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The main function of religious art is to embody the abstract idea of God in a form that allows its easiest perception. A central problem of any religious system is God’s presence and its adequate description. Theophanic events are never... more
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      Byzantine StudiesByzantine IconographyHesychasmByzantium
In the final saying of the Gospel of Thomas (logion 114), Jesus speaks of needing to make Mary male so that she can enter the kingdom. Similarly, the male/female dyad is interpreted spiritually as a positive/negative opposition by many of... more
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      Gender and religion (Women s Studies)Moravian (Church History)Gospel of ThomasVirgin Birth
Present paper deals with the iconographical patterns in which mandorla, colored in red is used as a visual symbol of the Glory of God. In broad outlines will be described the visual device of mandorla in the Christian iconography, its... more
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      Christian IconographyGlory of GodMandorla
The study is focused on elucidation of origins of the iconographical model of the Transfiguration of Christ around which in the second half of the twentieth century in Bulgaria has been built a legend about the pictorial representation of... more
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      Byzantine and Postbyzantine MuralsPostbyzantine Murals and Portable iconsChristian iconography, MandorlaMandorla
Abstract: In this study we will try to present the iconographic tradition as a form of visual theology, though it is difficult to conceptualize what it used to be like in the immediate presence of God. The Transfiguration is one of the... more
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      ApophaticismHesychasmDeificationApophatic theology
The present paper aims to discuss the conception of the sacred space in which God dwells and its visual representation in Christian iconography. It deals with the problem of the origins of the mandorla symbol that appears on the... more
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      IconographyByzantine StudiesByzantine IconographyVisions And Dreams
The visual culture of Byzantium was profoundly religious in its character and was intended to serve as “theology in images” equal to theology in words. The gradual development of the Orthodox theology over the centuries has caused... more
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      IconographyByzantine IconographyVisions And DreamsChristian Iconography
The paper aims to trace out in broad outline the idea of usage the mandorla within the framework of Christian art, its further growth and changes in its semantic meaning. During the different stages of development of the East Orthodox... more
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      Theology and the ArtsChristian iconography, MandorlaMandorla
Симболичка разноврсност, уграђена у верску доктрину и истанчан филозофскисистем хришћанства, је огромна. Значење неких од хришћанских симбола као што сусв. Крст и крстни знак например, јасно је дефинисано и никада се није мењало... more
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      Christian IconographyGlory of GodMandorla
Present study is focused on clarifying the origin of the pictorial model of the Virgin Blachernitissa as well as on specifying the details in its onomastics. It considers the main theories about the nature and diversity of the... more
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      IconographyByzantine IconographyVirgin MaryGlory of God
Обект на изследването е начинът на изобразяване на библейския концепт за Божията слава в късновизантийската иконографска традиция. Предмет на изследването е произходът и семантиката на новия тип мандорла, използвана като основен... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine StudiesByzantine StudiesByzantine IconographyHesychasm
i ÖZET ERKEN B ZANS SANATINDA MANDORLA TASV RLER Erken Bizans döneminin ilk yıllarında Hristiyanlı ın kabulüyle sanatsal anlayı ta Hristiyanlık ö retisini açıklayan dini tasvirler kullanılmaya ba lamı tır. Bu dönemde Tanrı'nın karakteri,... more
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      Byzantine IconographyRoman Cult of MithrasAionMandorla
Based on the complex interrelations between word and image, the present paper aims to elucidate the penetrating correlation of the theological thought of the time with the art of a specific epoch. The findings of this study emphasize on... more
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      Byzantine StudiesConstantinopleByzantine artTHESSALONIKI
Here we propose a discussion about the "mandorla" or "vesica piscis". It is a type of 2-dimensional lens, that is, a geometric shape formed by the intersection of two circles with the same radius, intersecting in such a way that the... more
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      SymbolismFreemasonryAlbrecht DürerSacred Geometry
The present paper deals with the concept of sacred space as the dwelling place of God and an iconographic symbol for its visual representation. Since the idea about the otherworld as a realm of gods is common for almost all religions,... more
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      IconographyByzantine StudiesIconography and IconologyByzantine art
Orthodox iconography is focused on the idea of representing the cosmos, the essence of God's creatio ex nihilo, thus serving as a visual cosmology and thence-as a cosmography of all being. Icons depict the image of the archetypal world in... more
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      IconographyByzantine StudiesByzantine IconographyMedieval Cosmography
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      AlmondMandorlaErboristeria Storia Della MedicinaSimbología Religiosa
In this study we will try to present the iconographic tradition as a form of visual theology, though it is difficult to conceptualize what it used to be like in the immediate presence of God. The Transfiguration is one of the keys that... more
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Based on the complex interrelations between word and image, present paper aims to elucidate penetrating correlation of the theological thought of the time with the art of a specific epoch. Accent is putted on the Hesychasm and its... more
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      HesychasmTransfigurationMandorlaChora Monastery in Constantinople
Storia e proprietà della Mandorla nell' areale del mediterraneo
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      Antropología de la alimentaciónAlimentosMandorlaErboristeria Storia Della Medicina
"Trier, classer, organiser. Ordonner le Monde au Moyen âge"  Journées d'études 16 et 17 juin 2017
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      Art HistoryItalian Renaissance ArtSaintsMandorla
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      Paul CelanProphecyMandorla