Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy
© 2017 by Lance Carlyle Carter
What is the origin of art and writing? The origin of ancient art and early written inscriptions may be
connected with the stars, but a study was needed to find graphic evidence. The connection between star
patterns and ancient art and inscriptions found on artifacts from the northern hemisphere might be found if
a study was made using astronomical star chart software and photos and illustrations of ancient art and
inscriptions. What was done? Hundreds of graphics were created to illustrate the concept, which was
explained on a series of television shows, academic papers, and Archeoastronomy Animations.
It was discovered that ancient art such as cave paintings and petroglyphs could be interpreted as
an ancient artist’s impression of the night sky using the images that fit well in a particular star pattern. It
was discovered that early writing was actually a form of astronomical notation. It was discovered that over
time a form of that astronomical notation became the alphabet. It was discovered that the Bible and most
ancient documents were written in a style that could be called astral because it was based on star
patterns. These findings mean that almost all ancient art and early inscriptions may be astral. Astral art or
astral inscriptions can be placed over star maps for the epoch they were created and they should
somehow fit depending on how you look at it. These decipherments are from my personal point of view.
There was a way of thinking about graphic communications that may have escaped modern
scholarship for the most part because of the linear way we write today does not attempt to place the signs
and symbols over the stars as the ancients did. It appears that cave art, mobile art, and petroglyphs were
based on ancient asterisms. Ancient writing attempted to portray what was above into stone or onto a clay
tablet, wood block, leather, etc. So above, as below meant that astral inscriptions were in a way heavenly.
The term catasterism does not adequately describe inscribing or engraving the likeness of an
asterism in the sky onto stone or clay, etc. What is known about astral observations, astral renditions in
artifacts, and astral notation? Something, such as an ancient constellation or asterism, is understood to
be a recognisable pattern of stars that can be mapped using astrocartography. The saying “It is written in
the stars” does not specify which stars in particular “it” is written in. This common phrase is used to
portray something as destined because of astral or astrological indications, but it may also imply any
number of celestial phenomena in a vast assortment of celestial combinations and interpretations. What if
the saying “It is written in the stars” originally meant that a particular inscription or artistic design was
observable in the night sky in patterns of stars? Following this line of thought, these so-called “stars” may
be assumed to be seen in the starry sky to form letters, lines of text, and inscriptions. The classical Greek
and Roman constellations are still seen as pictures in the stars and the signs of the zodiac are seen over
the stars of the zodiac. The hypothesis of this concept is that almost all ancient art, engravings, and
inscriptions are based on the patterns of naked eye stars in the northern circumpolar region and suggests
that they could have in some ways been used as primitive star maps to tell time of night and time of year
as well as latitude on Earth. Some ancient art may have a practical astronomical use.
The names of the Astral Art Exhibits exhibits are listed in sections. Sections are organized by
date. A graphic inscription that was created near the date of 33600 B.C.E. would be found in the 33600
B.C.E. section. Exhibits include an abstract and internet link. The Astral Epigraphy exhibits are organized
by sections including papers, television shows, and Archeoastronomy Animations that are listed in
chronological order based on publication date. Exhibits include an abstract and internet link to the paper
or animation. The conclusions section describes some steps these studies may take. The Appendix
includes sections about the grid system used to create the graphics, input, and metadata.
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
Table of Contents
Introduction to Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy
Methods used to Decipher Astral Art and Inscriptions
Astral Art Television Shows
Technology Trends TV show: Celestial Cave Art
Technology Trends TV show: Celestial Cave Art of Prehistoric Europe
Astral Art Papers by Lance Carlyle Carter
40,600 B.C.
Celestial Cave of El Castillo Dot Patterns
Celestial Cave of El Castillo Panel de las Manos
Celestial Cueva de La Pasiega
Celestial Cueva de La Pasiega - 2
Celestial Cueva de La Pasiega - 3
Celestial Shuidonggou Stone
33,600 B.C.
Celestial Altamira Cave Paintings
Celestial Chauvet Cave Art
22,000 B.C.
Celestial Cave of Foissac Figurine
Celestial Coa Valley Petroglyphs
15,300 B.C.
Celestial Prehistoric Portable Rock Art
Celestial Cave of the Trois Frères
Celestial Cave of the Trois Frères - 2
Celestial Cave of the Trois-Freres - 3
Celestial Rouffignac Cave Finger Flutings
Celestial Rouffignac Cave Paintings
Celestial Lascaux Cave Art
Celestial Lascaux Caves Art - 2
Celestial Lascaux Caves Art - 3
Celestial Lascaux Caves Paintings - 4
Celestial Lascaux Caves Art - 5
Celestial Lascaux Caves Art - 6
Celestial Lascaux Caves Art - 7
Celestial Lascaux Caves Art - 8
Celestial Lascaux Caves Art - 9
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
13,600 B.C.
Celestial Moli del Salt Slab
100 A.D.
London Fresco from 1st Century AD
Astral Art from Miscellaneous or Unknown Dates
Celestial Petroglyph from Bohuslan Sweden
Celestial Petroglyph Inscriptions
Celestial Texas Petroglyphs
Celestial Dighton-Rock Inscription
Celestial Hawaiian Petroglyphs
Celestial Susamarkhor Antelope Inscription
Celestial Chinese Petroglyphs
The Celestial Pebble of San Jose, California
Archeoastronomy Animations
Archeoastronomy Animations: Haghia Triada HT 15
Archeoastronomy Animations: Haghia Triada HT 13
Archeoastronomy Animations: Gezer Calendar
Archeoastronomy Animations: Trojan Hieroglyphic Seal
Archeoastronomy Animations: Luwian Hieroglyphic Inscription
Archeoastronomy Animations: Los Lunas Decalogue Stone
Archeoastronomy Animations: The 10 Commandments
Archeoastronomy Animations: Plimpton 322
Archeoastronomy Animations: Khirbet Qeiyafa ostracon
Archeoastronomy Animations: 'Izbet Sartah ostracon inscription
Archeoastronomy Animations: SINAI 375a
Archeoastronomy Animations: SINAI 361
Archeoastronomy Animations: Dispilio Tablet
Archeoastronomy Animations: Zhuangqiao Axes and Oracle Bones
Archeoastronomy Animations: Paestum Silver Disc
Archeoastronomy Animations: Zakros Pithos Inscription
Archeoastronomy Animations: Zakros ZA Zg 35
Archeoastronomy Animations: Haghia Triada HT 10
Archeoastronomy Animations: Nineveh Celestial Planisphere
Archeoastronomy Animations: King Mursilis II Hittite Seal Impression
Archeoastronomy Animations: Four women on Golden Seal
Archeoastronomy Animations: Knossos Clay Medallion
Archeoastronomy Animations: Archanes TL Za 1
Archeoastronomy Animations: Arkalochori Cave Axe IDAMATE Signs
Archeoastronomy Animations: Linear A on Mavrospilio Gold Ring
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
Archeoastronomy Animations: A Circular Trojan Inscription
Archeoastronomy Animations: Phaistos Disc Side B and Dispilio Tablet
Archeoastronomy Animations: Phaistos Disc Side A
Archeoastronomy Animations: King Ur-Engur Gate Socket Inscription
Archeoastronomy Animations: Arkalochori Axe
Television Shows
Technology Trends TV show: Archeoastronomy Animations
Technology Trends TV show: Celestial Arts and Scripts
Technology Trends - The Alphabet Deciphered
Papers about Scripts, Inscriptions, Writing, and the Alphabet
Astronomical Alphabet Archives
Celestial Arkalochori Axe Inscription
Celestial Beth-Shemesh Inscription
Celestial Biqa Arrow-head
Celestial Chinese Oracle Bone Scapula
Celestial Clay Linear A Inscription
Celestial Crete Bronze Bowl
Celestial Cuneiform Inscriptions
Celestial Dispilio Tablet Inscription
Celestial Gezer Proto-Hebrew
Celestial Greek Bowl Inscription
Celestial Glozel Inscriptions
Celestial Hebrew Bowl Inscription
Celestial Hieratic Script Signs
Celestial Hieroglyphic Section A V Inscriptions
Celestial Hittite Urhitessub Seal Inscription
Celestial Incised Jerusalem Pithos
Celestial Indus Valley Inscriptions
Celestial Khirbet Qeiyafa Pottery Shard
Celestial Lachish Ewer
Celestial Lahun Heddle Jack
Celestial Linear A ARKH Zc 8 Inscription
Celestial Linear A Cup
Celestial Magliano Disc Deciphered
Celestial Mammen Axe Head Inscription
Celestial Middle Elamite Inscription
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
Celestial Nora Fragment Inscription
Celestial Numidian Inscriptions
Celestial Ophel Inscription
Celestial Ostracon Petrie 50 Inscription
Celestial Phaistos Disk Inscription
Celestial Pseudo-Hieroglyphic Inscription
Celestial Roman Bowl Inscription
Celestial Rosetta Stone Inscriptions
Celestial Scripts and Inscriptions
Celestial Star of David
Celestial Tanak Aleppo Codex & Leningrad Codex
Celestial Timna Stone
Review: "The Alphabet and the Ancient Calendar Signs"
Walk Like an Egyptian - Ishtar, Isis, Hathor and Horus in Ursae Minoris
Semitic Alphabet Inscription Study
Celestial Wadi el-Hol
Celestial Sinai 345
Celestial Sinai 346
Celestial Sinai 347
Celestial Sinai 349
Celestial Sinai 350
Celestial Sinai 351
Celestial Sinai 352
Celestial Sinai 353
Celestial Sinai 354
Celestial Sinai 356
Celestial Sinai 357
Celestial Sinai 358
Celestial Sinai 359
Celestial Sinai 360
Celestial Sinai 361
Celestial Sinai 362
Celestial Sinai 363
Celestial Sinai 364
Celestial Sinai 365 Inscription
Celestial Sinai 367
Celestial Sinai 374 Inscription
Celestial Sinai 375 Inscriptions
Celestial Sinai 376 Inscription
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
Celestial Sinai 377 Inscription
Celestial Sinai 378 Inscription
Celestial Sinai 379
Celestial Sinai 380
Celestial Sinai 527
Celestial Lachish Dagger
Celestial Tell en-Nagila Sherd
Celestial Shechem Plaque
Celestial Gezer Sherd
Celestial Grossman / St. Louis / Goetze Seal
Celestial Tel el-Hesi Sherd
Runes and Ogham inscriptions
Celestial Celto-Etruscan Inscription
Celestial Newton Stone
Celestial Rune Ivsta Vastanland Inscription
Celestial Ekeby Uppland Inscription
Celestial Brandsbut Pictish Ogham Stone Inscription
Celestial Clocha Oghaim Stone Inscription
Celestial Maulinward Stone Inscription
Celestial Bishop's Cross Slab Inscription
Celestial Kongsberg Inscription
Celestial Rok Runestone and a Medieval Sword
Celestial Mayan and Olmec Inscriptions
Celestial Mayan and Olmec Inscriptions
Celestial Olmec Estela C de Tres Zapote
Celestial Palenque Tablet Glyphs
Celestial Aztec Calendar Stone
Celestial Mayan 1 Imix Inscription
Celestial Dresden Codex Inscriptions
Celestial Chichen Itza Inscription
Celestial Tortuguero Monument Inscription
Celestial La Mojarra Stela
Celestial Tuxtla Statuette
The Grids
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
Introduction to Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy
Artifacts, petroglyphs, and cave paintings found in the northern hemisphere appear to be
related to an astral religion that was practiced for over forty-thousand years. Various locations
have prehistoric art in the form of cave paintings and petroglyphs that may have been been
used by astral cults who practiced astral veneration or worship of celestial objects such as the
sun, moon, and stars. The pictures seen in cave paintings, on prehistoric mobile art, and on
petroglyphs appear to be primitive constellations or ancient astersims similar to the pictures
from Greek mythology on modern star maps. Unusual images may have been astral signs or
omens. An ancient artwork’s special characteristics such as the direction the horns on an animal
may have been how it could be seen in the sky using the existing patterns of naked eye stars.
