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      Ottoman EmpireJurisdictionUnited StatesExtraterritorial jurisdiction
An ambitious State with multi-continental holdings, the legal authority of the Ottoman Empire was subject to different interpretations at different times. This chapter is con cerned primarily with the Ottoman capitulations. It argues that... more
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      Ottoman HistoryMiddle East StudiesInternational LawMiddle East History
Cyprus was an important medieval emporium, which maintained its commercial importance after the Ottoman conquest. The aims of this study are: to identify the consuls of Venice in Cyprus and their dragomans; to list the items of trade... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryArchival StudiesCyprus StudiesDiplomatic Studies
ES: trabajo de investigación que explora el papel que tuvieron las capitulaciones de Santa Fe como fundamento histórico y jurídico de la conquista de las Indias. EN: this research paper explores how the Santa Fe capitulations were the... more
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      HistoryColonialismLatin American HistorySpain (History)
This chapter argues that it was partly through engagement with the Ottoman Empire, particularly its tradition of extraterritorial consular jurisdiction, that nineteenth-century European and American jurists came to view China, Japan, and... more
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      Ottoman HistoryLegal HistoryPrivate International LawCritical Legal Theory
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesOttoman EmpireLate Ottoman Period
Questions of legal extraterritoriality figure prominently in scholarship on legal pluralism, transnational legal studies, international investment law, international human rights law, state responsibility under international law, and a... more
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      International Criminal LawLegal HistoryInternational Human Rights LawJurisdiction
This article analyses how the Catholic pilgrimage to Jerusalem was represented in the Ottoman capitulations of the seventeenth century. Religious articles were first encountered in capitulations granted to Catholic European states... more
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      Ottoman HistoryEarly Modern HistoryReligion and PoliticsIsrael/Palestine
The arrest in 1905 of Edward Joris, an anarchist from Antwerp who had settled in Istanbul, for his implication in the failed bomb attack on Sultan Abdülhamid II, created anxiety and embarrassment among Belgian foreign policymakers. Public... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryHistory of TerrorismHistory of AnarchismBelgian History
Publication Date: 2014
Publication Name: Journal of Ottoman Studies
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      Ottoman HistoryMiddle East StudiesGlobal CitizenshipNineteenth Century British History and Culture
Abstract  This article examines the hitherto unexamined Ottoman Turkish text of the Capitulations granted to the British in 1641. As well as containing the articles governing Ottoman-British trade and diplomatic jurisdiction, the... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryOttoman HistoryHistoriographyOttoman Studies
This volume investigates how the peace and trade agreements, better known as capitulations, regulated Catholics in the Ottoman Empire. As one of the many non-Muslim groups that made up Ottoman s ociety, Catholic communities were scattered... more
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      South East European StudiesSeventeenth CenturyEarly Modern EuropeJesuit history
itüdergisi/a mimarlık, planlama, tasarım Cilt:7, Sayı:1, 62-73 Mart 2008 * Yazışmaların yapılacağı yazar: Ege ULUCA. [email protected]; Tel: (0212) 458 42 93. Bu makale, birinci yazar tarafından İTÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Restorasyon... more
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      Maritime HistoryMediterraneanSeafarersPort cities
Avrupalı bir devletin tüccarlarının Osmanlı İmparatorluğu sınırları içerisinde serbestçe ticaret yapabilmesi için Osmanlı devletinin söz konusu Avrupalı devlete ahidname-i hümayun vermiş olması gerekliydi. Ahidname-i hümayun sayesinde... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryArchival StudiesOttoman HistoryBritish History
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      Ottoman HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMaritime LawMediterranean Studies
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      Forts and garrisonsForts and SiegesCapitulations
Scholarship relating to the maritime nature of the Southern Levant depicts, for the most part, low-key, slow-paced activity. Indeed, the meager volume of this scholarship alone suggests as much, a fact which may explain the scarcity of... more
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      ArchaeologyMaritime ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyMaritime History
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      History of International RelationsHistory of International LawModernization theoryLevantines
This article unearths the little-known history of the Hanseatic legation in mid-nineteenth-century Ottoman Istanbul through a close reading of the career and writings of its head of mission Andreas David Mordtmann. A trained Orientalist,... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryOttoman-Turkish WesternizationGerman-Ottoman RelationsOttoman Legal History
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      Diplomatic HistoryOttoman HistoryMediterranean StudiesBritish Imperial and Colonial History (1600 - )
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      Mediterranean StudiesCultural Intermediaries In The Early Modern MediterraneanReligious Conversion and Converts in the Early Modern Mediterranean contextHistory of the Mediterranean
The main concern of scholars treating the circumstances of European presence in the Ottoman Levant has for a long time been with the capitulations, the privileges by which non-Muslim foreigners were allowed to reside and trade in the... more
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      Cross-Cultural StudiesOriental DespotismEarly modern Ottoman HistorySmyrna
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman-Venetian relationsOttoman LawCapitulations
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      Ottoman HistoryEarly Modern HistoryOttoman-Venetian relationsOttoman Law
The port-city of Izmir (old Smyrna) plays a crucial role in modern world history. From the 1570s, that city became subjected to European mercantile interests and quickly developed into the main conductor of an irreversible European... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryWorld Systems AnalysisState FormationEarly Modern Europe
The Ottoman Empire framed its relations with non-Muslim states through peace agreements known as capitulations. While their renewals also came with additional articles, in the early seventeenth century the Ottoman-Venetian peace... more
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      Ottoman HistoryEarly Modern HistorySeventeenth CenturyMediterranean Studies
L’analisi transnazionale dell’anarchismo in quanto fenomeno globale implica l’utilizzo di prospettive diferenti che connettano luoghi e contesti attraversati da persone e gruppi, idee ed esperienze. Dalle biografe individuali, ai... more
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      AnarchismMediterraneanItalian diasporaCapitulations
Varianta în limba română a articolului "Visiting the Noble Jerusalem" (RESEE, 2018).
