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Abstract: In late Byzantine monumental painting, works are rarely signed by the artists and even when they are, it is very scarce for us to have more than one signed work by the same painter. Exceptions to this “rule” are two masters,... more
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      Byzantine StudiesByzantine IconographyByzantine ArchaeologyByzantine art
Suggestions for copying old frescoes and placing copies in museums occurred mainly because this appeared to be the only solution for preserving some of the permanently endangered wall paintings. Such initiatives were encouraged during the... more
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      DocumentationCopiesProtection of cultural heritagePrizren
This work retraces observations concerning insufficiently known emblems, represented on some examples of late Byzantine architecture. Also, should an emblem be invested with a role of a codified sign, without being literally visible,... more
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      TaxonomyHeraldryAniconismByzantine Architecture
,,ШТО ЈЕ НА НЕБУ И НА ЗЕМЉИ, ВИДЉИВО И НЕВИДЉИВО“: ТРИЈУМФАЛНИ ЛУК НА ЗАПАДНОЈ ФАСАДИ ЦРКВЕ БОГОРОДИЦЕ ЉЕВИШКЕ У ПРИЗРЕНУ. СТРУКТУРА И ЗНАЧЕЊЕ Артикулација зидне површине као и концептуални елементи фасаде представљају кључне... more
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      Late Byzantine ArchitectureVierge Ljeviška à PrizrenChora Monastery in Constantinopleking Milutin
The paper deals with the phenomenon of cultural heritage through recognizing the semantic changes of a heritage object and its uses over time. is is examined through the case of the Church of Holy Virgin of Ljevisa in Prizren. is... more
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      Cultural HeritageHeritage StudiesKosovoPrizren