Written inscriptions appear to be a refinement of astral art in that they still are drawn over
the stars, but astral signs developed into writing. The earliest inscriptions with signs that appear
to resemble letters may have been astronomical indicators of direction, time of night, and other
important information that was not yet writing as we know it today.
Methods used to Decipher Astral Art and Inscriptions
The methods used to decipher these astral art exhibits were the same as the methods
used for the decipherment of written inscriptions. In the context of astral art and astral
epigraphy, decipherment is the identification of the celestial location that an artifact attempts to
portray. The methods I used to decipher this form of astral art and these astral inscriptions
improved with experimentation with FOV (Field Of View), star size settings, and the addition of
Right Ascension and Declination coordinates. Most drawings and graphics need the
presentation of additional pages of astronomical information connected with the art or
inscription, which is listed in the Metadata section at the end of the paper.
Resources used in this research are mainly software such as Photoshop for graphics
and Sky Chart for astronomical star charts. Software used to create the astronomical graphic
exhibits was Cartes du Ciel or Sky Charts. Many thanks to Patrick Chevalley for adding features
to the Sky Charts software that helped with the creation of the astronomical graphics in this
research study. Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Premiere were also used. PowerDirector 15 was
used for the Archeoastronomy Animations on YouTube. Paint and Notepad were also used.
Special Photoshop software actions were created for the creation of the thousands of
graphics necessary for animations. This research kept requiring more and more computer
memory and storage as the complexity of the project became with the addition of additional
layers of graphic information. The comparisons of art or inscriptions by layer overlapping is
essential in order to see the depth of information. This study needs a way to easily display the
multitude of art, inscription, star map, and information layers for easy view and analysis on the
internet for users of the astronomical alignment system used to create graphics and animations.
This research paper argues that almost all ancient art and early inscriptions were astral
or based on star patterns. This type of art or inscription has an astral context with meanings
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
associated with stars and asterisms. The findings of this research paper might contradict widely
held opinions about the evolution of art, epigraphy, and human consciousness by suggesting
that to some extent human thinking, writing, and verbal communication is based on astral
notation linguistic structures. Almost all ancient art appears to be an interpretation of the night
sky by early astronomers. Cave art and petroglyphs appear to be naked eye asterisms or
ancient constellations that may have had a part in an astral religion. Ancient inscriptions
similarly use star patterns to form documents that often have uneven lines of text and letters
with various orientations, etc. Writing backwards and vertically may have been the easiest way
to depict scene in astral context. Almost the same methodology used to decipher ancient astral
inscriptions such as astral shape recognition techniques was used to decipher the astral art
from cave paintings, mobile art, and petroglyphs.
The practice of creating astral art and astral inscriptions was widespread in the ancient
world. Sometimes astral art and inscriptions were combined. The practice of creating astral art
and astral inscriptions declined with the switch to non-astral art and writing, but there may be
isolated instances of people still creating astral art. A major problem is to persuade people to
accept such a hypothesis because the academic implications of these claims are revolutionary
and the costs of accepting this viewpoint could be astronomical.
The underlying principle is that all ancient astral art was somehow connected through
the graphic interface of the northern circumpolar night sky. The graphical template used is a
1080 x 1080 pixel grid that the graphic layers are placed upon. (Photoshop layers) Placing art
and epigraphs in this 1080 x 1080 pixel grid makes it possible to compare their characteristics
such as figure or letter size. Applications of this graphical interface technology for research into
ancient art and inscription will provide insight into the connections between ancient cultures in
regard to astral art and early writing.
This paper provides information about astral art and early epigraphs. This paper
provides links to graphics with star maps, representations of ancient art and early inscriptions in
a grid format for 2000 B.C. This paper shows how ancient art and early inscriptions from all over
the world fit over naked eye star patterns. This paper explains why ancient art and early
epigraphs were astral and what that means to linguistic analysis. This paper predicts a structure
of ancient art and writing that has been incomprehensible until made possible by modern
computer software for graphics, astrometry, and analysis. One problem is that art theory and
epigraphic theory have diverged, but a unified approach to those both types of theories results
in a coherent and unified theory of ancient art and epigraphy.
The main idea for creating this research document is to delineate the reasons why
ancient art looked the way it did and why early epigraphy has what appears to be erratic lines of
text and non-standard orientations of alphabet letters. The obvious problems with such a broad
and inclusive thesis is that making a blanket declaration about ancient art and epigraphy is too
much for a normal human brain to handle and might be beyond the scope of academic
research. This is a research report and cannot answer the full array of associated questions and
sub-topics, yet may raise a multitude of questions. A quick sum-up of this subject is all ancient
astral art and epigraphs can be converted to 2-dimensional images that can be stretched or
contracted to fit over patterns of naked eye stars in the northern circumpolar sky.
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
This means that all ancient astral art and epigraphs from the same epoch will fit over the
same patterns of visible naked eye stars. This concept is easily seen as a drawing in software
such as Photoshop with the ability to create multiple layers or planes with each layer or plane
the 2-dimensional representation of a piece of ancient astral art or epigraphy. The benefits of
looking at astral art and epigraphy in this way are multiple, such as being able to directly
compare astral inscriptions from different areas and eras as well as establishing linguistic links
between astral art and epigraphs and celestial locations defined by celestial latitude and
longitude. Turning on different art or epigraph layers allows connections to be seen graphically.
This study will benefit epigraphers, historians, and linguists because it graphically
illustrates why inscriptions and epigraphs are written the way they are and gives clues to their
history and linguistic connections. The associated metadata for individual inscriptions and
artwork is presented when possible in this study, but many items are not yet properly attributed
in this paper because they were found online with minimum information. The metadata needs to
be corrected and expanded with some of the information presented in the Metadata section.
The goals associated with project are multiple and include gaining a better understanding of
ancient astral art and early astral inscriptions and to promote discussion about the implications.
Alerting other researchers to these astronomical claims might promote more research.
The problems encountered in this research study were multiple such as poor quality star
maps, lack of software such as Photoshop when the research began, and lack of published
information about this topic. The methodology used was developed over four decades of
experimentation, but essentially it is placing representations of art and inscriptions over images
of the sky from the date being investigated. This graphic research began as hand-drawn images
over simple star maps and progressed to pasting the graphics over transparencies. A digital
drawing pad was also used. Photographs and drawings were converted to layers in a multiple
layer Photoshop drawing and then stretched or contracted to fit over the patterns of stars. The
result is a representation of art or writing over stars. The result is a pile of layers in a drawing.
These layers consist of photographs and reproductions over layers of star charts for the
selected era, such as 2000 B.C. Separate layers may have color separations for the art.
The output from a multi-layered drawing may be as graphic images in .jpg or .png
formats. The layers can be displayed in animations created by using different colored images of
the artwork and epigraphs as well as the display of graphic astronomical information including
constellation figures, etc. Examples of this output is shown in exhibits accessed by hyperlink
and are listed by category, name, and detailed name. Support for this thesis may be offered in
comments and detailed drawings of the issue in question. It is not possible to provide references
to books or articles in favor or against this thesis until it is reviewed. This paper suggests that
ancient astral art and epigraphy may have had astronomical uses such as use for telling time at
night and determining latitude. This was an observational science, but not rocket science. Each
layer of art or inscription is considered to be a separate entity. If more interest develops in astral
research and multiple contributions of graphics are made, then there could be competitions with
judges to find the best decipherment of a particular inscription or artwork. Computers might
used to decipher the exact spot in the sky of an artwork or inscription and place it in an
accessible graphic database.
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
This EXHIBITS section contains internet links to media that support this astral thesis. An
abstract is included and it usually states that the inscription appears to be based on ancient
asterisms or signs or even commentary. The exhibits consists of television show interviews,
Archeoastronomy Animations on YouTube, and papers published on, etc.
Astral Art Television Shows
This section lists television shows featuring Lance Carlyle Carter explaining astral art
and also lists astral art papers and animations by Lance Carlyle Carter. The exhibits are listed
by name with their abstracts and links in chronological order starting from 40,600 B.C.E., 33600
B.C.E, 22000 B.C.E., 15300 B.C.E, 13600 B.C.E, 100 B.C.E. Miscellaneous exhibits and
exhibits with missing or unknown dates (to me) are in the “Miscellaneous or Unknown Dates”
Lance Carlyle Carter is interviewed in these television shows:
Technology Trends TV show: Celestial Cave Art
Ancient art was celestial. The shapes and symbols seen in cave paintings, petroglyphs, and
inscriptions are ancient asterisms or constellations. The tradition of seeing and drawing signs, symbols,
and shapes, and scripts in the stars began before 40,800 B.C.E. and continued until modern times. This
presentation examines ancient cave art, symbols, glyphs, and patterns from prehistoric Africa and Europe
and shows how they represent the starry sky back then and through the ages and shows those prehistoric
graphics as early constellations. Marks, signs, and symbols have been engraved, carved, scratched,
chiseled, drawn, and painted on cave walls and ceilings and on rocks and other materials such as wood
or bone for thousands of years. Cave paintings and rock inscriptions appeared in Europe at least 40,800
years ago and in Africa nearly 100k years ago. Guest: Lance Carlyle Carter, Hosted by Steve Nagy.
