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The usual reading of Descartes' “anthropological” perspective classifies it as a radical dualism with a distinction between two substances, mind and body, which experience major interaction difficulties. Through a contextualization of... more
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      History Of Modern PhilosophyDescartesCartesian substance dualismEarly Modern Philosophy (Descartes
The aim of this article is to clarify an aspect of Descartes’s conception of mind that seriously impacts on the standard objections against Cartesian Dualism. By a close reading of Descartes’s writings on imagination, I argue that the... more
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      Philosophy of MindRené DescartesImaginationDescartes
In dialogue with Gerrit Glas’ contribution to this volume, this chapter interacts with two clusters of concepts of emergence, drawing on Dooyeweerdian insights in order to provide a thorough critique of them and to provide an alternative... more
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      Francisco VarelaEmergenceHerman DooyeweerdDualism
This article deals with an argument reported by Razi (d. 1210) that attempted to undermine the immaterialist position about human nature. After some introductory remarks and explanation of the conceptual background, the article analyses... more
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      Philosophy of MindComparative PhilosophyIslamic PhilosophyPhysicalism
François Lamy, a Benedictine monk and Cartesian philosopher whose extensive relations with Arnauld, Bossuet, Fénélon, and Malebranche put him into contact with the intellectual elite of late-seventeenth-century France, authored the very... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysics17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyCartesianism
Mereological nihilists hold that composition never occurs, so that nothing is ever a proper part of anything else. Substance dualists generally hold that we are each identical with an immaterial soul. In this paper I argue that every... more
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      MetaphysicsOntologyMereologyPersonal Identity
I argue that beliefs about what appears possible are justified in much the same way as beliefs about what appears actual. I do so by chisholming, and then modalizing, the epistemic principle associated with phenomenal conservatism. The... more
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      Modal EpistemologyCartesian substance dualismOntological ArgumentEpistemology of Modality
Mental disorders have become the topic of numerous contemporary American novels. Attesting to the ongoing fascination with the workings and the sciences of the human mind, many of these texts turn to neuroscientific questions. This paper... more
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      American LiteratureNeurosciencePhilosophy of MindCognitive Narratology
Reflexive monism is, in essence, an ancient view of how consciousness relates to the material world that has, in recent decades, been resurrected in modern form. In this paper I discuss how some of its basic features differ from both... more
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      KantConsciousness (Psychology)Virtual Reality (Computer Graphics)Metaphysics of Consciousness
John Locke famously claimed that our idea of substance is but a confused idea of "something we know not what." However, he also thought that the idea of substance is a fundamental part of our ideas of ourselves and the objects surrounding... more
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      Metaphysics17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyLockeScholastic Philosophy
The author argues for three interconnected theses which provide a cognitive account for why humans intuitively believe that others survive death (Bering, 2006). The first thesis, from which the second and third theses follow, is that the... more
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      ReligionPsychologyPhilosophyPhilosophy of Mind
Th is article presents arguments and evidence that run counter to the widespread assumption among scholars that humans are intuitive Cartesian substance dualists. With regard to afterlife beliefs, the hypothesis of Cartesian substance... more
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      ReligionPsychologyPhilosophyPhilosophy of Mind
In this paper, I explore various views on which mind-body dualism is true, but the soul is located in the body. I argue that this sort of dualism (which I call 'somatic dualism') once was a not-uncommon view in the philosophy of mind. I... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy of MindDualismUnity of Consciousness
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindPhysicalismCartesian substance dualism
Gregory David Roberts is a contemporary Australian author who had been involved in several criminal activities and was therefore convicted to prison sentence earlier in his life. In 2003, he published the semi-autobiographical novel... more
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      MaterialismRené DescartesAustralian LiteratureDescartes
The article discusses the relationship between John Searle's doctrine of naturalism and various forms of materialism and dualism. It is argued that despite Searle's protestations, his doctrine is not substantially different from the... more
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      Philosophy of MindConsciousnessDualismCartesian substance dualism
Rosi Braidotti's The Posthuman is intent on ‘updating critical theory for the third millennium’. Indeed, Braidotti repeatedly stresses that the aim of her book is to develop an affirmative form of posthumanist critical theory which, by... more
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      Critical TheoryGender StudiesEthicsSex and Gender
Andrei Tarkovsky's film Solaris (1972) is studied through the lens of philosophy of mind. The question of memory and personhood, as developed by John Locke and then expanded by Derek Parfit, is applied to the status of Hari — the copy of... more
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      Philosophy of MindFilm StudiesPersonhoodRené Descartes
Originally published in Feminist Theory, 6.3, 2005, I will be presenting a critical reflection on this original work and on Elaine Scarry's "The Body in Pain" at University of Brighton, December, 2015. Abstract: Appealing to theorists... more
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      Gender StudiesFeminist TheoryViolenceAristotle
This paper argues that Descartes provides a rich and coherent view of conscious mentality from rudimentary consciousness through reflexive consciousness to consciousness achieved by deliberate, attentive reflection.
