ages
"Familia Cisterciense" was a personal webpage published by the author between 2000 and 2005. Its nº 5 was dedicated to Hildegard of Bingen.
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    • Cistercian nuns, middle ages
Cet article est consacré au monastère cistercien feminin de Arouca, fondé en 1226. L'Auteur en étudie d'abord les origines et l'évolution jusqu'en cette année 1226. Puis il en examine la transformation en monastère cistercien par la reine... more
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      CisterciansCistercian StudiesMedieval nunneriesNunns History
ERROR CORRECTION: The new discovered manuscript Leipzig, Universitätsbibliothek, ms. 827 doesn't contain any information about Gertrude's family name. Although the manuscript enriches the textual corpus of ›Helfta Mysticism‹ with a series... more
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      Legitimacy and AuthorityReception StudiesWomen's StudiesMedieval Literature
L’étude des moniales cisterciennes au Moyen Âge, née au milieu du XXe siècle sous l’angle de l’histoire des femmes, se concentre aujourd’hui sur la place institutionnelle des religieuses au sein de l’Ordre. La Couronne de Castille, riche... more
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      Women's StudiesWomen's HistoryMedieval WomenWomen
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    • Cistercian nuns, middle ages
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      Portuguese Medieval HistoryKingship (Medieval History)Tombs (Medieval Studies)Funerary Architecture
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      Cistercian architectureCisterciansCistercian nuns, middle ages
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      Cistercian architectureMonastic ArchitectureCisterciansMiniature Books
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      Portuguese Medieval HistoryArchivesCisterciansPortuguese Art
The research presented focuses on an unpublished illuminated manuscript, a Ritual belonging to the late fifteenth century or to the start of the sixteenth century. The work was produced for the abbey of Sta. Maria de Alcobaça (St Mary of... more
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      Cistercian StudiesCistercian spiritualityCistercian nuns, middle agesCistercian monasteries
in: Fiat voluntas tua. Theologe und Historiker – Priester und Professor. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Harm Klueting, hg. von Reimund Haas (Münster 2014), S. 223-238.
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      Cistercian StudiesMartin luther and the ReformationCistercian nuns, middle ages
Die Tagung und die Drucklegung der Beiträge dieses Bandes wurden von der Klosterkammer Hannover unterstützt. Titelbild: Kloster Ebstorf, Langes Schlafhaus, restaurierte Nordfassade im Bereich des Alten Refektoriums mit 1., 3. und 4.... more
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      Cistercian architectureCisterciansCistercian nuns, middle ages
El monasterio de Las Huelgas de Burgos conserva un conjunto de epígrafes en los dos pasos de comunicación entre el claustro de San Fernando y la zona de claustrillas. Recogen fragmentos litúrgicos de los salmos y de la Salve y el oficio... more
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      LiturgyCistercian architectureCistercian StudiesEpigraphy
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      Spatial AnalysisTypologyFunctional MorphologyAnthropology of space
Le chartrier médiéval de l’abbaye de Bonlieu, méconnu mais plutôt riche, révèle l’existence d’une relation exclusive de patronage entre le lignage du fondateur, le sénéchal d’Anjou Guillaume des Roches, et la communauté pendant quatre... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesGender HistoryRural History