Tech Trends - Celestial Cave Art
Technology Trends TV show: Celestial Cave Art of Prehistoric Europe
The show begins with Lascaux, France cave paintings, which are seen as ancient constellations
against a starry background from thousands of years ago. The shape and positions of the cave paintings
and shapes was determined by how those people looked at the sky and patterns of stars. The cave
painting artwork is extracted and then projected over star maps, some with modern constellation lines for
reference. The outlines in black are converted to color and neatly overlay lines of brighter magnitude stars
across the sky. Then Coa Valley, Spain petroglyphs are shown to be celestial as well. The Trois-Freres
Cave cricket and a cave bison are shown in the sky. Altamira, Spain cave art is explored. Chauvet Cave
art in France such as bison are also seen as celestial. By seeing ancient cave art in a different way a new
understanding of ancient thinking may be achieved. Guest: Lance Carter. Host: Steve Nagy.
Tec Trends - Celestial Cave Art of Prehistoric Europe
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
Astral Art Papers by Lance Carlyle Carter
The papers linked here present graphic studies of cave paintings, petroglyphs, etc. over star
maps of the northern circumpolar sky in the epoch under consideration.
These papers are listed under dates such as 40,600 B.C.E., which indicates which star map was
used to calculate the chart graphics and not the actual date attributed to the cave art, mobile art, or
petroglyphs. The proper motion of the stars is so slow that astral art star patterns can be valid for
thousands of years. In modern times we use pictures of the Greek constellations. Although individual star
positions may have changed a little since those days, the big picture of the sky remains the same for
thousands of years.
40,600 B.C.
Celestial Cave of El Castillo Dot Patterns
Abstract: The dot pattern art in the Cave of El Castillo appears to be based on ancient asterisms, signs, or
constellations. Coordinates: 43.2923 N, 3.9655 W. Star chart date: 40,600 B.C.E.
Celestial Cave of El Castillo Panel de las Manos
Abstract: The Panel de las Manos in the Cave of El Castillo appears to be based on ancient asterisms,
signs, or constellations. This paper shows the celestial location of the artwork in the Panel de las Manos.
Star chart date: 40,600 BC.
Celestial Cueva de La Pasiega
Abstract: The art in the Cueva de La Pasiega (Cave of La Pasiega) appears to be based on ancient
asterisms, signs, or constellations. Star charts are for 40,600 B.C.E. Observatory: Cueva de La Pasiega,
Spain. Coordinates: 43.2889° N, 3.9658° W. This graphic shows the bison-horse opposition with a deer.
Celestial Cueva de La Pasiega - 2
Abstract: The art in the Cueva de La Pasiega appears to be based on ancient asterisms, signs, or
constellations. Star charts are for 40,600 B.C.E. Observatory: Cueva de La Pasiega, Spain.
Celestial Cueva de La Pasiega - 3
Abstract: The art in the Cueva de La Pasiega (Cave of La Pasiega) appears to be based on ancient
asterisms, signs, or constellations. Star charts are for 40,600 B.C.E. Observatory: Cueva de La Pasiega,
Spain. Coordinates: 43.2889° N, 3.9658° W. This series of graphics shows that a particular design such
as the bison can be used in multiple places in the sky.
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
Celestial Shuidonggou Stone
Abstract: This Shuidonggou Stone appears to be based on ancient asterisms, signs, or
constellations. Star charts are for 40,600 B.C. E. The stone is believed to date to 30,000 BC, but
the pattern may have been used for many thousands of years due to the slow proper motion of
the stars. The charts with modern day constellation patterns are distorted because some of the
brighter stars moved significantly in the past 42 thousand years. The stone is shown at different
opacity levels against the background of northern stars.
33,600 B.C.
Celestial Altamira Cave Paintings
The Altamira Cave paintings appear to be based on ancient asterisms, signs, or constellations.
Celestial Chauvet Cave Art
Abstract: The Chauvet Cave paintings appear to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
22,000 B.C.
Celestial Cave of Foissac Figurine
Abstract: The engraved lines on the figurine found in the Foissac cave (Grotte de Foissac) appear to be
based on ancient asterisms, signs, or constellations as shown in these graphics. Stardate: 22,000 B.C.E.,
Observatory: Grotte de Foissac, France.
Celestial Coa Valley Petroglyphs
Abstract: The Côa Valley, Portugal petroglyphs appear to be based on ancient asterisms, signs, or
constellations. The Côa Valley Penascosa Bull is shown over northern constellations for different dates..
Star charts are calculated for three dates to provide a comparison and find the best dates for the ancient
constellations that would be seen in this area. The charts are calculated for 15,300 BC, 22,000 B.C.E.,
and 40,600 B.C.E. It appears that the 22,000 B.C.E. star charts are a good fit for this Côa Valley
Penascosa Bull petroglyph, although other dates can be tested. The graphics are shown in different
opacity levels between 40% and 60% to better reveal the stars. Modern constellations are shown on
some charts, although they are somewhat distorted due to the proper motion of the stars. Some graphics
feature constellations from other sites such as the Lascaux Caves to provide a comparison. The star chart
date is on the lower left. Observatory: Côa Valley, Portugal. Coordinates: 41.032994° N, 7.116619° W..
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
Section 1: Star chart date: 15,300 B.C.E. (used for 10,000 B.C.E. as almost the same star positions.)
Section 2: Star chart date: 22,000 B.C.E. Section 3: Star chart date: 40,600 B.C.E.
15,300 B.C.
Celestial Prehistoric Portable Rock Art
Abstract: The Moli del Salt rock engravings and some ancient European mobile or portable rock art works
appear to be based on ancient asterisms, signs, or constellations. The Moli del Salt portable rock
engravings picture ancient constellations that use the same place in the night sky to form their graphics
as other European mobile rock art.This paper identifies mobile rock engravings as ancient constellations
located in a small section of the night sky. Clans or tribal units may have chosen particular sections of the
sky to create constellations, which are seen as inscribed and/or painted surfaces on rocks and polished
stones that appear to portray animals and abstract symbols, lines, dots, mysterious creatures, and
strange shapes. The drawings and photos used in this study are by Marcos García-Diez and Manuel
Vaquero and others made possible the identification of these mobile rock engravings as ancient
asterisms. The engravings appear portray the night sky of that time, which the software generated star
charts recreate in this study. The proper motion of the stars changes the skyscape over time, so it is
necessary to calculate star charts for the approximate date that the engravings or paintings were created
so that the rock art can align with the stars. The detail and variety of forms and figures in ancient rock art
shows not only creativity, but suggests scientific endeavor as well. Rock art and engravings may be an
ancient script that used signs, pictures, and symbols prehistoric rock art inscriptions as a form of graphic
communications. The use of a small section of the sky by prehistoric rock artists across ancient Spain and
southern Europe to imagine constellations suggests that other graphic communities may have used
different celestial configurations for their rock art and as a form of identification. Some rock art shapes
point northward and others form lines in the sky that may have had astronomical significance. The
engravings show an advanced methodology that involves seeing patterns of stars in the sky and then
recreating those patterns exactly. The skills to make mobile star maps may have involved years of
training, so there may be places where the students practiced and discarded rock engravings that were
not exact. The precision of these mobile rock engravings suggest that the star map engraving tradition
began many thousands of years previous to its arrival in Europe. The stardate of 15,300 B.C.E. was used
in this study, although some celestial configurations will remain about the same for many thousands of
years prior and after the date used. The observatories are the locations that the portable rock engravings
were found, but in some cases the portable art may have come from quite a distance over time. If these
engravings copied other portable art, then many of these shapes would be repeated. Composite drawings
shown here suggest that the mobile art could have been a form of writing or script that reminded the
viewer of a particular place in the sky and the shapes seen there and the myths that might be connected
with that place in the sky. These were not merely decorations or abstract art. Each of these ancient
constellation shapes probably had a verbal name, such as the name of our modern constellation Lyra.
Prehistoric figurative art also portrayed ancient constellations.
The exterior edge shape of the slab was rounded and used as part of the star map in some
cases. If the exterior edge of the stone resembles a star pattern such as a circle or rectangle, then it could
be used in the star map. The front and reverse side of the Campsite rock slab from Moli del Salt uses the
shape of the slab to outline the scratches, which are lines between bright stars. The orientation of the
scratches on the slab align with the outside slab shape on both sides of the Campsite slab engraving, as
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
shown here. Some ancient constellation shapes were embedded in others when projected in the starry
Celestial Cave of the Trois Frères
Abstract: The art in the Cave of the Trois-Frères appears to be based on ancient asterisms, signs, or
constellations. This graphic is a rendition of a dying bison. The bison image may have persisted for
thousands of years in this form. The proper motion of the stars would eventually require designs that
better fit the sky at that time. Star charts are for 15,300 B.C.E. Observatory: Cave of the Les Trois-Freres,
Celestial Cave of the Trois Frères - 2
Abstract: The art in the Cave of the Trois-Frères appears to be based on ancient asterisms, signs, or
constellations. This graphic is a rendition of a dying bison. The bison image may have persisted for
thousands of years in this form. The proper motion of the stars would eventually require designs that
better fit the sky at that time. Star charts are for 15,300 B.C.E. Observatory: Cave of the Les Trois-Freres,
Celestial Cave of the Trois-Freres - 3
Abstract: The art in the Cave of the Trois-Frères appears to be based on ancient asterisms, signs, or
constellations. Star charts are for 15,300 B.C.E. Observatory: Cave of the Les Trois-Freres, France.
Coordinates:43.0322° N, 1.2117° E
Celestial Rouffignac Cave Finger Flutings
Abstract: The ˜Finger Flutings” art in the Rouffignac Cave appears to be based on ancient asterisms,
signs, or constellations represented by lines made by fingers. Chart date used: 15,300 B.C.E.
Celestial Rouffignac Cave Paintings
Abstract: The Rouffignac Cave Paintings appear to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
Celestial Lascaux Cave Art
The Lascaux Caves paintings appear to be based on ancient asterisms, signs, or constellations.