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      Philosophy of Mind17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophySelf and IdentityReflexivity
In this paper I argue that understanding John Locke’s account of personal identity in the context of the metaphysical and religious debates of his day, especially the debates concerning the possibility of the afterlife and the... more
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      Metaphysics17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyDeathMaterialism
A collection of fifty essays on Descartes and his influence in the seventeenth century. The first section is devoted to various aspects of Descartes’s philosophy (biography, epistemology, metaphysics, natural philosophy (science),... more
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      Intellectual HistoryPhysiologyMetaphysics17th Century & Early Modern Philosophy
Un mondo fatto di bit? di Diego MARCONI 19 RedPill® di Elena CASETTA e Achille C. VARZI 29 Quale epistemologia in Matrix? di Nicla VASSALLO 37 Matrix e la Mozione degli Affetti di Maurizio FERRARIS 55 SECONDA PARTE -IL SOGNO DI MORPHEUS... more
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      Artificial IntelligencePhilosophy of MindFilm StudiesIdealism
Ecophilosophers have long argued that addressing the environmental crisis not only demands reassessing the ethical aspects of human and nature relations, but also prevailing theories of human nature. Philosophical anthropology has... more
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      Environmental PhilosophyPhilosophical AnthropologyReductionismCartesian substance dualism
This essay explores the interaction between medicine and metaphysics in early modern natural philosophy and especially in Descartes's philosophy. I argue that Descartes's account of birthmarks provides an argument for the metaphysical... more
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      MetaphysicsHistory of MedicineEmbryologyPhilosophy of Medicine
I show that for Ryle, category mistakes are mistakes of conjunction and quantification, not predication. Big implications for metaphysics follow.
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      Category Theory20th Century PhilosophyMeta-OntologyDualism
Due to the rise in philosophical anthropology and the philosophy of mind there is a need to re-consider afresh the theological debate surrounding the origin of the soul. I address this particular issue in the context of the recent... more
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      Philosophy of MindPhilosophy Of ReligionHumanitiesSocial Sciences
Dualism--that the world divides to the mental and the corporeal--is a central tenet in Descartes's philosophy. It is therefore puzzling that Descartes sometimes suggests that certain phenomena--including perceptions, sensations, emotions,... more
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      DescartesCartesian substance dualism
In this monograph I propose to interpret John Locke's view of central metaphysical notions such as substance, essence and identity to the backdrop of his distinction between distinct and confused ideas. I show that Locke draws this... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy Of LanguageEpistemology17th Century & Early Modern Philosophy
The paper deals with an argument reported by Razi (d.1210) which has been used to refute the immaterial conception of human nature. This argument is based on an epistemic asymmetry between our self-knowledge and our knowledge of an... more
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      Comparative PhilosophyIslamic PhilosophyPhysicalismSelf-Knowledge
With the challenges from science, there has been a shift away from traditional or classical versions of substance dualism (most notably Thomism and Cartesianism come to mind) toward emergentist accounts of the mind. Of particular... more
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      Philosophy of MindAnalytic PhilosophyPhilosophy Of ReligionPhilosophical Anthropology
У статтi розглядається проблема тлумачення фiлософiї ума Декарта з огляду на iснуючi розбiжностi в розумiннi субстанцiйного дуалiзму i на висловленi в недавнiх публiкацiях Л. Боднарчук, А. Сень (2014) та О. Хоми (2016) заперечення i... more
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      DescartesEarly Modern PhilosophyCartesian substance dualism
In this paper, I shall suggest that, what Descartes supported in his letter to More of August 1649, when he claimed that God’s essence might be present everywhere, was not that God can’t exist without being extended, i.e. being... more
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      René DescartesEarly Modern StudiesCartesian substance dualismTeology
