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Background and Aim: Q fever is a zoonotic disease caused by Coxiella burnetii. Cattle, sheep, and goat are the main reservoir of C. burnetii. In Egypt, the epidemiological data about C. burnetii in camels are limited. Therefore, the... more
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      MicrobiologyVeterinary MicrobiologyBiological WeaponsZoonoses
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      TerrorismInternational TerrorismBiological WeaponsChemical Weapons
Red Cocaine is a book written by Joseph D. Douglass, Christopher Story and Ray S. Cline that reports the application of illegal drugs, such as cocaine, in the function of biological weapons. Inspired by the Anglo-Chinese War/Opium War,... more
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      Biological WeaponsOpium WarCocaine
Producto de mi análisis de inteligencia de fuentes abiertas (Open Sources Intelligence Analysis), he llegado a la hipótesis de que Corea del Norte pudo haber sido la responsable de desarrollar en un laboratorio al nuevo coronavirus... more
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      Biological WeaponsNorth Korea (politics and society)North KoreaChemical Biological Weapons
Bioloji silahlar digər canlılar üzərində zərərli təsirlər yaratmaq məqsədi ilə istifadə edilən bakteriya, virus və s. yoluxucu agentlərdir. Bu tərif ümumiyyətlə bioloji olaraq əldə edilən toksinləri və zəhərləri də əhatə edəcək şəkildə... more
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      Biological WeaponsCivil DefenseChemical Biological WeaponsBiological weapons policy and biophysical chemistry
Во академските кругови се повеќе се говори за “постомдерен тероризам” или “супер тероризам”, зад кој псевдоним се крие стравот од употребата на оружја за масовно уништување, како што се биолошкото, хемиското и нуклеарното. Покрај нивната... more
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      Weapons of Mass DestructionBiological WeaponsBioterrorismToxins
The ‘revolution’ in synthetic biology has generated widespread concern among security experts. While both bioweapons and genome editing are by no means new, significant developments in biotechnology over the last two decades have made... more
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      Synthetic BiologyInternational SecurityWeapons of Mass DestructionBiological Weapons
A oitava conferência de revisão da Convenção das Armas Biológicas teve a tarefa de reexaminar uma Convenção que enfrenta múltiplos desafios que se estendem, desde os desenvolvimentos tecnológicos em curso, à globalização das tecnologias,... more
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      Biological WeaponsBiological and Toxin Weapons ConventionCBRN
The limitation, reduction, prohibition or elimination of specific types of weapons, particularly nuclear weapons is, and will continue to be, one of the most important challenges that the international community should face in the 21th... more
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      Nuclear WeaponsBiological WeaponsChemical WeaponsUnited Nations
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a relative newcomer to the field of bioterrorism defense. Only after September 11, 2001 did the Alliance, for the first time in its more than 50-year history, launch specific initiatives to... more
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      TerrorismNATOBiological Weapons
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      History of Science and TechnologyMilitary HistoryMilitary ScienceRomanian History
In the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States and the subsequent war against the Taleban and al-Qaeda in Afganistan, United States leaders turned their attention toward Iraq, specifically its... more
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      Weapons of Mass DestructionNuclear WeaponsBiological WeaponsHistory of Nuclear Weapons
In late December 1949, the Soviet Union conducted a somewhat unexpected war crimes tribunal in the Russian Far East city of Khabarovsk (‘Khabarovsk Trial’). It was the only Allied trial entirely dedicated to the Japanese bacteriological... more
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      Soviet HistoryBiological WeaponsJapanese HistoryWar Crimes
Selected by the Defense Intelligence Agency, FBI, Naval War College Library, UK Defence Staff College, and other official defense/intelligence collections including Georgetown University, which included EEIS in its Selected Resources... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsInternational SecurityNuclear Weapons
This manuscript presents an introduction to the phenomenon of viral bio-spiritual weaponization and warfare that describes the crux of the present and many other retroviruses launched against us during the course of our history by a... more
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      RadiationGenocide StudiesBiological WeaponsInformation Warfare