Celestial Lascaux Caves Art - 2
The Lascaux Caves paintings appear to be based on ancient asterisms, signs, or constellations.
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
Celestial Lascaux Caves Art - 3
The Lascaux Caves paintings appear to be based on ancient asterisms, signs, or constellations.
Celestial Lascaux Caves Paintings - 4
The Lascaux Caves paintings appear to be based on ancient asterisms, signs, or constellations.
Celestial Lascaux Caves Art - 5
The Lascaux Caves paintings appear to be based on ancient asterisms, signs, or constellations.
Celestial Lascaux Caves Art - 6
The Lascaux Caves paintings appear to be based on ancient asterisms, signs, or constellations.
Celestial Lascaux Caves Art - 7
The Lascaux Caves paintings appear to be based on ancient asterisms, signs, or constellations.
Celestial Lascaux Caves Art - 8
The Lascaux Caves paintings appear to be based on ancient asterisms, signs, or constellations.
Celestial Lascaux Caves Art - 9
The Lascaux Caves paintings appear to be based on ancient asterisms, signs, or constellations.
13,600 B.C.
Celestial Moli del Salt Slab
Abstract: The inscriptions on the Moli del Salt Slab appear to be based on ancient asterisms, signs, or
constellations. It is believed that this inscription pictures a paleolithic campsite with huts. The inscription is
shown over star charts calculated for 13,600 B.C.E. The Moli del Salt Slab inscriptions are also shown in
constellations with 3 grasshopper placements from the Trois-Frères cave.
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
100 A.D.
London Fresco from 1st Century AD
Abstract: This London Fresco appears to be based on ancient asterisms, signs, or constellations. This
decorative Roman fresco from the 1st century AD unearthed by the Museum of London Archaeology was
apparently an astronomical design.
Astral Art from Miscellaneous or Unknown Dates
Celestial Petroglyph from Bohuslan Sweden
Abstract: This petroglyph inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms.
Celestial Petroglyph Inscriptions
Abstract: These inscriptions appear to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
Celestial Texas Petroglyphs
Abstract: These Texas Petroglyphs appear to be based on ancient asterisms.
Celestial Dighton-Rock Inscription
Abstract: The Dighton-Rock Inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms.
Celestial Hawaiian Petroglyphs
Abstract: These Hawaiian Petroglyphs inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or
Celestial Susamarkhor Antelope Inscription
Abstract: The Susamarkhor Antelope inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms.
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
Celestial Chinese Petroglyphs
Abstract: These petroglyphs (From Arizona) that have Chinese characters appear to be based on ancient
asterisms, signs, or constellations. In this form of writing, everything must be seen in the sky according to
The Celestial Pebble of San Jose, California
Abstract: This paper provides photographs of the San Jose Portable Pebble and shows its possible use
as a star map. The dot and notch patterns on the San Jose Portable Pebble resemble constellations such
as Lyra, Draco, and Ursa Major, and Ursa Minor. The inscription appears to be in Latin or Phoenician, but
it is not clear in these preliminary photos. One letter of the inscription looks like a V and is deeply
scratched, apparently with a very sharp instrument. The end letter of the inscription is an ancient T. The
graphic shapes, including holes, notches, and scratches are converted to magenta and projected over a
star map for 1950 B.C.E. The pebble is then projected over the star map to show how it could be used for
star sighting.
Archeoastronomy Animations
The following links to Archeoastronomy Animations feature the abstract, published date,
and duration of the animation. These animations are designed to demonstrate the concepts of
astral art and astral epigraphy as evidenced by ancient art or inscriptions that conform to
celestial shapes and astral patterns of stars. The abstracts for these animations may be short or
long depending on what information was available and how I interpreted the information. Links
to the and YouTube sites are included.
Archeoastronomy Animations: Haghia Triada HT 15
Abstract: Hagia Triada 15 (HT 15) is shown over the stars of 2000 B.C. to illustrate that Linear A
is an astronomical notation system.
Published: December 30, 2017
Duration: 4:19
Archeoastronomy Animations: Haghia Triada HT 13
Abstract: This Archeoastronomy Animation features the Haghia Triada 13 tablet (HT 13) recto
and verso sides over the northern circumpolar stars of 2000 B.C. with comparisons to Haghia
Triada 10 (HT 10) recto and verso sides and Haghia Triada 15 (HT 15) to show the astronomical
context of Linear A.
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
Published: December 28, 2017
Duration: 9:43
Archeoastronomy Animations: Gezer Calendar
Abstract: This animation presents the Gezer Calendar Inscription as written in the stars to be seen and
Published: October 27, 2017
Duration: 6:27
Archeoastronomy Animations: Trojan Hieroglyphic Seal
Abstract: The bronze bi-convex hieroglyphic seal E9.573 from Troy may have an astronomical context.
The logograms and is written in Hittite hieroglyphs cuneiform signs seen on the seal appear to be ancient
constellations as shown in this animation.
Published: October 26, 2017
Duration: 11:56
Archeoastronomy Animations: Luwian Hieroglyphic Inscription
Abstract: This animation presents a Amuq Valley, Jisr el Hadid Luwian Hieroglyphic Inscription
as written in the stars to be seen and remembered. An Amuq Valley, Jisr el Hadid Luwian
Hieroglyphic Inscription is shown over the Northern Sky with modern Constellations, Boundaries
and 2000 B.C. Coordinates. Colored Meridian and Horizon Lines and signs in 24 colors are
also shown. Then that Amuq Valley, Jisr el Hadid Luwian Hieroglyphic Inscription is shown in
counter-clockwise rotation over the northern night sky.
Published: October 18, 2017
Duration: 3:43
Archeoastronomy Animations: Los Lunas Decalogue Stone
Abstract: The Los Lunas Decalogue Stone Paleo-Hebrew Inscription of the 10 Commandments
is shown in this Archeoastronomy Animation.
Published October 10, 2017
Duration: 6:01
Archeoastronomy Animations: The 10 Commandments
Abstract: This animation presents the oldest inscription of the Biblical 10
Commandments from the collection of the Living Torah Museum. This is a partial decipherment
of the identification of the individual letters celestial locations, but a better line drawing of the
inscription would help. This inscription follows the standard ancient celestial text format. The
only intact tablet of the 10 Commandments may have been made from a tracing of an older
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
original. The letters almost align with the northern stars with this projection. Some bright stars
are shown as dots. The 10 Commandments are a covenant between God and his people. There
are two copies of the covenant. One copy is in the northern sky and can be seen in the
heavens. The letters of the duplicate were bored through the tablet. The letters (in the Hebrew
script of Samaritan) were written by the finger of God in the sky. The original inscription on the
Tablets of Stone was bored fully through the stone so that the tablet could be held to the sky
and the stars that formed the Hebrew letters could be seen in the circumpolar region. This made
it easier to recognize the 10 Commandments in the sky and remember the covenant. The 10
Commandments tablet inscription appears to have been written in the stars where it could be
seen and memorized.
Published September 10, 2017
Duration: 5:23
Archeoastronomy Animations: Plimpton 322
Abstract: The Plimpton 322 cuneiform tablet inscription appears to have been written in the
heavens by drawing connecting lines between circumpolar stars where it could be seen and
memorized. Plimpton 322 follows the astronomical text format of documents used by the temple
and palace administrators of ancient Larsa. The Plimpton 322 tablet inscription is shown over
the Northern Sky of 2000 B.C. with modern Constellations, Boundaries and 2000 B.C.
Coordinates. Colored Meridian and Horizon Lines and signs in many colors are also shown.
Then the Plimpton 322 tablet inscription is shown in counter-clockwise rotation.Then guest
appearances by these inscriptions: Knossos clay bar P103 inscription, Hagia Triada 10 Recto
inscription, Hagia Triada 10 Verso inscription, Idalion Tablet inscription, Khirbet Qeiyafa
ostracon inscription, King Ur-Engur gate socket inscription, Linear A Tablet at Chania A.
Museum, Nineveh Planisphere inscription, Paestum Silver Disc inscription, Sinai 375a tablet
inscription, YBC 7289 inscription.
Published: September 1, 2017
Duration: 8:30
Archeoastronomy Animations: Khirbet Qeiyafa ostracon
Abstract: The Khirbet Qeiyafa Ostracon is a trapezoid-shaped potsherd with five lines of letters.
The signs or letters of the Khirbet Qeiyafa ostracon inscription are seen in the sky and drawn
onto the ostracon in a method of projection that maps the night sky onto the concave surface.
This method of orthographic projection of the northern night sky onto the concave surface of the
Khirbet Qeiyafa ostracon almost exactly aligns with mapping using ARC Zenital equidistant
projection, which is used in these animations. Points on the visible horizon such as
mountaintops could be used to align the inscription with the landscape. The Elah Fortress is on
a hilltop with a clear view in all directions. The watchtower could have also been used as an
astronomical observatory. The Khirbet Qeiyafa planisphere is so simple that it could be used by
an astronomer, king, or commoner. Some of the signs on the Khirbet Qeiyafa planisphere
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
became letters of the alphabet. The inscription meaning may have had something to do with the
places in the sky the signs, letters, or lines occupied and may have had connections to
timekeeping and the calendar. The Khirbet Qeiyafa planisphere rotates in counter-clockwise
motion in the heavens and can be read from left-to-right (horizontally), right-to-left (horizontally),
up-to-bottom (vertically), or even bottom-up (vertically). The meaning of the inscription may
change depending on the direction it is read, considering the motion and position in the sky it
will be seen. Lines can be horizontal or vertical aligned with the meridian or at any angle,
depending on the time of night and year. The parallel lines of the inscription allow the
astronomer to align the ostracon to the heavens. The astronomer projected the curved shape of
the sky onto the concave plane of the ostracon. The curvature angle of the concave surface of
the ostracon had to compensate for the projected surface of the shape of sky in order to make
accurate alignment possible. The user could hold the ostracon over his head and find the
constellations and asterisms pictured as letters on the Khirbet Qeiyafa ostracon. It could be
turned this way or that until it was aligned with the heavens and then used as a simple
planisphere. For instance, if the astronomer/user observed the rotation of the sky and when a
line of stars pointed to a place on the horizon, then it was time to do some task. The inscription
uses a wide expanse of northern circumpolar sky. The astronomical nature of the Khirbet
Qeiyafa ostracon inscription explains the different stances of signs, apparent different directions,
and even incoherent or unusual spellings because of its entirely different use of sign patterns
(words) than traditionally suspected. You can't change the patterns of stars in the night sky, but
you can change how you spell a word to conform with the sky. Irregular word formation and
sentence structure are a clue to an astronomical influence on the text. New signs were invented
to fit the patterns in the sky. A few bright stars or small clusters appear to be pictured as dots on
the ostracon.