Our notions of causation in science are often unintentionally constrained by the mathematics we use. Typically, scientific investigations use algebraic or calculus-based mathematics to model causes and effects. In these types of models,... more
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      CausationMental CausationMathematical ModellingDualism
This is a pre-publication version of a paper given at an invitation-only International Symposium on The Return of Consciousness: A new science on old questions, on 14th-15th June, 2015 in Avesta Manor, Sweden, hosted by the Ax:son Johnson... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyPerceptionVisual perceptionConsciousness
A paper published in 1996, The Journal of Mind and Behavior, 19.2. A bedrock assumption made by philosophers like Noam Chomsky is that the contexts within which children acquire a language exhibit an irredeemable poverty of stimulus.... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguageEpistemologyLanguages and LinguisticsLanguage Acquisition
Substance dualism has received much attention from philosophers and theologians in contemporary literature. Whilst it may have been fashionable in the recent past to dismiss substance dualism as an unviable and academically absurd... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindPersonal IdentityCartesian substance dualism
Resumen: Los objetivos de este artículo son: (i) Mostrar cómo la pretensión de las estrategias escépticas empleadas por Descartes en Meditación Primera es tanto socavar los cimientos de la epistemología subyacente a la metafísica... more
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      ScepticismPhilosophical ScepticismCartesianismVirtue Epistemology
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      Philosophy of MindDescartes, RenéDescartesDualism
In this paper, I inspect the grounds for the mature Spinozist argument for substance monism. The argument is succinctly stated at Ethics Part 1, Proposition 14. The argument appeals to two explicit premises: (1) that there must be a... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysics17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyBaruch Spinoza
In the present article, I develop what I will call the 'perfect duplicate' problem for emergentist views of mental substances. In brief, the problem has to do with the particularity of the mental substance, which requires a metaphysical... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindPhilosophy of ScienceScience and Religion
In Galileo's Error, Philip Goff sets out a manifesto for a post-Galilean science of consciousness. Article four of the manifesto reads: 'Anti-Dualism: Consciousness is not separate from the physical world; rather consciousness is located... more
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Resumo: O dualismo cartesiano é alvo de crítica desde sua formulação e, conforme Merleau-Ponty, pode parecer contraditório sem a ideia de infinito positivo operante no grande racionalismo do século XVII. Nesse cenário, o dualismo... more
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      CausationDescartesCartesian substance dualismMind/body Problem
There are few philosophers who have been so influential in their own lifetimes and had so much influence, only to be subsequently ignored, as Henri Bergson (1859-1941). When in April 1922, Bergson debated Einstein on the nature of time,... more
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      Philosophy of MindHenri BergsonCartesian substance dualism
This article argues that Ernst Cassirer’s views about the concept of substance and his views on mythic consciousness are applicable to the concept of race. By analyzing examples from the most influential and representative racial... more
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One of the most serious challenges (if not the most serious challenge) for interactive psycho-physical dualism (henceforth interactive dualism or ID) is the so-called 'interaction problem'. It has two facets, one of which this article... more
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      Energy ConservationMental CausationLaws of NaturePhilosophy of Quantum Mechanics
In this article, I discuss Keith Frankish's attempt to neutralize the zombie argument against materialism with a closely parallel argument for physicalism, the anti-zombie argument, and develop David Chalmers' reply to this species of... more
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      InteractionismPhilosophy of MindConsciousnessDualism
In this paper, I examine the role of compound substances in general, especially animals, in Leibniz’s metaphysical system. I attempt to prove that compound substances were indeed significant competitors of monads themselves, be it in... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsGottfried Wilhelm LeibnizLeibniz (Philosophy)