Child and Adolescent Risk and Resilience
Most cited papers in Child and Adolescent Risk and Resilience
Turkish heritage students are underrepresented at university-track secondary schools in Germany, yet the institutional discrimination contributing to this ongoing disparity often remains unquestioned, situated within inequitable norms of... more
Teachers increasingly face many challenges in a wide range of areas, mainly in those related to their students’ behavioural problems and psychological well-being. Evidence shows that teachers can effectively assist students at risk or... more
Promoting resilience prevents maladaptation among economically disadvantaged ethnic minority (EDEM) youth. EDEM youth need access to a variety of assets and promotive factors (i.e., resources) in the family, school, and community system... more
Following the civil war in Syria, there has been a growing interest in the impact of war, violent conflict, and refuge on the development and mental health of refugee children in general and Syrian refugee children in particular. The... more
Compared with their White counterparts, preadolescent and adolescent males of color are disproportionately exposed to violence from multiple sources, including law enforcement, neighborhood community violence, and racially motivated... more
"Purpose. Although sensitive and cognitively stimulating parenting is a powerful predictor of school success, it may not protect against increased neonatal risk resulting from underlying neurological damage. Methods. A total of 314 very... more
The intensive development of adaptive information technologies leads to the active inclusion of adolescents with disabilities in Inter-net communications, expanding the possibilities of their social adaptation. At the same time, the... more
(Comment): This is a rare study describing the development and validation of a psychological test of perceived social support as conducted in a war-torn field setting. Although originally developed for use with Bosnian adolescents who,... more
Previous research shows that there is a significant and positive relationship between being a victim of violence and experiencing high levels of psychological problems among young people. Conversely, resilience is negatively associated... more
Past research into the ability of students to ‘bounce back’ from everyday academic setback (academic buoyancy) has lacked sensitivity to the contexts in which children demonstrate this behavior. Here we aimed to contextualize past... more
A personal, intellectual, and philosophical report of how Joseph Agassi’s critical rationalism helped me overcome the drawbacks of ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder).
Résumé La question du consentement aux soins est aujourd’hui centrale lorsque l’on traite de questions liées à l’éthique médicale. Elle concerne le respect de l’autonomie de la personne qui est au cœur de la loi de 2002 sur le droit des... more
This dissertation examined the educational outcomes of high school English learner (EL) students with limited or interrupted formal education (SLIFE) to evaluate theories that explain their educational resilience. School system data and... more
Objectives: Approximately half of sexual assaults involve alcohol; these assaults tend to be more severe and may be more likely to result in negative emotional outcomes like anxiety and depression (Ullman & Najdowski, 2010).... more
In Canada, Indigenous youth have remained resilient despite being confronted with a wide range of structural and systemic risks, such as long-lasting boil water advisories, over-representation in the child welfare system, and injustices... more
Resilience has always been present across human history, as we have contended with the wide array of adversities. Resilience research has gained significantly increasing momentum as a core principle of the trauma-informed approach to... more
Tanulmányunk a gyermekotthonokban nevelkedő, nehézségeik ellenére is jó megküzdési képességekkel rendelkező reziliens serdülőkről szól. A velük készült interjúk eredményei alapján a gyermekek első családi emlékei kellemesek,... more
Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne.... more
Objective: This study aims to document the relational and sexual recovery process of child sexual abuse (CSA) survivors. Method: Using the framework-based synthesis approach (Dixon-Woods, 2011), a metasynthesis was conducted on... more
A university-child welfare agency partnership between the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work at the University of Toronto and Highland Shores Children’s Aid (Highland Shores), a child welfare agency in Ontario, allowed for the... more
Objectives: Although most of the literature on physical dating violence (physical DV) focuses on victimization among girls, boys are also at risk. This study aims to document the experiences of boys who underwent physical violence in... more
Objectives: The objective of this study was to observe the relation of Values In Action (VIA) virtues, well-being, and resilience within a unique, non-Western population of Indigenous youth in the Peruvian Amazon. Methods: Data were... more
Objectives: The current study used factor analytic techniques to examine the performance of the Child and Youth Resilience Measure (CYRM-28) in Nicaragua. Method: Nicaraguan youth from Managua, León, Chinandega, and Granada (n = 2,764)... more
Objectives: Social media (SoMe) is globally prevalent, but its relevance for disseminating sensitive topics, such as violence victimization and mental health among adolescents and emerging adults, remain under-researched. Youth-dominate... more
Objectives: The study explores the presence of the three components of Ungar’s (2019) biopsychosocial process definition of resilience in the context of family violence-exposed adolescents’ descriptions of affect regulation when... more
Absztrakt A tanulmányban azokat a protektív faktorokat tekintem át, amelyek az optimális fejlő-dést hivatottak biztosítani, illetve a fennálló rizikóval szemben ellensúlyt képezhetnek a gyermek életében. A védőfaktorok általános... more
Desde o surgimento das histórias em quadrinhos, os enredos com super-heróis são focados no espírito comunitário, confiança mútua, força e coragem, temas inspiradores para as áreas da Educação e Saúde. Entretanto pouco se sabe acerca do... more
Contents: 1. Setting the Scene a. The Impact of Rutter 2. Preschool Quality and Resilience 3. Looking Beyond Preschool: a. resilience fostered by primary schools b. resilience effects within children born premature c. one potential... more
Introduction: Anxiety disorder is the most frequent psychiatric problem among children and adolescents. Research proved that resilience can be a protective factor in coping with psychological difficulties. Our research focuses on these... more
Three hundred and eighty three (383) girls who volunteered to participate in this study were asked some questions with the help of a questionnaire through face-to-face interviews and their answers analysed for discussion. A two stage... more
The purpose of the study was, 1) to identify risk and protective factors that predict academic achievement in low socioeconomic status (SES) pupils in Ireland; and 2) to establish if these predicting factors are unique and applicable only... more
This research-based storybook for young children, contains research information in the back for parents, educators and family workers. The narrative follows the experiences of five-year-old Anthony who describes his struggles with waiting... more
Given rampant conditions of poverty and inequality facing the majority of South African young people, there has been growing interest over recent years in the resilience processes that enable youth to navigate through such adversities and... more
The purpose of this paper is to exemplify the outstanding potential of literary narrations, and particularly the fairy tales, to foster resilience among primary school students. The starting point of these reflections is the... more
This study examined the abuse prevalence and characteristics, and risk and protective factors, among both runaway and non-runaway adolescents evaluated at a Child Advocacy Center (CAC) in Minnesota, which had implemented a referral... more
This article presents the findings of a study examining the trauma and psychological general well-being of social work students at a South African university. The aim of the study was to determine what traumatic personal experiences in... more