Published: August 29, 2017
Duration: 9:00
Archeoastronomy Animations: 'Izbet Sartah ostracon inscription
Abstract: The 'Izbet Sartah ostracon inscription is shown over the Northern Sky of 2000 B.C.
Modern Constellations are in Yellow. Constellation Boundaries are in White. 2000 B.C.
Coordinates are in Cyan. Meridian (straight from center) and Horizon Lines (curved) are in 24
colors. The Cyan circle on the outside has days and months. Hours of Right Ascension and
degrees of Declination are yellow. The northern sky rotates counter-clockwise. Align the cyan
month/day circle with the time of night in yellow to see what they saw in 2000 B.C.
THEN: Guest inscription appearances by Sinai 361, Dispilio Tablet, Khirbet Qeiyafa, Sinai
375a, the Nineveh Planisphere, Gezer Calendar, HT 10 Verso, a Linear A Tablet, & the
Paestum Silver Disc.
Published: August 25, 2017
Duration: 6:59
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
Archeoastronomy Animations: SINAI 375a
Sinai 375a Plaque Inscription is shown over the Northern Sky of 2000 B.C. with modern
Constellations, Boundaries and 2000 B.C. Coordinates. Colored Meridian and Horizon Lines
and signs in many colors are also shown. Modern Constellations are in Yellow.
Constellation Boundaries are in White. 2000 B.C. Coordinates are in Cyan.
Meridian (straight from center) and Horizon Lines (curved) are in 24 colors.
The Cyan circle on the outside has days and months. Hours of Right Ascension and degrees of
Declination are yellow. The northern sky rotates counter-clockwise. Align the cyan month/day
circle with the time of night in yellow to see what they saw in 2000 B.C.
Guest Inscription sequence shows relationships between Sinai 375a and other inscriptions with
a similar epigraphic format:
Scratches lines = Yellow (Shown as astronomical alignment lines)
Sinai 361 inscription = Green (Shown over Sinai 375a)
Dispilio Tablet = Greenish (Shown over Sinai 375a)
Izbet Sartah alphabet = Yellow (Shown over Sinai 375a)
Linear A Cup Tracing = Yellow (Shown over Sinai 375a)
Nineveh Planisphere = Yellow (Shown over Sinai 375a)
Troy VIIb Seal reverse = Yellow (Shown over Sinai 375a)
Paestum Silver Disc = Blue (Shown over Sinai 375a)
Sinai 375a was discovered at the excavations to Mine M at Serabit el-Khadim, Sinai and is
dated 1850-1700 B.C. It is similar to other astronomical inscriptions shown in this animation.
Sinai 375a appears to be a star map and is shown is as a planisphere.
Published: August 21, 2017
Duration: 7:57
Archeoastronomy Animations: SINAI 361
Abstract: This animation shows the inscription on Sinai 361 rock inscription as a star map. The
Sinai 361 rock inscription is shown against the background of stars from 2000 B.C. Additionally,
the inscription is shown against the background of modern constellations and their boundaries
and names. The celestial coordinates of 2000 B.C. of the inscription are also shown. An array of
colored meridian lines emanating from the north celestial pole and curved horizon lines are
shown for reference. The Sinai 361 inscription is also presented in an array of colors. The
inscription is then rotated counter-clockwise in imitation of northern circumpolar stars. The
graphics of the Sinai 361 inscription approximately fit the star maps for 2000 B.C. using a "ARC
Zenital equidistant" projection for the chart coordinates. The Sinai 361 rock inscription
approximately fit over these star groups for thousands of years previous to 2000 B.C. and it still
fits today. The column formation of the Sinai 361 signs would have been seen sweeping through
the night sky in counter-clockwise rotation. The columns of signs appear to be crude
constellations that were recognized at the time. The inscription may have been incomplete
because it has an uneven distribution of signs in the four columns.
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
Published August 17, 2017
Duration: 5:58
Archeoastronomy Animations: Dispilio Tablet
Abstract: The Dispilio Tablet may have astronomical significance. The Dispilio Tablet is a carved
wooden tablet with an inscription found at modern village of Dispilio on Lake Kastoria in
Kastoria, Greece. This animation shows the Dispilio Tablet signs over the night sky of 5202 BC.
Then the Dispilio Tablet signs are compared to the Phaistos Disc Side B, which has a shield
sign in the same place in the sky using star maps from 5202 B.C. Then the shield signs are
compared using star maps from 2000 B.C. The coincidence of having two inscriptions with a
similar sign in the same stellar position may indicate that the shield sign was observed for
thousands of years in that particular spot in the sky.
Published July 22, 2017
Duration: 8:00
Archeoastronomy Animations: Zhuangqiao Axes and Oracle Bones
Abstract: Zhuangqiao Axes and Oracle Bones may be astronomical. Inscriptions of primitive
writing found on two stone axes from the Zhuangqiao relics site in Shanghai, China are shown
animated as primitive star charts rotating counterclockwise around the north celestial pole. This
animation shows that the lines on the axes are astronomical and align with particular lines of
bright stars in the northern circumpolar region. Then, several Chinese Oracle Bone inscriptions
are shown animated as star charts, indicating that the Oracle Bone signs had astronomical
significance. A Sumerian planisphere inscription is compared to Zhuangqiao Axes signs. An
Eastern Han mirror is also shown in celestial motion. 2000 B.C. is used as the star date. That
date is a midpoint between the Zhuangqiao inscriptions, from about 3000 B.C. or earlier, and
the Oracle Bones which date from late 2nd millennium B.C.
Published: July 15, 2017
Duration: 27:30
Archeoastronomy Animations: Paestum Silver Disc
Abstract: The Paestum Silver Disc is a miniature silver disc with a circular inscription in the
Achaean alphabet that may be a dedication that is based on astronomical configurations as
shown in this archeoastronomy animation. Also, Inscriptions from the Arkalochori Axe, Troulos
at Archanes TL Za 1, Phaistos Disc sides A & B, Magliano Disc sides recto and verso, a Linear
A cup, and a Poppy Goddess seal are shown over the Paestum Disc inscription in this
archeoastronomy animation to show how each of these inscriptions overlap in the sky.
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
Published: June 24, 2017
Duration: 7:29
Archeoastronomy Animations: Zakros Pithos Inscription
Abstract: The astronomical significance of two lines of Linear A writing on a pithos (a very large
earthenware jar) from Zakros, Crete are shown in rotation in the stars of 2000 B.C. in this
archeoastronomy animation.
Published: June 22, 2017
Duration: 4:35
Archeoastronomy Animations: Zakros ZA Zg 35
Abstract: This archeoastronomy animation shows that Minoan Linear A tablet ZA Zg 35, which is
a clay tablet inscribed with one line of Linear A writing from Zakros, Crete, is astronomical.
Published: June 20, 2017
Duration: 4:55
Archeoastronomy Animations: Haghia Triada HT 10
Abstract: A Linear A tablet HT 10 found at Villa, room 59, at Haghia Triada, Crete, is shown in
an astronomical animation over northern stars of 2000 B.C. Linear A signs or letters are not
spaced evenly in this context because the groupings of stars which the signs are based on are
not spaced evenly. The orientation of the same sign or letter may be different depending on
where and how the sign is superimposed over a star group or ancient asterism. The edges of
some tablets appear to be cut and shaped to form the outlines around the signs and provide an
orientation to the horizon, meridian, and divisions of the heavens. The signs are arranged in
horizontal lines that can be read from left to right or right to left, but the orientation of the lines
and signs will change due to the counter-clockwise rotation of the northern night sky. Linear A is
evidently an astronomical script that was probably intended for votive texts or as records of
offerings. The repetition of various signs indicates that sign patterns were not fixed in particular
locations in the sky, but could be found in various locations depending on the need for a
particular sign shape. The linguistic interpretation of the text may depend on its astronomical
context and not its use as an administrative tool as was the case with Linear B.
Published: June 14, 2017
Duration: 8:28
(Upload this to YouTube Fix)
Archeoastronomy Animations: Nineveh Celestial Planisphere
Abstract: A heavily plastered fragment of a circular clay tablet with Babylonian cuneiform and
depictions of constellations as a planisphere (Nineveh Celestial Planisphere) might have
represented the night sky over Nineveh as shown in this archeoastronomy animation. The
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
planisphere photo and planisphere graphic are shown over reference star maps of 2000 BC.
The planisphere type sky map is divided into eight sections. It could have been used as an
instrument for astronomical or astrological calculations. This planisphere appears to be centered
on the star Alpha Draconis (Thuban) in the constellation Draco. The planisphere was found at
Nineveh, North Iraq, (Kouyunjik).
Published June 12, 2017
Duration: 4:50
Archeoastronomy Animations: King Mursilis II Hittite Seal Impression
Abstract: A King Mursilis II Hittite Seal Impression is shown in a astronomical animation as an
ancient planisphere in counter-clockwise rotation in the night sky of 2000 B.C. to illustrate the
seal's location in modern constellations. Multi-colored meridian lines are also shown illustrating
the seal's astronomical design.
Published: June 10, 2017
Duration: 4:50
Archeoastronomy Animations: Four women on Golden Seal
Abstract: Four women in cultic gestures on a Minoan/Mycenaean seal ring made of gold.
Animation shows the seal in the night sky of 2000 B.C.
Published: June 8, 2017
Duration: 4:29
Archeoastronomy Animations: Knossos Clay Medallion
Abstract: A Cretan Hieroglyphic script inscription on a circular clay medallion from the Knossos,
Crete 'Hieroglyphic Deposit' dated to the 18th century B.C. is shown in an astronomical
animation to depict it as a partial planisphere of ancient asterisms or small constellations using
star maps from 2000 B.C. in counter-clockwise rotation. Multi-colored meridian and horizon lines
are shown for reference. The Cretan Hieroglyphic script inscription is also compared to a Linear
A cup inscription.