The advent of molecular technologies and the application of genetic identification in clinical and forensic microbiology have greatly improved the capability of laboratories to detect and identify organisms used in biological weapons. Not... more
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      Biological WeaponsBiotechnology
Weapons of mass destruction (WMD), nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons, are commonly detected by monitoring an array of activities common to their development and testing. Lack of access to weapons production facilities, which in... more
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      Weapons of Mass DestructionNuclear WeaponsBiological WeaponsChemical Biological Weapons
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      Biological WeaponsBiological WarfareEls
This seminar work presents the new emerging global threat - the ethnobiological warfare. Using the knowledge in DNA manipulation can lead to many peaceful objectives, but on the same time can be used for a new generation of biological... more
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      Weapons of Mass DestructionBiological WeaponsEthnobiologyBiological Sciences
Theories of international relations conventionally regard great powers as the most important actors in international politics. Research on norms, however, has placed little emphasis on their activities. Research on great powers, in turn,... more
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      International RelationsPolitical ScienceNuclear WeaponsBiological Weapons
The Austrian university professor Heinrich Brandweiner (1910-97) had headlines in the 1950s as a member of an investigation team travelling North Korea and coming back with "proof" for the use of biological weapons by the US led UN... more
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      Cultural Cold WarBiological WeaponsPeace MovementsCold War history
Elvira Rosert/Una Becker-Jakob/Giorgio Franceschini/Annette Schaper 2013: Arms Control Norms and Technology, in: Müller, Harald/Wunderlich, Carmen (ed.): Norm Dynamics in Multilateral Arms Control. Athens: University of Georgia Press,... more
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      Nuclear WeaponsBiological WeaponsArms ControlLandmines and ERW
Hutton report looked into the death of Dr David Kelly, a Welsh scientist and authority on biological warfare and an honourable government civil servant. “For me, his death, lying in an English field with his wrists slashed, became the... more
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      PoetryWeapons of Mass DestructionBiological WeaponsTruth
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      War StudiesNuclear WeaponsBiological WeaponsChemical Weapons
In the early 20th century, the emerging branch of military history picked up on the possible role of Mongol artillery in the Black Death #pandemic . As de Mussi was the only source for such a claim, authors established the plausibility of... more
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      HistoryBiological WeaponsHistory of PlagueMiddle Ages
'aka Roodeplaat Research Laboratories' is part of a broader research project into Project Coast, the top secret apartheid-era chemical and biological weapons programme. This work presents photographs taken during a 2014 site visit to... more
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      Contemporary ArtBiological WeaponsSouth African Politics and SocietySecrecy
States have constructed an ill-considered and potentially dangerous biological weapons (BW) taboo that rebukes the fundamental logic of arms control. Historically, to prevent war, minimize the costs and risks of arms competition, and... more
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      Weapons of Mass DestructionBiological WeaponsAmerican Foreign PolicyUse of Force & Counter-terrorism
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      Biological WeaponsBiowarfare
Anthrax is a zoonotic disease that affects mainly large domesticated animals and caused by the bacterium Bacillus anthracis. Man acquires the disease accidentally through contact with infected animals or their products, often by the... more
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      Biological WeaponsZoonotic DiseaseAnthraxBacillus Anthracis
Poisoned Pasts is a collaborative exhibition by forensic artist Kathryn Smith (Liverpool John Moores University/Stellenbosch University), ISS researcher Dr Chandré Gould and sociologist Prof Brian Rappert (University of Exeter),... more
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      Human RightsBiological WeaponsSocial JusticeMedical Humanities
Războiul biologic nu este o invenție a epocii moderne. El a fost practicat încă din Antichitate, când hitiții au trimis bolnavi de ciumă în taberele egiptene pentru a-şi decima dușmanii înainte de luptă. Diferenţa dintre epoci este făcută... more
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      Biological WeaponsPandemic InfluenzaPandemicsBiological Warfare Agents
Human Brain Vs Biological Weapons, Otak dan Senjata Biologi, Imun Tubuh Manusia, Protein, Nutrisi