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      Diplomatic HistoryOttoman HistoryPilgrimageRoman Catholicism
Having gained the ahdname, ahdname-i hümâyûn or capitulation, a European nation was permitted to establish an embassy in Istanbul and consulates in the ports of the Ottoman Empire. In 1740, the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies gained an... more
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      Archival StudiesItalian StudiesInternational TradeCyprus Studies
* An asterisk indicates an item new to this edition.
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      Thomas AquinasCapitulations
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      Ottoman HistoryArmenian StudiesNationalismColonialism
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      Ottoman HistoryEarly modern Ottoman HistoryEarly Modern England and the Ottoman EmpireCapitulations
This study summarize the Ottoman capitulations, their historical background and historical development. Purpose of Ottoman capitulations as an instrument of diplomatic relations was generally ignored by the researches. This study... more
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      International LawHistory of International LawInternational trade lawHistory of Law
L'analyse du texte de l'Onirocriticon d'Artémidore de la deuxième moitié du IIe siècle ap. J.-C., de sa partie théorique ainsi que du catalogue des rêves, montre assez le grand intérêt que les chercheurs peuvent y trouver. C'est un texte... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEuropean HistoryEconomic History
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      Ottoman HistoryEthnoarchaeologyMuseum StudiesLandscape Archaeology
El fin del derecho de protección en Turquía y su repercusión en los protegidos católicos del Consulado General de España en Estambul (1924-1965) RESUMEN El Consulado General de España en Estambul incoó los expedientes de naturalización de... more
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      Ottoman HistoryPolitical ScienceHistory of International LawSpain
(The actual proceeding will be later published) The period of first two Köprülü grand viziers have been generally reflected as one of bellicose territorial expansion. However, the military achievements of the father and son grand... more
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      Early modern Ottoman HistorySwedish HistorySwedish Ottoman RelationsCapitulations
Little in the study of history illustrates the bias of the selective timeframe quite like the study of empire. In the great empires of the past selecting a time frame shapes not only the questions asked, but the results, often to the... more
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman StudiesEarly modern Ottoman HistoryEmpire
Avrupali bir devletin tuccarlarinin Osmanli Imparatorlugu sinirlari icerisinde serbestce ticaret yapabilmesi icin Osmanli devletinin soz konusu Avrupali devlete ahidname-i humayun vermis olmasi gerekliydi. Ahidname-i humayun sayesinde... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryArchival StudiesOttoman HistoryBritish History
Using archival documents in the Ottoman archives related to British travellers in the Ottoman empire who were travelling under the protection of the capitulations, this article examines the yol emri (travel permit) issued to travellers by... more
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      Ottoman Studies18th CenturyTravelCapitulations
When the Dutch Republic and the Ottoman Empire established formal relations in 1612, they committed themselves to maintaining friendly diplomatic relations as well as commercial ones. Seventeenth-century Dutch diplomacy in Istanbul... more
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      Early Modern HistoryState FormationUrban StudiesEarly modern Ottoman History
This article unearths the little-known history of the Hanseatic legation in mid-nineteenth-century Ottoman Istanbul through a close reading of the career and writings of its head of mission Andreas David Mordtmann. A trained Orientalist,... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryOttoman-Turkish WesternizationGerman-Ottoman RelationsOttoman Legal History
Öz Kudüs şehri birçok din ve mezhebe ait toplulukların bir arada yaşadığı özel bir yerdir. Şehir, tarih boyunca çeşitli devletler tarafından yönetilmiştir. Osmanlı Devleti de dört yüzyıl boyunca şehre hâkim olmuş ve bu süreç içerisinde... more
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      Property RightsMissionaryWWIFilistin
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      Islamic LawOttoman-Venetian relationsEarly Modern Mediterranean tradeOttoman Law
The capitulations were one of the most central and long lasting problematiques of the history of the Ottoman economy, which covers a great span of Ottoman history from the very inception of notable a international trade on the Ottoman... more
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      Ottoman HistorySovereigntyOttoman StudiesOttoman-French Relations
Among the impressive collection of original Turkish documents kept in the The Haus-, Hofund Staatsarchiv in Vienna lies a most interesting 'ahdname (capitulation) obtained during Herman Czernin von Chudenitz's and Cesare Gallo's embassy... more
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      Ottoman HistoryHabsburg StudiesEarly Modern Europe17th-Century Studies
The chief aim of this article is to unearth, explicate, and contextualize the various techniques on which Mahmut Esat, Turkey's agent before the Permanent Court of International Justice in the Lotus case, drew in order to narrate a fresh... more
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      International LawSovereigntyInternational Criminal LawCritical Legal Theory