Published: June 7, 2017
Duration: 5:30
Archeoastronomy Animations: Archanes TL Za 1
Abstract: The Linear A Inscription (TL Za 1) from Troulos, Archanes
"Archanes TL Za 1" is a shield or heart shaped ladle or tool (ritual vessel or utensil similar to a
spoon, bowl, or cup used for votive offerings) that is made of white translucent alabaster and
engraved with a Linear A inscription with 24 signs that could have an astronomical significance.
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
It is from Troulos, at the present town of Archanes, Crete. I suspect that the Archanes TL Za 1
artifact could be used as an astronomical instrument if it were filled with water on a clear night
and aligned with the 24 signs in the sky seen in the stars reflected on the water surface.
Published: June 6, 2017
Duration: 4:50
Archeoastronomy Animations: Arkalochori Cave Axe IDAMATE Signs
Abstract: The Arkalochori Cave Axes with I-DA-MA-TE Inscriptions appear to be astronomical.
These are Double axes from the Arkalochori Cave on Crete, from the Late Minoan IA Period,
dating to c.1550-1500 BC. One axe was made from a thin sheet of gold (AR Zf 1) and one made
of silver (AR Zf 2). Both have the same Linear A inscription of a word phonetically transcribed as
I-DA-MA-TE. This animation identifies the celestial location of the IDAMATE signs in an
archeoastronomy animation set for 2000 B.C. and provides reference graphics to other Linear A
inscriptions on a Linear A cup, a gold ring, and the Phaistos Disc inscriptions, and the bronze
Arkalochori Axe inscription, which has 15 signs aligned in three columns.
Published: June 4, 2017
Duration: 7:11
Archeoastronomy Animations: Linear A on Mavrospilio Gold Ring
Abstract: An inscription in Linear A on an Mavrospilio Gold Ring appears to have astronomical
significance. This gold ring with Cretan Linear A signs in a spiral configuration on a round bezel
is from a cemetery at Mavrospilio Knossos, Crete.
Published: June 2, 2017
Duration: 4:39
Archeoastronomy Animations: A Circular Trojan Inscription
Abstract: A circular Trojan Inscription appears to be astronomical and is shown as an
astronomical inscription over star maps of 2000 B.C.
Published May 31, 2017
Duration: 4:18
Archeoastronomy Animations: Phaistos Disc Side B and Dispilio Tablet
Abstract: The Phaistos Disc Side B can be seen as a Planisphere in this archeoastronomy
animation. The Phaistos Disc Side B is shown over star maps of 2000 BC to illustrate how the
Phaistos Disc signs could have been used as a planisphere. The Phaistos Disc inscriptions
appear to be based on ancient asterisms, signs, or constellations that appear to depict a way of
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
drawing celestial signs that portray the northern sky of 2000 BC or earlier. The spirals of 248
stamped hieroglyphic signs that comprise 45 distinct signs on sides A and B are superimposed
upon star charts calculated for 2000 BC to show how the Phaistos Disc inscriptions could be
ancient star maps that may have had use as an astronomical instrument similar to a planisphere
by using the horizon at the site, which is above the surrounding landscape. The Phaistos Disc
was a planisphere or celestial slide rule - a type of analog computer similar to the Antikythera
mechanism or an astrolabe. This decipherment does not include a linguistic interpretation of the
Phaistos Disc. The graphic inscriptions on the disc are converted to color and shown in different
opacity levels, different colors, and in counter-clockwise rotation.
Published May 24, 2017
Duration: 7:29
Archeoastronomy Animations: Phaistos Disc Side A
Abstract: The Phaistos Disc Side A is shown over star maps of 2000 B.C. to illustrate how the
Phaistos Disc signs could have been used as a planisphere. The Phaistos Disc inscriptions
appear to be based on ancient asterisms, signs, or constellations that appear to depict a way of
drawing celestial signs that portray the northern sky of 2000 B.C. or earlier. The spirals of 248
stamped hieroglyph tokens that comprise 45 distinct signs on sides A and B are superimposed
upon star charts calculated for 2000 B.C. to show how the Phaistos Disc inscriptions could be
ancient star maps that may have had use as an astronomical instrument similar to a planisphere
by using the horizon at the site, which is above the surrounding landscape. The Phaistos Disc
was a planisphere or celestial slide rule - a type of analog computer similar to the Antikythera
mechanism or an astrolabe. This decipherment does not include a linguistic interpretation of the
Phaistos Disc. The graphic inscriptions on the disc are converted to color and shown in different
opacity levels, different colors, and in counter-clockwise rotation. Other inscriptions such as the
Dispilio Tablet inscription, the Arkalochori Axe inscription, a Linear A cup inscription and other
inscriptions are also demonstrated to be ancient star maps in these animations. Stardate: 2000
B.C., Observatory: Phaistos, Crete. Coordinates: 35°03′ N, 24°48′ E.
Published: May 23, 2017
Duration: 5:27
Archeoastronomy Animations: King Ur-Engur Gate Socket Inscription
Abstract: The King Ur-Engur gate/door socket inscription is shown in the stars of 2000 BC to
show that some ancient inscriptions were written in the stars as well as in stone. Description:
Diorite gate/door socket bearing a dedicatory inscription of King Ur-Engur, an early king of the
city of Ur. Original location: Sumer, southern Mesopotamia, modern-day southern Iraq.
Published: May 23, 2017
Duration: 4:35
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
Abstract: A Linear A ink-written inscription from around the inner surface of a Third Middle
Minoan cup is shown over the northern circumpolar stars of 2000 B.C.
Published: May 22, 2017
Duration: 5:10
Abstract: A Linear A inscription on clay tablet is shown in this astronomical animation. Current
location of tablet is musée archéologique de la Canée - Crète.
Published: May 22, 2017
Duration: 4:46
Archeoastronomy Animations: Arkalochori Axe
Abstract: This archeoastronomy animation shows the Arkalochori Axe signs as ancient
asterisms or small constellations superimposed over northern stars of 2000 BC with modern
constellation boundaries and coordinates.
Published: May 20, 2017
Duration: 4:55
Television Shows
These “Technology Trends” television shows feature Lance Carlyle Carter as guest
explaining his theories about astral art and astral epigraphy.
Technology Trends TV show: Archeoastronomy Animations
This Technology Trends TV show presents archeoastronomy animations that identify the celestial
location of ancient inscriptions found on some ancient artifacts and demonstrates how some artifacts such
as the Phaistos Disc could be used as astronomical instruments similar to a planisphere, which is a
circular star map that shows a projection of the heavens at a specific time and place. The inscriptions are
placed in the night sky and animated: Phaistos Disc: Sides A and B of the Phaistos Disc as displayed in
the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion is shown to be an ancient planisphere. Dispilio Tablet: An
inscribed wooden tablet found at modern village of Dispilio on Lake Kastoria in Kastoria, Greece is shown
to have a sign in common with side B of the Phaistos Disc. Magliano Disc: Round shaped lead disc with
two sides inscribed with Etruscan writing spiraling from the outside to the center is shown to have similar
graphics to the Phaistos Disc. Arkalochori Axe: The bronze Arkalochori Axe is a Minoan votive double axe
(labrys) that could be used to find a line of constellations across the sky. The central socket of Axe is
inscripted in three columns of undeciphered signs. Linear A Cup: Linear A Ink-witten inscriptions round
the inner surface of cup (Third Middle Minoan) is shown to be a map of northern polar asterisms of 2000
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
BC that could be used for timekeeping or calendar purposes. Linear A Tablet: Linear A inscription on a
clay tablet show how inscriptions could be written in the heavens. King Ur-Engur inscription: Diorite
gate/door socket bearing a dedicatory inscription of Ur-Engur, An Early King of The City Of Ur shows
another inscription in the sky. Dendera Planisphere: Egyptian bas-relief from the ceiling in the Hathor
temple at Dendera is shown to be a planisphere and not a zodiac. Guest: Lance Carlyle Carter. Host:
Steve Nagy. (Available on the KMVT15 Silicon Valley Television YouTube channel.)
Technology Trends TV show: Celestial Arts and Scripts
The show begins by introducing "The San Jose Portable Pebble", which is a Stone Age artifact
with hole patterns that resemble star patterns and notches that can be used to find celestial north. Cave
drawings are presented as representations of prehistoric constellations picturing mammoth, bison, and
extinct animals. Then the show focuses on how ancient writing systems used star patterns to form the
signs and letters used for writing. The Phaistos Disc and other major inscriptions are shown to be star
patterns and petroglyphs from all over the world are shown to be based on ancient constellations. Guest:
Lance Carter. Host: Steve Nagy.
Tech Trends - Celestial Arts and Scripts
Technology Trends - The Alphabet Deciphered
In this television show the ancient alphabet is shown to be a form astronomical notation.
Lance Carlyle Carter is interviewed by Steve Nagy.
Published on Nov 30, 2015
56:09 minutes
Papers about Scripts, Inscriptions, Writing, and the Alphabet
Astronomical Alphabet Archives
Abstract: The ancient alphabet may be based on asterisms. This is a astronomical graphics archive of
epigraphic studies into the ancient alphabet from various times and places.
Celestial Arkalochori Axe Inscription
Abstract: The Arkalochori Axe inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
Celestial Beth-Shemesh Inscription
Abstract: The Beth-Shemesh inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
Celestial Biqa Arrow-head
Abstract: The Biqa Arrow-head inscriptions appear to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
Celestial Chinese Oracle Bone Scapula
Abstract: This Chinese Oracle Bone Scapula appear to be based on ancient asterisms.
Celestial Clay Linear A Inscription
Abstract: This clay Linear A inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms.
Celestial Crete Bronze Bowl
Abstract: This Crete Bronze Bowl appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
Celestial Cuneiform Inscriptions
Abstract: Cuneiform inscriptions appear to be based on or written over ancient asterisms or signs.
Celestial Dispilio Tablet Inscription
Abstract: The Dispilio Tablet inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
Celestial Gezer Proto-Hebrew
Abstract: This Gezer Proto-Hebrew Inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms.
Abstract: A rock inscription graffito from Lower Nubia appears to represent asterisms.
Celestial Greek Bowl Inscription
Abstract: This Greek bowl inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms.
Celestial Glozel Inscriptions
Abstract: The Glozel inscriptions appear to be based on ancient asterisms, signs, or constellations.
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
Celestial Hebrew Bowl Inscription
Abstract: This Hebrew Bowl Inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms.
Celestial Hieratic Script Signs
Abstract: This Hieratic pottery shard inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms.
