Chemical Biological Weapons
Recent papers in Chemical Biological Weapons
Producto de mi análisis de inteligencia de fuentes abiertas (Open Sources Intelligence Analysis), he llegado a la hipótesis de que Corea del Norte pudo haber sido la responsable de desarrollar en un laboratorio al nuevo coronavirus... more
Bioloji silahlar digər canlılar üzərində zərərli təsirlər yaratmaq məqsədi ilə istifadə edilən bakteriya, virus və s. yoluxucu agentlərdir. Bu tərif ümumiyyətlə bioloji olaraq əldə edilən toksinləri və zəhərləri də əhatə edəcək şəkildə... more
In the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States and the subsequent war against the Taleban and al-Qaeda in Afganistan, United States leaders turned their attention toward Iraq, specifically its... more
This manuscript presents an introduction to the phenomenon of viral bio-spiritual weaponization and warfare that describes the crux of the present and many other retroviruses launched against us during the course of our history by a... more
Weapons of mass destruction (WMD), nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons, are commonly detected by monitoring an array of activities common to their development and testing. Lack of access to weapons production facilities, which in... more
'aka Roodeplaat Research Laboratories' is part of a broader research project into Project Coast, the top secret apartheid-era chemical and biological weapons programme. This work presents photographs taken during a 2014 site visit to... more
Violent non-state actors, such as Al Qaeda and ISIS, have become an increasing concern within the foreign policy of the United States (US) and other states. The US is unable to fully monitor or prevent possible attacks, as VNSAs are a... more
Изобретение химического оружия тесно связано с историей XXвека, так как оно меняло ход военных событий. Со временем в результате разработки биологического, ядерного и термобарического оружия появилась область исследования новых... more
The biological and chemical weapon nonproliferation and disarmament regimes are often put forward as models of what the nuclear nonproliferation regime could (or should) be. But are these regimes effective? If so, is one stronger and/or... more
Many chapters of Chemical Bodies illustrate how the history of the use of chemical agents as methods of control and coercion has been intimately tied to the rendering of harm as (in)visible. While suffering has been foregrounded to make... more
The poisoning of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter earlier this month has significantly worsened already tense relations between Moscow and the West. The crime marks the first chemical weapons attack on Western Europe... more
Since the late 1990s, when the United States first established partnerships in biological studies with several post-soviet republics, Moscow has repeatedly suggested that such cooperation represented a threat to Russia. The main targets... more
The threat of biological disease has been significantly raised in the public consciousness in the past few years. Where previously state-run programmes were the most significant concern, increasingly policy makers are focusing on the... more
This paper addresses an archive-based exhibition currently in development with the Nelson Mandela Foundation Centre of Memory in Johannesburg, South Africa, by a team of researchers affiliated to various academic, non-governmental and... more