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      NursingNutrition and DieteticsImmunologyBiological Weapons
We present results obtained by a detection system designed to measure laser-induced fluorescence from individual aerosol particles using dual excitation wavelengths. The aerosol is sampled from ambient air and via a 1 mm diameter nozzle,... more
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      Data AnalysisBiological WeaponsParticlesLuminescence
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      ChemistryBiological WeaponsChemical WeaponsHuman Security
This article seeks to develop alternative ways to conceptually grasp international prohibition/regulatory regimes. It attempts to go beyond existing, and piecemeal, analysis of regimes within the intellectual field of IR based on... more
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      International LawRegulation And GovernanceInternational organizationsPoststructuralism
Вековима уназад биолошки агенси су коришћени за ратовање, терористичке или криминалне активности. Може се рећи да је изгледало да ће потписивање Конвенције о биолошком оружју допринети да ono постане само непријатна успомена на времена... more
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      Disaster StudiesDisaster risk managementBiological WeaponsAncient Weapons and Warfare
This publication offers an overview of existing literature relevant to understanding the linkages between gender and biological and chemical weapons; focusing on analyzing possible sex- and gender-specific effects of these weapons. It... more
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      Biological WeaponsChemical WeaponsPublic Health PolicyGender
The controversy surrounding recent uses of white phosphorus (WP) to ‘flush-out’ suspected insurgents or in attacks against military targets in open ground has led to a renewed media interest in the legal status of WP-based munitions. An... more
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      International LawInternational Criminal LawBiological WeaponsChemical Weapons
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    • Biological Weapons
Broń biologiczna to broń wykorzystująca bojowe środki biologiczne, do których zaliczamy patogenne bakterie, wirusy (drobnoustroje niezdolne do samodzielnej replikacji – wymagają żywiciela), grzyby i inne organizmy żywe (np. riketsje –... more
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      TerrorismBiological WeaponsArmed Conflict
Terahertz wavelengths can pass through dry, non-polar, non-metallic materials that are opaque at visible wavelengths. Moreover they can be manipulated using millimeter wave and quasi-optical techniques to form an image. Sensing in this... more
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      Biological WeaponsPublic HealthMillimeter Wave AntennasChemicals
In this conference presentation that was delivered during my absence in a panel of the 15th annual conference of the European Society of Criminology on September 3rd 2015, I underline the importance of reseaching WMD and delivery systems.... more
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      State crimeNuclear WeaponsBiological WeaponsChemical Weapons
Commercial off-the-shelf unmanned aerial vehicles are becoming a powerful force-multiplier in asymmetric conflicts. These platforms have been readily adopted by both state and non-state actors for a variety of military tasks including... more
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      TerrorismInternational TerrorismWeapons of Mass DestructionBiological Weapons
WMD-related arms control and disarmament measures are a form of global public good. In addition to providing key national security benefits to participating States, adherence to such agreements can also deliver several other secondary... more
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      Biological WeaponsChemical WeaponsComplianceEnforcement
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      International LawBiological Weapons
The dual-use dilemma arises in the context of research in the biological and other sciences as a consequence of the fact that one and the same piece of scientific research sometimes has the potential to be used for bad as well as good... more
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      PhilosophyEthicsApplied EthicsCensorship
The reduction or the complete elimination of specific types of weapons, particularly the elimination of all weapons of mass destruction, is one of the most important challenges that the international community should face in the 21th... more
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      Biological WeaponsChemical WeaponsNuclear Non-Proliferation PolicyNuclear Disarmament
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      Biological WeaponsHistory of the USSRStalin and StalinismCold War history
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      TerrorismPolitical ScienceBiological WeaponsChemical Weapons
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      International Relations TheoryPolitical ScienceBiological WeaponsSecurity Dilemma