Celestial Hieroglyphic Section A V Inscriptions
Abstract: These Hieroglyphic Section A V inscriptions appear to be based on ancient asterisms.
Celestial Hittite Urhitessub Seal Inscription
Abstract: The Hittite Urhitessub Seal inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms.
Celestial Incised Jerusalem Pithos
Abstract: The Jerusalem Pithos inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
Celestial Indus Valley Inscriptions
Abstract: These Indus Valley inscriptions appear to be based on ancient asterisms.
Celestial Khirbet Qeiyafa Pottery Shard
Abstract: The Khirbet Qeiyafa Pottery Shard appears to be based on ancient asterisms, signs, or
constellations. Stardate: 10th Century B.C.E. Observatory: Khirbet Qeiyafa, Israel. Alternate name: Elah
Fortress Coordinates: 31.6963°N 34.9575°E. The following star charts show the Khirbet Qeiyafa Ostracon
against the stars of 1000 B.C.E.
Celestial Lachish Ewer
Abstract: This Lachish Ewer inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
Celestial Lahun Heddle Jack
Abstract: The Lahun Heddle Jack inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
Celestial Linear A ARKH Zc 8 Inscription
Abstract: The Linear A ARKH Zc 8 inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms.
Celestial Linear A Cup
Abstract: This Linear A Cup appears to be based on ancient asterisms.
Celestial Magliano Disc Deciphered
Abstract: This paper graphically shows how the Magliano Disc inscriptions appear to be based on ancient
asterisms, signs, or constellations and are compared to the Phaistos Disc inscriptions. The Magliano Disc
inscriptions appear to depict a way of drawing celestial signs that portray the northern sky. This paper
shows that the Phaistos Disc may not be an isolated document.
Celestial Mammen Axe Head Inscription
Abstract: The Mammen Axe Head inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms.
Celestial Middle Elamite Inscription
Abstract: This Middle Elamite Carnelian cylinder inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or
Celestial Nora Fragment Inscription
Abstract: The Nora Fragment inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
Celestial Numidian Inscriptions
These Numidian inscriptions appear to be based on ancient asterisms.
Celestial Ophel Inscription
Abstract: The Ophel Inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
Celestial Ostracon Petrie 50 Inscription
Abstract: The Ostracon Petrie 50 inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
Celestial Phaistos Disk Inscription
Abstract: The Phaistos Disc inscriptions appear to be based on ancient asterisms, signs, or
constellations. The inscriptions appear to depict a way of drawing celestial signs that portray the northern
sky of 2000 BC or earlier. The spirals of 248 stamped hieroglyph tokens that comprise 45 distinct signs on
sides A and B are superimposed upon star charts calculated for 2000 BC to show how the Phaistos Disc
inscriptions might be ancient star maps that may have had use as an astronomical instrument similar to a
planisphere by using the horizon at the site which is above the surrounding landscape. This decipherment
does not include a linguistic interpretation of the Phaistos Disc. The graphic inscriptions on the disc are
converted to color and compared to other inscriptions such as Tablet Ph-1, the Dispilio Tablet inscription,
the Arkalochori Axe inscription, and a Linear A cup inscription. Stardates: 2000 BC, 2500 BC.
Celestial Pseudo-Hieroglyphic Inscription
Abstract: This Pseudo-Hieroglyphic inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms.
Celestial Roman Bowl Inscription
Abstract: This Roman Bowl inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
Celestial Rosetta Stone Inscriptions
Abstract: The Rosetta Stone inscriptions in Egyptian, Demotic, and Greek appear to be based on
asterisms or small groups of stars that are written in lines across the sky. The Rosetta Stone was written
in the stars. These scripts all use the same area of the sky for the text and are shown superimposed.
Celestial Scripts and Inscriptions
Abstract: Ancient scripts and inscriptions appear to be based on an ancient system of using asterisms to
form signs, hieroglyphs, glyphs, and letters. Royal and sacred documents and inscriptions from many
civilizations were written in the stars. A section of the northern sky was used as a template for the letters
or glyphs, etc. These glyphs or letters can be seen as long sentences and memorized. Page after page of
a manuscript or inscription could be superimposed upon a previous page and all conform to the same
celestial location. Small groups of different magnitude stars or asterisms can be seen to resemble letters
or hieroglyphs in these examples that present the celestial location of the Rosetta Stone Egyptian,
Demotic, and Greek. Script and inscription examples include hieratic, Iberian, early Arabic, the Capua
Tile, the Cyrus Cylinder cuneiform, Pseudo-Hieroglyphic, a section of the Behistun inscription, Sumerian
star charts and art. A page from the Leningrad Codex is shown. The Rosetta Stone inscription is used to
the compare scripts. Celestial scripts are based on celestial configurations. A celestial inscription is a
representation of the starry sky.
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
Celestial Star of David
Abstract: The Star of David appears to be based on ancient asterisms, signs, or constellations. The Star
of David shown here is from the oldest surviving complete copy of the Masoretic text, the Leningrad
Codex, dated 1008. It is also known as the “Shield of David”.
Celestial Tanak Aleppo Codex & Leningrad Codex
Abstract: The Hebrew alphabet writing in the Aleppo Codex , the Leningrad Codex and other early
Hebrew manuscripts including the Dead Sea Scrolls appear to be based on ancient asterisms, or signs.
Star Chart Date: 1 CE. Observatory: Jerusalem, Israel.
Celestial Timna Stone
Abstract: The Timna Stone inscriptions appear to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
Review: "The Alphabet and the Ancient Calendar Signs"
Abstract: The subject of the First Edition of The Alphabet and the Ancient Calendar Signs regards the
origins of the earliest Western alphabets and their relationship to the Chinese lunar calendar and horary
signs. Dr. Moran focused his attention on the striking correspondences between the word meanings
attributed to the letters of the Hebrew alphabet to their one-to-one relationship to certain Chinese lunar
mansions. Dr. Moran’s hypothesis was that attributes of the Western alphabet was somehow derived from
the Chinese lunar calendar. His thesis was that the meanings of each of the twenty-two letters of the
Hebrew alphabet had a one-to-one correspondence to the meanings of twenty-two Chinese lunar
mansions, while omitting six lunar mansions in his correspondence. The Chinese lunar mansions were
actually constellations in a band in the sky that the Moon traversed, which is the same band that the Sun
travels, but is called the zodiac in the solar context. Moran compared the meanings and etymology of
these two sets and found many similarities that he documented in his book.
Walk Like an Egyptian - Ishtar, Isis, Hathor and Horus in Ursae Minoris
Thesis: The sometimes awkward poses of gods, goddesses, and figures on some ancient Mesopotamian,
Assyrian, and Egyptian artwork picture astronomical scenes or ancient constellations. The figures are
drawn or engraved in those postures with the intention to represent them as they could be seen in the
sky. Some hieroglyphs and other symbols in the same artwork could be based on small celestial patterns
that would only become visible under a clear sky. A strange stance or posture of a figure may simply be
how the artist fit the art on the asterism. Pharaohs and others could become part of the celestial
landscape by having their likeness in the sky. The precession of the equinox and north celestial pole may
have influenced the positioning of figures so that their heads are oriented to the celestial north pole of the
era, which suggests the possible revisions of the constellations from time to time. These may be special
constellations, that were only used in a royal context. The proper motion of individual stars may contribute
to a small change in stance of a figure over time. The objective is to show the reason why some ancient
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
figures are pictured in the manner that has been referred to as walking like an Egyptian.
Semitic Alphabet Inscription Study
The following links are to research papers that place selected alphabetic inscriptions
over stars of 2000 B.C.E. The inscriptions are from Appendix I of The Origins of the West
Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton. Use of the graphics in this section
is courtesy of Gordon J. Hamilton. Some of the graphics used may have been cleaned up
isolate the inscription from the drawing of the rock, etc. Additionally, many of the faint parts of an
inscription are included although they may not be easily visible or agreed that a letter exists in
such a place on the inscription. Artwork is also included in the decipherment when it appears.
Sign graphics courtesy G. Hamilton. “Origin of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts”,
The Catholic Biblical Quarterly Monograph Series 40, 2006, Washington D.C.
Celestial Wadi el-Hol
Abstract: The two Wadi el-Hol alphabetic-like inscriptions and ankh inscription found in Middle Egypt by
John and Deborah Darnell appear to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
See: Pages 324, 327, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by G. Hamilton.
Celestial Sinai 345
Abstract: The Sinai 345 inscriptions appear to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
See: Pages 332,333, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by G. Hamilton.
Celestial Sinai 346
Abstract: The Sinai 346 inscriptions appear to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
See: Page 335, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
Celestial Sinai 347
Abstract: The Sinai 347 inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
See: Page 338, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
Celestial Sinai 349
Abstract: The Sinai 349 inscriptions appear to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
See: Page 339, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
Celestial Sinai 350
Abstract: The Sinai 350 inscriptions appear to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
See: Page 341, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
Celestial Sinai 351
Abstract: The Sinai 351 inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
See: Page 343, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
Celestial Sinai 352
Abstract: The Sinai 352 inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
See: Page 345, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
Celestial Sinai 353
Abstract: The Sinai 353 inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
See: Page 347, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
Celestial Sinai 354
Abstract: The Sinai 354 inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
See: Page 350, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
Celestial Sinai 356
Abstract: The Sinai 356 inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
See: Page 352, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
Celestial Sinai 357
Abstract: The Sinai 357 inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
See: Page 354, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
Celestial Sinai 358
Abstract: The Sinai 358 inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs
See: Page 357, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
Celestial Sinai 359
Abstract: The Sinai 359 inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs
See: Page 359, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
Celestial Sinai 360
Abstract: The Sinai 360 inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
See: Page 360, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
Celestial Sinai 361
Abstract: The Sinai 361 inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
See: Page 361, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
Celestial Sinai 362
Abstract: The Sinai 362 inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
See: Page 362, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
Celestial Sinai 363
Abstract: The Sinai 363 inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
See: Page 364, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
Celestial Sinai 364
Abstract: The Sinai 364 inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
See: Page 367, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
Celestial Sinai 365 Inscription
Abstract: The Sinai 365 inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
See: Page 368, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
Celestial Sinai 367
Abstract: The Sinai 367 inscriptions appear to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
See: Page 370, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
Celestial Sinai 374 Inscription
Abstract: The Sinai 374 inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
See: Page 371, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
Celestial Sinai 375 Inscriptions
Abstract: The Sinai 375 inscriptions appear to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
See: Page 372+374+347, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by G. Hamilton.
