Canadian Public Policy
Recent papers in Canadian Public Policy
While governments are responsible for monitoring and evaluating health reforms and overall performance, this chapter explains why some of this function has shifted in recent years to specialized intergovernmental bodies, and increasingly,... more
This analysis of the Canadian health system reviews recent developments in organization and governance, health financing, health care provision, health reforms and health system performance. Life expectancy is high, but it plateaued... more
This book argues that the Canadian centre of government has evolved a great deal during the past 20 years. It presents a study of how the central agencies have changed between the 1970s and 2000. Donald Savoie adopts the position that... more
Analysis of amended data from a large-scale Canadian employment audit study (Oreopoulos 2011) shows substantial organization size differences in discrimination against skilled applicants with Asian (Chinese, Indian, or Pakistani) names in... more
La loi C-32 "An Act to Amend the Copyright Act" a reçu l'aval royal le 25 avril 1997. Ceci était connu sous l'appellation "Phase II" de la réforme des droits d'auteur qui est entré en vigueur en 1988. En plus d'amendements techniques,... more
Nested Federalism and Inuit Governance in the Canadian Arctic traces the political journey toward self-governance taken by three predominantly Inuit regions over the past forty years: Nunavik in northern Québec, the Inuvialuit Settlement... more
tCanada is the only Universal Health Insurance country in the OECD without universal insurance for outpa-tient prescription drugs, a situation generally perceived as unfair and inefficient. In June 2018, the federalgovernment launched an... more
Dans le domaine de la santé, l'approche traditionnelle en planification des ressources humaines accorde une très grande importance aux effets des changements démographiques sur les besoins en ressources humaines. La planification est... more
An essay on the meaning of the life of Albert W. (Al) Johnson, an outstanding Canadian scholar and practitioner of public administration and public policy in Canada.
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La fermeture, à Hamilton, en 2002, d'une agence d'aide aux familles, à domicile, syndiquée et sans but lucratif, fournit un cas d'étude qui est révélateur des impacts locaux de la politique contractuelle de l'Ontario en matière de soins à... more
Addresses in some provincial health care registries are not systematically updated. If individuals are attributed to the wrong location, this can lead to errors in health care planning and research. Our purpose was to investigate the... more
While there is widespread support for a national single payer plan, there has been little consensus about a specific detailed policy architecture and role for the federal government. There are two possible ways to achieve single payer... more
Governance and Public Policy in Canada lays the foundation for a systematic analysis of policy developments, shaped as they are by multiple players, institutional tensions and governance legacies. Arguing that provinces are not the most... more
This is the revised addition of a history of the community clinics in Saskatchewan written by Stan Rands, a noted social activist, public servant and community clinic administrator who died in 1985. This edition includes a new... more
This analysis of the Canadian health system reviews recent developments in organization and governance, health financing, health care provision, health reforms and health system performance. Life expectancy is high, but it plateaued... more
Regionalization is arguably the most significant health reform in Canada since medicare. Although a majority of provinces continue to have regionalized systems in Canada, the policy is more contested today than it was a decade ago. Since... more
his analysis of the Canadian health system reviews recent developments in organization and governance, health financing, health care provision, health reforms and health system performance. Life expectancy is high, but it plateaued... more
This is a special guest issue of Canadian Public Administration devoted to the rise and presumed decline of universality in social policy with special emphasis on the Canadian experience. Considerable attention is paid to the... more
With a population of 35 million people spread over a vast area, Canada is a highly decentralized federation. Provincial governments have most of the responsibility for the governance, organization and delivery of health services although... more
Feasance is a developing area of the law of torts. Torts is an area of law that deals with private wrongs. In essence, breaches of duties or obligations by a person or legal party that causes injury to another. It also has the distinction... more
This chapter examines the history of the regulation of private finance in Canada, in particular the key decision points that would establish medicare's regulatory regime in two key areas. The first was the active contestation among... more
Since its enactment in 1984, the iconic Canada Health Act (CHA) has been at the centre of a polarized de- bate on whether universal coverage should be expanded or restricted in Canada. This discussion on the future direction of Canadian... more
This chapter reviews the history of drought in a region of Western Canada knowns as the Palliser Triangle From the time that agriculture was introduced in the last decades of the 19th century, drought has been a recurring feature.... more
Définir la vision de l'avenir-Leadership national dans le domaine de la santé. . .
The purpose of this dissertation was to identify and review the health barriers to settlement for refugees in Canada. In 2012 the Conservative Federal Government made changes to the Interim Federal Health Program, claiming to save... more
This rapid review summarises and assesses the review literature to identify key attributes that are associated with high-performing care provided closer to home
This is an extended review article addressing the issues raised in Jeffrey Simpson's book "Chronic Condition: Why Canada's Health Care System Needs to be Dragged into the 21st Century (2012).
Investigating the earnings and income disparity faced by Aboriginal people in Canada from 1995 to 2005, we find that Aboriginal people face substantial income and earnings gaps in comparison with Canadian-born majority-group workers with... more
Although Canada is known as a liberal welfare regime, universality is a key issue in that country, as several major social programs are universal in both their core principles and coverage rules. The objective of this article is to... more
A review of COVID-19 case and contact management strategies in Canada that examines: workforce capacity; skills and training; case identification and management; contact identification and management; and various technologies for case and... more
The accepted narrative of the history of medicare in Canada does not do justice to the struggle between premiers Tommy Douglas of Saskatchewan and Ernest Manning of Alberta over two very different models of universal health coverage.... more
Dans cet article, je présente les résultats du MC 3 Project (Meeting the Climate Change Challenge). Ce projet, qui a rassemblé plus de 100 chercheurs, praticiens, leaders de la société civile et décideurs politiques, a été mené par des... more
Les auteures conçoivent pour les Canadiens en âge de travailler un programme hybride de revenu de base garanti et de subvention salariale qui résout les préoccupations relatives au fédéralisme et aux facteurs de désincitation au travail... more
Cet article examine les politiques européennes concernant la ségrégation professionnelle et l'écart entre les salaires selon le sexe, à la lumière de quelques faits de base, stylisés. En utilisant trois sources de données comparables pour... more
This chapter evaluates Canadian Medicare's based on a PPPG (policy, politics and program) assessment framework.
Starting in January 2019, the Canadian federal government will require all provinces and territories to have a carbon pricing policy in place. Due to the inevitable increase in costs to industry, carbon pricing reduces the international... more
... Page 8. S8 Susan McDaniel and Paul Bernard ... Social policy is largely about making more options available to more people over their lives. It is about building and enhancing capabilities, and about providing help when chal-lenges... more
Introduction: Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs), implemented in the United States (US), aim to reduce costs and integrate care by aligning incentives among providers and payers. Canadian governments are interested adopting such models... more
The Government of Canada first announced its intention to implement a nation-wide carbon price in October 2016. After two years of announcements, retractions, discussions and debate, the rollout of carbon pricing in each province was... more
Primary care has proven to be extremely difficult to reform in Canada because of the original social compact between the state and physicians that led to the introduction of universal medical care insurance in the 1960s. However, in the... more
This review explores the state of primary care reform across Canada. For this review we define primary care as being the day-to-day care that is provided by a physician or other qualified health care provider. Primary care providers are... more