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Çocuklara zorunlu eğitim dışında becerileri ve gelişimleriyle uyumlu, aktif katılım sağlayabilecekleri ortamlar yaratmak ve bu ortamlarda merak ettiklerini deneme fırsatı vermek, çocuğun hem kendine hem de sosyal çevresine olan güvenini... more
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      Childrens services in public librariesÇocuk Kütüphaneleri
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      Children and FamiliesChildrens services in public librariesChildren's LibrarianshipLibrary Services for Children
The study of children library services in Nigeria is very limited in the literature. Existing literature has only focused on the problems facing school or public library services (Ajegbomogun & Salaam, 2011) without a real emphasis on the... more
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      Public LibrariesLibrary and Information ScienceSchool LibrarianshipThird Space
Mother Goose on the Loose is an award-winning early childhood literacy program for babies and their caregivers offered each week at the Enoch Pratt Free Library in Baltimore, Maryland. This article describes the history of the program... more
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      Early Childhood LiteracyEarly Literacy DevelopmentChildrens services in public librariesEarly childhood music, movement, singing, dance, musical brain development, play, musical exploration
16-19 Ekim 2019 tarihinde Marmara Üniversitesi Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi Bölümü, Üsküdar Belediyesi ve Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Kütüphaneler ve Yayımlar Genel Müdürlüğü işbirliğinde İstanbul’da düzenlendiğimiz 2. Uluslararası Çocuk... more
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      Children's and Young Adult LiteraturePreschool EducationChildrens services in public librariesPreschool
The 'pathway of opportunity' -the role of the librarian in supporting the development of communication, language and literacy in young children and their families.
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      Emergent LiteracyChildrens services in public libraries
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      Childrens services in public librariesÇocukChildren's LibrarianshipÇocuk Kütüphaneleri
Public libraries are one of the educational and cultural institutions supporting the native language development of the children from multilingual societies. In this study, the Arabic children’s books in the public libraries of Vienna... more
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      MultilingualismArabicPublic LibrariesVienna
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      Children and FamiliesChildrens services in public librariesChildren's LibrarianshipÇocuk Kütüphaneleri
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      Visual LiteracyEarly LiteracyCollaboration Of Archives, Libraries And MuseumsChildrens services in public libraries
Abstract: “Today's public libraries exert efforts in combining different ethnic ingredients harmoniously to produce American citizens who are well-informed and can interact cohesively with others while retaining an individual cultural... more
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      MulticulturalismPublic LibrariesBilingual EducationBilingual Language Acquisition
This book provides a sound background to all aspects of library provision for 6–18 year olds. It is designed to support the strategic planning and delivery of library services and programmes at a local community level or in schools. The... more
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      Childrens services in public librariesLibrary Design