Celestial Sinai 376 Inscription
Abstract: The Sinai 376 inscription appears appear to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
See: Page 378, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
Celestial Sinai 377 Inscription
Abstract: The Sinai 377 inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
See: Page 381, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
Celestial Sinai 378 Inscription
Abstract: The Sinai 378 inscription appear to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
See: Page 383, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
Celestial Sinai 379
Abstract: The Sinai 379 inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
See: Page 384, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
Celestial Sinai 380
Abstract: The Sinai 380 inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
See: Page 385, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
Celestial Sinai 527
Abstract: The Sinai 527 inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
See: Page 387, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
Celestial Lachish Dagger
Abstract: The Lachish Dagger inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
See: Page 390, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
Celestial Tell en-Nagila Sherd
Abstract: The Tell en-Nagila Sherd inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
See: Page 391, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
Celestial Shechem Plaque
Abstract: The Shechem Plaque inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
See: Page 393, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
Celestial Gezer Sherd
Abstract: The Gezer Sherd inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
See: Page 396, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
Celestial Grossman / St. Louis / Goetze Seal
Abstract: The Grossman/St.Louis/Goetze Seal inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms.
See: Page 397, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
Celestial Tel el-Hesi Sherd
Abstract The Tel el-Hesi Sherd inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
See: Page 398, Appendix I of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
END of graphics study of The Origins of the West Semitic Alphabet in Egyptian Scripts by Gordon J. Hamilton.
Runes and Ogham inscriptions
Celestial Celto-Etruscan Inscription
Abstract: This Celto-Etruscan inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
Celestial Newton Stone
Abstract: The inscription on the Newton Stone appears to be based on ancient asterisms, signs, or
constellations. Star chart date: 568 BC. Latitude: 57° 21' 24.35" N, Longitude: 2° 33' 40.84" W.
Celestial Rune Ivsta Vastanland Inscription
Abstract: The Ivsta Vastanland inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms.
Celestial Ekeby Uppland Inscription
Abstract: The Ekeby Uppland inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms.
Celestial Brandsbut Pictish Ogham Stone Inscription
Abstract: The Brandsbut Pictish Ogham Stone inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or
Celestial Clocha Oghaim Stone Inscription
Abstract: The Clocha Oghaim Stone inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
Celestial Maulinward Stone Inscription
Abstract: The Maulinward Stone inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
Celestial Bishop's Cross Slab Inscription
Abstract: The Bishop's Cross Slab inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
Celestial Kongsberg Inscription
Abstract: This Kongsberg Inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms.
Celestial Rok Runestone and a Medieval Sword
Abstract: The Rök Runestone appears to be based on ancient asterisms, signs, or constellations. A
Medieval sword in the British Museum also appears to be based on ancient asterisms, or constellations.
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
Celestial Mayan and Olmec Inscriptions
Celestial Mayan and Olmec Inscriptions
Abstract: These Mayan inscriptions appear to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
Celestial Olmec Estela C de Tres Zapote
Abstract: The Olmec Estela C de Tres Zapote and other Olmec glyphs appear to be based on ancient
asterisms or signs.
Celestial Palenque Tablet Glyphs
Abstract: The Palenque Tablet glyphs appear to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
Celestial Aztec Calendar Stone
Abstract: The Aztec Calendar Stone appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
Celestial Mayan 1 Imix Inscription
Abstract: This Mayan 1 Imix inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
Celestial Dresden Codex Inscriptions
Abstract: The Dresden Codex inscriptions appear to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
Celestial Chichen Itza Inscription
Abstract: The Chichen Itza inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
Celestial Tortuguero Monument Inscription
Abstract: The Tortuguero Monument inscription appears to be based on ancient asterisms or signs.
Celestial La Mojarra Stela
Abstract: The La Mojarra Stela appears to be based on ancient asterisms.
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
Celestial Tuxtla Statuette
Abstract: The Tuxtla Statuette appears to be based on ancient asterisms.
Why was ancient art drawn the way it was? Why were the letters and lines in ancient
inscriptions so warped and appear disoriented? Was this because ancient peoples only learned
to write in straight lines in recent times or because it was necessary to find the astral
configuration of what was to be inscribed in clay or in rock? It appears that the letters in the
astral configuration of the inscription might be at strange orientations and spacings with
additional dots that indicate brighter stars in some cases.
This investigation involved the creation of star charts from dates from 102000 B.C. to
modern times. Many studies were not published or converted to animations due to time
restrictions and other factors such as not knowing exactly where the inscription or petroglyph
originated or not getting permission to use a photo or drawing in an astronomical context.
The first attempts were crude in comparison to the latest animations, but this was a
learning curve for me in regard to use of astronomical and graphics software. The refinement of
methodology leads to recommendations for artists, epigraphers, linguists, historians, and others
who would want to see if their ancient art or inscription has an astral context. Seeing the history
of art and writing by looking at it from an astronomical perspective take a leap of faith for some.
Use of a standard pixel grid is necessary to be able to layer the art into the greater
context of all other art from that point in time. The astronomical context of the astral art and
astral inscriptions requires that the center of the graphic be at the celestial north pole at that
point in time. That way the graphic can be rotated in counter-clockwise rotation to show what
the artwork or inscription would look like in the sky. The artwork or inscription can be shown in
various opacity levels and color variations to show the art or inscription more clearly.
The task of sizing the art or inscription to fit the sky is fun if you like that sort of thing. I
have observed that some inscription sites use a similar celestial format, such as with Linear A.
In many cases the papers only had one astronomical graphic, which leaves a lot of information
out, such as celestial coordinates, constellations and boundaries, etc. Animations can easily
show this information which can be generated by layering the graphics.
These studies did not rely on much linguistic interpretation of the graphemes. This was
primarily a graphic study which resulted in some drawings having a hundred layers or more.
Converting the essential part of an image into a transparency such as shown in these
animations and graphics makes it easier to see why a letter or sign or artwork is portrayed in the
manner it is. Changes in opacity allow layers above or below to become visible or invisible if
using software such as Adobe Premiere or PowerDirector or other video editing programs.
Graphics should be prepared for mounting of artwork as layers if you want to place art or
epigraphs over star maps of the actual or hypothetical date. Future papers will include links to
standard astronomical graphics used for the animations, but those graphics would take gallons
of ink if accidently printed and are not included here.
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
It was discovered that actual inscriptions tended to be easier to adjust to astral patterns
because when the actual graphic gets distorted by an artistic rendition or other graphic
manipulation then the decipherment becomes either difficult or impossible. Working from
photographs and good drawings gave the best results in terms of identification of astronomical
locations of inscriptions. The photograph might be traced to give a better look at the inscription,
as was done in many of these graphics. For best results, the entire inscription is used to
decipher the astral location. The choice of celestial location was based on the location of the
north celestial pole at the time, the complexity of the inscription in terms of fitting across the sky,
and the overall look at the sky at that time from those different times and what might have been
seen in the patterns of stars and void areas, where no bright stars are seen. Then the
predominant patterns are identified in the inscription closest to the center of the inscription. It is
usually easy to align the signs with bright asterisms or see an almost abstract rendition of the
night sky in cave art or petroglyphs. The sections below describe some of the methods used.
- Lance Carlyle Carter, December 31, 2017.
The Grids
Graphics of 1080 pixels by 1080 pixels were selected as the size for the graphics in the
animation studies, but other resolutions were used for individual graphic drawings such as an
inscription. Graphics are placed in 1080 x 1080 pixel drawings using the Pixel Coordinate
System. Coordinates are indicated by X,Y pixel location. Photoshop places 0,0 on the upper left.
Example pixel coordinates are 0,0 (Upper Left) or 540,540 (Middle) or 1079,1079 (Lower
Right). Images are RGB (Red, Green, Blue). Some drawings are shown with grids of regularly
spaced horizontal and vertical lines that are of different spacings such as a dot every tenth pixel.
Close-ups of graphics may use other pixel resolutions depending on the FOV (Field Of View).
(See Dispilio Tablet for close-ups of a small area and the additional detail that perspective
The grids allow the underlying star maps, art, and inscriptions to be divided into squares
like street maps and easily read. The squares are demarcated by a pattern of regularly spaced
horizontal and vertical lines which are used as a reference for locating points. Most photos or
drawings can be converted an image composed of 1080 rows and 1080 columns of different
colored dots is seen as a 1080-by-1080 matrix. In many cases the 1080x1080 image is Black
and White and has only one layer or one dimension and no color information. If the image was
from a color photograph and additional precision is desired for mixing and changing the colors
of images, then additional layers (planes) can be added. If no Black and White version of the
image is available, then it might be created from the available color images. The Black and
White layer might be omitted if three color layers (planes) are created: R represents the red
pixel intensities, G represents the green pixel intensities, B represents the blue pixel intensities.
First plane in the third dimension represents the red pixel intensities, the second plane
Astral Art and Astral Epigraphy by Lance Carlyle Carter
represents the green pixel intensities, and the third plane represents the blue pixel intensities.
For context of a full sky view, use 1920x1080 pixels with the north celestial pole in the center.
Pictures are input to be digitally placed in the drawing such as a digital photograph or
digital photo of an oil or watercolor painting, a digitized drawing, sketch, print, canvas, portrait,
portrayal, illustration, artwork, depiction, likeness, representation, image, icon, etc. These
pictures might be from wax impressions of tablets or seals or hand drawn graphic
representations of what was seen in situ or advanced photographic depictions of artifact
graphics. Photographs of inscriptions, digital scans of drawings or art, stills from video clips, etc.
A visual representation of an artifact such as an inscription might be a photo taken in a museum
or from an authoritative text.
The following metadata might be important to the decipherment.
1st sentence description from Wikipedia
Found at location:
Latitude/Longitude of site location:
Closest city to that location:
Dated to:
Dated to Credits:
Discovered By:
Birth-dates of "Discovered By" if possible:
Date Discovered:
Language of inscription if applicable:
Language URL:
Language deciphered by:
Birth-dates if possible of decipherers:
Script of inscription:
Material: (Clay, stone, wood, ?)
Present Location of art or inscription:
Accessible for Tourists? (Information or Links):
Identification: (Museum Identification Number): Images URL:
Image/Photo Credit (Name):
Image File Name: