Military Families
Recent papers in Military Families
This book examines the politics of military families in relation to the tensions between the state, military organization, and private life. It elaborates on the tensions between the advent of challenging worldwide deployment for the... more
This research-based storybook for young children, contains research information in the back for parents, educators and family workers. The narrative follows the experiences of five-year-old Anthony who describes his struggles with waiting... more
To date, the US military has made major strides in acknowledging and therapeutically addressing trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in service members and their families. However, given the nature of warfare and high rates of... more
Grounded in multiple ways of thinking about families, we propose a beginning framework for developing and implementing military family life education. We first situate this work within the context of established family life education... more
Opposition to the Iraq War is thought to have contributed to the election of Barack Obama in 2008. The present study shows that controlling for other factors, including the percentage of the vote going to the prewar Democratic... more
This book examines the politics of military families in relation to the tensions between the state, military organization, and private life. It elaborates on the tensions between the advent of challenging worldwide deployment for the... more
« Il y a toujours plus inconnu que le soldat inconnu : sa femme ». Ce slogan a été inventé par les militantes du « Mouvement de libération des femmes françaises » au cours de la manifestation du 26 août 1970 à Paris. Elles ont été... more
У статті висвітлено аналіз окремих напрацювань, що можуть слугувати базою для подальшого формування системи психосоціальної підтримки членів сімей військовослужбовців. У матеріалі описано результати апробації групових способів надання... more
За результатами інтерв’ювання військових психологів, учасників АТО та капеланів (13 осіб) на тему сімейних проблем у родинах військовослужбовців учасників АТО та шляхів їх вирішення, окреслено найбільш поширені проблеми в родинних... more
This phenomenon has little content in professional literature and on the internet. Domestic bullying occurs when a spouse engages in frequent criticism, threats, insults, emotional manipulation, demeaning language or bouts of anger.
This paper explores some of the bio-psycho-social-spiritual effects of sexual assault on male survivors of Military Sexual Trauma (MST). Although the percentage of female survivors of MST is greater than the percentage of male survivors,... more
Many Australian families experience a parent working away from home on a frequent or prolonged basis in the primary industries, transport or sales sectors or through deployment within the Australian Defence Force (ADF). Researching how... more
Over the past four decades, Western militaries have increasingly relied on female soldiers . More recently, women's exclusion from combat is being lifted in a growing number of countries. Through our previous and ongoing research on... more
This book is suitable for preschool children right up to 12-year-olds. The author has used a scaffolded approach where the book can be enjoyed by only reading the red font text (creating a short, simple version of the story for younger... more
Book Chapter: Many sectors are investing resources into more preventative approaches to wellness. Population health institutes, the health care sector, psychologists, educators, and a growing sector of the military seek ways to keep... more
America’s involvement in an increasingly globalized world demands constant military mobilization, for both the service member and her/his family. These displacements bring about different conceptualizations of home and belonging during... more
Studying military families in Argentina raises important questions due to their involvement in the crimes of the last dictatorship (1976–1983). The objective of the study realized in Buenos Aires in 2015 and 2016 was to explore the... more
Military deployment is considered a stressful period for families (Palmer, 2008), typically lasting three to nine months for Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel. To date, insufficient research has been conducted concerning children... more
Over the past 20 to 30 years, resilience has become increasing prominent as a theoretical framework for research and practice. Resilience gives attention to the ways in which systems recover in the wake of stress. Originally a concept in... more
*UPDATE: The enactment of Section 3031 of the Fiscal Year 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) now requires the Secretary of Defense to "provide for the installation and maintenance of an appropriate number of carbon monoxide... more
(abstract): We draw upon family resilience and narrative theory to describe an evidence-based method for intervening with military families who are impacted by multiple wartime deployments and psychological, stress-related, or physical... more
‘And so, things have been a bit different’ explores the emotional and physical roller-coaster of a family that has a parent who is injured when they are on service. The book is for families who experience this and helps the parents start... more
Introduction: Th is article reviews representative programs for families and children from each NATO and Partnership for Peace (PfP) country with a representative participating in the NATO HFM RTG-258 task group on the impact of military... more
This study has set out to examine how communication can fulfill the various social and emotional needs of reservists and their loved ones during deployment. This paper is based on twenty-six interviews conducted with Canadian Forces... more
Military deployment is considered a stressful period for families (Palmer, 2008), typically lasting three to nine months for Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel. To date, insufficient research has been conducted concerning children... more
One parent shared with me that she was told ‘You’re just on your own until they go to school. There’s nothing out there’. She was part of my research project to find out what 2-5-year old children understand and experience when their... more
Children negotiate their lives through the narratives to which they are exposed in digital, print and oral form. Th e Rose's Story app project drew on a philosophy that positions children as social agents. We used the social and... more
Military deployment is considered a stressful period for families (Palmer, 2008), typically lasting three to nine months for Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel. To date, insufficient research has been conducted concerning children... more
Many Australian families experience a parent working away from home on a frequent or prolonged basis in the primary industries, transport or sales sectors or through deployment within the Australian Defence Force (ADF). Researching how... more
Since the start of the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, more than 2 million children in the United States have been directly affected by the deployment of a parent. There are few recent empirical investigations that examine... more
Recent studies have confirmed that repeated wartime deployment of a parent exacts a toll on military children and families and that the quality and functionality of familial relations is linked to force preservation and readiness. As a... more
This is a research-based children's storybook. Sam’s story explores concepts of sickness, health, recovery, transitions, acceptance and new ways of operating in the household after his mother returns home from service with physical... more
This report was compiled in lieu of a traditional conclusion for this thesis: It has thus undergone a peer review process, having been examined by three subject experts. It has been used by the... more
Young children are able to express their experiences, understandings and thoughts by communicating through the use of the creative arts media with which they are comfortable and confident. My PhD study employed a qualitative Mosaic... more
Partners of serving Australian Defence Force (ADF) members use social media platforms for sharing information and building communities. As privileged insiders, the interactions of partners on Facebook create unique security concerns. This... more
Враховуючи військові події на Сході України та необхідність участі в них військових підрозділів Збройних сил України та Національної гвардії України важливим фактором для виконання службово-бойових завдань є психологічний стан... more
Abstract: The mostly quantitative studies to date on the impact of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on family functioning have involved comparing veterans suffering from PTSD with other categories of veterans, by examining... more
Post-deployment family reintegration and relationship breakdown among combat veterans has received considerable attention from the Department of Defense and the media. Social interventions have been developed as a family strengthening... more