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Review of Metaphysics, 2024
Światowit, 2022
The paper presents the first results of experimental modelling of a series of cut marks on bones in different states of preservation. We used experimental (quartz, flint) and technogenic (granite) flakes with sharp and blunt unretouched working edges and trimmed edges produced by the bipolar-on-anvil technique. V-, П-, and U-shaped cut marks and surface damage were obtained. The data gained are useful for the reconstruction of conditions of occurrence of cut marks on bones found in the uppermost culture-bearing horizons of the Lower Palaeolithic sites near Medzhibozh, located in the upper reaches of the Southern Bug River and dated to MIS 11. The data can also be used for differentiating between anthropogenic and natural damage and as a significant statistical point of reference.
Journal of Genocide Research, 2024
This article is divided into two parts. The first part describes an increasing legal consensus, manifested in a convergence of the interpretations of Israel’s intent and pattern of conduct in Gaza as genocide. It argues, however, that the focus of this emerging consensus should not be limited to Israel’s weaponization of starvation. Instead, the “military” logic – and Israel’s concomitant deployment of highly permissive interpretations of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) to frame its actions – should be critically examined. This framing conceals genocidal acts and intentions and ignores the context of occupation and apartheid in which Israel’s conduct unfolds. There is ample evidence and compelling legal arguments to establish genocidal intent, despite the presumably high threshold required. Indeed, following the demand by six western states in the Myanmar case to lower the threshold required to determine intent, consistency requires the application of a similar threshold to determine the existence of genocide in Gaza. Additionally, Judge ad hoc Aharon Barak’s separate opinions, which insisted on an exclusive IHL perspective, further show the weakness of the military rhetoric to frame Israel’s actions. This rhetoric falsely presents the occupier who imposes an apartheid system as acting in “self-defence” in response to an “existential” threat. Following this emphasis on “genocide” as opposed to “war,” the article’s second part focuses on paragraph 44 of the ICJ’s March 2024 order to criticize the ICJ’s reluctance to explicitly order Israel to suspend its military operations as well as its refusal to elucidate third party obligations to prevent genocide beyond the parties before the Court. Consequently, the Court failed to adequately reinforce and elucidate the obligation to prevent genocide.
Global Business Administration Journal, 2020
The purpose of this research was to build a conceptual framework of viral marketing startingfrom a literary review of the various studies published in indexed magazines in the recentyears. It is concluded that viral marketing can be defined as a marketing technique thatuses the intercommunication of consumers through the 2.0 tools, managing to spread themessage on the network at initiative of the user, giving the possibility to increase the valueof the organization through fast and unlimited transmission, similar to a flu or computervirus. This technique takes advantage of people’s communication, since feelings, emotionsand experiences are transmitted through their networks. Viral marketing must be usedconveniently, justifying its use through a simple message that goes beyond repeatinginformation in the different media, thus achieving a good communication practice, andcreating interconnectivity between organizations and their consumers.
Os fundos imobiliários são fundos de investimentos constituídos sob a forma de condomínio fechado, em que não é permitido ao investidor resgatar as cotas (diferente de um fundo de renda fixa comum, por exemplo), geridos e administrados por um gestor e administrador, que tem como objetivo principal investir em ativos imobiliários de determinadas classes e perfis, como lajes corporativas, shoppings, galpões logísticos, empreendimentos residenciais, hospitais, etc, mas também que pode investir em ativos de dívida imobiliária, como LCI, CRI, etc.
Problemas de resistencia de materiales. Nivel básico. Ingeniería Agrícola de Eduardo Martínez de Pisón Ascacíbar (publicado por la Universidad de La Rioja) se encuentra bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 3.0 Unported. Permisos que vayan más allá de lo cubierto por esta licencia pueden solicitarse a los titulares del copyright. © El autor I PRESENTACIÓN Problemas de Resistencia de Materiales, Nivel Básico, reúne un conjunto de ejercicios resueltos que completa el libro de teoría, Resistencia de Materiales, Nivel Básico, que publicó la Universidad de la Rioja en el año 1999. y J z J M z J y J M En x = 1 solución: el esfuerzo normal vale N 1 = 2,17 t En x = 3 solución: el esfuerzo normal vale N 2 = 2,607 t En x = 5 solución: el esfuerzo normal vale N 3 = 2,127 t En x = 7 Resolución:
Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 2014
This entry addresses the nature of prosecutorial discretion in the United States, with a particular focus on the discretionary behavior of state-level prosecutors (as opposed to federal). After describing the two most prominent forms of discretionary decision-making by prosecutors-filing and plea bargaining-the entry addresses external institutions' ability and willingness to constrain prosecutorial discretion and the role of the prosecutor's office in enabling and shaping discretionary choices by individual employees. Lastly, the entry discusses the case-and offender-level characteristics that seem to influence prosecutorial decisions, and the risk that these considerations lead to discrimination and reinforce stereotypes of crimes, criminals, and victims. Among nations that formally subscribe to an adversarial model of the criminal process, the prosecutor has come to be regarded as the most powerful player in the criminal court. Interest in prosecutorial power is nowhere more prevalent than in the United States, a nation that has witnessed the explosion of its prison population at the same time as its crime rates have shrunk. The responsibility of the prosecutor for mediating between crime and punishment thus has inspired countless investigations of prosecutorial decision-making, including the factors that influence individual choices about the pursuit of criminal charges and the availability of Prosecutorial Discretion-Springer
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Revista Colombiana de Sociología, 2024
Journal of the Learning Sciences, 2007
Trinta anos do Programa de Pós-graduação em Letras da UEL, 2024
International Journal of Architectural Heritage, 2021
Journal of High Energy Physics, 1998
Acta cirúrgica brasileira / Sociedade Brasileira para Desenvolvimento Pesquisa em Cirurgia, 2014
The Breast Journal, 2009
2012 7th International Symposium on Turbo Codes and Iterative Information Processing (ISTC), 2012
Detector quasi-periodic texture segmentation method for dermatological images processing, 2019
Revista Ambientellanía, 2018
Journal of Neuroscience Research, 2013
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2002
Journal of the American Society of Hypertension, 2015