Cave art
Recent papers in Cave art
The discovery of prehistoric cave paintings in the nineteenth century led to the shocking realisation that humans have been creating art for over 30,000 years. Episode two reveals how the very first pictures were created, and how images... more
Purpose: The primitive anthropological meaning of genital ornamentation is not clearly defined and the origin of penile intervention for decorative purposes is lost in time. Corporeal decoration was practiced in the Upper Paleolithic... more
the rock engravings that have been identified so far appear the most. The rock engravings found in the Tırşin Plateau, rock engravings that have played an important role in the chronology of eastern Anatolia, have not been visited for 40... more
The veracity of the carbon isotope dating attempts relating to the rock art in Chauvet Cave is reviewed, together with the merits of their criticisms. The attribution of the cave art to the Aurignacian is validated by several factors and... more
Art and the Form of Life takes a classic theme—philosophy as the art of living—and gives it a contemporary twist. The book examines a series of watershed moments in artistic practice alongside philosophers’ most enduring questions about... more
To Nurith, my mother, who with infinite love taught me how to look at paintings 1. To draw a line by candlelight I n his memoirs, the painter Giorgio de Chirico returns to his childhood with particular attention to the times and events... more
This article deals with cave paintings discovered by me at Pallimas valley, tahseel Wadh of Khuzdar dstrict Balochistan.
People have had the moon’s number for a very long time. We figure the moon’s phases were counted by calendar priests in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia at least 5000 years ago, and the unwritten record of prehistoric megaliths and symbolic... more
Rock art, as a part of various debates in today’s archaeological practice and theory, is evaluated as a multi-layered cultural product of humankinds’ physiology, psychology, cognition, social identities and relations with the nature.... more
Odisha state lies in the south- eastern part of India. The state has recorded more than a hundred rock shelters with interesting evidences of rock paintings and engravings. Numerous geometric symbols, dots and lines are found along with... more
İnsanlık tarihinin başlangıç noktasının tam olarak bilinmemesine rağmen ortaya konulan insan eseri ürünler ile yaşanmış kültürler bizlere bazı ipuçları vermektedir. Yaşam alanları, yemek kültürleri, inanışları ve giyim kültürleri gibi... more
The cave of Lascaux (near Montignac. Dep. Dordogne, France) seems to be an important expression of the cosmovisions of Palaeolithic man, approximately 17,000 years ago. In two contributions for this journal I present a short overview... more
Uranium-Thorium (U-Th) datations of the panel 78 (Hall XI, gallery C) from La Pasiega cave (Puente Viesgo, Cantabria, Spain), have provided a longer than expected chronology for its most ancient pictorial element, a scalariform... more
This article gives a detailed information about the site of Bhimbetka upto Mesolithic Period.
El uso de animales para señalar las posiciones del sol, la luna además de estrellas para componer el calendario en numerosos grupos indígenas del mundo, nos sirve para explicar la lógica de la simbología del arte paleolítico. Los Lakota... more
RESUMEN: En un abrigo bajo roca, que domina el valle por el que discurre el río Baias (Álava), en los limites entre Ribera Alta y Baja, se localizan pinturas y grabados de tipo esquemático, de carácter postpaleolítico. LABURPENA:... more
ii. The terminal Pleistocene is marked by the sudden reversal of several million years of continuous encephalization, when the cranial volume of humans abruptly began to plummet. The Upper Paleolithic (UP) witnesses the cessation of... more
The Chauvet Cave paintings appear to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
The Salinas district of Central New Mexico, and particularly the Jumanos pueblo cluster, a sub region of this area, formerly populated by Tompiro speakers, has long been known to have been a cultural amalgam of influences from the... more
Dans l'état actuel des connaissances, la représentation, c'est-à-dire la traduction graphique d'un élément de la réalité, apparaît à l'aube du Paléolithique supérieur, vers 35 000 avant notre ère (date calibrée). Ce phénomène coïncide... more
The Panel de las Manos in the Cave of El Castillo appears to be based on ancient asterisms, signs, or constellations. This paper shows the celestial location of the artwork in the Panel de las Manos. Coordinates: 43.2923 N, 3.9655 W. Star... more
What is the origin of art and writing? The origin of ancient art and early written inscriptions may be connected with the stars, but a study was needed to find graphic evidence. The connection between star patterns and ancient art and... more
During 2015 and 2016, caves with rock paintings in which red paint is intensively used were discovered in the Arslanlı and Doğu Sandal villages of Erdemli, Mersin. The main purpose of this article is to introduce these recently discovered... more
1939) : Analysis of motifs in images, stories, and allegories; interpretation of themes through historical, cultural, or social context; revelation of "symbolic values"; iconographic synthesis; and discovery of intrinsic meaning. ART... more
RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH АННОТАЦИЯ. Отправной точкой для исследования стало обнаружение в индийской «Махабхарате» и армянском эпосе «Неистовые сасунцы» (иначе: «Давид Сасунский») общего уникального мотива: Колеса Судьбы / Времени,... more
Central Taurus Prehistoric Research
The discovery of Paleolithic rock art in the open air, which, from years 1990 became very important in the Iberian Peninsula, opened more prospective on the interpretation of graphics of the groups of hunters in southern Europe. The... more
This work brings to light "master's hands" in animal representation painted in the Cantabrian cave of La Pasiega A. It was managed by combining classical morpho-anatomic approaches used in art history. Three stylistic groups were... more
The art in the Cave of the Trois Frères appears to be based on ancient asterisms, signs, or constellations. This graphic is a rendition of a dying bison. The bison image may have persisted for thousands of years in this form. The... more